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Everything posted by RustFlash

  1. RustFlash

    Rules GUI

    Hey, I adopted the plugin a few days ago and plan to maintain it in the future. I'm currently reading into the code and making sure it's up to date and works cleanly. Contact me via ticket and please let me know your experience with this plugin. https://discord.gg/2ftdtaTQ6S
  2. RustFlash


    Something like that is very special and probably not desired by the masses. Writing plugins is time-consuming and maintenance and care is even more time-consuming. That's why you always have to make sure that the plugins are interesting for the general public. Feel free to submit a ticket in Discord with this idea. This function will not be available in Sleep for the time being. I'm sorry.
  3. RustFlash

    Random event settings

    Can we reopen the topic, as Anton says, it doesn't seem to work. I specified Random Start with times and defined which events come into question. Unfortunately, an event random is never selected - it says in the console every time: Logs: [Eventmanager] 1 [Veranstaltungsmanager] 2 2 [EventManager] ZUFÄLLIGER START [EventManager] 4 Flugveranstaltungen beginnen Can you fix this promptly? I know they just adopted it, but it would still be nice if this feature worked too.
  4. RustFlash


    That´s a smart move!
  5. RustFlash

    Events Manager

    I specified Random Start with times and defined which events come into question. Unfortunately, an event random is never selected - it says in the console every time: Logs: [EventManager] 1 [EventManager] 2 2 [EventManager] RANDOM START [EventManager] 4 airevent start Can you fix this promptly? I know they just adopted it, but it would still be nice if this feature worked too.
  6. Version 1.2.0


    TheTorchHolder is a plugin designed to manage the protection of torches within a TorchHolder. Players receive the TorchHolder in the Frontier Packet! This plugin protects torches held by players within a TorchHolder from damage as long as they remain inside it. If a player takes a torch out of the holder and uses it, normal damage will still occur. This means that the plugin is performance-friendly and does not have to query as many hooks, which has a positive effect on the operation of the server! Features: - Protects torches from damage as long as they remain in the TorchHolder. - When torches are used outside of the TorchHolder, normal damage is incurred. load, run, enjoy Support Discord *If you need a free alternative that follows a simple logic by making torches generally immortal, I would be happy if they use the NoTorchDamage plugin by my colleague Kaho.
  7. Version 1.0.2


    Features You can simply download the free Scientist template and integrate it into your existing PayNow store. It is complete and contains all modules. Simply mark the upload as currently active and all your existing store entries will be seamlessly transferred. Join my Discord for more free templates plugins or other beneficial features Support Discord Install - Webstore -> Create Template: -> Name: Scientist-Template -> Compatibility Mode: None (PayNow) -> Click Create button - New Site: -> Click upload template button and add the .zip D O N E D E M O SEE A DEMO load, run, enjoy
    I have had other stack plugins and I have to say this one is the best. I am glad that this community has a developer like MundB. Thanks for your mature plugins.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    CupboardSwitcher allows players to switch between different types of tool cabinets through an easy-to-use interface. So you don't have to open a server EXTRA at shockbyte.com to get this great TC! Feel free to join my Discord and choose the role Flash. I have a lot of free plugins. Support Discord Features: - UI to switch cabinets: A graphical user interface that allows players to choose between different cabinet types. - Multiple locker types: Supports switching between normal, retro and shockbyte tool lockers. - Permission-based access: Only players with the appropriate permission can use the command to switch cabinets. - Simple commands: Easy to use chat and console commands for interacting with the plugin. Permission: cupboardswitcher.use Allows the use of the /cupboards command and interface.
  9. RustFlash


