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Everything posted by SirApesALot
wow, way to be dramatic and entitled. As you can see he added the metal skin, and last update was just a few weeks ago. It's a free plug in, and some people have jobs and lives. He will get to it. Go outside for a bit, it's nice out there. Calling someone a bad dev because he didn't jump when you said jump is a terrible way to approach life. Be grateful for the two existing building skins for free, and have patience for the new one.
Have 1.0.9 installed and the npc cars is getting stuck on a corner going into the gas station, they are essentially invincible when stuck in the car. Not a huge deal as we are switching maps today, and i never had an issue before. Just letting you know.
working fine now, though the command "AnimalKillCount" and "BotKillCount" don;t seem to be working. Otherwise both worked, keeping score and distributing the rewards. Is a Scoreboard possible like you see in the Plug-Ins "Mushroom Event" and "BarrelBash"? Then those commands wouldn;t be as necessary
just tried the new update and this error happened EradicationEvent was compiled successfully in 2235ms Failed to initialize plugin 'EradicationEvent v1.0.3' (InvalidCastException: Null object cannot be converted to a value type.) at System.Convert.ChangeType (System.Object value, System.Type conversionType, System.IFormatProvider provider) [0x00029] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at System.Convert.ChangeType (System.Object value, System.Type conversionType) [0x0000c] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at Oxide.Core.Configuration.DynamicConfigFile.ConvertValue (System.Object value, System.Type destinationType) [0x00008] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Configuration.DynamicConfigFile.ConvertValue[T] (System.Object value) [0x00000] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Configuration.DynamicConfigFile.Get[T] (System.String[] path) [0x00008] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.EradicationEvent.Init () [0x00013] in <b2ab3b76d3324a288cfd2751436af1e8>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.EradicationEvent.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00038] in <b2ab3b76d3324a288cfd2751436af1e8>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <23ba99f131254889867c71f0bd137b1d>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x00043] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0 Unloaded plugin Eradication Event v1.0.3 by Wrecks
Version 1.0.3
About Easy Bases by Apes Pack 2 (20 Pack) Torture your players with these "Easy Bases" that aren't so easy! Tons of sneaky traps and layouts guaranteed to make your players hate you! Hand crafted by the great SirApesALot these bases will leave your players running back naked over and over again, definitely not beginner friendly raids. All of these easy raids are eco/flame raidable, but bring your skills! Because you will need every raiding trick in the book to conquer these. About Easy Bases by Apes (20 pack) In the "Bases" Folder you will find 20 easy bases total that you can add to your servers Raidable Bases by Nivex. Everyone of these torture chambers was created by me for my vanilla gather rate weekly server. These are best suited for servers that are more balanced loot wise, and a more advanced player base with experience raiding (beginners WILL rage quit). None of these are walk throughs, I have no mercy on my players....do you? Here is a video of us testing the decaying base themed easy from a previous pack on my friends server https://youtu.be/WTRZ7HQNdPg These are not simple raids for beginners, if they don't understand how to use twig and ladders to work around traps, or pay attention for eco raidable walls they will struggle. But, they will laugh and feel a sense of accomplishment after completing a raid! Easy's #026 and 037 of this pack is marked with an "s" in the file to remember to turn stability to "true" on that base if you have it false. They have collapsing mechanics that require it Near everything is skinned, some just to look pretty, some themed. If upgrading or replacing doors be sure to check it a door controller is attached. The average raid cost in this pack is 5-8 molotov's + an eco raidable wall or two. Loot Tables: As said on Raidable Bases plugin you need your own loot tables. All raids are tested on Planet of the Apes PvE. The only auto turrets in these have trumpets equipped It is recommended you have a NPC inside and configured to "spawn on bags" Check out the other configuration and data settings below to get the most out