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2 hours ago, Hawkhill said:

NPC's spawning again.....
But i should have got a notification from this page that the plugin has been updated..... But BetterNPC havent been changed....  just NPC Spawn plugin.....

You wouldn't get a notification if the plugin itself didn't update. It's the core plugin that updated. It could be a bit overwhelming to get notifications or try to track all of the dependencies that exist for different plugin.

The Discord server is a good resource if you use Discord at all.



2 hours ago, SHADOWOFDIABLO said:

HOW DO I FIX Unable to find main plugin class: NpcSpawn

There is a link to the plugin in your ReadMe file.



I noticed something today.
The NPC's doesnt have correct HP, and the attack range is wrong.

Example...... the snipers in the towers at airfield.....
In configfile i have set:

        "Health": 100.0
        "Attack Range Multiplier": 1.0,
        "Sense Range": 75.0,

Shouldnt this mean that the npc have 100hp and are not shooting at you over 75m?

Headshotted one of them with L96 with  HV Bullets..... didnt die and he was shooting back at me.

Runned combatlog in console and it tells me that i was firing at the NPC from 165m, NPC had 300hp before i hit it, and got 70hp left after i headshotted him.

Same with another sniper across the airfield 271m away...... Anything ive done  wrong in config?



Posted (edited)

55 minutes ago, Hawkhill said:

I noticed something today.
The NPC's doesnt have correct HP, and the attack range is wrong.

Example...... the snipers in the towers at airfield.....
In configfile i have set:

        "Health": 100.0
        "Attack Range Multiplier": 1.0,
        "Sense Range": 75.0,

Shouldnt this mean that the npc have 100hp and are not shooting at you over 75m?

Headshotted one of them with L96 with  HV Bullets..... didnt die and he was shooting back at me.

Runned combatlog in console and it tells me that i was firing at the NPC from 165m, NPC had 300hp before i hit it, and got 70hp left after i headshotted him.

Same with another sniper across the airfield 271m away...... Anything ive done  wrong in config?

Which version of NpcSpawn do you have right now?

Edited by Jbird

Posted (edited)

[Info("NpcSpawn", "KpucTaJl", "2.3.2")]

See it have been released an 2.3.3.... gonna try to update

Edited by Hawkhill

Posted (edited)

2.3.3 seems to fix this issue... thx for the tip

Edited by Hawkhill


3 hours ago, Hawkhill said:

2.3.3 seems to fix this issue... thx for the tip

Awesome, glad that's sorted! Thanks for letting us know.



Can add support for the Raidable Bases plugin ? Need option to ignore better npc by raidable bases traps… At the moment raidable bases traps shooting them and i cant use better npc to work together

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2 minutes ago, Robis said:

Can add support for the Raidable Bases plugin ? Need option to ignore better npc by raidable bases traps… At the moment raidable bases traps shooting them and i cant use better npc to work together

It is a complicated plugin and has it's own NPCs that you can customize as well. But there are currently settings in RaidableBases or options in TruePVE that could help achieve this already.



5 hours ago, Jbird said:

It is a complicated plugin and has it's own NPCs that you can customize as well. But there are currently settings in RaidableBases or options in TruePVE that could help achieve this already.

My server is normal, no pve no true pve.... and own npc of plugin raidable bases is very very bad... betternpc 1000 times better. thats why i need it so hard.



Just now, Robis said:

My server is normal, no pve no true pve.... and own npc of plugin raidable bases is very very bad... betternpc 1000 times better. thats why i need it so hard.

and no settings in raidablebases plugin to ignore other npcs....



all i need just add 1 single line to ignore betternpc npcs by any traps in rust, and thats it



18 minutes ago, Robis said:

My server is normal, no pve no true pve.... and own npc of plugin raidable bases is very very bad... betternpc 1000 times better. thats why i need it so hard.

It's an interesting idea but you need to experiment with it some and try to find ways to make it work. I have given some suggestions on how you could do that.

17 minutes ago, Robis said:

and no settings in raidablebases plugin to ignore other npcs....