    Version 1.0.0


    This plugin is designed to help close all doors immediately in the event of a raid. You have the option of assigning it to specific user groups. It also has a number of setting options that allow you to specify which types of doors are affected. You can also specify from which damage and in which radius the plugin should take effect. So that no strategies are affected in battle, it only closes the doors once during the raid! Instructions for Use Add the user group this plugin applies to: thevipraid.active Config { "DoorsToClose": { "door.hinged.wood": true, "door.double.hinged.wood": true, "door.hinged.metal": false, "door.double.hinged.metal": true, "door.hinged.toptier": true, "door.double.hinged.toptier": true, "wall.frame.garagedoor": true, "wall.frame.cell.gate": true, "wall.frame.fence.gate": true, "gates.external.high.wood": true, "gates.external.high.stone": true, "floor.ladder.hatch": true, "floor.triangle.ladder.hatch": true }, "RaidDetectionRange": 30.0, "ExplosionDamageThreshold": 2.0, "RaidEndSeconds": 300.0 } load, run, enjoy Join my Discord pick the Role -> Flash and find Free Plugins Support Discord
  10. Version 1.0.0


    SafeZoneVehicle enforces specific safety rules for vehicles within safe zones. It ensures that vehicles and their passengers are better protected in safezones by disabling damage and preventing certain interactions. With this plugin you can protect your players and prevent them from annoyingly leaving the server because they were pushed by the recycler or died while recycling. It also offers other useful modifications. Features: Vehicles no longer take damage in safezones. Players can no longer push vehicles with passengers in safezones. Permissions: safezonevehicle.use load, run, enjoy Join my Discord pick the Role -> Flash and find Free Plugins Support Discord
  11. Version 1.2.0


    RPLootProtection has been developed for Role Play servers and serves to control and prevent the looting of players under certain conditions. It should help to promote and refine role play on your server. The plugin aims to create a fairer gaming experience by preventing players with no RP background in vulnerable states (e.g. offline, sleeping, dead) from being looted without proper authorization. It gives server operators the flexibility to customize loot protection to their specific needs to give role play more options. Features: Permission system: It defines different permissions for different states such as sleeping, offline, death and unconsciousness. Inventory Protection: It can lock or unlock a player's inventory containers (equipment, belt, main inventory) based on the player's state and permissions. Loot Control: It checks if a player is allowed to loot another player or their remains based on permissions. Event handling: It reacts to various player events such as joining, disconnecting, falling asleep, waking up, being wounded, recovery and death. Admin override: Administrators with a special permission can bypass the protection measures. Permissions The plugin defines the following permissions: rplootprotection.sleep Protects a player's inventory while they are asleep. rplootprotection.offline Protects a player's inventory when they are offline. rplootprotection.death Protects a player's inventory after death. rplootprotection.knock Protects a player's inventory when they are knocked down. rplootprotection.lootmates With this permission, players can still loot their mates. rplootprotection.admin Allows administrators to bypass the protection measures and plunder protected players. These permissions allow fine-grained control over when and under what circumstances a player is protected from looting. Server administrators can assign these permissions to individual players or groups to achieve the desired behavior for their Role Play server. The admin permission (rplootprotection.admin) is particularly useful for moderators or administrators who need to be able to check or log all players, regardless of their protection status. You may also be planning to offer a police job, which could then also receive the .admin authorization. load, run, enjoy Join my Discord pick the Role -> Flash and find Free Plugins Support Discord
  12. Version 1.0.2