of these bases. With Tesla coils, swinging doors, collapsing structures along with features like automatic lights, sprinklers and music to help distract the raider a lot can be done with these bases. Extra bases included in case you would like to remove some for difficulty/raid cost purposes (5 additional, so 25 bases total). Bonus Value for your money! Bases are labeled easy026-easy050 If you have any questions feel free to stop in our discord (https://discord.gg/M228N2F79m), or if you would like to test our raids that can be arranged Helpful Configuration and Data Settings: The following settings will help you get the most from these bases Configuration: "Entities Allowed To Drop Loot": { "Auto Turrets": true, "Flame Turret": true, "Fog Machine": false, "Gun Trap": true, "SAM Site": true "Allow Players To Loot Traps": false, "Allow Npcs To Target Other Npcs": false, "Turn Lights On At Night": false, "Turn Lights On Indefinitely": false, "Skins": { "Boxes": { "Preset Skins": [], "Ignore If Skinned Already": false, "Use Identical Skins": false, "Use Random Skin": false, "Use Workshop Skins": false, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false }, "Npcs": { "Use Identical Skins": true, "Use Random Skin": true, "Use Workshop Skins": true, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false }, "Deployables": { "Partial Names": [ "door", "barricade", "chair", "fridge", "furnace", "locker", "reactivetarget", "rug", "sleepingbag", "table", "vendingmachine", "waterpurifier", "skullspikes", "skulltrophy", "summer_dlc", "sled" ], "Preset Door Skins": [], "Skin Everything": false, "Ignore If Skinned Already": false, "Use Identical Skins": false, "Use Random Skin": false, "Use Workshop Skins": false, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false } "Weapons": { "Infinite Ammo": { "AutoTurret": false, "FlameTurret": false, "FogMachine": false, "GunTrap": false, "SamSite": false }, "Ammo": { "AutoTurret": 90, "FlameTurret": 40, "FogMachine": 50, "GunTrap": 32, "SamSite": 24 }, "Fog Machine Allows Motion Toggle": true, "Fog Machine Requires A Power Source": true, "Spooky Speakers Requires Power Source": false, "Test Generator Power": 100.0, "SamSite Repairs Every X Minutes (0.0 = disabled)": 5.0, "SamSite Range (350.0 = Rust default)": 100.0, "SamSite Requires Power Source": false }, Profiles (Raidable Bases Data Folder): "Entities Not Allowed To Be Picked Up": [ "generator.small", "generator.static", "autoturret_deployed" ], "NPC Levels": { "Level 2 - Final Death": true }, "Spawn Inside Bases": { "Spawn On Floors": false, "Spawn On Beds": true, "Spawn On Rugs": false, "Spawn On Rugs With Skin Only": 1, "Bed Health Multiplier": 1.0, "Rug Health Multiplier": 1.0, "Spawn Murderers Outside": true, "Spawn Scientists Outside": true, "Minimum Inside (-1 = ignore)": 1, "Maximum Inside (-1 = ignore)": 1 }, "Event Traps And Turrets Ignore Npcs": true, "Auto Turrets": { "Aim Cone": 5.0, "Wait To Power On Until Event Starts": false, "Start Health": 1000.0, "Sight Range": 30.0, "Double Sight Range When Shot": false, "Set Hostile (False = Do Not Set Any Mode)": true, "Requires Power Source": false, "Sam Site": { "Repairs Every X Minutes (0.0 = disabled)": 5.0, "Range (350.0 = Rust default)": 100.0, "Requires Power Source": false, "Minimum Health": 1000.0, "Maximum Health": 1000.0 }, "Tesla Coil": { "Requires A Power Source": true, "Max Discharge Self Damage Seconds (0 = None, 120 = Rust default)": 0.0, "Max Damage Output": 35.0, "Health": 250.0 }, "Add Code Lock To Unlocked Or KeyLocked Doors": true, "Add Key Lock To Unlocked Or CodeLocked Doors": false, "Add Code Lock To Tool Cupboards": true, "Add Key Lock To Tool Cupboards": false, "Add Code Lock To Boxes": false, "Add Key Lock To Boxes": false, "Add Code Lock To Lockers": true, "Add Key Lock To Lockers": false, "Close Open Doors With No Door Controller Installed": true, "Allow Duplicate Items": false, "Allow Players To Pickup Deployables": true, "Allow Players To Deploy A Cupboard": true, "Allow Players To Deploy Barricades": true, "Divide Loot Into All Containers": true, "Empty All Containers Before Spawning Loot": true,$4.00 -
- #boat
- #facepunch
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- #boat
- #facepunch
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- #boat
- #facepunch
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- #boat
- #facepunch
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- #boat
- #facepunch
- (and 15 more)
Version 1.0.3
