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YaMang-w-'s Wishlist

  1. More information about "Players UI"


    Players UI

    PlayersUI give to your server with a beautiful and iterative interface for searching users and viewing their profiles.


    - A beautiful player list with a search box and pagination;
    - A profile for each user;
    - Permission to customize profile banner;
    - Badges on user profile with tooltips;
    - Highlight groups in user list;
    - Customizable commands;
    - Custom buttons in the profile;

    Default Commands
    /profile [target] - Show user profile;
    /players - Show the player list;
    /banner [url or default] - Change your current banner


    Default configuration file:
    { "Player list command name": "players", "Profile command name": "profile", "Banner command name": "banner", "Change banner permission name": "playersui.banners.use", "Server default banner url (Recommended size: 1200x272)": "https://i.imgur.com/VjbhyCO.png", "Badges (don't use spaces in the ID, only alphanumeric chars and _ to replace the spaces)": [ { "id": "admin", "name": "Admin", "iconUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/v3ncrRY.png" }, { "id": "mod", "name": "Moderator", "iconUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/UV6NOQV.png" }, { "id": "sponsor", "name": "Sponsor", "iconUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/7YpivBD.png" }, { "id": "vip", "name": "VIP", "iconUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/E700MO8.png" } ], "Status display settings": { "Show kills": true, "Show deaths": true, "Show KDR": true, "Show killed animals": true, "Show killed NPC's": true, "Count all deaths (suicide, fall, animals, helicopters, etc...)": false }, "Custom buttons on profile": [ { "Button label": "<color=#FFF700>SEND TP</color>", "Button icon url": "https://i.imgur.com/diqgMnn.png", "Button background color": "0.82 0.6 0 1", "Button command": "chat.say /tpr {target_id}", "Is a server command": false, "Only admins can use": false, "Show it to your own profile": false, "Button anchor min": "1 1", "Button anchor max": "1 1", "Button offset min": "-74 -160", "Button offset max": "0 -136" }, { "Button label": "<color=#59ff00>CLAN INVITE</color>", "Button icon url": "https://i.imgur.com/EZWrsAo.png", "Button background color": "0.31 0.56 0.34 1", "Button command": "chat.say /clan invite {target_id}", "Is a server command": false, "Only admins can use": false, "Show it to your own profile": false, "Button anchor min": "1 1", "Button anchor max": "1 1", "Button offset min": "-174 -160", "Button offset max": "-80 -136" }, { "Button label": "KICK", "Button icon url": "https://i.imgur.com/zRr73cJ.png", "Button background color": "0.76 0.19 0.19 1", "Button command": "kick {target_id}", "Is a server command": true, "Only admins can use": true, "Show it to your own profile": false, "Button anchor min": "1 1", "Button anchor max": "1 1", "Button offset min": "-236 -160", "Button offset max": "-180 -136" } ], "Groups highlight": [ { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "default", "Priority": 99, "Background color": "1 1 1 0.1", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "0 0 0 0", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "" }, { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "admin", "Priority": 1, "Background color": "1 0 0 0.1", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "1 0 0 0.4", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "https://i.imgur.com/v3ncrRY.png" }, { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "mod", "Priority": 2, "Background color": "0 1 0 .3", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "0 1 0 .5", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "https://i.imgur.com/UV6NOQV.png" }, { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "sponsor", "Priority": 3, "Background color": "0.2 0.63 0.17 .3", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "0.2 0.63 0.17 .5", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "https://i.imgur.com/7YpivBD.png" }, { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "vip", "Priority": 4, "Background color": "0 1 1 .3", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "0 1 1 .5", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "https://i.imgur.com/E700MO8.png" } ] }

    Preview images:



  2. More information about "4 TEAMS 1 SURVIVE"



    This is 4 teams 1 survive, We see that rust is doing a lot of events, different game modes, etc. This map is effective for you to hold an event or a competition with your players or friends. As the title says, 4 teams: Only 1 can survive.
    Map Size: 3900
    This Map contains:
    Launch Site
    Military tunnel
    Sewer branch
    Satellite Dish
    Missile Silo
    4 supermarkets 
    2 Gas Station
    2 MIining Outpost
    2 Fishing Villages 
    2 Uderwater labs
    The Islands contains:
    Base build zone (49x49 You can edit in Rustedit) and ziplines to supermarket,
    Map is editable and the password is provided in the file. 
    Discord: https://discord.gg/Mg8jrFGK7N
  3. More information about "Zombie Rise Land"


    Zombie Rise Land

    Hello everyone,
    Zombie Rise Land Map Description
    This is a custom map made entirely of Rustedit depicting a zombie rising land, whose volcanic center is overrun by zombies protecting its energy fortress. Going around the map you will find a complete world of many monuments and natural wonders with ordered paths and connected with each monument to advance in land vehicles at full speed, search or find the resources and build your fortresses where you can finally invade the center of zombie origin with your friends.
    The map will continue to be renewed based on new rust updates with no download limits and free editing. Password is included in a text file for you to customize as you wish.
    Play as you want, have fun and enjoy.
    Thank you!
    Need some tour?
    You can visit our Discord and request a tour to see the map completely:
    With this ticket you will be able to see it completely in its entirety.
    Map Features
    Entity count estimate 99k
    Map Size 3700
    File dependencies for your server:
    RustEdit DLL: https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit
    Map Custom Monuments and Roads:
    Volcano with zombie ceremonial center
    Custom Lake
    2 railway bridges
    New!  Control Center monument on new expansion island.
    Map Rust Monuments:
    Power Plant
    Launch Site
    Train Yard
    Military Base
    Arctic Base
    Water Treatment Plant
    Satellite Dish
    Artic Research
    Nuclear Missile Silo
    Ferry Terminal
    Oil Rigs
    Underwater Labs
    Bandit Camp
    The Dome
    Quarry HQM, Stone and Sulfur
    Gas Station
    Underwater Labs

  4. More information about "Better Statistics"


    Better Statistics

    Better Statistics is a advanced statistic plugin which offers a beautiful in-game UI and self hosted responsive website.

    Steam login for easy profile access
    Support for multiple servers  

    Search any player by their name
    View players profiles with a ton of cool stats  

    How does it work?
    The plugin is setup with two tables via MySQL, one for the wipe and one for the overall stats. When the server wipes, all data is automatically moved over to and added to the overall table and the wipe table is then cleared.
    When do the stats save for each player?
    There is a automatic timer that you can set to have every players stats sync to the database. By default the players data is synced when they leave the server, and the automatic timer just in-case of a server crash. There is also a command that can be used from the server console to save a players stats or all players stats.
    What stats does it track?
    Name Steam ID Connection Count Playtime Kills Deaths (Deaths to players) Kill Death Ratio Overall Accuracy Suicides Times Wounded Satchels Thrown C4 Thrown Rockets Fired TC's Destroyed NPC Kills Chickens Boars Stags Horses Wolves Bears Scientists Helicopters Bradley's       16. Weapon Kills
    Assault Rifle LR-300 M39 L96 BOLT M249 HMLMG MP5 Thompson Custom SMG Pump Shotgun Double Barrel Spaz-12 M92 Python Semi Auto Pistol Revolver Waterpipe Eoka Pistol Compound Bow Crossbow Hunting Bow       17. Body Hits
    Head Torso Left Arm Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg Left Foot Right Foot  
    A MySQL Server that the stats can be saved to  
    { "MySQL Database Connection Info": { "Host IP": "localhost", "Port": 3306, "Database name": "betterstatistics", "Username": "root", "Password": "" }, "Server Prefix (For tables Ex: main_stats_wipe, main_stats_overall)": "main", "Save Interval (Mins) (0 = Disabled)": 10 }  
    Player Commands:
    /stats - Opens up local players stats
    /stats {playerid} - Opens up stats of the given player id
    Server Commands: 
    stats.save - Saves every players stats that are connected to the server
    stats.save {playerid} - Saves the given player id's stats as long as they are on the server

    A web server to be able to host the PHP Site.  
    <?php return array( 'ServerName' => 'TEST SERVER', 'SiteDescription' => 'Stats Website Template developed by Billy Joe', 'SteamAPIKey' => '', 'backgroundImage' => 'https://files.facepunch.com/paddy/20220705/july_2022_header.jpg', 'servers' => array( 'server1' => array( 'serverIcon' => 'https://i.imgur.com/txD5xqH.png', 'ipAddress' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'databaseName' => 'betterstatistics', 'wipe' => 'main_stats_wipe', 'overall' => 'main_stats_overall' ), 'server2' => array( 'serverIcon' => 'https://i.imgur.com/i7xGabr.png', 'ipAddress' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'databaseName' => 'betterstatistics', 'wipe' => 'main_stats_wipe', 'overall' => 'main_stats_wipe' ), 'server3' => array( 'serverIcon' => 'https://i.imgur.com/0sAs3Ee.png', 'ipAddress' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'databaseName' => 'betterstatistics', 'wipe' => 'main_stats_wipe', 'overall' => 'main_stats_overall' ), ) ); ?>  
  5. More information about "Skill Tree"


