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Everything posted by nashslash

  1. problem since update [ERRO] Failed to call internal hook 'OnTick' on plugin 'CargoPlaneCrash v1.4.4' [1216670645] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at void Oxide.Plugins.CargoPlaneCrash+CustomMessage.SMS(BasePlayer player, string message, ulong iconID) in C:/rustservers/XXX/carbon/plugins/CargoPlaneCrash.cs:line 121 at void Oxide.Plugins.CargoPlaneCrash.crashSite() in C:/rustservers/XXXX/carbon/plugins/CargoPlaneCrash.cs:line 678 at void Oxide.Plugins.CargoPlaneCrash.OnTick() in C:/rustservers/XXXX/carbon/plugins/CargoPlaneCrash.cs:line 629
  2. LOL man thats an old help request al sorted thanks ... mark as resolved..
  3. nashslash

    Raidable Bases

    getting this since update [ERRO] Failed to call internal hook 'Paste' on plugin 'CopyPaste v4.1.38' [1499839286] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at PasteData Oxide.Plugins.CopyPaste.Paste(ICollection<Dictionary<string, object>> entities, Dictionary<string, object> protocol, bool ownership, Vector3 startPos, IPlayer player, bool stability, float rotationCorrection, float heightAdj, bool auth, Action callback, Action<BaseEntity> callbackSpawned, string filename, bool checkPlaced) in C:/rustservers/BF1000X/carbon/plugins/CopyPaste.cs:line 1030 at object Oxide.Plugins.CopyPaste.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in CopyPaste.cs/Internal:line 316
  4. nashslash

    playtime tracker from umod

    unable to load or run .. 1. There is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter 'x' of 'GenericPosition.GenericPosition(float, float, float)' [CS7036] (PlaytimeTracker 61 line 570)
  5. nashslash


    not sure where to post this but i'm getting a raidablebases version match. carbon says 2.7.9 but i installed 2.8.4 cs, but carbon wants to update but when i click update nothing happens. where is carbon pulling the CS from? how can it download my RB without logging into the correct website first ? ok looks like carbon is looking on umod for RB.. any way to disable the autoupdate checker for this mod ?
  6. nashslash

    Raidable Bases

    errrmmm nothing appears to be spawning in on maintained restarted and there now spawning
  7. nashslash

    Raidable Bases

    [2024.01.04 18:44:26] [ERRO] Failed compiling 'C:\vanillaRUST\carbon\plugins\RaidableBases.cs': [2024.01.04 18:44:26] [ERRO] 1. 'RaidableBases.HumanoidNPC.CreateCorpse(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags, Vector3, Quaternion, BaseEntity)': no suitable method found to override [CS0115] (RaidableBases 40 line 2404)
  8. nashslash

    Npc Random Raids

    Buy the plugin if you want support on it. what a cheek asking for support on something your mate sent you ...
  9. nashslash

    Raidable Bases

    use this just to turn the whole feature off sentry.interferenceradius 0
  10. nashslash

    Raidable Bases

    anyone else getting random turrets with the tesla coil effect on them since the update?
  11. nashslash

    Raidable Bases

    yes check the config in skilltree "RaidableBaseCompletion_Easy": 750.0, "RaidableBaseCompletion_Medium": 1500.0, "RaidableBaseCompletion_Hard": 3000.0, "RaidableBaseCompletion_Expert": 6000.0, "RaidableBaseCompletion_Nightmare": 0.0,
  12. nashslash

    Raidable Bases

    if you want a weapon drop just increase the probability. if you are giving 14 items just up the probability of the ones you want to drop. eg if i set it to drop 4 items then i should get 3 weapons and either rocket { "shortname": "rifle.ak", "name": null, "amount": 1, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "probability": 100.0, "stacksize": -1 }, { "shortname": "rifle.m39", "name": null, "amount": 1, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "probability": 100.0, "stacksize": -1 }, { "shortname": "rifle.l96", "name": null, "amount": 1, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, "probability": 100.0, "stacksize": -1 }, { "shortname": "ammo.rocket.hv", "name": null, "amount": 40, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 20, "probability": 30.0, "stacksize": -1 }, { "shortname": "ammo.rocket.fire", "name": null, "amount": 40, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 20, "probability": 30.0, "stacksize": -1 } "Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value)": 10, "Amount Of Items To Spawn:" 14, this means between 10-14 different loot items will drop. it will choose from your loot table
  13. nashslash

    Raidable Bases

    If you want a player a chance to get an item select the min and max to 1 then if its chosen it will drop 1. "amount": 1, "skin": 0, "amountMin": 1, Create your loot table then edit the profile "Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value)": XX, "Amount Of Items To Spawn": XX, XX= the number of loot items from the loot table you want to drop or choose from your loot table. If you want something to drop with a higher chance, increase the value in the loot table "probability": 1.0
  14. broken septembers update [Error] Error while compiling GetToDaChoppa
  15. nashslash

    Raidable Bases

    Check these settings also. if you told the npcs to spawn in beds or bags and there are only 2 in your raid base then thats all your get. "Spawn Inside Bases": { "Spawn On Floors": false, "Spawn On Beds": true, "Spawn On Rugs": false, "Spawn On Rugs With Skin Only": 1, "Bed Health Multiplier": 1.0, "Rug Health Multiplier": 1.0, "Spawn Murderers Outside": false, "Spawn Scientists Outside": false, "Minimum Inside (-1 = ignore)": -1, "Maximum Inside (-1 = ignore)": -1
  16. nashslash

    Raidable Bases

    if you dont want to edit each base to remove a shotgun trap you cound try editing the config "Weapons": { "Infinite Ammo": { "AutoTurret": true, "FlameTurret": true, "FogMachine": true, "GunTrap": false, "SamSite": true }, "Ammo": { "AutoTurret": 256, "FlameTurret": 256, "FogMachine": 5, "GunTrap": 0, "SamSite": 24
  17. Works perfectly ..thanks Sir
  18. ok if you oskin it works .. if you oskin then remove an old kit then try to add a new one then it doesnt work | Failed to call hook 'CommandHandler' on plugin 'SaveOutfitSkin v1.0.2' (KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.SaveOutfitSkin.SkinDataEntry (Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui.CuiElementContainer& container, System.String panel, System.String uiMin, System.String uiMax, Oxide.Plugins.SaveOutfitSkin+ItemSkinInfo itemSkinInfo, BasePlayer player, System.String useCommand) [0x0004b] in <3dbaf4acdf254d25a73d38249dde4d0e>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.SaveOutfitSkin.ShowOutfitSkinSaverUI (BasePlayer player, System.String skinName, System.Boolean isNew) [0x002ef] in <3dbaf4acdf254d25a73d38249dde4d0e>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.SaveOutfitSkin.CommandHandler (ConsoleSystem+Arg arg) [0x001b0] in <3dbaf4acdf254d25a73d38249dde4d0e>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.SaveOutfitSkin.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x004aa] in <3dbaf4acdf254d25a73d38249dde4d0e>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <23ba99f131254889867c71f0bd137b1d>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0
  19. Failed to call hook 'CommandHandler' on plugin 'SaveOutfitSkin v1.0.2' (KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 i click add kit nothing happens 1.0.2
  20. Id like it if you could choose what item of clothing is going to be the thumbnail for the saved kit .
  21. Dam thats what i call service.. thanks ...
    Recommended. A simple idea that really useful. Hope more features can be added. NB: This is an Edit 4>5 Stars. My suggestion was implemented in a matter of hours. A Simple, Good Idea and CHEAP Plug-in. Recommended.


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