About Expert Bases by Apes (20 Pack) Torture your players with these Expert bases that have death around every corner! Tons of sneaky traps and layouts guaranteed to make your players hate you! Hand crafted by the great SirApesALot these bases will leave your players running back naked over and over again, definitely not beginner friendly raids. All of these Expert raids cost 35-38 rockets to raid, but bring your skills (and grenades)! Because you will need every raiding trick in the book to conquer these. In the "Bases" Folder you will find 20 expert bases total that you can add to your servers Raidable Bases by Nivex. Everyone of these torture chambers was created by me for my vanilla gather rate weekly server. These are best suited for servers that are more balanced loot wise, and a more advanced player base with experience raiding (beginners WILL rage quit). None of these are walk throughs, I have no mercy on my players....do you? I recommend giving more satchels and C4 in the lower tier raids to increase the effectiveness of traps (rockets ruin everything lol) and players are more likely to blow themselves up with satchels which is always entertaining. These are not simple raids for beginners, if they don't understand how to use twig and ladders to work around traps, or pay attention for eco raidable walls they will struggle. They also may never trust rugs or spiral stairs ever again! But, they will laugh and feel a sense of accomplishment after completing a raid! Expert #13 of this pack is marked with an s in the file to remember to turn stability to "true" on that base if you have it false. It has a collapsing floor that requires it. Near everything is skinned, some just to look pretty, some themed. If upgrading or replacing doors be sure to check if a door controller is attached. Have Npcs "spawn on bags" inside the bases, 4 per base (that is just inside, make sure to count the # you want outside) The average raid cost in this pack is 35-38 rockets to raid. May be better suited as hard bases on servers with tons of boom in circulation and higher raid costs/longer wipe durations Loot Tables: As said on Raidable Bases plugin you need your own loot tables. Additional 5 raids are included in case there is a few you are not happy with and want to remove. Otherwise they are just an added value! All raids are tested on either Rustmode PvE or Planet of the Apes PvE. If you have any questions feel free to stop in our discord (https://discord.gg/M228N2F79m), or if you would like to test our raids that can be arranged Helpful Configuration and Data Settings: The following settings will help you get the most from these bases Configuration: "Entities Allowed To Drop Loot": { "Auto Turrets": true, "Flame Turret": true, "Fog Machine": false, "Gun Trap": true, "SAM Site": true "Allow Players To Loot Traps": false, "Allow Npcs To Target Other Npcs": false, "Turn Lights On At Night": false, "Turn Lights On Indefinitely": false, "Skins": { "Boxes": { "Preset Skins": [], "Ignore If Skinned Already": false, "Use Identical Skins": false, "Use Random Skin": false, "Use Workshop Skins": false, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false }, "Npcs": { "Use Identical Skins": true, "Use Random Skin": true, "Use Workshop Skins": true, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false }, "Deployables": { "Partial Names": [ "door", "barricade", "chair", "fridge", "furnace", "locker", "reactivetarget", "rug", "sleepingbag", "table", "vendingmachine", "waterpurifier", "skullspikes", "skulltrophy", "summer_dlc", "sled" ], "Preset Door Skins": [], "Skin Everything": false, "Ignore If Skinned Already": false, "Use Identical Skins": false, "Use Random Skin": false, "Use Workshop Skins": false, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false } "Weapons": { "Infinite Ammo": { "AutoTurret": false, "FlameTurret": false, "FogMachine": false, "GunTrap": false, "SamSite": false }, "Ammo": { "AutoTurret": 90, "FlameTurret": 40, "FogMachine": 50, "GunTrap": 32, "SamSite": 24 }, "Fog Machine Allows Motion Toggle": true, "Fog Machine Requires A Power Source": true, "Spooky Speakers Requires Power Source": false, "Test Generator Power": 100.0, "SamSite Repairs Every X Minutes (0.0 = disabled)": 5.0, "SamSite Range (350.0 = Rust default)": 100.0, "SamSite Requires Power Source": false }, Profiles (Raidable Bases Data Folder): "Entities Not Allowed To Be Picked Up": [ "generator.small", "generator.static", "autoturret_deployed" ], "NPC Levels": { "Level 2 - Final Death": true }, "Spawn Inside Bases": { "Spawn On Floors": false, "Spawn On Beds": true, "Spawn On Rugs": false, "Spawn On Rugs With Skin Only": 1, "Bed Health Multiplier": 1.0, "Rug Health Multiplier": 1.0, "Spawn Murderers Outside": true, "Spawn Scientists