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Everything posted by Steenamaroo
Hey, Thanks for coming back to let me know. I wouldn't have known that, but it's good to know moving forward.
Hi @Lei_Wong, Thanks for the comments. Looks like I made a mistake in the pursuit logic. I intended for them to hold their ground if they're using a long range rifle but it looks like I did the opposite. That will be fixed in the next update which, hopefully, shouldn't be too long as it's small fixes rather than big changes. As far as I know accuracy had some big issues prior to V1.0.7. Accuracy was terrible with certain weapons, regardless of settings. V1.0.7 aimed to level out accuracy, and damage amounts, across all weapons, so that nothing should be extreme in either direction. As such I think a lot of people will find themselves having to pull back their accuracy settings, so what you're describing sounds normal. The wooden barricade part may not be normal, though. Are you saying with 50% accuracy setting, and hiding behind a wooden barricade, the npc hits you 100% of the time? If so I'll get that sorted for the next update too. Thanks again!
Kits can be managed via the BotReSpawn UI and it does pull all the existing Kit names from data, so all you have to do is click up/down buttons. NPC names do have to be entered into the data file manually, though, with the formatting shown above. The files are in /yourserverfolder/oxide/data/BotReSpawn/
My pleasure. If you've any questions at all, just ask. Just so you know, multiple kits can be chosen for a profile and if you do that one gets picked at random each time an npc spawns. It's possible to balance the probability by assigning some kits greater numbers than others, but the basic requirement to get a single kit to work is just to set it to '1' in BotReSpawn's UI for that profile. Also, I forgot to address "and to have them stay spawned with respawns only if they die. " This is default behaviour. The only exceptions are event profiles, like AirDrop, where the npcs are killed off after their Suicide_Timer (minutes), but all regular monument profiles and custom created profiles will have npcs that stay until they are killed by someone, then respawn after their respawn timer.
Hi, No trouble at all - You don't have to create custom individual spawnpoints, although that is an option. The minimum you'd need to do is set your day+night spawn amounts, and set AutoSpawn true, then either reload the profile you've edited or reload the plugin. That should get vanilla scientist npcs spawning. There's one or two monuments where spawn 'Radius' setting may need increased, such as the Dome, but for most default should work fine. If you want the npcs to have different attire or weapons, use Kits.cs from uMod to create some kits, then assign those to your profile via the BotReSpawn UI. BotReSpawn will make the npcs act like murderers, running at you and swinging, if you don't put any guns in their kit and leave them with melee weapons only. If you've any issues or other questions, don't hesitate!
Hi, By default npcs are given a random display name, but you can specify custom display names in an array in config. It's not editable via UI but you can edit the custom/default monuments json file. The format is [ "SingleName" ] or [ "multiple", "bot", "names"] If you have multiple one is chosen randomly, but if you happen to have the same number of names as you have kits, it will always pair them up, so a random kit is selected, then the matching name is used. Like kit1 + name1, kit2 and name2, etc. Hopefully that's your answer. If not, or you need anything else, please just let me know.
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@Hi im billa "You also said I should set 'Allow_Rust_Loot' to false If I do that then I don't get any more loot." That suggests that the CustomLoot setup isn't working right. Set Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent to 0 and reload your profile, to keep things simple for now. "I have set that an NPC can drop between 5-12 pistol bullets, but it always comes with 15 bullets. " Any chance you've set the min + max amounts backwards? I've seen people doing that. If CustomLoot gave that ammo three times, with the numbers reversed, that would be 5x3, stacked - 15. "There is an option "allowKeycards": but there is no setting which keycard I want to add to which bot in the drop." allowKeycards is false by default. If you set it to true then reload CustomLoot, your loottable should now list the keycard items.
Oh, I'm sorry. I misread some of your info! In CustomLoot config, the image you pasted above, change corpseTypePerBotReSpawnProfile to true, then save and reload CustomLoot. After doing that, close and reopen the config file, and you'll see entries now for every single BotReSpawn profile, by name, with BotReSpawn in the name for clarity. My apologies - I saw "Airfield" and thought you had already done this, forgetting that Rust has vanilla npcs at the airfield. When you've done that, and found some of the BotReSpawn profiles you want to give custom loot to, you can enter "lootTable": "SomeNameHere", like you put in test, to get new loottables for those BotReSpawn profiles. You can use the same loottable for many profiles, if you wish, or put in unique names for each.