    Skill Tree

    This plugin adds a character progression system to your server in the form of a leveling and skill tree system.
    Players gain xp by cutting trees, mining rocks, killing NPCs etc, and are rewarded with skill points when they level up. 
    These points can be used to unlock perks and buffs across a number of different skill trees.
    The plugin is extremely customizable and server owners can change, move, scale or disable any perk to tailor the setup to their server.
    It features:
    104 unique buff types across 119 skill nodes. 12 unique skill trees. 65+ sources of xp, along with custom xp settings for BotRespawn and NpcSpawn. An extremely large amount of xp options to really tweak the plugin for your server. A functional tree system that prevents unlocking/upgrading of nodes if the player has not invested enough skill points into a tree. Fun & unique ultimate abilities across most trees. Global yield settings for servers that want to run 2x/3x etc. Ability to create custom skill trees and nodes using permissions from other plugins. Considerable amount of options for persistent data through server wipes. SkillTree allows users to focus on multiple skill trees and unlock nodes in each tree as they level, to make their characters more powerful and unique.
    Plugins that work well with Skill Tree
    RaidableBases - SkillTree integrates with RaidableBases by rewarding raiders with xp (either handled via SkillTree directly or via RaidableBases directly). The raiding tree can also exclusively work with RaidableBases if servers don't allow raiding. Economics & ServerRewards - integrated as a way to pay for the respec cost. SurvivalArena - Rewards the winner of the event with xp. Cooking - adds new skills to the Cooking tree as well as xp rewards when successfully cooking meals. BotRespawn - Adds additional xp sources for each NPC profile. NpcSpawn - Adds additional xp sources for each NPC profile. UINotify - Shows notifications relevant to leveling etc. ZombieHorde - Provides xp for killing zombies generated by this plugin. LootDefender - Provides the ability for shared xp when killing BradleyAPC. Configured through LootDefender. EpicLoot - Adds a skill to the Scavenging tree FishingHotspots - Allows for modified XP gain while fishing in a hotspot.  

    skilltree.chat - required to use the chat commands to access the skill tree menu. skilltree.xp - required to obtain xp from xp sources. skilltree.tree - required to access and use the skill tree. skilltree.admin - required to use the admin commands. skilltree.all - allows user access to all trees. skilltree.Mining - allows the user to access the mining tree. skilltree.Woodcutting - allows the user to access the woodcutting tree. skilltree.Skinning - allows the user to access the skinning tree. skilltree.Harvesting - allows the user to access the harvesting tree. skilltree.Combat - allows the user to access the combat tree. skilltree.Medical - allows the user to access the medical tree. skilltree.Build_Craft - allows the user to access the build craft tree. skilltree.Scavenging - allows the user to access the scavenging tree. skilltree.Vehicles - allows the user to access the vehicles tree. skilltree.Cooking - allows the user to access the cooking tree. skilltree.bag.keepondeath - prevents the ExtraPockets bag from dropping on death. skilltree.notitles - Removes the level title from the player (Requires BetterChat) skilltree.noxploss - Prevents xp loss. skilltree.roguelike - If enabled via the config, will be required to participate in the Roguelike system. //Custom permission settings "Modified max skill points based on permissions [must be higher than default]": { "vip": 120 }, "Cost per point to respec based on permissions [must be lower than default]": { "vip": 10.0 }, "Maximum amount of xp a player can lose when they die based on permissions [must be less than default]": { "vip": 500.0 }, "Permissions to adjust xp gain modifiers (skilltree.<perm>) [1.0 is default modifier]": { "vip": 1.2 }, The permission for "vip" would be skilltree.vip Assigning this perm to players would override the default values for the respective settings (max skill points, respec cost, xp gain and xp loss).  

    Command: st Description: Opens the skill tree menu. Requires skilltree.chat permissions. Command: updatexptable Description: Recalculates the xp table based on the config values. Requires Command: togglexpdrops Description: Toggles the xp popup when obtaining xp. Command: togglexphud Description: Toggles the xp hud on the players screen. Command: givexp Parameters: <name> <amount> <optional: Ignore modifiers true/false> Description: Gives the player matching the name parameter, xp equal to the amount parameter. Ignore modifiers will ignore all forms of xp boosts such as rested xp. Command: givesp Parameters: <name> <amount> Description: Gives the player matching the name parameter, skill points equal to the amount parameter. Command: resetdata Parameters: <name> Description: Resets the target players data. Command: turbo Description: Toggles the turbo on the boat if the player has the relevant perk. Command: togglebc Description: Toggles the BetterChat title on/off for the user. Command: movebar Description: brings up a ui that can be used to relocate the xp bar on the players screen. Command: stresetalldata Description: Resets all players data. Command: sb or score or scoreboard Description: Chat and console command that brings up the scoreboard, showing who has the most xp. Command: sttogglenotifications Description: Toggle notifications from buff triggers. Command: stgiveitem Parameters: <id> <shortname> <quantity> <skin ID> <optional: displayName> Description: gives an item to the target ID that matches the parameters. Console Command: strespecallplayers Description: Resets skills for all online and offline players. Console Command: strespecplayer Parameters: <target name/userID> Description: Resets the target online/offline players skills. Console Command: givexptoall Parameters: <amount> <online only: true/false> Description: Will give the amount of xp to all players. If online only is true, it will only give it to those that are online. Console Command: givesptoall Parameters: <amount> <online only: true/false> Description: Will give the amount of skill points to all players. If online only is true, it will only give it to those that are online.  

    Experience can be gained from a number of different sources. The value for each source can be adjusted via the config.
    NodeHit - Hitting a stone, metal or sulfur mining node. NodeHitFinal - Finishing a stone, metal or sulfur mining node. TreeHit - Hitting a tree. TreeHitFinal - Knocking down a tree. SkinHit - Hitting an animal with a skinning tool. SkinHitFinal - Finishing off an animal with a skinning tool. CollectWildPlant - Collecting any map generated collectible, such as hemp, corn, pumpkin, stone, sulfur or metal. CollectGrownPlant - Collecting any player grown produce. BuildingBlockDeployed - Placing down a twig building block. FishCaught - Catching a fish. Crafting - Whenever a craft is successfully completed. XP is calculated based on the duration of the craft. ScientistNormal - Killing a blue scientist. ScientistHeavy - Killing a heavy scientists. SmallAnimal - Killing a small animal such as a chicken. MediumAnimal - Killing a medium animal such as a boar, wolf or stag. LargeAnimal - Killing a large animal such as a horse, shark or bear. Barrel - Destroying barrels. RoadSign - Destroying road signs. Scarecrow - Killing scarecrows or a zombie in ZombieHorde. Mission - Completing a mission in rust. BradleyAPC - Getting the last hit on Bradley. LootHackedCrate - First player to loot a locked crate. LootHeliCrate - First player to loot a heli crate. LootBradleyCrate - First player to loot a bradley crate. CookingMealXP - (Requires cooking plugin) XP is calculated per ingredient used. Example 2 tomatos and 8 bear meat would yield 100xp. RaidableBaseCompletion - Awards raiders of a RaidableBase xp upon the completion of the raid. Win_HungerGames - Awards xp to the winner of the Hunger Games arena. Win_ScubaArena - Awards xp to the winner of the Scuba arena. Win_Skirmish - Awards xp to the winner of the Skirmish arena. Gut_Fish - Awards xp when gutting a fish. default_botrespawn - default amount xp given when killing a bot made using botrespawn. Overriding values can be added to the config based on the bot group. crate_basic - when opening crates crate_elite - when opening crates crate_mine - when opening crates crate_normal - when opening crates carte_normal_2 - when opening crates crate_normal_2_food - when opening crates crate_normal_2_medical - when opening crates crate_tools - when opening crates crate_underwater_advanced - when opening crates crate_underwater_basic - when opening crates crate_ammunition - when opening crates crate_food_1 - when opening crates crate_food_2 - when opening crates crate_fuel - when opening crates crate_medical - when opening crates Harbor_Event_Winner - Winner of the Harbor event plugin Junkyard_Event_Winner - winner of the Junkyard event plugin PowerPlant_Event_Winner - winner of the Power plant event plugin Satellite_Event_Winner - winner of the Satellite event plugin Water_Event_Winner - winner of the Water event plugin Air_Event_Winner - winner of the Air event plugin. Armored_Train_Winner - winner of the Armored train plugin Convoy_Winner - winner of the Convoy event plugin. Supply_drop - first player that opens a supply drop. SurvivalArena_Winner - winning the SurvivalArena event. swipe_card_level_1 - using a green swipe card reader swipe_card_level_2 - using a blue swipe card reader swipe_card_level_3 - using a red swipe card reader boss_monster - killing an NPC from boss monster Zombie - Killing a ZombieHorde zombie UnderwaterDweller NPCs - NPCs in underwater labs JetPilot - JetPilot plugin ArcticBaseEvent_Winner - winner of the Arctic Base Event GasStationEvent_Winner - winner of the Gas Station Event SputnikEvent_Winner - winner of the Sputnik Event ShipWreckEvent_Winner - winner of the Ship Wreck Event  

