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The Friendly Chap

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Everything posted by The Friendly Chap

  1. Is a plugin possible that takes a point in the cfg file, and destoys EVERYTHING withing X range of that position?
  2. The Friendly Chap


    Must be another plugin conflicting... I had the same on my server. After a restart the extra "tabs" are gone.
  3. The Friendly Chap


    Damn. Regular Backpacks gonna conflict the same?
  4. Checking on logon and logoff and flagging the player? That way it's only 2 checks per player?
  5. Naked with a jackhammer might slip by tho.
  6. True, but definitions of naked are different topic, but a naked with a gun is no naked. nakeds use rocks. so option 2 would suffice, and then I just have to include my definition of a naked to the description. And then I'd have to check the clothing slots and the hot bar for any firearms.
  7. Gonna give it another try the weekend / tomorrow or saturday.
  8. The checks themselves are the source of the lag. It has to check the steam servers so you have a delay there as data is checked, and that delay will likely cause lag. Checking during gameplay will cause lag as well. If called on the player connecting, it can check what it needs to, and it's a once per connection thing. As soon as it starts checking players during gameplay, the lag will grow as the server has to keep making API calls to an external server )not to mention the extra data moving through the connection will have a small, but growing effect on the available bandwidth to communicate with players.
  9. Tried. At first I did not succeed. I'll suck harder.
  10. No that I know of. It should be possible, and quite easy. Just check the clothing when a player dies, and if he's naked, drop a message with the killer's name. Will give it a poke later.
  11. Yup. Outpost is a fine "Wild West" map. I think the OP wants something unique to himself though.
  12. I'll see what happens when I take my hammer to it, but no promises. This error is largely just console spamming, it seems to have no effect, just error on checking if the game is a shared game. Since it can no longer be shared anyway the check is irrelevant. I'll see if I can find it and knock it out without compromising the plugin. But first I gotta go work, so chances are a uMod "house dev" will fix it before I get home.
    It's great. It adds a Diablo-esque Stash to your server.
    Holy Shit Bro. This is a VERY well made and very well thought out XP system, and it's so complex it entertains players for ages.
    This is very good. It's a nicec alternative to a cargo run, and decently challenging.
  13. The Friendly Chap


    Just maybe list the commands and permissions somewhere? I found them, but only by reading the code.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    It's a vaguely accurate heightmap of North America, cut off in Central America. This was tossed together for a mate, and I may as well let people use it.
  15. Bumping this. Because Monday. ;) Laat waai, Kraai! (This is just a bump, wondering if said feature is giving poop to implement?)
  16. Hacky way : Use Zone Manager. Make a zone over the safe Zone space. Make a second zone a few meters larger. Set the safe zone to eject sleepers, set the outside zone to appropriate flags to prevent player looting and killing.
  17. No, to do that would require the plugin to activate on damage, prevent damage and store the damage amount, check the weapon it came from, and apply the appropriate damage to them to compensate for the differences in the wrapon's actual damage VS what you need, if not a headshot or from a listed weapon, it then applies the damage. Problems : 1. Due to this, the `combatlog` will display an error message implying an invalid shot. I have yet to find / see a solution to this issue. 2. You invoke extra server overhead on every shot a player makes. On a rent-a-server plan, you'll drag your FPS down the more combat is occurring. Possible alternatives: Scientist dies on any headshot. Adjust NPC health so two headshots at average range kills them. L96 / Bolty already takes a regular smurf down with 2 headshots : I used to go to the Excavator with only 36 bullets and a Bolty, so with 100% headshots I knew when all 18 were dead. (L96 is nice, but Bolty don't need a scope, and the L96 is kak without one)
  18. So you also decided to play something a little less toxic than Eve... ...Rust.
  19. OMG. This gave me EVE Online vibes. Possible for the admin to change the icon?
  20. Yeah, you just use the command and drag the version you want to you inventory and it reskins. Very nice.
  21. I think he just wanted it to make less loot? Probably to be able to make Hackables more common.


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