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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. Are you talking about the actual item name that rust displays? If so, it's not possible to support lang with it.
  2. imthenewguy

    players losing inv

    Issue has been fixed. Download 1.0.21
  3. imthenewguy

    players losing inv

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.21
  4. There isn't a permission that disables buffs as it would be quite taxing to check it as frequently as it would need to be. There are hookmethods in the plugin that allow other plugins to disable the skills (while at events for example), and the next version has a command that disables them globally (for things like purge). I can look at adding a command to disable buffs for target players if that helps?
  5. IF your stack plugin is allowing the items to stack, it should be responsible for splitting them correctly. What stack plugin do you use?
  6. imthenewguy

    Cooldown adjustments

    You set the value for it in the raiding ultimate settings section.
  7. Show me the snippet from the shop config that shows the item information. The item.name field needs to be valid, which it isnt.
  8. A picture of the item that the shop is giving would be good, specifically the item name.
  9. imthenewguy

    Cooldown adjustments

    Cooldown for what?
  10. Aren't there plugins that handle that sort of thing for servers like that?
  11. It would support your prefab
  12. 1.0.0 is fine with speeds up to 10, but any faster and it gets a little bugger. 1.0.1 fixes that issue. Here is a snap I took yesterday. It shouldn't trigger an EAC ban because it's the server causing the player to run faster, and its resetting the antihack for speed regularly. Rust 2024-10-14 20-44-34.mp4
  13. Version 1.0.1


    Motorbike racing is a plugin that allows you to build and host motorbike race tracks in-game. The plugin is integrated with a track building system that gives you full control over where and how you build your race tracks. Players can compete for prizes for winning, or compete for the fastest lap times on a map for bragging rights. Races are associated with the .map file name that they were built on, and will automatically load when a map with the same name is loaded. I would like to extend a special thanks to @monsterqueen for the idea and supplying the prefab. You can test out the plugin and prefab on her server: us.themonsterden.net. Features Map building system that is easy to use and powerful. Global scoreboard to track the amount of wins for each race track, as well as the fastest times. Seamless enrollment into the event - players will be teleported to the race when it begins, and their items will be stored safely until it's completion (or they leave). Start to finish race handling - the plugin will restrict the contestants to the configured value or the number of motorbike spawns (whatever is lower), and will handle the race, scoring and prizes. Customizable prizes based on placement - you can set customizable prices (including economics, server rewards and items), based on the position that the player finished. EventHelper support - the plugin will work with EventHelper's auto start and event vote features. Permissions motorbikeracing.admin - allows for the user of the buildmap command and the manual starting of races Chat commands buildmap <race name> - Starts the map building process. Avoid using the dash (-) symbol in the map name. buildclearspawns - removes all spawns from a map while in building mode. savemap - Only usable during the map builder. It saves the map file you are working on. startrace <race name> - Manually starts the desired race. Run the command with no parameters to see valid races for the current map. endrace <race name> - Ends the selected race. If there is only 1 race active, you don't need to use the race name parameter. rscore - Opens up the hi scores. joinrace <race name> - Joins the desired race. leaverace - Leaves the active race. racerestoreitems - restores the players items if they weren't restored automatically (ie they died somehow). raceprize - redeems any prizes that the player is owed. Video and pictures were taken using this prefab:
  14. imthenewguy

    It messes a few mods

    Not sure what the issue is there. There are plenty of servers using my plugin with Bgrade and Raidable bases without issue (since its targeted at pve servers). The only hooks that it uses heavily are OnEntityBuilt and the gather hooks, but it only looks out for its own skin IDs. If others are using bgrade, deployablenature and raidable bases without issue, but you are having issues, then there may be another plugin in the mix that's causing problems.
  15. imthenewguy

    It messes a few mods

    What other mods, and how does it break it?
  16. Think you can do it through eventhekper from memory.
  17. What did you need it for?
  18. imthenewguy


    The stack plugin needs to prevent stacking if the item.name field or item.text field don't match.
  19. imthenewguy


    Ill add a check for noclip next release.
  20. imthenewguy

    Server Rewards

    "Currency type to respec [scrap, economics, srp, custom]"
  21. Facepunch removed out ability o see when a player interacts with the workbench, so it was moved to a different entity. You can adjust the entity shortname in the config.
  22. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  23. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  24. imthenewguy

    error in console

    Open a recipe card and tell me if the error appears.
  25. imthenewguy

    error in console

    With recipe cards enabled?


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