    Name: Mining Yield Description: Increases the amount of resources gained while mining. Name: Instant Mine Description: Gives the user a chance to instantly mine out a stone, sulfur or metal node. Name: Smelt On Mine Description: Gives the user a chance to smelt some of the ore as its mined from sulfur and metal nodes. Name: Mining Luck Description: Gives the user a chance to obtain items from the Mining luck loot table when they finish mining a node. Name: Mining Tool Durability Description: Decreses the durability loss of mining tools. Name: Woodcutting Yield Description: Increases the amount of resources gained while woodcutting. Name: Instant Chop Description: Gives the user a chance to instantly chop down a tree. Name: Woodcutting Coal Description: Gives the user a chance to obtain some charcoal while woodcutting. Name: Woodcutting Luck Description: Gives the user a chance to obtain items from the Woodcutting luck loot table when they finish cutting down a tree. Name: Woodcutting Tool Durability Description: Decreses the durability loss of woodcutting tools. Name: Skinning Yield Description: Increases the amount of resources gained while skinning. Name: Instant Skin Description: Gives the user a chance to instantly cut up an animal. Name: Skinning Tool Durability Description: Decreases the durability loss of skinning tools. Name: Skinning Cook Description: Gives the user a chance to received cooked meat, instead of raw meat, while skinning an animal. Name: Harvest Wild Yield Description: Increases the yield when harvesting map generated collectibles, such as berries, hemp, stone, sulfur and mushrooms. Name: Harvest Grown Yield Description: Increases the yield when harvesting player grown produce. Name: Extra Fish Description: Gives the user a chance of receiving an extra fish while fishing. Name: Double Bandage Heal Description: Doubles the healing power of cloth bandages. Name: Radiation Reduction Description: Reduces the amount of radiation damage taken by the player. Name: Extra Food Description: Increases the amount of calories the player receives when consuming food. Name: Fire Damage Reduction Description: Reduces the amount of fire damage received. Name: Fall Damage Reduction Description: Reduces the amount of fall damage received. Name: No Cold Damage Description: Removes all cold damage from the player. Name: Wounded Resist Description: Gives the player a chance to get straight back on their feet after entering the wounded state. Name: Animal Damage Resist Description: Reduces the damage taken by animals. Name: Riding Speed Description: Increases the speed of a horse while riding it. Name: Free Bullet Chance Description: Gives the player a chance to not expend a bullet when firing a gun. Name: Primitive Expert Description: Removes durability loss for primitive weapons. Name: Upgrade Refund Description: Gives the player a chance to receive their resources back when upgrading a building block. Name: Craft Speed Description: Increases the crafting speed of a player. Name: Research Refund Description: Gives the player a chance to receive their scrap back when researching an item on the research bench. Name: Craft Refund Description: Gives the player a chance to receive their crafting materials back when crafting an item. Name: Extra Scrap Barrel Description: Gives the player a chance to receive additional scrap when destroying a barrel. Name: Barrel Smasher Description: Allows the player to instantly smash a barrel with any weapon. Name: Extra Scrap Crate Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain extra scrap when looting a crate for the first time. Name: Component Chest Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional components when looting a crate for the first time. Name: Electronic Chest Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional electronics when looting a crate for the first time. Name: Component Barrel Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional components when smashing a barrel. Name: Electronic Barrel Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional electronics when smashing a barrel. Name: Melee Resist Description: Reduces the damage taken by melee weapons. Name: Iron Stomach Description: Allows the player to eat spoiled and raw food without being poisoned. Name: Boat Speed Description: Allows the user to activate a turbo boost while on a boat, increasing the boats speed. Name: Recycler Speed Description: Increases the speed of recycling for the player. Name: Smelt_Speed Description: Adds a chance for ore to smelt whenever wood is consumed, in addition to the standard smelt rate. Name: Heli_Fuel_Rate Description: Reduces the fuel consumption for your helicopters. Name: Boat_Fuel_Rate Description: Reduces the fuel consumption for your boats. Name: Vehicle_Mechanic Description: Allows the user to repair a vehicle at no cost. Name: Reviver Description: Brings a wounded player up with additional health if the reviving player has the buff. Name: Rationer Description: Provides the consumer a chance to receive their food/tea back once consumed. Name: PVP_Critical Description: Gives the attacker a chance to critically damage the target in PVP. Name: PVP_Damage Description: Increases the damage of all PVP attacks. Name: PVP_Shield Description: Reduces the damage of all incoming PVP attacks. Name: Metabolism_boost Description: Increases your calories and hydration above the maximum. Name: LootPickup Description: Chance to have the loot from destroyed barrels given moved directly to their inventory. Name: Node_Spawn_Chance Description: Chance to spawn a new node when a new one is mined out. Name: HealthRegen Description: Passively regenerates x health per second Name: AnimalTracker Description: Allows the user to use the /track command to find the direction of the closest animal. Name: ExtraPockets Description: Creates a backpack style storage system, providing players the ability to access the storage using a chat command (/pouch). Slots are given based on points spent. Name: Human_NPC_Damage Description: Increases damages against scientists. Name: Animal_NPC_Damage Description: Increases damages against animals. Name: Human_NPC_Defence Description: Decrease damage from scientist. Name: Craft_Duplicate Description: Chance to duplicate an item while crafting. Name: WaterBreathing Description: Breath underwater. Name: SharkResistance Description: Reduce damage taken from sharks. Name: SharkSkinner Description: Chance to receive random items while skinning sharks. Name: DeepSeaLooter Description: Chance to receive additional items while looting sunken crates. Name: InstantUntie Description: Instantly untie sunken crates. Name: UnderwaterDamageBonus Description: Increase damage to all living things while underwater (including underwater labs). Name: Permission Description: Used for permission based skills. Name: MaxRepair Description: Resets the max condition for any items that are repaired. Name: Durability Description: Reduces condition loss for all items that the player is using. Name: Regrowth Description: Provides a chance for a tree to respawn when cut down. Name: Skinning_Luck Description: Provides a chance to receive an item when skinning an animal. Name: Fishing_Luck Description: Provides a chance to receive an item when catching a fish. Name: Trap_Damage_Reduction Description: Reduces the damage received from traps. Name: Trap_Damage_Increase Description: Increases the damage done to traps. Name: Personal_Explosive_Reduction Description: Reduces the damage received from your own explosives. Name: Double_Explosion_Chance Description: Provides a chance for your explosives to trigger twice. Name: Lock_Picker Description: Provides a chance to open a locked entity that you do not have access to. Name: Explosion_Radius Description: Increases the explosion radius of your explosives. Name: Dudless_Explosive Description: Reduces the chance of your satchels and beancans being duds. Name: Woodcutting_Hotspot Description: Treats each hit on a tree as though you hit the hotspot. Name: Mining_Hotspot Description: Treats each hit on a node as though you hit the hotspot. Name: Extended_Tea_Duration Description: Increases the duration of tea buffs by x% per level. Name: Extended_Mag Description: Increases the magazine capacity of weapons by x% per level. Name: Tea_Looter Description: Provides you with a x% chance per level to find tea in certain containers. Name: Bite_Speed Description: Decreases the time it takes to hook a fish by x% per level. Name: Heli_Speed Description: Increases the max thrust speed of the heli by x% per level. Name: Sonar Description: Allows the user to run a command to find all nearby submerged objects (dive sites, sharks, scientists etc). Name: Woodcutting_Ultimate Description: Harvests the surrounding trees when cutting down a tree. Name: Mining_Ultimate Description: Provides access to a chat command to see all surrounding node locations. Name: Combat_Ultimate Description: Heals the player for a percentage of the damage that they deal to all sources. Name: Vehicle_Ultimate Description: Reduces damage dealt to the players mounted vehicle (default 100% deduction). Name: Harvester_Ultimate Description: Allows the player to set the genetic composition of plants. Name: Medical_Ultimate Description: Gives the player a chance to resurrect at their point of death if they choose to. Name: Skinning_Ultimate Description: Killing an animal with this buff active will provide the player with an enhanced ability for a period of time, depending on the animal killed. - Chicken: No fall damage. - Boar: Chance to find components while harvesting mushrooms and berries. - Wolf: Increased healing while near team mates. - Stag: Notification when a neutral player is nearby, and their last known location (configurable). - Bear: Scientists will not attack the player unless attacked. - Polarbear: Overshield. Name: Build_Craft_Ultimate Description: Use any coloured swipe cards in any reader. Name: Scavengers_Ultimate Description: Will automatically recycle components from barrels when they are broken.  

