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Everything posted by nivex

  1. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Skillo95likely one of your zones in zone manager is way too large. could be a custom monument with its bounds set ridiculously high (really unlikely). could be horrible monument or building topology on the entire map causing all spawns to be blocked (really unlikely). but i can't say for certain without seeing all of the raid bases messages when it loads, and would need to know exactly what map you're using too
  2. heya thanks! that just means your host does not support uploading a folder. you would need to upload each file individually. if you load the plugin once then it will create all of the files for you with default values this may be a good solution for you since you must install the files from the zip in exactly the same folders as on your server, and if they exist on your server already then you will have confirmation that you're overwriting the correct default files that the plugin generated when you loaded it the first time obviously the copypaste files would not be on your server so you would not see them but that's not a problem. just copy those over to your server as well. @TCGaming
  3. you shouldn't change the setting to fix it. you need to install the package and then change it if you want afterwards yw
  4. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    post config via pastebin.com or justpaste.it @aimacak
  5. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @aimacaknp if (buyer == null) return; add that here
  6. Max Buyable Events in the config 1 is the default setting the packages have it set to 10 so if it is 1 then the package is not installed or was overwritten by the free version
  7. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    yes, buyraid raideasy1 76561198212544308 free the scrap is in a different file or is in the copypaste file itself. it cannot spawn otherwise, unless another plugin is doing it but that is rarely the case. as @nashslashsaid (thanks!) you can use that option to clear any copypaste loot, but it will not stop loot tables from spawning
  8. nivex

    cant get it to work

    you would set it up exactly like you did before then. the documentation most certainly contains all the information you need. it is a bit easier now of course, so you have commands like this: rb.config add "Easy Bases" raideasy1 raideasy2 raideasy3 0 will add a profile with the bases raideasy1, raideasy2, and raideasy3 in it, and set the difficulty to 0. and rb.config list to see if you configured your profiles and put the copypaste files where they belong.
  9. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @aimacak I don't understand your question you can spawn base for player via console using: buyraid 0 76561198212544308
  10. nivex


    hi, that plugin would need to ignore entities not belonging to a player so with OwnerID 0 or using the bool HasEventEntity(entity) API from RaidableBases it should just ignore OwnerID 0 really.
  11. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    hi, @CsaszyKJ the priority for the options is rug, bed, floor, roof and then outside. npcs are spawned based on this order, but the location for each is random. if they do not spawn in any particular area then you're not spawning enough of them. I either use a priority for the options, or I make it completely random like the locations, but I won't do both, it would be too much bloat
  12. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @aimacak don't know what plugin it could be then. you will have to find the plugin conflicting with mine Armor Not Forever seems like the most obvious plugin to unload first.
  13. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @aimacakI tested the semi rifle auto turret again and it continues to reload. I believe its another plugin since you've stated this happens only with some guns. please post any plugin names you're using that is relevant. such as ammo, turret or item plugins. if you're not sure if its relevant then post the plugins name anyway.
  14. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Dr.D.BugI used your config with version 2.6.7 and received the cooldown. very odd, to reiterate these are the reasons the cooldown will not apply: admin/developer, flying, raidablebases.allow, raidablebases.buyraid.bypass.cooldown permission, or Lock Raid To Buyer And Friends I am a bit confused by what you mean by "playermode" if that entails authlevel 0 and no admin or developer flag then I understand. if a plugin is removing this status then it's likely not working properly. you can replace lines 19176 to 19248 with this code: https://pastebin.com/cNrx14WP change those lines RaidableBases.cs. this should help you debug what is going on. it will send messages to whoever buys the base when it starts and again when it ends.
  15. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    Lock Raid To Buyer And Friends is this enabled? it will not set the cooldown when the raid ends. if not just send me your config @aimacakyour message is confusing. you use NeverWear, and it only prevents loss for items in your whitelist? @MaxxxEdge Ill see what I can do about items breaking or losing too much condition but its not caused by this plugin
  16. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Shneid there's no config option. in order for the ladder to work properly it must reset itself each wipe, but it will never reset ALL lifetime stats lifetime stats start with the name Total. e.g: TotalRaids, TotalPoints, TotalEasy, etc. so this code would reset the ladder, but never lifetime. public void Reset() { Raids = Points = Easy = Medium = Hard = Expert = Nightmare = EasyPoints = MediumPoints = HardPoints = ExpertPoints = NightmarePoints = 0; } lifetime does not expire until 60 days of inactivity, or if they have a grand total of 0 raids, data.Players.RemoveAll((userid, playerInfo) => playerInfo.TotalRaids == 0 || playerInfo.IsExpired()); you would need to view the datafile after a server wipe. if there is an empty file then it got corrupted somehow. if all players are there but all of their stats are 0 then i'm wrong and it's bugged. latter should be impossible given the above @aimacak @MaxxxEdgedo you guys use SkillTree?
  17. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @CM1234 you can remove the turret from the copypaste file by using /paste and then recopy it with /copy
  18. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    check for the raidablebases.buyraid.bypass.cooldown permission. i just tested for you and everything appears to work in 2.6.7 @aimacak 1. the time starts after a base has spawned and is how long in seconds until the next base can spawn. minimum of 1 second. 2. Block Plugins Which Prevent Item Durability Loss tries to force all items to take condition loss, but it's not going to break an item in 3~ hits UNLESS there's a conflict with something else. which plugins are you two using for condition loss? there is NeverWear and NoDurability that I'm aware of. @MaxxxEdge these are not convars, where are they from? conditionloss.damagemultiplier "0" conditionloss.armorhealthmult "0" 3. I will look again for you. 4. gun damage modifier is for every gun. there is no setting to adjust individual gun damage modifiers. i suggest removing pistols as some are wicked OP and a modifier isn't going to do it justice imo
  19. nivex