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Hi, The BotReSpawn UI only shows alternative vanilla tables as replacements for default scientist loot. CustomLoot can provide loot instead of that, or as well as it, but they don't show up in the BotReSpawn UI. All the setup for them is just done within CustomLoot files. If you want to disable any vanilla loottable in favour of CustomLoot, set 'Allow_Rust_Loot' to false in the UI for your BotReSpawn profile. I can see you've already enabled entries per BotReSpawn profile in CustomLoot config, found the Airfield entry, and created a loottable called test.json. All you need to do now is balance some categories/items in that test.json loottable then reload CustomLoot. For every item CustomLoot puts in a container, it chooses a category first, based on your probabilities, then an item from that category, also based on your probabilities. If you had Weapons 4 Food 1 Resources 5 Everything else 0 Then the item would be a weapon 4 times in 10...food 1 time in 10...resource 5 times in 10. Say it chooses resources, the same now applies for choosing a specific resource. You could have Wood 1 Stone 8 Scrap 2 Everything else 0 Same thing - There's a 1 in 10 chance of wood, 8 in 10 for stone, 2 in 10 for scrap The minimum to make it work is to open test.json and set 1: Probability for at least one category to greater than 0 2: Probability for at least one item in such a category to greater than 0. There's no maximum range or limit, so you can make items as rare as you like by balancing probabilities as drastically as you want. Wood 100 Stone 1 Scrap 200 Everything else 0 That would make stone very rare, for example.
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Hi, You can choose a different vanilla source, like some crate or barrel, through the BotReSpawn UI, or you can use my free CustomLoot plugin to make a totally custom table for either all BotReSpawn npcs, or some specific profile. I think other loot plugins should work fine too, as long as they can give loot to ScientistNPC/HumanNPC/scientistnpc_roam.prefab
Don't worry about it. It's cool to reply here or just DM me. Whatever suits. With the biomes it can be hard to put eyes on them, particularly on larger maps, so I'd recommend using the bots.count console command for confirmation. It'll tell you for certain if they have spawned or not.
No worries. Are you certain? I just switched my biome npcs to chute:true and they're parachuting in just fine. I don't think I've made any relevant changes since releasing the last update.
Hi, Can you confirm you waited a little while for biome spawning to complete? Regular profiles start spawning immediately, with around a 1 second delay between each, so they start populating very quickly, but biome spawns have a delay as biome spawnpoints require more work to find. If spawn points can't be found you should see a console message saying "Failed to find spawnpoints at...", which you aren't seeing, so it might be worth retrying the bots.count command a few minutes after the plugin has loaded. Let me know how that goes, please.
Hi Target_Noobs makes the npcs ignore/or attack 'noob' players. The definition of noob is players without a sash, which is Rust's built in indicator. Players get a sash when they pick up, or craft, a weapon or tool. To drop the weapon 25% of the time, you want "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 25 The condition options are for the weapon condition - To make the weapon have low, or high, 'health'. RustRewardsValue is the value that RustRewards plugin will give your players in Scrap/Economics/ServerRewards, for killing this npc. If you don't use RustRewards.cs, ignore. Chute true/false is whether or not the npcs will parachute in when they spawn. Suicide_Timer applies only to events (airdrop, spawning at locked crates etc). These npcs are killed off after this set period of time because, otherwise, it would be possible for the numbers to get out of control, if players aren't killing them. ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath applies if you're using custom added spawn points. If you are, and set it false, then any npc you kill will respawn in the same place they originally spawned. If it's true then the npc can take some other spawnpoint, from your added custom spawn points. Hope that clears it all up.
NPCs not Attacking each other (Faction/Subfaction)
Steenamaroo replied to Kaho's Support Request in Support
Resolved in DM. Next update will include fix. Thanks @Kaho