    The xp table uses a common equation to calculate its levels and xp requirements. You can read more about the method here: https://blog.jakelee.co.uk/converting-levels-into-xp-vice-versa/
    There is also a spreadsheet you can make a copy of and adjust the x value at the top of. Increasing the number minimizes the xp between levels. Find a good value, then put it in the "x" value under the "Leveling information" section in the config.
    It is recommended that you leave the y value at 2 or 3, and adjust the x value only.
    Rule of thumb:
    - 0.07: default
    - 0.04: grindy.
    object STCanGainXP(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity source, double value, string source_string) object STCanGainXP(BasePlayer player, string plugin, double value) Returning a non-null value will cancel the xp gain. Source can return null so be sure to check that.
    string[] ST_GetPlayerLevel(BasePlayer player) // Example [ChatCommand("testapi")] void TestAPI(BasePlayer player) { var data = (string[])SkillTree.Call("ST_GetPlayerLevel", player); Puts($"Level: {data.First()}. XP: {data.Last()}"); } Returns the players level [0] and xp [1] values as a string[]
    object STCanReceiveYield(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) Returning a non-null value will cancel the yield gain.
    object STOnLoseXP(BasePlayer player) Returning a non null value prevents the xp loss.
    double GetExcessXP(BasePlayer player) Gets the excess xp over the players current level as a double.
    RemoveXP(BasePlayer player, double value) Removes xp from the player equal to the value. Will not reduce the value below the start of their current level.
    void STOnPlayerLevel(BasePlayer player, int oldLevel, int newLevel); Triggers when a player levels up. No return value.
    void STOnPouchOpened(BasePlayer player, StorageContainer pouch) Triggers when a player opens the ExtraPockets storage.
    object STCanModifyHorse(BasePlayer player, RidableHorse horse, float modifier) Returning a non-null value will prevent the horse from being modified by the Riding_Speed buff.
    public void AddNode(string tree, string node, bool enabled, int max_Level, int tier, float value_Per_Buff, string _buff, string _buffType, string icon_url, object[] _perms = null) object[] perms { string perms_description, Dictionary<int, List<string>> tiers_and_perms } void AddCookingNodeToSkillTree() { if (SkillTree != null && SkillTree.IsLoaded) { Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>> _perms = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>>() { [1] = new Dictionary<string, string>() { ["cooking.instant"] = "Instant Cook" } }; string Description = "Cooking food with the Cooking plugin will be instant."; object[] perms = new object[] { Description, _perms }; string Tree = "Cooking"; string Node = "Instant Chef"; bool StartOn = true; int Max_Level = 1; int Tier = 2; float Value_per_Level = 1; string Buff = "Permission"; string BuffType = "Permission"; string URL = "https://i.imgur.com/3TMqFKG.png"; SkillTree.Call("AddNode", Tree, Node, StartOn, Max_Level, Tier, Value_per_Level, Buff, BuffType, URL, perms); } } Allows plugins to add custom nodes to trees.
    [HookMethod("IsExtraPocketsContainer")] public object IsExtraPocketsContainer(uint uid) { if (containers.ContainsKey(uid)) return True; return False; } [HookMethod("GetExtraPocketsContainerProvider")] public Func<uint, bool> GetExtraPocketsContainerProvider() { return new Func<uint, bool>(uid => { if (containers.ContainsKey(uid)) return true; return false; }); } [HookMethod("GetExtraPocketsOwnerIdProvider")] public Func<uint, string> GetExtraPocketsOwnerIdProvider() { return new Func<uint, string>(uid => { Containers data; if (containers.TryGetValue(uid, out data)) return data.userIDString; return null; }); } API for extra pockets.
    object STCanReceiveBonusLootFromContainer(BasePlayer player, LootContainer container) Prevents buffs from adding loot to containers if returning a non-null value.
    object STOnItemRepairWithMaxRepair(Item item) Returning non-null prevents the item bring repaired to max.
    object[] GetXPStats(ulong id) Returns object[]: int level, double xp, double current level start xp, double next level start xp.
  6. More information about "Cooking"



    This plugin extends the vanilla cooking system in rust by adding a number of ingredients and advanced recipes to the game.
    The ingredients are obtained from any of the 30+ different sources, from ore nodes, to trees, to collectibles such as hemp and pumpkins.
    These ingredients are used to create delicious meals that will provide the player with 1 of the 46 different buffs the plugin has to offer, or your own custom buffs should you wish to create your own using permissions from other plugins.
    The plugin comes standard with 47 custom recipes and 11 custom ingredients included. It also utilizes a number of rusts existing items, such as pumpkins, corn and potatoes.

    There are over 47 recipes that come with the default configuration.
    Each recipe allows for any number of ingredients to be added (default is up to 4), and any number of the 46 buffs to be added to each meal.
    Recipes can be easily added via the config. This allows server owners to get creative by creating their own custom meals and buffs.
    The above video showcases how new recipes and ingredients can be easily added to your configuration.

    The plugin comes with 11 unique custom ingredients, and also utilizes 16 of the default items in rust.
    Ingredients can be easily added to the configuration (see the above video).
    All non-default ingredients can be found from 37 different sources including cutting trees, mining nodes, collecting hemp etc.
    Each sources drop rate can be customized to suit your server, and the sources for ingredients can be changed incredible easily by simply adjusting a number in the config file.

    There are 37 unique sources that ingredients can be obtained from from cutting trees to collecting pumpkins.
    The chances for each ingredient drop are based on the interaction with that source. 
    For example, picking a pumpkin offers 1 chance, as it is 1 interaction to pick a pumpking, while cutting a tree may be 10-20 chances (depending on the tool), as it takes a number of hits to fall a tree (this can be adjusted to be based on 1 chance per tree/node etc via the config).
    When a roll is successful, it then rolls through each item type and selects the item based on that items "dropWeight", allowing you to make ingredients more or less common than others on the same drop table.

    The Farmers Market is an in-built market that allows players to buy and sell ingredients for scrap, server rewards or economics.
    By default, the markets stocks will start at 0, and will only increase as players sell their unwanted ingredients to it. 
    It can be configured to allow all items, or only custom items to be bought and sold through it, and also allows for a maximum stock to be set (default 100), meaing that it cannot have more than 100 of an item type.
    The buy/sell values for each ingredient can be adjusted in the config file (default $10 buy, $5 sell).
    Starting quantities can also be set if you do not want the market to start at 0.
    The market can be accessed by typing in /market (if config is enabled) or by speaking to an NPC that can be spawned with the plugin (addmarketnpc).

    Ingredient: A useful ingredient used to make more complex meals.
    Woodcutting_Yield: Increases the amount of wood received by a percentage when cutting trees and logs.
    Mining_Yield: Increases the amount of ore received by a percentage when mining any ore type.
    Skinning_Yield: Increases the amount of animal products received by a percentage when skinning animals.
    Heal_Share: Heals those around you for a percentage of the healing you receive.
    Heal: Instantly heals you for a percentage of your maximum health.
    Food_Share: Shares your food with nearby players, providing them with a percentage of the calories that you consume.
    Metabolism_Overload: Increases your maximum calories and hydration capacity by a percentage.
    Comfort: Provides an aura of comfort around you. Each nearby player will receive a percentage comfort.
    Water_Breathing: Will allow you to breath underwater for the duration.
    Fire_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from all sources of fire/heat by a percentage.
    Cold_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from the cold by a percentage.
    Explosion_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from explosives by a percentage.
    Animal_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from animals by a percentage.
    Melee_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from attacks made with a melee weapon by a percentage.
    Wounded_Resist: If you would enter the wounded state while this buff is active, you will instead be brought to your feet. Any negative modifiers will be removed.
    Spectre: You will become invisible to auto-turrets, flame turrets and shotgun traps for the duration.
    Madness: This food will make you sound strange to others.
    Wealth: Provides you with a percentage find scrap/economics/points when breaking barrels.
    Barrel_Smasher: Provides you with a percentage chance to instantly break a barrel with any amount of damage.
    Crafting_Refund: Provides you with a percentage chance to refund components when crafting an item.
    Passive_Regen: Will passively regenerate a percentage health each second.
    Horse_Stats: Will increase the speed any horse you ride by a percentage.
    Fall_Damage_resist: Reduces damage taken from falling by a percentage.
    Condition_Loss_Reduction: Reduces the condition loss of all worn and held items by a percentage.
    Ingredient_Chance: Increases the chance to obtain cooking ingredients by a percentage.
    Upgrade_Refund: Provides you with a percentage chance to receive a free upgrade when upgrading your building blocks.
    Research_Refund: Provides you with a percentage chance to receive a scrap refund when using a research bench.
    Role_Play: This item provides no buffs as it a Roleplay item.
    Anti_Bradley_Radar: Makes you invisible to the Bradley APC.
    Fishing_Luck: Provides you with a percentage chance to obtain a random item while fishing.
    Farming_Yield: Increases the amount of resources collected by a percentage when harvesting player-grown plants.
    Component_Luck: Provides a percentage chance to receive a random component when breaking barrels.
    Electronics_Luck: Provides a percentage chance to receive a random electrical item when breaking barrels.
    Permission: Used for firing off custom commands such as assigning and removing permissions.
    Bleed_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from bleeding by a percentage.
    Radiation_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from radiation by a percentage.
    Max_Repair: Any item that is repaired while this buff is active, will have its maximum condition reset.
    Smelt_On_Mine: Provides you with a percentage chance to receive refined resources instead of ores, when mining sulfur and metal nodes.
    Loot_Pickup: Provides you with a percentage chance for all items to be moved directly into your inventory when breaking barrels.
    Reviver: Sets a players health to a percentage when bringing them up from the wounded state.
    Duplicator: Provides you with a percentage chance to duplicate an item when crafting.
    Harvest: Increases the amount of resources collected by a percentage> when harvesting wild entities.
    Ingredient_Storage: Stores ingredients.
    Extra_Calories: Instantly provides you with a percentage of your maximum calories when consumed.
    Extra_Hydration: Instantly provides you with a percentage of your maximum hydration when consumed.
    Max_Health: Increases your maximum health by a percentage.
    Fishing_Yield: Increases the amount of fish received by a percentage.
    Damage_Over_Time: This perk will damage the consumer every second for the set value.
    Mining_Hotspot: The player will always hit the hot spot while mining.
    Woodcutting_Hotspot: The player will always hit the marker while chopping wood.
    Dehydration: Removes hydration when applied.
    Hunger: Removes calories when applied.

