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hi, I support this for Oxide only atm
@Shneid can check it out again but I haven't had this issue no matter the size of the base. send me one of your problematic bases and Ill check it out too perhaps there's an issue with your server. you can test this by replacing turret.inventory.AddItem(attachedWeapon.primaryMagazine.ammoType, p, 0uL); with turret.inventory.AddItem(attachedWeapon.primaryMagazine.ammoType, p, 0uL, ItemContainer.LimitStack.None); @Sahyatt config, to lock bases to the player, and the time it will reset after they become inactive: "Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVE Bases": false, "Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVP Bases": false, "Lock Treasure To First Attacker": true, "Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time (Minutes)": 20.0, "Lock Players To Raid Base After Entering Zone": false, you setup the eject settings in the profiles: "Eject Enemies From Purchased PVE Raids": true, "Eject Enemies From Purchased PVP Raids": false, "Eject Enemies From Locked PVE Raids": true, "Eject Enemies From Locked PVP Raids": false, @byond1991 disable Allow Friendly Fire in the profiles
@Dr.D.Bug seems you're not using 2.6.9 as i'm no longer able to reproduce your issues using the provided config I tested, and the cooldown was set a second time when the raid was completed, making it impossible to buy another before the base despawned. I tested with 4 zones and allowed 1 in the config. it blocked 3 zones and it allowed the 1 that I configured. 2 zones had a radius and 2 had a size to be as thorough as possible if you want to set me up an account and provided your server details then I'll gladly test this myself on your server
1x - 1x building is unavailable: Gard Purchase
nivex replied to P.L Isolation's Support Request in Support
copypaste files need to go in oxide/data/copypaste folder it needs to be lowercase you need a profile with the difficulty set to 1 and 2 in order to use medium and hard other than that idk. type rb.config list -
@AvG ЛаймонI too am confused. beyond a few small optional changes each update I don't know what you could be referring to. but don't fret, new updates will consist of improvements to existing functionality, with a few QOL options when they're useful, and of course bug fixes because Im a pro at breaking stuff. @byond1991no changes were made to spawns except for zone manager, everything else is UI related. check what the plugin says when it loads. how many zones were allowed, blocked, and how many points are on the grid after the grid finishes loading? if that looks good then use rbe debug. it is there to tell you whats wrong with your config/profiles. type it again to toggle it off once you get the messages. look at how frequently a message was, and then determine the most likely cause. those messages are good and bad. its debug and should be easy enough to understand as most of the messages are self-explanatory.
@Thunderchilehey there, flame turret and shotgun traps are immune to fire damage in vanilla @KingSizeKevinhey there, players should not receive a lockout for purchased bases anymore. that was a bug. it should not use the lockout UI for buyable cooldowns anymore either. players receive a lockout for regular raids. they may receive a buyable cooldown for a regular raid which is a bug and is fixed in the next update. there is a lockout UI for this players receive a buyable cooldown for purchased raids. there is no UI for this, but one is added in the next update there is an issue where a player can buy another raid after a raid is completed but before it despawns. this is fixed in the next update. thankyou @Dr.D.Bugfor answering!
I still take damage using your TruePVE config
wasn't able to reproduce this. maybe post your TruePVE config and ill see if RB is not handling it like it should.
ok sounds good
sorry, i need the server log please. thats the raid bases log it would be in your rustserver folder most likely. thats the one that has the oxide folder in it. usually named server.log or latest.log or such you can send a oxide log if you can't find it but im not sure itll have enough info
@Dr.D.Bug @BadLands @Glock69and others im still working on the zone changes. It works for me, so I'll probably just push it tonight. Do Not Destroy Player Built Deployables and Do Not Destroy Player Built Structures control this @Dr.D.Bug but only if their deployable/structures are inside of the dome yes as @MNfreakTimsuggested it is a great idea to create and use custom areas on your maps. this is pretty much needed for any populated server, and maps that have a low amount of spawn points (below 2000). I suggest using islands and dedicating a few areas elsewhere for this too. put your spawnfile name inside of the profile under Spawns Database File (Optional) you can enable Prevent Building Until Base Spawns to handle building without the need for customizing it in Zone Manager or RustEdit. I will add support to spawn on custom topologies in the near future
np, is this sorted then?
hi, please attach the server log
hi you need the raidablebases.admin.loot permission and to be an admin to loot those.
hi! you would need to use vendingmachine and researchtable, without the dots. it requires the prefab shortname, not the item shortname you don't need to specify the cupboard. it does that by default, Move Resources Into Tool Cupboard. if it doesn't spawn loot then there's no resources left to go in there. only Maintained Events (Always Maintain Max Events) and Scheduled Events (Enabled) can spawn bases automatically.
heya. everything looks to be in order for your buyable events section. Expert and Nightmare Raids Can Spawn On is disabled so they will never spawn for any event type, including Buyable Events you already have it set to -1 for Max Amount Allowed To Automatically Spawn Per Difficulty so there's no need to disable it elsewhere Chance To Automatically Spawn Each Difficulty (-1 = ignore) is not set correctly. here's an example of how to set it. if i were you i would set it back to -1.0 so they can always spawn 1 of each per your configuration. lastly, verify that the difficulty setting is set correctly in each of your profiles. where expert = 3 and nightmare = 4 "Difficulty (0 = easy, 1 = medium, 2 = hard, 3 = expert, 4 = nightmare)": 3,