There are settings regarding turrets targeting NPC.

15 minutes ago, Robis said:

all i need just add 1 single line to ignore betternpc npcs by any traps in rust, and thats it

It may be that simple in your mind but it doesn't make it that simple in reality. TruePVE controls damage and could do this and only this if you wanted even if you are not a PVE server so you can use that like I said.



43 minutes ago, Jbird said:

It's an interesting idea but you need to experiment with it some and try to find ways to make it work. I have given some suggestions on how you could do that.

There are settings regarding turrets targeting NPC.

It may be that simple in your mind but it doesn't make it that simple in reality. TruePVE controls damage and could do this and only this if you wanted even if you are not a PVE server so you can use that like I said.

Ok i dont text here anymore anything.... I just asked.... But all the time i can hear some negative answers.... I didnt told its hard or simple. No worries i dont need anything anymore fom KpucTaJl group. Around 5 times i got bad exp in this group conversations. Feeling like no matter what i ask, the answer will be same.: Forget it, thats not simple to do... You are not developer of this plugin, and you have no idea its hard or not. And not the first time you talk like this... You remeber when we talked about zombie horde plugin ? you say we not copying anything from others... but in general you stole npc spawn plugin from chaos.... thats why you had so hard time to make work this plugin after rust updates, chaos protected this file form you..., on never mind bye bye.... Rude curator.



Posted (edited)

On 9/8/2022 at 10:10 PM, Robis said:

Ok i dont text here anymore anything.... I just asked.... But all the time i can hear some negative answers.... I didnt told its hard or simple.


On 9/8/2022 at 8:44 PM, Robis said:

all i need just add 1 single line to ignore betternpc npcs by any traps in rust, and thats it

You did say that it was simple.

On 9/8/2022 at 10:10 PM, Robis said:

Around 5 times i got bad exp in this group conversations. Feeling like no matter what i ask, the answer will be same.

First of all, I know of this time and one other time. So if you can list the other 3 I would be curious and interested.

Sometimes you ask the same thing multiple times so yes you're going to get the same answer. Yes you asked about ZombieHorde multiple times. Yes you got the same answer. No you didn't wait patiently for a final answer. So you tried switching to another site to ask the same question as if you'll get a different answer. You aren't the only person to try to escape an answer they don't like or to be negative because they don't like the answers or because a developer doesn't accept and create every idea you have. About 20 times you spoke up when it wasn't even your place to do so on Lone's site since we are talking about all of the many sites you go to ask the same questions. You constantly spoke up negatively, complaining, and doing nothing to help fix the problems. Thankfully we were hard at work on the fix and it was released very early the next morning.

On 9/8/2022 at 10:10 PM, Robis said:

You are not developer of this plugin, and you have no idea its hard or not. And not the first time you talk like this... never mind bye bye.... Rude curator.

I am not the developer and never claimed to be. The developer hired me so they didn't have to waste their time repeating the same thing like I am doing for you. I do support for the developer and I give them feedback, share ideas from the community, discuss plans. This is who I am. I am on a team of creators and developers with KpucTaJl. I am sorry if you don't like that but I am fully authorized to answer these questions and reply to these things. My position as a curator has nothing to do with this either and you probably don't even know what that title means. But even without the title of curator I did the exact same things and nobody else has really had much of a problem with it because I have always explained that I am not the developer, I just provide support and communicate with them. They are fully aware that I am here since they asked me to be. Sorry if you don't like that but if you are saying you are leaving, take care and good luck!

On 9/8/2022 at 10:10 PM, Robis said:

You remeber when we talked about zombie horde plugin ? you say we not copying anything from others... but in general you stole npc spawn plugin from chaos.... thats why you had so hard time to make work this plugin after rust updates, chaos protected this file form you...

