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Everything posted by nivex

  1. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    oh I'm not doubting that you saw walls, but you're certain there was a raid base there beforehand? I mean I know the walls were definitely there, but sometimes annoying questions need to be asked to be sure. just like a tech that asks you, "is it plugged in?" "did you turn it on?" "is the issue between the keyboard and chair?"
  2. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Hawkhill walls: when a raid ends the entities despawn in the order of walls, blocks and then deployables last. they're all in the same list, so if the walls don't despawn then the base won't either. this means that the kill messages were sent to those walls, because your base despawned afterwards. its unknown why this happened. any number of things can break it such as bad server performance, other plugins blocking the kill, the server canceling the invokes, oxide throwing errors, etc. i would need more information. i suspect its an oxide issue as i have seen IOCore exceptions being thrown from OnEntityKill which can't happen unless oxide is bugged or another plugin is bugging out oxide. this was from one other report. other than that i've heard nothing else about this, and that one was bases not walls. @Aussie4life floaters: bases won't float unless you've modified a autoheight or height setting, or if the base was not copied properly to begin with. many other packages did not copy the bases properly. my packages were all copied at 1.5 meters so they will paste as intended
  3. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @byond1991 lmao ya thatll do it
  4. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  5. hi, no problem
  6. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    @TheRiddledNote sorry I meant to say disable Do Not Destroy Manually Converted Base When Despawn Timer Expires to prevent base despawning for /sar convert bases
  7. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Aussie4lifeset the radius back to 25-45. you're trying to spawn it on top of the base and thats not gonna work
  8. nivex

    Abandoned Bases

    ya they can use /sar convert they need abandonedbases.convert perm to use the command you need to set Despawn Timer to 0 if you dont want the base to despawn afterwards they can use /sar cancel to cancel the raid there is a cooldown before they can cancel, and you can require the raid be completed before canceling too. it requires abandonedbases.convert.cancel you need to configure everything. @TheRiddledNote
  9. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @aussie4life its either disabled, theres an error, or you have a plugin deleting them i tested with 65.0 and it spawns fine, though it should not have a radius higher than the protection radius - 5, or 45.0
  10. nivex

    Base Loot

    oxide/data/RaidableBases/Default_Loot.json you don't need to add it. it's already there. just replace the text in the file with [] and reload the plugin
  11. nivex

    Base Loot

    edit the default loot table and replace it with []
  12. nivex

    Max amount of raid bases

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  13. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    np, update is done but the forced Rust update will break the plugin so I will wait until then to release for any last minute changes of theirs that could break my new fixes.
  14. nivex

    Max amount of raid bases

    hi, example 1 is the correct way. example 2 would add everything in to each profile which is really bad. np!
  15. nivex


    I don't recommend it otherwise players will be able to jump over at times when terrain is uneven, but yea you can change it. Ignore Stack Limit When Clipping Terrain - false Use Least Amount Of Walls - true oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/
  16. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Dr.D.Bug yes that is also fixed. I posted about this some time back and included instructions for the fix in my post too if you want to use the fix now. the rust update is going to break the plugin so I will wait to release until then, or perhaps the night before as I sometimes do. @TwoShoes if you want to change all positions by default then you can set them in the config set your own positions in game, unload the plugin, open oxide/data/RaidableBasesUI.json and copy the settings from your own offsets that you just created into the config into the relevant UI for each. save and reload plugin. then everyone will start with your defaults, but they will still be able to move it to where they want it afterwards. @byond1991 use the stability paste option in each of the profiles, oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/ if you do not have stability option then add it as seen below to each base that you want to change stability on. i will add command rb.config stability true and rb.config stability false in next update so you can do this for all profiles with ease "raideasy1": [ { "Option": "stability", "Value": "true" }, { "Option": "autoheight", "Value": "false" }, { "Option": "height", "Value": "1.0" } ],
  17. nivex

    How Auto Start events?

    use Maintained Events or Scheduled Events in the config change Minimum Required Players Online to what you want
  18. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    @Dr.D.Bug the radius is fixed by changing if (size is Vector3) to if (size is Vector3 && !size.Equals(Vector3.zero)
  19. nivex

    Bases spawning

    i get lag on a freshly wiped test server using a 2k map and spawning a nightmare with 1 person online running at 4.2+ GHz it doesn't matter if i use /paste or /rbe both plugins are affected. it isn't the plugins causing the lag. its the rust update causing it hopefully the next forced update fixes it
  20. disable the hogging option
  21. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    there is a bug with raid bases still spawning in zone manager zones that use a radius. fix one bug and create another! yay it does work properly if using a size though /zone size "100 100 100" where 100 is the radius you want to use you can of course set different numbers and it will draw on your screen the box it will use. make sure this box touches the ground at every point of contact, or you will have bases spawning under it still!
  22. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    remove turret flag from zone manager. it is not compatible with raid bases truepve plugin can use TurretsIgnorePlayers flag instead raidable bases will enable turrets regardless if you do not use truepve plugin then this will not work. the zone manager plugin does not provide override for this
  23. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    sorry, I don't know what that is. you shouldn't set these type of flags in a zone with zone manager. truepve can handle damage / targeting, so set it there, and raid bases will override that behavior to allow it inside of its zones. raid bases zones are not related to zone manager zones. they're entirely different
  24. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    np "Allow Players To Buy PVP Raids": false, this should be true since you have enabled Convert PVP To PVE. it's going to convert it to PVE. otherwise the only time you'd want to block PVP raid purchases is when you have profiles with Allow PVP true and false, which would allow you to have profiles specific to buyable events (PVE), and profiles which are specific to maintained events (PVP). but that is a more advanced option, and isn't necessary when all of your profiles have Allow PVP set to true. when all are set to true you can just use the Convert PVE To PVP and Convert PVP To PVE options instead.
  25. Changed Status from Pending to Closed


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