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Krungh Crow

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Everything posted by Krungh Crow

  1. i can look into that after current projects are fixed and updated but no promisses
  2. if its a vanilla (1k hp brad) it uses the normal loot thats set up and ignores the loottables from BradleyTiers same if you choose to not use lootsystem it spawns whatever is set by the CustomLoot plugin or vanilla vallues
  3. }, "Loot Tables": { "Use lootsystem": false, "Use Random Skins": true }, would use the loottable generated by the lootplugin instead if the loottable of BradleyTiers
  4. if not used then it uses the vanilla lootsystem when used it will used the random of the items in the custom loottable. whatever amounts u set and that is Randomised for each spawned chest Not as a total
  5. Krungh Crow


    well The values set in the standard cfg are vanilla amounts. so if not having the permissions would grant that amount allready. If i understand correctly you would like to have a additional setup for lets say Vip with a multiplier or diffrent items ?
  6. Planning to remove the skins from cfg to have more control on checks anyone changed them ?
  7. When storing bones in Bank it removes the custom name and the plugin does not recognize the bone as a type. I asked long time ago for custom name support for that to its dev but no response. Having the bones in separate stacks has some issues still even if you have the correct amount as a total. could you check in your case if the bones have a correct name ?
  8. Krungh Crow


    yes i am rearranging the UI to fit the other modules better.
  9. no nre so far on my test and main server let me know if it is still occuring
  10. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.4
  11. Patching it after dinner cheers
  12. Krungh Crow


    patched it on v1.1.3
  13. Krungh Crow


    will be made available in next patch sometime during this week i have a weird working shift this week so hopefully i can release the patch soon
  14. so u want to have additions to that plugin in a new plugin ?
  15. Krungh Crow


    yeah sorry for the delay untill i made the bones plugins i always failed getting items from inventory ^^. its a big chunk of coding so it will be added eventualy. THX for the patience.
  16. Krungh Crow


    not yet working on usage of scrap or other items as payments. Released it now to see if the HumanNPC part is working correctly I also need to reposition the items in the ui to fit more stuff since the new module will come out this coming rust update.
  17. Krungh Crow


    It will only spawn on a valid navmesh when testing it didnt trigger at sea like on cargo and oilrig. It was designed to work only with surface npc. The graves are the ones u can pickup and takes a random from a hardcoded list . I also have a patch ready to include animals. I can add the grave chance to be seperatly for each grave type. Bones stones wood sulfur and metal ore They should also despawn after 5 minutes unless the plugin is reloaded before the timer ends. More perms will be added to split the npc animals and players. Which will spawn the graves only of a player kills get killed or suicides Any suggestions feel free to ask .planning to extend the price for a longer period
  18. Krungh Crow


    yes navmesh has to be valid new coding involves a correct mesh for rocks so they spawn ontop rocks instead on the terrain beneath the rock fo example. The new maps still hold allot issues regarding that.
  19. Krungh Crow


    been spamming murderers and scientists all evening. seeing the npc get stabbed by the graves is hilarious ^^ And yes pls keep me posted
  20. Krungh Crow


    did u set the cfg up having a higher succesrate ?
  21. Krungh Crow


    that can be done Hopefully i have that working this weekend if nothing weird comes up Cheers
  22. 1. The NPC used is with the usage of HumanNPC plugin the id will go in the cfg of Bonemarket. 2. Will be added 3. Will be added thx for the feedback
  23. Krungh Crow

    Loot table not working?

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  24. Krungh Crow

    Loot table not working?

    glad to help
  25. Krungh Crow


    Version 1.3.2


    When killing scarecrows ,scientists ,animals or players they have a set chance to spawn a collectable grave (Halloween event). Features : Supports Scarecrows ,Scientists ,Animals and players (any normal surface npc) Set spawn chance through cfg which spawns a random grave (Halloween event) when the npc is killed. This is a remake of the first ever plugin I made years ago . Random Collectable Graves : stone iron sulfur wood bones (Halloween grave piles). Graves can spawn on any surface location a npc could walk and spawn on. Graves can spawn inside buildings/caves/tunnels/sewers/underwater labs. Set grave pile prefabs from a list. Permissions : graves.canfind : To be able to trigger killing surface npc. graves.canfindanimal : To be able to trigger killing animals. graves.canfindplayer : To be able to trigger player kills or suicides. Configuration : set the chance between 0 and 1. { "Show Chat messages": true, "Grave prefabs": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/collectable/stone/halloween/halloween-stone-collectable.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/collectable/stone/halloween/halloween-bone-collectable.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/collectable/stone/halloween/halloween-metal-collectable.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/collectable/stone/halloween/halloween-wood-collectable.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/collectable/stone/halloween/halloween-sulfur-collectible.prefab" ], "Spawn Chance (0 - 1)": { "Scientist": 0.2, "Scarecrow": 0.2, "Player": 0.1, "Bear": 0.2, "Boar": 0.2, "Chicken": 0.2, "Wild Horse": 0.2, "Stag": 0.2, "Wolf": 0.2 } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "Graves": "You killed <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color> leaving a unmarked grave!", "GravesAnimal": "You killed a <color=#4A95CC>{0}</color> leaving a unmarked grave!", "AnimalBear": "Bear", "AnimalBoar": "Boar", "AnimalChicken": "Chicken", "AnimalHorse": "Horse", "AnimalStag": "Stag", "AnimalWolf": "Wolf" }


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