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Everything posted by nivex
which skin would that be? you could just search for it in your plugins and find which plugin is blocking it.
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ya, you can configure Assign Rank After X Completions and set it to 1 or however many you require you would need to create a group in betterchat that uses the group from raidablebases, and you can configure in betterchat the title as well raideasy, raidmedium, raidhard, raidexpert, and raidnightmare are the groups that are given to the player from the above completion option
support regarding raid protection plug in from mr01sam
nivex replied to TheRiddledNote's Support Request in Support
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support regarding raid protection plug in from mr01sam
nivex replied to TheRiddledNote's Support Request in Support
np you're welcome -
hi. some things that can cause this are: 1. Block Damage From Outside To Base would block the damage if the player is too far away, 2. plugins that protect bases/buildings can block damage as most do not have support for other plugins, 3. configuring Ignored Prefabs with any entity would cause it to be bypassed and use TruePVE rules which by default would block it, 4. having the base inside of a zone manager zone, even with no flags set, 5. changing the Owner ID to 1337422 would block damage in most cases. otherwise you'd have to figure out which plugin it is
support regarding raid protection plug in from mr01sam
nivex replied to TheRiddledNote's Support Request in Support
if you disable the options to destroy the base then they will reclaim it when it ends -
support regarding raid protection plug in from mr01sam
nivex replied to TheRiddledNote's Support Request in Support
heya, the raid protection plugin would need to exclude the abandoned bases using the EventTerritory API. if you enable Remove Ownership in the Abandoned Bases plugin then Raid Protection should not protect it as it isn't owned by a player then, skipping the need for it to use the EventTerritory API no, there is no way to prevent it from converting a base with raid protection. it strictly uses the abandoned time limit set in the config file furthermore, I'm not sure why you would need both plugins as they effectively do the same thing. except mine works on a strict time limit instead -
hi, best bet is to type: rb.config list make sure there's no spelling errors copypaste files are case sensitive / must be identical copypaste folder must be lowercase
name - the display name of the item. like turning paper into cash by using a skin and changing the name to "Cash" name "Cash" shortname "paper" skin - any skin to change how the item looks, https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=252490 amount - max amount - how many of this item to spawn using a random value between min and max amountMin - min amount probability (0.0 to 1.0) - items must be pooled and randomly picked first, and only after that will this modifier determine if it spawns or not stacksize - this option ignores the servers stacksize limit when above -1. if you have ammo.rifle with min/max of 1024 and a stacksize of 256 then you will get 4 stacks of 256. this will count as 4 items @BoyFraryglad you all are having fun with it
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hi, no, this feature has been disabled until it can be reworked. I will likely remove it completely if it requires much code at all to make it work again
hi, no problem. bases become raidable after X days of being inactive - do not think of it as purge, that is a different feature purge day is when every single base on the server becomes raidable. you must run the commands sar purge and sab to enable it. by default each base despawns after 1800 seconds so on purge day you may want to set this time to 0 so they do not despawn until you wipe the map no, you cannot avoid purge day for specific people unless they have exempt perm it is advised that you run the purge commands after a restart and before anyone logs on. this can be very stressful on the server and kick players otherwise. it is not recommended to use this feature until the next update can resolve this either way, TruePVE and Abandoned Bases should always be unloaded on purge day anyway
hi, normal mode is available in the free version only be sure to update from this site only if using an auto updater or rust server manager then exclude / blacklist raidable bases from auto updating
heya. there is no such option anymore. you can change stability using the command: rb.config stability false or rb.config stability true
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