Outside": true, "Minimum Inside (-1 = ignore)": 4, "Maximum Inside (-1 = ignore)": 4 }, "Event Traps And Turrets Ignore Npcs": true, "Auto Turrets": { "Aim Cone": 5.0, "Wait To Power On Until Event Starts": false, "Start Health": 1000.0, "Sight Range": 30.0, "Double Sight Range When Shot": false, "Set Hostile (False = Do Not Set Any Mode)": true, "Requires Power Source": false, "Sam Site": { "Repairs Every X Minutes (0.0 = disabled)": 5.0, "Range (350.0 = Rust default)": 100.0, "Requires Power Source": false, "Minimum Health": 1000.0, "Maximum Health": 1000.0 }, "Tesla Coil": { "Requires A Power Source": true, "Max Discharge Self Damage Seconds (0 = None, 120 = Rust default)": 0.0, "Max Damage Output": 35.0, "Health": 250.0 }, "Add Code Lock To Unlocked Or KeyLocked Doors": true, "Add Key Lock To Unlocked Or CodeLocked Doors": false, "Add Code Lock To Tool Cupboards": true, "Add Key Lock To Tool Cupboards": false, "Add Code Lock To Boxes": false, "Add Key Lock To Boxes": false, "Add Code Lock To Lockers": true, "Add Key Lock To Lockers": false, "Close Open Doors With No Door Controller Installed": true, "Allow Duplicate Items": false, "Allow Players To Pickup Deployables": true, "Allow Players To Deploy A Cupboard": true, "Allow Players To Deploy Barricades": true, "Divide Loot Into All Containers": true, "Empty All Containers Before Spawning Loot": true,$5.50 -
Version 1.0.0
SirApesALots Fun Pack! Shooting Range, Colosseum, Fireworks Shows and More! SirApes Fun Pack is a set of awesome activities for you to run with/for your players when hanging out. It includes: A fully automated shooting range / gallery, that keeps score, determines the winner and unlocks the prize for them. A colosseum for up to 6 contestants equipped with door controls, automatic lights and a surprise for the winner. 3 Fireworks shows (20 stage- 10minute, 9 stage- 5 minute and a 5 stage 3 minute) and a Lantern Launcher. Just requires copy/paste to slap it down and have a great time! Great for smaller servers when hanging out with the guys/gals. Shooting Range / Gallery Got a couple chads arguing whose spray is better? Or just want to have some fun with players on your server? This Shooting Range might be for you! Once you pull the switch to activate the game, the doors randomly open every 7 seconds for a 2 second period. Automatically keeps score when a target is downed, declares a winner (set to end at 10 by default) sets off fireworks in their stall and automatically opens the doors to the prize room ending the game! Using the shooting range: Paste down the range, add guns and ammo to the boxes below the tables for participants (make sure to /share if you are a pve server with prevent looting), add prizes into the large boxes in the loot room (also /share if using prevent looting plug in) and gather your players! Once your players are at the stalls, armed and ready, pull the switch between the loot room doors and everything is automated from there. When the game is over and a winner has been declared, turn the switch back off to reset the game and start a fresh one! If you would like to increase the number of points required to win, go to each stall and adjust the counter to the score you wish as the goal “set passthrough”. Occasionally when you paste down the range the counters that keep score will show 1, but it is still counted as zero and when a player takes down their first target it remains at one. That is a game glitch, but usually if you undo and repaste the second one will have all zeros. Colosseum Let your players battle it out in this Colosseum! Great for Prim and Pistol PVP battles (also works for larger weapons but a bit small for it). Most aspects of this have been streamlined and automated for the server owner's convenience. Just sit back on the throne, press a few buttons and watch the chaos unfold. Just the push of a button starts the fight, anyone who refuses to leave the cells will be met with an unkind surprise! Once a winner has been chosen he can be granted his freedom with the touch of a button, and you can flip a switch “special prize” for them to be met with an unfortunate fate when they pass through the doors to “freedom”. Using the Colosseum: Paste down the colosseum, and head up to the throne room (can’t miss it). There are 2 buttons and 2 switches in the throne/control room. The first switch on the left as you look behind the throne (all switches and buttons are also labeled) is to turn on the radio and laser show. The second on the right is the switch that determines if the winner gets met with an autoturret when they leave the arena, leave off if you want the