    incorrect npc amounts

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  20. nivex

    No damage

    you can type it in server console or f1 game console with: rbe expire nivex and in game chat with /rbe expire nivex you can specify a steam id too
  21. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Dr.D.Bugthe raidablebases.allow permission and admin cooldowns are set to 0 so the cooldowns won't apply to you since they are 0. even more importantly, they will not apply if you are in noclip @aimacakif you set Always Maintain Max Events to false then it's not going to spawn them Time To Wait Between Spawns is how long it waits before it consecutively spawns another base it sounds like you should be using Scheduled Events if you want to space them out more, and configure Max To Spawn At Once to 1 and the Min and Max times to the amount of time you want them spread out to. I could add your request but I think Scheduled Events is better suited for what you're describing
  22. nivex

    No damage

    hey bud, sorry about this. its been a difficult bug to track down. i do believe you can type /rbe expire nivex to fix the issue until the next update which should permanently fix it:)
  23. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    as I said, this exists already. if you want a specific base to use a specific loot file then put that base in its own profile and put the loot you want to spawn in its own Base Loot table example: if the base is oxide/data/copypaste/aimacakhard111.json then you create a profile: rb.config add hard111 aimacakhard111 2 this will create the file oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/hard111.json with the base aimacakhard111 and set the difficulty to 2 (hard) then you create oxide/data/RaidableBases/Base_Loot/hard111.json and put your loot table in this file. if you want the base loot to always spawn then enable Always Spawn Base Loot Table in the oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/hard111.json profile. bonjour. this is not in the Raidable Bases plugin. it is an exclusive plugin that I've written for the Zombie Land server that interacts with the Raidable Bases plugin.
  24. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    few things that could do this: 1. those specific bases were not copied properly. those would need recopied with half of the foundation (1.5 meters) visible above ground while the remaining half is underground. this is key. 2. if not all, but only if a small portion of the base tends to spawn slightly underground then this is unavoidable. 3. the profile heights were modified. there are multiple settings for this: 4. autoheight was enabled in the profiles. it is false by default and should generally not be enabled. most commonly the reason is #1, but #2 could apply here since you did not clarify how much of the base is underground. here are the settings for #3 and #4 "Height Adjustment Applied To This Paste": 0.0, "Force All Bases To Spawn At Height Level (0 = Water)": -1.0, { "Option": "height", "Value": "1.0" } { "Option": "autoheight", "Value": "false" }, you are either missing libgdiplus if using a linux machine, or another plugin is preventing the kill from happening
  25. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @MNfreakTim @HowlingWolfI removed that option in 2.6.7 btw, you just need to change stability in the profiles for each of the bases as originally intended now


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