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The Real Butter

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Everything posted by The Real Butter

  1. Assuming the plugin is running fine. Then i would say that you gave them the wrong one. I would check it. And if you are using the "oxide.grant default" style i would recommend you get "Permissions manager" or "admin menu" plugin or something like them. It would make life a little more EZ for you! I would also run "oxide.revoke group default skilltree.admin"
  2. If I have discord Extension for oxide in the extension folder for carbon could it be messing things up? I have discord Chat and it only sends the chat to discord but not back. This has been happening since I switched to carbon.
  3. I tried Every type Spawned in. all go to normal bones Just FYI I am on carbon.
  4. It is in normal inventory. I haven't tried backpack. its only from crush skull skinning still give the the Right bones. Crushing don't
  5. { "Main config": { "Debug": false }, "Convert Bones": true, "FX on Fail Crush": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/skull_door_knocker/effects/door_knock_fx.prefab", "Bones From Skullcrushing": { "Bear Bones": 30, "Boar Bones": 15, "Chicken Bones": 10, "Horse Bones": 25, "Shark (fish)Bones": 40, "Stag Bones": 15, "Wolf Bones": 20 }, "SkinID's Skulls": { "Bear Skull SkinID": 2582058305, "Boar Skull SkinID": 2582176436, "Chicken Skull SkinID": 2582166639, "Horse Skull SkinID": 2582200089, "Shark Skull SkinID": 2583809564, "Stag Skull SkinID": 2582184045 } }
  6. Crushing skulls don't convert them into the right bone type. It just makes them all Bone frags. My setting in config is "Convert Bones": true,
  7. I guess you you have player revive plugin. The Remove on death doesn't work. The status goes away but you still have the disease. Anyone have a fix? Now after I revive on beach I still have it and the cure I have in the config isn't working as well. More testing Rabies is the only on doing it. Its just broke... Needs a fix
  8. Did anyone get Zombie hordes to work? Also BotRespawn doesnt work. I have scientist scarcrow in the config and they still dont give you the z virus i have all these and none work "scientist": 0.5, "scarecrow": 0.5, "ZombieNPC": 0.5, "zombienpc": 0.5, "CustomScientistNPC": 0.5, "customscientistnpc": 0.5, "chaosNPC": 0.5, "ChaosNPC":0.5, "customNpc":0.5
  9. Ignore this
  10. I'm sure they are working on it!
  11. It was alpha loot I disabled it in the botrespawn config and they have full loot.... Sorry to bother you.
  12. the kit its self is the only form of loot that they have. Then they have the random box loot you can add to them
  13. What they need to drop What they are dropping They was all working before I updated.
  14. Is there a reason that they are no longer dropping full kit. I have Grenades and bean cans and they are no longer dropping them. It looks like they are only dropping the first half of the kit they get not the rest. Edit I do have it where they 100 % drop it.
  15. I was trying to set it up where If you fly around shoot random bases. A player base will say its protected (abandoned bases) and a raid base wont. (Those being pve) and PVP bases are always shown on the map. So if you don't want to buy a base. You can go looking for a raid. then shoot said base (If not a player base) will then be locked to that person. With this setup you have to look for a base and you don't stumble into a pvp zone without knowing and get shot.
  16. Can we get Separate options for PVE vs PVP Bases. Silent spawn/Dome/Map marker Ect. I also Hope you still plan putting Separate command Blacklist option for PVE vs PVP. Thanks again! Have a good day!
  17. Delay doesnt work with DynamicPVP and RaidableBases As of right now....
  18. Double post...
  19. being able to Edit the Text Color for all the panels would be great! Being able to change the location for the Command buttons would be great as well
  20. A command Blacklist for PVP raids and a Different Blacklist for PVE raids. Unless there is already another way to only make it block the commands for just pvp zones. I want to be able to use Revive in pve and Not in pvp
  21. Can we get a blacklist for PVP vs none?


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