    Default: Default Rust item
    AnyTree: Chopping any tree
    ArcticTree: Chopping arctic trees
    DesertTree: Chopping palm trees
    TemperateTree: Chopping temperate trees
    TundraTree: Chopping tundra trees
    Cactus: Chopping cacti
    AnyNode: Mining any node
    AnyArcticNode: Mining any arctic nodes
    AnyDesertNode: Mining any desert nodes
    AnyTemperateNode: Mining any temperate nodes
    AnyTundraNode: Mining any tundra nodes
    StoneNode: Mining stone nodes
    MetalNode: Mining metal nodes
    SulfurNode: Mining sulfur nodes
    AnyAnimal: Skinning any animal
    Deer: Skinning deer
    Bear: Skinning bears
    Wolf: Skinning wolves
    Chicken: Skinning chickens
    PolarBear: Skinning polar bears
    Shark: Skinning sharks
    Boar: Skinning boar
    horse: Skinning horses
    Fishing: Catching fish
    Gut: Gutting fish
    Pumpkin: Harvesting pumpkins
    Potato: Harvesting potatos
    Corn: Harvesting corn
    Mushroom: Picking mushrooms
    BerryBush: Picking berries
    Hemp: Harvesting hemp
    CollectableSulfur: Collectable sulfur nodes
    CollectableStone: Collectable stone nodes
    CollectableMetal: Collectable metal nodes
    Crafted: Crafted
    Foodbox: Food boxes

    Command: cook or recipemenu
    Action: Opens the recipe menu from anywhere.
    Permission: cooking.recipemenu.chat
    Command: market
    Action: Opens the farmers market from anywhere.
    Permission: cooking.market.cmd
    Command: ibag
    Action: Opens the ingredient bag from anywhere.
    Permission: cooking.bag.cmd
    Command: addmarketnpc
    Action: Creates a farmers market NPC
    Permission: cooking.admin
    Command: removemarketnpc
    Action: Removes the targeted farmers market NPC
    Permission: cooking.admin
    Command: clearingredientbags
    Action: Clears the contents of ingredient bags for all players
    Permission: cooking.admin
    Command: giverecipe <recipe>
    Action: Gives the command user the specified recipe card
    Permission: cooking.admin
    Command: givemeal <target> <meal> <amount>
    Action: Gives the specified meal to the target player.
    Permission: cooking.admin
    Command: giveingredient <target> <ingredient> <amount>
    Action: Gives the specified ingredient to the target player.
    Permission: cooking.admin
    Command: setmarketquantity <ingredient> <amount>
    Action: Sets the available market quantity of the specified item.
    Permission: cooking.admin

    // Recipe menu chat command cooking.recipemenu.chat // Using the cooking menu cooking.use // Admin related cooking comands cooking.admin // Bypass cooking time cooking.instant // Bypass ingredient requirements cooking.free // Removes ability to gather ingredients cooking.nogather // Allows the ingredient bag to be opened via CMD cooking.bag.cmd // Disables drop notifications cooking.disable.notify.drop // Disables Notify notifications cooking.disable.notify.proc // Disables menu sounds cooking.disable.sound // Allows access to the farmers market via CMD cooking.market.cmd // Allows the user to speak to the market NPC cooking.market.npc // Allows the user to gather ingredients cooking.gather // Required to find recipe cards cooking.recipecards  

    Economics - Used for the farmers market and the Wealth buff type.
    ServerRewards - Used for the market and the Wealth buff type.
    SkillTree - Will provide xp when creating meals with the Cooking plugin.

    bool CanGatherIngredient(BasePlayer player, uint source) Returning a non-null value will prevent players from receiving ingredients from certain drop sources. the source is the networked ID of the entity.
    void OnMealCrafted(BasePlayer player, string meal, Dictionary<string, int> ingredients, bool isIngredient) Called after a meal has been created and given to the player.
    bool IsCookingMeal(Item item) Useful if you want to see if an item is from the recipe menu.
    bool IsHorseBuffed(RidableHorse horse) Used to prevent stacking modifiers if a horse is buffed by the Cooking plugin.
    object OnAddRecipeCardToLootContainer(BasePlayer player, LootContainer container) Returning a non-null value will prevent recipe cards from being added to the container.
    object OnIngredientBagDrop(BasePlayer player) Returning a non-null value will prevent the bag from dropping.
    void OnMealConsumed(BasePlayer player, Item item, int duration) Triggered when a player successfully consumes a meal. No return types.
  7. More information about "RoamTasks"