winner to live. As you sit on your throne, you will see a button on the left and a button on the right. The button on the right starts the fight, opening all cell doors. After a winner has been decided, press the button on the left to open both doors allowing the prisoner to exit the arena. If you turned the special prize on once through the exit both doors will slam shut and the garage door with a turret behind it will open. There is a little setup ahead of time, as you will need to add the weapons/kits to the lockers that you want the contestants to use, and make sure to include a bed in the locker for them to put down for respawns if you wish. Only the cells with door controllers and the clear skinned garage doors in front of the seating are locked, you will need to add any further locks you wish. Make sure to set stability to "false" in copy paste for this build, as the spiral stairs like to collapse when pasted. 20 Stage 10 Minute Fireworks Just paste, pull the switch in the cage and watch it work! 20 stages, lasts a full ten minute vanilla night! 9 Stage 5 Minute Fireworks Great for servers with shortened 5 minute nights! Throw it down, pull the switch in the middle of the display and watch it work! 5 Stage 3 Minute Fireworks Great for when you just want a quick show as a celebration. Paste it down and press the red button at the end of the pier! 5 Stage Lantern Launcher So this was a better idea in my head then in practice. It works as intended, but has some limitations/drawbacks and was just left in as a novelty for you to play with. Throw it down and pull the switch as soon as you do. Lanterns start despawning after 2 minutes, so it needs to be activated with 30 seconds of setting it down (that being it’s main drawback). Super pretty at night!$5.00- 3 reviews
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- #fireworks
- #shooting range
- (and 7 more)
- #gas station
- #crates
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- #gas station
- #crates
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you are 100% correct, user error when i updated. current version in and loving the sleep mode. Great job again and sorry to bother you! Keep up the great work
after updating npc spawn and better npc, my npcs no longer aggro at players. The npcs in raid bases and events npcs aggro, and so does our boss, but monument npcs spawn but no longer attack players. Just looking for some guidance on how to fix, thanks
expert is next, that is about 80% done. I'm hoping in a week. Nightmare is only about 50% done, that may be another month yet, sorry. I also want to add a few new raids to the existing 3 packs to say thanks to the current customers who purchased. Hopefully a lot will be uploaded this week. End of the kids school year put me behind a bit.
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still getting the old version from the download button. after all these hours. And I have never used Github and it isn;t made for normal people. crashed my server trying to figure it out. Hope this gets fixed, thanks for the great plug in as I know it isn;t your fault
I'm having the same issue, when i choose download it gives me 5.3
Version 1.0.3
About Hard Bases by Apes (20 Pack) Torture your players with these Hard bases that have death around every corner! Tons of sneaky traps and layouts guaranteed to make your players hate you! Hand crafted by the great SirApesALot these bases will leave your players running back naked over and over again, definitely not beginner friendly raids. All of these hard raids cost 18-22 rockets to raid, but bring your skills (and grenades)! Because you will need every raiding trick in the book to conquer these. In the "Bases" Folder you will find 20 hard bases total that you can add to your servers Raidable Bases by Nivex. Everyone of these torture chambers was created by me for my vanilla gather rate weekly server. These are best suited for servers that are more balanced loot wise, and a more advanced player base with experience raiding (beginners WILL rage quit). None of these are walk throughs, I have no mercy on my players....do you? I recommend giving more satchels and C4 in the lower tier raids to increase the effectiveness of traps (rockets ruin everything lol) and players are more likely to blow themselves up with satchels which is always entertaining. Here is a video of us testing Sev's Seaside Shanty in this pack on my friends Server These are not simple raids for beginners, if they don't understand how to use twig and ladders to work around traps, or pay attention for eco raidable walls they will struggle. But, they will laugh