First of all you came to me trying to get this developer to rewrite or steal a plugin. Yet you want to take this stance? Interesting. You were actually proposing that the content be stolen, I told you no, but now you want to take someones bullshit claim and come back here with it? NpcSpawn was updated in less than a day. It was communicated and there were no problems. There have been several updates since then because unlike some people we have moved on to other things for the moment. The plugin has been updated for different things that came up during the update but the initial fix and release was done in less than 24 hours. Other tweaks and updates as well as new content has been released since then.

On 9/8/2022 at 10:10 PM, Robis said:

but in general you stole npc spawn plugin from chaos.... thats why you had so hard time to make work this plugin after rust updates, chaos protected this file form you..., on never mind bye bye.... Rude curator.

Just because someone has claimed that NpcSpawn was stolen, does not mean that it actually was. NpcSpawn has been around for a long time, has been updated multiple times including recently, and works just fine.

Edited by Jbird


JBird don't let them tease you 


Who stole the wheel 

Mercedes from BMW ? or VW from Audi ? 
Doge from Porsche ?  
Does everyone have to reinvent the wheel for themselves ?
or is it possible in the world of technical progress to take over ideas and make them better / do them differently ?
If KpucTaJl. really stole something, then something good came out of it, didn't it ? 

I have seen so many plugins in my Rust career that no one cares about anymore but the servers still beg for updates that is insane.  

And King Killyou certainly knows this when you look at his UMod plugins. 
and if you want to have Better NPC in raidableBases ask Nivex first. 
Maybe Nivex and KpucTaJl. write and think about something. 



Would it be possible to implement another command?
/SpawnPointRemovePos {number} {name} {SpawnPointid} ? This gives you the option of removing the spawn point directly on the server.
And we get the ID with the command: /SpawnPointShowPos {number} {name}



19 hours ago, MeinRust said:

Would it be possible to implement another command?
/SpawnPointRemovePos {number} {name} {SpawnPointid} ? This gives you the option of removing the spawn point directly on the server.
And we get the ID with the command: /SpawnPointShowPos {number} {name}

Forwarded the suggested along for consideration. Thank you for sharing it.

funky nugget


the cinematic video is great, but i would love some kinda tutorial video. i want to buy a proper npc plugin for the server but i cant make my mind up wich to  pick



1 hour ago, funky nugget said:

the cinematic video is great, but i would love some kinda tutorial video. i want to buy a proper npc plugin for the server but i cant make my mind up wich to  pick

Trust me, you should go for this one. I'm in love with it since the day i bought it. It takes a bit of time setting it up correctly, as you do have to fine-tune the config to your server needs, but the amount of stuff you can do with it yet alone how far you can go with this plugin makes it worth every penny.

funky nugget


ye the feedback i got is this has allot more options but has a higher learning curve, the other one has lesser options, but more userfriendly and have a nice ingame gui. its hard to pick tho 😄



YES, this plugin has nothing to do with the heavy scientists that land with the CH47

Kai Morisoli


To many npcs on my map... and to turn down the npc count i have to edit so many files... i like the idea but we need global multipliers... or i can not find it...  sorry but i am to lazy to edit all these files to turn down the npc count on monuments... i go solo in the sphere and on top like 8 npc instakill me... not funny. Btw something is not right for me... to many npc and they are reacting un-naturally fast... airbase npc and snipers shot me from a distance that i can't even see. As i said... i like the idea but i was expecting a mod that cahnges the npc behavoir in a natural way... not adding so many and make them like aimbots. For now this is the firs time i regret spending 30$ on a plugin, hope i make something wrong and that it is my fault for these issues.



Then how do you intend to manage where they spawn and manage the difficulty on them?
Yeah... it takes abit time and effort to config them the way you want, but the time is worth it

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Kai Morisoli


1 hour ago, Hawkhill said:

Then how do you intend to manage where they spawn and manage the difficulty on them?
Yeah... it takes abit time and effort to config them the way you want, but the time is worth it

Yeah, i understand, maybe the plugin will improve and give us some simple multiplier because it is preconfigured and in that way you can, for example, multiply npc of all configuastion files in one time... or have half the npc in my case. I uninstalled it for now, maybe i take a closer look in the next days.

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