    "RoamTasks transforms Rust activities into competitive challenges with rewarding outcomes.
     All players face the same task."
    Plug n' play. 50+ preconfigured Tasks. Tasks automatically start based on Min-Max time interval. Start Tasks with console commands ("RoamTask"). Edit/Add/Remove Tasks and Rewards.  
    Useful console commands = "RoamTask List" and "RoamTask Rewards". Recommended to use along with free plugin "Simple Events", useful for starting tasks in specific order.
    Console Commands (use console command "RoamTask" for same info) !requires admin
    Usage: RoamTask <command> [options]
      Start (Hook) (TaskID) - Start random Task - Optionally, specify the Hook and TaskID.   Stop - Stop active RoamTask.   List - List all available Tasks with their Hooks and TaskIDs.   Stats - Display statistics such as most completed tasks.   StatsClear - Clear all recorded RoamTask statistics.   Rewards - List all reward tiers and their reward options.
    one Task is chosen at Random (use free plugin ''simpleevents'' for specific order of tasks) 50+ unique Tasks (each Task can be made into multiple Tasks with different configurations)   + Category(Hook): OnEntityMounted - Fly Attackheli - Use Parachutes + Category(Hook): OnBigWheelWin - Win Gambling Wheel Rewards System
    RoamTasks has a reward system called RewardPool. RewardPool has different tiers, and each tier has a list of rewards. The rewards in each list have different probabilities of being chosen. When you complete a task, you are randomly assigned a reward from the tier that the task is aligned with. This ensures that the rewards are suited to the difficulty of the task, while also adding an element of luck. (Economics and ServerRewards supported)  
    + Extra rewards for fastest players who complete a task, default rewards for 1. 2. and 3. players.
    Task System
    One task is chosen at random from list of tasks. Each task has its own, requirements, time, player limit, rewards, etc. Player is rewarded when task requirements are met.  
    { "GeneralConfig": { "Log Task Completion": false, "Automatically Add Latest Tasks": true, "Only Command Start Tasks": false, "Next Task Minimum(seconds)": 600, "Next Task Maximum(seconds)": 1800, "Start Sound": true, "Start Sound Vibration": true, "GameTip Notifications": true, "GameTip Reward Message": "<color=#8cc83c>You received: {rewardDisplayName}</color>", "GameTip Start Message": "Roam Available", "Chat Notifications": true, "Chat Announce Task Complete": true, "Chat Announce Task Complete - Message ": "{config.General.scientistName}Participant <color=#55aaff>{playerName}</color> has completed the roam.{RankReward}", "Chat Announce Task Complete - Max Players": 3, "Chat Player Limit Messages": [ "\nLimited to {selectedMaxComplete} participants!", "\nMaximum {selectedMaxComplete} participants allowed!", "\nOnly {selectedMaxComplete} participants allowed!", "\nMaximum {selectedMaxComplete} participants!" ], "Chat Icon | 0 = Disabled": 76561199350559937, "Chat Name": "<color=#aaff55>Scientist</color>: ", "Chat Reward Message": "{scientistName}You received {rewardDisplayName}.", "Chat Next Roam Notification": true, "Chat Next Roam Message": "{scientistName}Next roam in {NextRoamTime}.", "{RankReward} Text ": "\n+ {playerRank}{playerRankSuffix} participant bonus.", "Chat Start Messages": [ "Attention. Roam available.", "Alert. Roam initiated.", "Attention. Roam authorized.", "Warning. Roam initiated. Proceed with caution.", "Attention. Roam accessible.", "Alert. Roam authorized." ], "UI Location X": 0.5, "UI Location Y": 0.0, "Position Bonus Rewards": true }, "Position Bonus Rewards List": { "1": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "xmas.present.large", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP" }, "2": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "xmas.present.medium", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP" }, "3": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "xmas.present.small", "Item Amount": 3, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP" } }, "RewardPool Configuration - Tiers and Rewards: Each Tier has a List of Rewards. Each Reward has multiple Types. One reward from set Tier's Rewards List is randomly selected based on configured Chance. (Add as many Tiers/Rewards as needed)": { "Tier1": { " -- Rewards List -- ": [ { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "pistol.semiauto", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 830255284 }, { "Item Type": "ammo.pistol", "Item Amount": 32, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "bandage", "Item Amount": 3, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.5 }, { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "pistol.revolver", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "ammo.pistol", "Item Amount": 64, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "cloth", "Item Amount": 50, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.35 }, { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "explosive.satchel", "Item Amount": 2, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "grenade.f1", "Item Amount": 2, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "metal.fragments", "Item Amount": 100, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.15 } ] }, "Tier2": { " -- Rewards List -- ": [ { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "rifle.semiauto", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "ammo.rifle", "Item Amount": 64, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "syringe.medical", "Item Amount": 5, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.5 }, { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "smg.2", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "ammo.pistol", "Item Amount": 64, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "lowgradefuel", "Item Amount": 30, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.35 }, { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "ammo.rifle.explosive", "Item Amount": 64, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "hq.metal.ore", "Item Amount": 50, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.15 } ] }, "Tier3": { " -- Rewards List -- ": [ { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "rifle.lr300", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "ammo.rifle", "Item Amount": 128, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "largemedkit", "Item Amount": 3, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.5 }, { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "rifle.bolt", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "ammo.rifle.hv", "Item Amount": 64, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "hq.metal.ore", "Item Amount": 100, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.35 }, { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "ammo.rifle.explosive", "Item Amount": 128, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "explosive.timed", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.15 } ] } }, "Tasks Configuration: Tasks are categorized by Hooks. First Task = TaskID 1, increments per task. MaxComplete 0 = no players complete limit | (Tip) - useful console commands 'RoamTask List' & 'RoamTask Start (Hook) (TaskID)' ": { "OnEntityDeath": [ { "Name": "Destroy Barrels", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 5, "ShortName": [ "loot-barrel-1", "loot-barrel-2", "loot_barrel_1", "loot_barrel_2", "oil_barrel" ] }, { "Name": "Destroy Barrels", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 15, "ShortName": [ "loot-barrel-1", "loot-barrel-2", "loot_barrel_1", "loot_barrel_2", "oil_barrel" ] }, { "Name": "Destroy Barrels", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 30, "ShortName": [ "loot-barrel-1", "loot-barrel-2", "loot_barrel_1", "loot_barrel_2", "oil_barrel" ] }, { "Name": "Destroy Roadsigns", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 4, "ShortName": [ "roadsign1", "roadsign2", "roadsign3", "roadsign4", "roadsign5", "roadsign6", "roadsign7", "roadsign8", "roadsign9" ] }, { "Name": "Destroy Roadsigns", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 9, "ShortName": [ "roadsign1", "roadsign2", "roadsign3", "roadsign4", "roadsign5", "roadsign6", "roadsign7", "roadsign8", "roadsign9" ] }, { "Name": "Hunt for Boars", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "boar" ] }, { "Name": "Hunt for Bears", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "bear", "polarbear" ] }, { "Name": "Hunt for Deer", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "stag" ] }, { "Name": "Hunt for Wolves", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "wolf" ] }, { "Name": "Kill Scientists", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "scientistnpc_cargo", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300", "scientistnpc_excavator", "scientistnpc_heavy", "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol", "scientistnpc_oilrig", "scientistnpc_patrol", "scientistnpc_roam", "scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant", "scientistnpc_full_any", "scientistnpc_full_lr300", "scientistnpc_full_mp5", "scientistnpc_full_pistol", "scientistnpc_full_shotgun", "scientistnpc_arena" ] } ], "OnEntityTakeDamage": [ { "Name": "Damage Patrol Heli", "Enabled": false, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 1000, "ShortName": [ "patrolhelicopter" ] }, { "Name": "Damage Bradley APC", "Enabled": false, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 1000, "ShortName": [ "bradleyapc" ] }, { "Name": "Damage Tugboats", "Enabled": false, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 300, "ShortName": [ "tugboat" ] } ], "OnDispenserGather": [ { "Name": "Gather Wood", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 1000, "ShortName": [ "wood" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Stone", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 1000, "ShortName": [ "stones" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Sulfur Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 1000, "ShortName": [ "sulfur.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Metal Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 1000, "ShortName": [ "metal.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Wood", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 4500, "ShortName": [ "wood" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Stone", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 4500, "ShortName": [ "stones" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Sulfur Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 4000, "ShortName": [ "sulfur.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Metal Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 4000, "ShortName": [ "metal.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Wood", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 10000, "ShortName": [ "wood" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Stone", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 10000, "ShortName": [ "stones" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Sulfur Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 10000, "ShortName": [ "sulfur.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Metal Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 10000, "ShortName": [ "metal.ore" ] } ], "OnCollectiblePickup": [ { "Name": "Pickup Wood", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 400, "ShortName": [ "wood" ] }, { "Name": "Pickup Stone", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 400, "ShortName": [ "stones" ] }, { "Name": "Pickup Metal Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 400, "ShortName": [ "metal.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Pickup Sulfur Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 400, "ShortName": [ "sulfur.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Pickup Hemp", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 50, "ShortName": [ "cloth" ] }, { "Name": "Pickup Mushrooms", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 5, "ShortName": [ "mushroom" ] }, { "Name": "Pickup Berries", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "black.berry", "blue.berry", "green.berry", "red.berry", "white.berry", "yellow.berry" ] } ], "OnLootEntity": [ { "Name": "Open Normal Crates", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 8, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 5, "ShortName": [ "crate_normal_2", "crate_normal_2_food", "crate_normal_2_medical", "crate_normal_2", "crate_tools" ] }, { "Name": "Open Foodboxes", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "foodbox" ] }, { "Name": "Open Military Crates", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 2, "ShortName": [ "crate_normal" ] }, { "Name": "Open Military Crates", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 4, "ShortName": [ "crate_normal" ] }, { "Name": "Open Elite Crates", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 2, "ShortName": [ "crate_elite" ] }, { "Name": "Open Supply Drops", "Enabled": false, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 1, "ShortName": [ "supply_drop" ] }, { "Name": "Open Locked Crates", "Enabled": false, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 1, "ShortName": [ "codelockedhackablecrate" ] } ], "OnFishCaught": [ { "Name": "Catch Fish", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 5, "ShortName": [ "fish.anchovy", "fish.catfish", "fish.herring", "fish.minnows", "fish.orangeroughy", "fish.salmon", "fish.sardine", "fish.smallshark", "fish.troutsmall", "fish.yellowperch" ] } ], "OnItemCraftFinished": [ { "Name": "Craft Eokas", "Enabled": false, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 5, "ShortName": [ "pistol.eoka" ] } ], "OnCardSwipe": [ { "Name": "Swipe Green Keycards", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 1, "ShortName": [ "keycard_green" ] }, { "Name": "Swipe Green Keycards", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "keycard_green" ] }, { "Name": "Swipe Blue Keycards", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 1, "ShortName": [ "keycard_blue" ] }, { "Name": "Swipe Blue Keycards", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 4, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "keycard_blue" ] }, { "Name": "Swipe Red Keycards", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 4, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 1, "ShortName": [ "keycard_red" ] } ], "OnEntityMounted": [ { "Name": "Drive Modular Cars", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 3000, "ShortName": [ "modularcardriverseat" ] }, { "Name": "Fly Minicopters", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 3000, "ShortName": [ "miniheliseat" ] }, { "Name": "Fly Scrapheli", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 4, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 5000, "ShortName": [ "transporthelipilot" ] }, { "Name": "Drive Submarines", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 4, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 3200, "ShortName": [ "submarinesolodriverstanding", "submarineduodriverseat" ] }, { "Name": "Sail Tugboats", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 4, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 3200, "ShortName": [ "tugboatdriver" ] }, { "Name": "Sail Normal Boats", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 2600, "ShortName": [ "smallboatdriver", "rhibdriver" ] }, { "Name": "Sail Kayaks", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 800, "ShortName": [ "kayakseat" ] }, { "Name": "Drive Trains", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 3200, "ShortName": [ "workcartdriver" ] }, { "Name": "Ride Horses", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 1200, "ShortName": [ "saddletest" ] }, { "Name": "Use Ziplines", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 600, "ShortName": [ "ziplinemountable" ] }, { "Name": "Fly Attackheli", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 5000, "ShortName": [ "attackhelidriver" ] }, { "Name": "Use Parachutes", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 1500, "ShortName": [ "parachuteseat" ] } ], "OnBigWheelWin": [ { "Name": "Win Gambling Wheel", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 50, "ShortName": [ "scrap" ] }, { "Name": "Win Gambling Wheel", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 150, "ShortName": [ "scrap" ] }, { "Name": "Win Gambling Wheel", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 250, "ShortName": [ "scrap" ] } ] } }  