and feel a sense of accomplishment after completing a raid! Hards #11 and #18 of this pack is marked with an s in the file to remember to turn stability to "true" on that base if you have it false. They have collapsing floors that require it. Near everything is skinned, some just to look pretty, some themed. If upgrading or replacing doors be sure to check it a door controller is attached. The average raid cost in this pack is 18-22 rockets to raid. May be better suited as medium bases on servers with tons of boom in circulation and higher raid costs/longer wipe durations Loot Tables: As said on Raidable Bases plugin you need your own loot tables. All raids are tested on either Rustmode PvE or Planet of the Apes PvE. If you have any questions feel free to stop in our discord (https://discord.gg/M228N2F79m), or if you would like to test our raids that can be arranged Helpful Configuration and Data Settings: The following settings will help you get the most from these bases Configuration: "Entities Allowed To Drop Loot": { "Auto Turrets": true, "Flame Turret": true, "Fog Machine": false, "Gun Trap": true, "SAM Site": true "Allow Players To Loot Traps": false, "Allow Npcs To Target Other Npcs": false, "Turn Lights On At Night": false, "Turn Lights On Indefinitely": false, "Skins": { "Boxes": { "Preset Skins": [], "Ignore If Skinned Already": false, "Use Identical Skins": false, "Use Random Skin": false, "Use Workshop Skins": false, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false }, "Npcs": { "Use Identical Skins": true, "Use Random Skin": true, "Use Workshop Skins": true, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false }, "Deployables": { "Partial Names": [ "door", "barricade", "chair", "fridge", "furnace", "locker", "reactivetarget", "rug", "sleepingbag", "table", "vendingmachine", "waterpurifier", "skullspikes", "skulltrophy", "summer_dlc", "sled" ], "Preset Door Skins": [], "Skin Everything": false, "Ignore If Skinned Already": false, "Use Identical Skins": false, "Use Random Skin": false, "Use Workshop Skins": false, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false } "Weapons": { "Infinite Ammo": { "AutoTurret": false, "FlameTurret": false, "FogMachine": false, "GunTrap": false, "SamSite": false }, "Ammo": { "AutoTurret": 90, "FlameTurret": 40, "FogMachine": 50, "GunTrap": 32, "SamSite": 24 }, "Fog Machine Allows Motion Toggle": true, "Fog Machine Requires A Power Source": true, "Spooky Speakers Requires Power Source": false, "Test Generator Power": 100.0, "SamSite Repairs Every X Minutes (0.0 = disabled)": 5.0, "SamSite Range (350.0 = Rust default)": 100.0, "SamSite Requires Power Source": false }, Profiles (Raidable Bases Data Folder): "Entities Not Allowed To Be Picked Up": [ "generator.small", "generator.static", "autoturret_deployed" ], "NPC Levels": { "Level 2 - Final Death": true }, "Spawn Inside Bases": { "Spawn On Floors": false, "Spawn On Beds": true, "Spawn On Rugs": false, "Spawn On Rugs With Skin Only": 1, "Bed Health Multiplier": 1.0, "Rug Health Multiplier": 1.0, "Spawn Murderers Outside": true, "Spawn Scientists Outside": true, "Minimum Inside (-1 = ignore)": 3, "Maximum Inside (-1 = ignore)": 3 }, "Event Traps And Turrets Ignore Npcs": true, "Auto Turrets": { "Aim Cone": 5.0, "Wait To Power On Until Event Starts": false, "Start Health": 1000.0, "Sight Range": 30.0, "Double Sight Range When Shot": false, "Set Hostile (False = Do Not Set Any Mode)": true, "Requires Power Source": false, "Sam Site": { "Repairs Every X Minutes (0.0 = disabled)": 5.0, "Range (350.0 = Rust default)": 100.0, "Requires Power Source": false, "Minimum Health": 1000.0, "Maximum Health": 1000.0 }, "Tesla Coil": { "Requires A Power Source": true, "Max Discharge Self Damage Seconds (0 = None, 120 = Rust default)": 0.0, "Max Damage Output": 35.0, "Health": 250.0 }, "Add Code Lock To Unlocked Or KeyLocked Doors": true, "Add Key Lock To Unlocked Or CodeLocked Doors": false, "Add Code Lock To Tool Cupboards": true, "Add Key Lock To Tool Cupboards": false, "Add Code Lock To Boxes": false, "Add Key Lock To Boxes": false, "Add Code Lock To Lockers": true, "Add Key Lock To Lockers": false, "Close Open Doors With No Door Controller Installed": true, "Allow Duplicate Items": false, "Allow Players To Pickup Deployables": true, "Allow Players To Deploy A Cupboard": true, "Allow Players To Deploy Barricades": true, "Divide Loot Into All Containers": true, "Empty All Containers Before Spawning Loot": true,$5.00- 6 comments
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- #nivex
- #raidables
(and 8 more)
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