    The Dangerous Landmine plugin for Rust improves the realism of landmines by giving them a chance to explode when placed. This feature introduces an element of risk when placing landmines and makes the gameplay more exciting and unpredictable. A nice side effect is that you can reduce the spamming of landmines on the server by certain players. The normal explosion damage is not affected by this plugin. Features: Explosive Placement: Landmines have a configurable chance to explode when placed, adding an extra layer of danger. Configurable Explosion Chance: Adjust the probability of a landmine exploding upon placement through the configuration file. Adjustable Explosion Radius and Damage: Configure the explosion radius and damage to suit your server’s gameplay style. Permission-Based Usage: Only players with the appropriate permission can place landmines with the explosive risk feature. Permissions Grants players the ability to place landmines with a chance of exploding. dangerouslandmine.use Config { "ExplosionChance": 50.0, // Probability (in %) that a landmine will explode when laid. Default setting is 50%. "ExplosionRadius": 5.0, // Radius (in metres) of the explosion. Default value is 5 metres. "ExplosionDamage": 100.0 // Maximum damage caused by the explosion. Default value is 100 damage. The max value 100 is in the centre of the landmine and weakens outwards } load, run, enjoy Join my Discord pick the Role -> Flash and find Free Plugins Support Discord
  13. In the new version, you can decide whether to chicken move or not. Have fun
  14. Then set the duration to a high number. But as already said, you can't just leave out important components/dependencies of the plugin...
  15. You can't just decide that you don't want to use Timed Permissions! The plugin is offered that way... You don't buy a computer and remove the mainboard and say, why can't I use it without the mainboard?
  16. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  17. Please read the description! Everything is self-explanatory. Your config is wrong, please follow my example. You do not have to define who is allowed to participate, only who is not allowed to participate, all others will automatically participate. Also, oxide.usergroup add {0} ronin is not a timed permission format, please read the plugin description or use my example and replace {0} with the appropriate days. The plugin is not designed to make decisions from multiple groups! I don't know which manager you are using to start events. Otherwise use shedules with the command flashvipshuffle
  18. I would be very happy about an initial review
    I am absolutely delighted with this plugin! It's clear to see that a lot of thought and professionalism has gone into the development of this plugin. The performance is top notch, it runs stable throughout and doesn't affect the gaming experience in any negative way - a real rarity! I have tried other plugins of a similar nature in the past and unfortunately found that they often led to death, inventory loss or even server kicks due to supposed fly hacks. None of this is the case here. This speaks in favour of the high quality and reliability of this product. The developer, Yun, has demonstrated real expertise and a deep understanding of users' needs. You can tell that there is a professional at work here who knows what he is doing. The feedback from players is consistently positive - they just can't get enough of this plugin! Don't hesitate because of the price - it's worth every cent. It's absolutely worth the investment if you want to give your players a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience. Thank you so much, Yun, for this great plugin. It enriches our server immensely and has improved the quality of play in the long term. I highly recommend this plugin!
  19. Every server owner has to decide that for themselves. Many owners do not want or cannot bear the server costs alone. This way you could reveal the costs to the players. I make it available, anyone who thinks it's good or who it helps is welcome to use it - it's compatible with the usual stores I don't use it on my server either
  20. RustFlash

    Server no longer starts up

    Hey, no stress, but I wanted you to know. Since the update yesterday, the egg no longer works. I have now taken a free egg from GitHub and everything works without any problems. Can you understand the problem and fix it if necessary? Best regards
  21. Version 1.0.0


    The ServerUpkeep plugin is a handy tool for Rust server owners. This way they can keep their community alive and better cover the costs of running them. Show your players how your server is doing. ServerUpkeep allows administrators to set a default retention period and notify players when the retention time expires. The plugin provides a visual representation and shows the number of days remaining. Administrators also have the ability to extend the ukeep duration if necessary with a simple console command. The plugin is compatible with Tebex, Tip4Serv and also for PayNow. Decide for yourself how many days ServerUpkeep will be credited. Features: What happens if the ServerUpkeep is not enough and the timer falls to 0? - Then the server will be shut down automatically. - You can then make an announcement on Discord or wherever to ask for support. Instructions for use: Simply enter the following in your shop under send command and adjust the days to be credited once the purchase has been completed, depending on the customer's purchase package. upkeep.add [days] You can also subtract days by simply putting the minus operator in front of it: upkeep.add -[days] Config: { „DefaultDays“: 7, „NextUpkeepTime“: „25.02.2024 21:56:32“ } DefaultDays are the days when the plugin is activated to prevent the server from shutting down again immediately after booting. NextUpkeepTime: Is required to calculate the remaining days. The time specification has no direct use yet but will be required for future updates. **load, run, enjoy**
  22. RustFlash


    This is just a simple, free plugin. Feel free to contact me via Discord. https://discord.gg/rMjZVdZy27
  23. RustFlash

    Add Skin support.

    Thank you very much, I also tested it again, thank you for helping to improve the plugin with your feedback.


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