  8. More information about "Destroyed World"


    Destroyed World

    A global catastrophe has broken out on a remote island located in the open ocean. Quite recently, life flourished here. It took quite a bit of time and people began to come to the remains of the island, but this world has become too cruel. Be careful exploring the island. Incredibly huge multi-level locations are waiting for you. For a complete atmosphere, I suggest profiles for the BetterNPC plugin, you will find them in the archive with the map. I also want to express my gratitude for the help in creating some locations of a good Shemov mapper.
    Prefab Count: ~74к prefabs Size: 4000к A lot of interesting locations to explore (Ground, underground, underwater) Several places to build bases Extensive network of railways connected to underground tunnels Configuration for custom monuments for the Better NPC plugin You can take the subway to the underwater laboratory How can I view the map?
    You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it.
    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UpUXuxs4Vx
    For which plugins do I provide configuration files?
    Defendable Bases BetterNpc Custom monuments:
    Huge Radioactive Settlement (A huge monument with radiation, lots of puzzles and an unusual landscape) Brooklyn (Dilapidated part of the famous city) Abandoned Complex (An underground monument with many levels and atmosphere) Village by the Lake (A post-Soviet village with beautiful nature and lots of details) Destroyed Church (A large monument in a scary style) Military Bunker (Mysterious intelligence and research station) Ancient City (The flooded ancient city) Rozovo Station Landfish Station Lanova Station Station Supermarket Diner The ground railway is connected to underground tunnels (please enter the tunnel only with the workcart in front) Place to Build Monuments from Facepunch:
    Launch Site Nuclear Missile Silo Ferry Terminal Outpost Junkyard Water Treatment Plant Train Yard Airfield Military Tunnel Power Plant OilRig (2) Harbor Bandit Camp Sewer Branch Lighthouse Fishing Village Ranch The Dome Satellite Dish Roadsite Monument Underground Tunnels Arctic Research Base Underwater Lab
  9. More information about "Shopping Center"


    Shopping Center

    A department store with everything your heart desires. In the lower area there are some shops and recyclers, also a loot room with a blue card puzzle. In the upper area is a Chinese restaurant, Friesör, Bookstore and all vending machines. A multi-storey car park offers space for the visitors on two floors.
    Prefabs: 2194
    Please note:
    Download the prefab files and place them in RustEdit/CustomPrefabs directory of RustEdit.
    The prefabs can be accessed in the custom section of prefab browser. To use sinlge letters, the prefab has to be broken by selecting it (once placed) and using the "break prefab" function.
    Important: I don't use "prevent building sphere/cubes" in any of my prefabs, also no monument markers are set. These need to be added by yourself.
    If the NPCs are not wanted, press the H key (overview of all prefabs) and delete them from the prefab.  

    Questions and suggestions:
    If you have any problems you can contact me via
    Katalaner  - Discord: https://discord.gg/e2vrPszZFX
    Katalaner Webseite: http://katalaner.de
    Rustgame Infoseite: http://webarte.de
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_5P_wAFKl5bdndkDEQDK4g
    PVE Urlaub Rust Server - Discord: https://discord.gg/75u3fJwPQw
  10. More information about "Ruster.NET"



    Rust's first in-game social-media network.
    See what's up, chat with friends, share your experiences and make connections. 
    Ruster.NET brings you a whole new system of communication!

    CHAT  —  SHARE  —  REACT
    WARNING: As stated in the License section of the plugin, you may NOT modify the plugin in any way.
    If you wish to modify the logos, you may only do so using Ruster.NET Pro.
    Not conforming to the license, will cause your server(s) to be permanently blacklisted.

    Make friends, share moments and pictures you've made in the world. Like, dislike or comment to your friends' posts and photos. Use the Marketplace to make a quick buck. Build your own marketplace and use the mass-restock feature. Block users and limit toxicity. Auto-moderation for obnoxious posts & censorship. Pay for advertisements which last from one day to a whole week. Rust+ integration. ServerRewards & Economics integration. Localisation integration -> if anything's wrong with any of the translations, let me know or help me translate. Ruster.FM, audio player. Cassette uploads (posts & DMs) -> Watch demo. Voice recordings (posts & DMs) - only available for Verified users. Submit your own snippets (upload 15 seconds - of your OGGs or YouTube links), only available for Verified users. Photographs (DMs) -> Watch demo. Sell art (Photographs & Cassettes) on the Marketplace or share them in posts. Browser sounds are only heard by you -> beeps, notifications, splash sounds. Hashtags used for filtering post content, the Marketplace can be sorted by sold items. Feed filtering / searching. Like & dislike previewer. SQL integration. Blackmarket & Red-Rooms. Stories. Cross-server support (view other servers' activities). Privacy mode (hide real names & Steam64 IDs) when streaming. Custom commands. Nicknames. Moderation tools. Pinning posts on top of feeds. Ruster.NET Internet. Groups. Stocks. Auto-locale updater. User & administration customisation. Custom colors. Color picker. Auto-language phrase updater.  Reporting system. Track transactions & sales. Create coupons and sell items with discounts by sharing the coupon code.  GIF playback.  Flipbook system & custom items.  Transaction lists (purchases & sales).  User profile store for avatars, frames and banners.  Trading system lists (only between friends).  Gift Cards (50, 100, 250 and 500 in value) to share with your friends or turn it into Wallet money.  Payment methods (wallet and server currency).  Gift baskets and gift sending (pick a friend in User Settings, then buy marketplace listings, the items will go in their basket).  


    Ruster.Addons is a tool and API system for Ruster.NET which allows you to run or create your own addons. Per-user customization. Full-screen picture viewer. Discount codes.  

    To successfully migrate from JSON to the SQL database, please follow the following steps:
    Run the save command in your console / webrcon. Update Ruster.NET to the latest in your server. Make sure your SQL database connection is alive and working. Save the server once again, for the configuration file to generate the new properties. Open the configuration file up and scroll down to the Sql section, fill it up accordingly. "Sql": { "Port": 3306, "Hostname": "localhost", "Database": "RusterNET_db", "Username": "root", "Password": "", "Table": "RusterNETData" } After that is done, make sure you saved the configuration file, then run the o.reload RusterNET console / rcon command. While you're having the RusterNET.admin permission, run the /migratetosql chat command. The DataType property will switch to SQL and the SQL database will initialize, launch the connection and save the database on your SQL server. Notice: You don't have to create the table or data fields as it's all automatically generated. On each save, the whole table in being wiped and the data's being recreated.

    Sending friend requests will immediately notify the other user about it. Once you're friends, you may both write posts on eachothers' feeds, rather than within the Marketplace &/or Global Feed.
    Cutting ties with a friend or blocking them, will ensure mutual communication blockage.

    If you're a server administrator, here's how you set the photograph uploads up:
    Open up the RusterNET.json (config) file; Go to the Imgur Application Registration form and log-in if you haven't yet; Fill it up accordingly, but make sure the Authorization type is for Anonymous usage; The redirecting URL may be https://imgur.com. After all has been done, copy the ClientID and paste it in the RusterNET.json file config: PhotographUpload -> ImgurClientId To manage your Imgur Applications, go here.          

    With the addition of GIFs, you may share your favourite animated image stacks in your server!

    Users can customize their profiles in more interesting ways with predefined avatars, profile banners and avatar frames!

    By default, Ruster.NET comes with a variety of predefined avatars (15 in total), 8 being free and the rest are exclusively found in the Profile Store.
    Ruster.NET comes with a variety of exclusive avatar frames (13 in total) that can be found in the Profile Store.
    Ruster.NET comes with a variety of exclusive avatar frames (13 in total) that can be found in the Profile Store.
    Use the Profile Store to purchase all the exclusive items for your profile. All the prices or even the avatars, frames or banners can be reconfigured (or add more or less of them). I highly recommend to use the existent ones as a template so it blends in better.


    Ruster.NET Short Flipbook                  Ruster.NET Medium Flipbook                   Ruster.NET Long Flipbook
    Frames: 20                                                Frames: 40                                                Frames: 180
    Costs: 50 x Scrap                                       Costs: 85 x Scrap                                      Costs: 150 x Scrap
    Skin: 2741149446                                      Skin: 2741150219                                      Skin: 2741150823
    Flipbooks are designed to allow your players to get creative by creating short films using the Instant Camera. They're cheap, get one, snap the thumbnail picture, take loads of pictures, each time moving slightly, and see your art come to life like people in the '60s did.
    You may reset the Flipbook with a fee by using the Repair Bench. The fee is 25 Scrap by default.
    The actual fee is scaled based on the type of Flipbook and how many frames have been consumed.

    You may send trade requests to your friends that live farther than where you are. This feature requires the RusterNET.trade permission to be able to see the blue Trade button under your friends' profile.

