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Everything posted by ChristopherS

  1. You can already display a players prestige level (named whatever you want) via Better Chat.
  2. Is this in-game player conversation? Have you verified and tested this yourself?
  3. Ahh you have to put that down first! I knew I was doing something really wrong haha! Thanks so much mate, I'll give that a shot now! EDIT: That was it! I'm feeling a bit foolish right now haha!
  4. Does anyone know how the wallpaper function works? I'm able to choose the skin I want by clicking the icon in the /bskin menu, but it's not applying this to walls for me. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I can't quite figure that out.
  5. You mate, are a superstar! That's amazing news!
  6. What's the odds of being able to add wallpapers to this plugin? Or is a separate wallpaper plugin in the works?
  7. ChristopherS


    2.0 is here, awesome! How do we access the webpanel, if I register how do you verify my details? Also, is there a way we can register without giving you my email address details?
  8. Apologies on the delay, it's the summer holiday and my kids are taking more time than I have spare. I know we've since spoken, but thought I'd reply just in-case others wonder this in the future, my Discord name is: ChristopherS
  9. Hey mate, We've just managed tonight to download the latest version and boot it up on our test server. It seems like the issues I mentioned are resolved. Can we ask a couple quick question though. - We use Better NPC, but it seems like they don't like to move. I've checked our config and it's absolutely vanilla with the option for them to be stationary set to false: "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false, - Finally, we've noticed that in the console there's an infinite spamming of "Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh" that we cannot narrow down. I know this doesn't cause any issues in-game, but it makes reading our console extremely difficult. Thanks again for your time and help!
  10. We'll be testing out the rest of the map over the course of the next couple days. I'll keep you posted with anything more we find.
  11. One of my admin has just bought this map for our server, and when testing this out on our test server we've found many many issues. We've only tested this for 30 minutes and have found a lot of issues. - There's a gap in the underground rail network at C8. If you go off the tracks you will die and get kicked from the server for an inside terrain violation, - NPC's at X25 "Industrial Settlement", and at X13 "RW Station" can shoot you through the walls and doors leading to an insta-death with no chance to defend yourself. - NPC at K12 "RW Station" can shoot you through the green card door. - The "X" at AA4 has broken terrain, you can see through the map. Obviously, we've only tested these few things, I'll keep you updated with other issues we find.
  12. In your Epic Loot config, at the very bottom, there's an option you can set for this: "Allow the MaxRepair buff from SkillTree to repair EpicLoot items to max condition?": true EDIT: I've just seen this has already been answered, Codefling stuck me on page 9 when I clicked discussions ;(
  13. Hey mate, are there any updates on this?
  14. Im the new guy is from Australia, so it's ~4am for him at the moment. There is a fix that was made by another community member on Discord if you've previously verified your purchase with him.
  15. ChristopherS

    Heavy Rig

    I don't see one mate, this is my profile:
  16. ChristopherS

    Heavy Rig

    You're more than welcome to send me a DM here on Codefling if it's not something you can add in the comment section, or if you don't know how to find/send me a DM on Discord. i'm getting anxious that it's close to wipe, and I may go into the next map with something wrong.
  17. ChristopherS

    Heavy Rig

    My DM's are open for anyone to send me a message. My username is: "ChristoperS"
  18. ChristopherS

    Heavy Rig

    I do have discord yeah: ChristopherS
  19. ChristopherS

    Heavy Rig

    What's DC? I'm no good with abbreviations
  20. ChristopherS

    Heavy Rig

    Hey mate, To answer your questions: - The main crate was there and unhacked. I even ran the F1 command "debug.puzzlereset" 10 times to test this over and over. - The only difference this wipe is the map. I use custom maps by Gruber and we've moved onto "The Last Train" again. - There were no events going on at the Large Rig.
  21. ChristopherS

    Heavy Rig

    Players have reported that they've been unable to do the small oil rig. I've tested this and can confirm. Not even a plugin restart is fixing the issue for me. You click the button and hear the sound, but the event doesn't trigger. This has been happening for the past 3 days at least. The small oil rig is barely visited now that the large event is here haha!
  22. You can add as many as you want via the config. It's literally as simple as adding the name in there, and it'll generate in-game. EDIT: There's many sections in the config that you can add permission groups to, it's clearly documented within the config. You're able to give access to these in any order you want. Meaning you could give vip1 only access to bonus exp, while vip2 gets bonus exp and less lost on death etc.
  23. Couldn't that be abused by a person picking it up, placing it, picking it up, placing it etc. etc. etc? A furnace doesn't loose it's upgrade bonuses when it's picked up.
  24. ChristopherS

    Craft Menu

    While I do think that it sucks to see a plugin you paid for break over a Facepunch update, we all know as server owners that any plugin we buy could become unmaintained within days of the purchase. It's impossible to support a plugin forever, and it's not fair of us to think that should be the case. Sometimes things happen outside of the control of the developer too. I've had plugins that broke the following wipe that couldn't be fixed because a developer has fallen ill, another time it was a broken computer, another time it was because their country had no power (not the same plugin). Basically, we all know this can happen so we must all be prepared for it. It sucks, but that's how real life goes. EDIT: Besides, a fix was shared days ago. This works great on my server while we wait for an update:


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