    As you probably know, Stories on other social medias are pretty much posts that last for 24 hours. Same thing in Ruster.NET. You may add a message to your Photographs so they're also included with the Story you're willing to post.
    Users can upload up to 5 stories at once, so use your space wisely. Once the stories run out, you'll be notified of how many views it has gained, in the notification list & push.
    For users to be allowed to use Stories, an administrator must give specified users or groups permission: RusterNET.story.

    { "LogLevel": -1, "DataType": 0, "UniqueId (Must not be null/empty)": "defaultid", "Ads": { "AdvertPrice24h": 5000, "AdvertPriceMultiplier1w": 6.5 }, "Tax": { "Amount": 0.9 }, "Marketplace": { "MaximumStackSizeEachItem (-1 = Default stacksize for the item)": -1, "MaximumStackSizeWholeStack (-1 = Default stacksize for the item)": 100000, "MinimumPrice": 0, "MaximumPrice": 2500, "BlacklistedItems": [ "photo" ] }, "Look": { "AdminNameColor": "#de3535", "ModeratorNameColor": "#a3de35" }, "DMs": { "MustBeFriendsToDM": true, "DeleteOwnMessagesCooldown": 1800.0 }, "Notifications": { "VerticalOffset": 0.0 }, "Sounds": { "FFMPEGPath": "", "PlayStartup": true, "PlayBeeps": true, "PlayLikes": true, "PlayDislikes": true }, "PhotographUpload": { "ImgurClientId": "my_client_id" }, "Cooldown": { "ButtonPress": 0.5, "BusinessCardCreation": 60.0, "RustPlusNotifications": 4.0 }, "Currency": { "ItemShortname": "scrap", "ItemSkinId": 0, "Currency Type (0 = Item, 1 = ServerRewards, 2 = Economics": 0 }, "Profanity": { "BannedWords": [ "bad word", ], "BannedWordReplacements": [ "good word", ] }, "Sql": { "Port": 3306, "Hostname": "localhost", "Database": "RusterNET", "Username": "root", "Password": null, "Table": "RusterNET" }, "Localisation": { "DefaultLanguage": "en-GB", "Languages": [] } }  

    The Ruster.NET Marketplace is a place for you to sell items you don't use anymore or want to sell it for triple the price. 

    How It Works
    The way the marketplace works is quite simple. Keep reading to understand how it all works.
    Marketplace posts are like regular posts, except that you may set up your items you want to sell and the price you want to receive once a player purchased them. These posts you only find when you're in the marketplace panel. On the purchase, if the marketplace listing becomes out-of-stock, it's only visible for the creator of the post until the post owner is refilling the listing.

    When you have more than one listing or a whole lot of post listings, you may mass restock using the "RESTOCK" button (next to the "WITHDRAW" button), hold a hammer and hit an unlocked storage container filled with items for those listings to automatically take out and restock. You may also individually restock your listings when you're the owner and have opened the post in full-screen. Drag and drop the item in the stash slot when it shows up.
    If you changed your mind from restocking, press [USE] to return to Ruster.NET.
    The owner of the server may configure the currency, and minimum / maximum price amounts players can set for their listings.

    Adverts can be modified in the Marketplace panel.
    Your active (or inactive) adverts will show up first. If any an advert that an user has posted is not stocked or needs restocking, they'll not be used by the algorithm which shows them on various feeds in different occasions.
    To create adverts, you may purchase two different kinds from the Marketplace. The 24h one allows you to post and sell items within 24 real-time hours. The 1w one lasts for a whole week.
    Ruster.NET 24h Advert                                Ruster.NET 1w Advert
       Costs: 5,000 x Scrap                                            Costs: 35,000 x Scrap
       Skin: 2501319446                                                            Skin: 2501320266



    They work like real social media hashtags, add them to your posts and they'll be seen above the feed you're in. The more posts with the same hashtags, they'll be trending and be available for other users to filter their feeds with. You may use the mignifying glass icon to search by content - which is found in any of the feeds you can surf through.
    Marketplaces' hashtags will automatically filter the frequently sold items which will allow you to easily see the best prices which fit your needs.


    Create business cards to allow strangers to send you a friend request and connect with you.
                                                                                                                                            Ruster.NET Business Card
                                                                                                                                                                          Skin: 2505386906

    Send private messages to friends, share your location on the map and react to their messages!

    Ruster.FM is Ruster.NET's audio player which you can play YouTube or direct URL snippet audio clips in your browser. Make sure you're doing the following for your server to successfully upload the clips for your players. To note: only Verified Ruster.NET users may use the Upload Audio feature.
    Download FFMPEG from here. Open up the ZIP file and in the bin folder, extract ffmpeg.exe into your server at an ideal location (recommended oxide/temp). After that is done, you may now click on the Upload Song when you're in the New Post panel.
    Fill up the fields, and when ready, press Upload.
    After the upload's complete, make sure you're publishing it. Then, you're good to go!
    rickroll.zip The URL can be a YouTube URL or a direct-link MP3/audio file. Only allow trusted players to use it (with the RusterNET.verified permission).
    The limit for the audio clips is 15 seconds. As of now, the way Rust allows me to store audio files, limits me like that. Will revisit some other time, and then for sure will implement a longer duration.

    Players in your servers can now report any posts for various reasons. If you're a moderator and/or an administrator, you'll be able to see the Reports DM group which only the two types of users can access.

    /getruster: Will give you the Ruster.NET item which when held, it'll bring up the browser. (needs RusterNET.getruster permission) /launchruster: It'll bring up the browser. (needs RusterNET.launch permission) /get24hadvert: Will give you the Ruster.NET 24 hour Advert item which when held, you'll be able to create an advert for an item to sell. (needs RusterNET.get24hadvert permission) /get1wadvert: Will give you the Ruster.NET 1 week Advert item which when held, you'll be able to create an advert for an item to sell. (needs RusterNET.get1wadvert permission) /ruster [player name/id]: Will pull up the browser of someone and preview it as you'd be them. (needs RusterNET.admin permission) /rusteran [true/false/none (toggle)]: Toggles or sets all notifications (Rust+ ready). /rusterrp [true/false/none (toggle)]: Toggles or sets Rust+ notifications (Rust+ ready). /rusterpn [true/false/none (toggle)]: Toggles or sets push notifications (Rust+ ready). /rusterfn [true/false/none (toggle)]: Toggles or sets friends notifications (Rust+ ready). /rustercn [true/false/none (toggle)]: Toggles or sets chat notifications (Rust+ ready). /rusterpm [true/false/none (toggle)]: Toggles or sets Privacy Mode (Rust+ ready). /rusterratio [16]: Sets the aspect ratio for Ruster.NET. Should help ultra-wide screen users. /pinrusterfm [true/false/none (toggle)]: Toggles or sets Ruster.FM pinning (Rust+ ready). /migratetosql: Migrates local JSON database to SQL. (needs RusterNET.admin permission) CONSOLE
    launchruster: It'll bring up the browser. (needs RusterNET.launch permission) closeruster: Forcefully closes Ruster.NET - helpful in cases it gets stuck. Please report if it ever does. DEBUG clearrustertc: Wipes all Team conversations from Ruster.NET. (needs RusterNET.admin permission) Permissions
    RusterNET.admin: Will allow administrators to run all admin-only commands stated above -> Having this permission will allow you to: purchase free-of-charge Marketplace listings / adverts for testing and administrative purposes. purchase your own Marketplace listings / adverts. delete ANY Marketplace listings, adverts &/or posts. RusterNET.moderator: Will allow moderators to delete posts/adverts of other users -> Having this permission will allow you to: delete ANY Marketplace listings, adverts &/or posts. RusterNET.use: Will allow anyone open up the Ruster.NET browser and any other Ruster.NET-related items -> Having this permission will allow you to: view the Ruster.NET browser in any way. RusterNET.launch: Will allow anyone open up the Ruster.NET browser -> Having this permission will allow you to: can run the /launchruster (chat) and launchruster (console) commands. RusterNET.verified: Anyone that has this will be marked as verified -> Having this permission will allow you to: you'll get the blue tick as you're verified, it's just a marker, can be used to your own benefit through add-ons. RusterNET.getruster: Will allow anyone to run the /getruster command -> Having this permission will allow you to: can run /getruster to get the Ruster.NET browser item, which when earned, put it in your hotbar and click the according button to pull it up. RusterNET.get24hadvert: Will allow anyone to run the /get24hadvert command. RusterNET.get1wadvert: Will allow anyone to run the /get1wadvert command. RusterNET.story: Will allow anyone to upload Ruster.NET Stories. RusterNET.internet: Will allow anyone to access the Internet. Will enable to find the "View Servers" button. RusterNET.poll: Will allow anyone to add polls to their posts. Will enable to find the "Polls" button. RusterNET.trade: Will allow anyone to send Trade requests to friends. Will enable to find the "Trade" button on friends' profiles.  

    (c) Raul-Sorin Sorban — 2022
    All rights reserved



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