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Everything posted by Dracconus

  1. Dracconus

    Better Npc

    I recently took the time to purchase and configure this and noticed that excavator supply calls have the defensive NPC's spawn with them. I'm not sure about personal supply calls as my server's restarting for backup at the moment and I've disabled them since discovering that, but if the two have defenders, can you register a configuration option to disable them? Using the method that dynamicPVP does to determine player supply calls should work fine for those. As for excavator, it's a bit trickier, since they'd HAVE to have zonemanager (I made a similar plugin to make the excavator supply calls PVE when using DynamicPVP that's proprietary). I'd edit it myself, but if you don't make the changes then I'd just have to keep adding it and that's annoying xD
  2. Dracconus

    Convoy Reforged

    Sadly there is not currently a way to do this - and I've tried several methods. I'm sure there are ways you can, but it would require restructuring a fair bit of it and it would break on update, so - frivilous. Definitely a feature I'd like to see as well, and something I can't believe was overlooked to begin with.
  3. Is it possible to disable the default Patrol Heli / Bradley spawn with this system?
  4. Dracconus


    **Edit** ignore this, I think I figured out what you were referring to as the impossibility regarding your version
  5. Dracconus

    Warning Error

    Your'e using Carbon, and it's been explicitly stated that those are something you can ignore in the event they're not causing any performance issues. It's just a generalized "this could cause issues if used improperly" warning.
  6. I run this plugin on my server, and it runs just fine on server initialize.
  7. Dracconus


    The plugin states it's "compatible with ZombieHorde" yet Zombies are still capable of performing damage to unauthed and unowned entities. I tested this with numerous different configurations - Just ZombieHorde and SimplePVE by themselves, no other plugins loaded. Changed my auth level, removed zombie admin, removed simplePVE admin, toggled PVE mode on and off, ensured that ZombieHorde damage to unauthed buildings was set to false...Nothing's working to prevent damage to other player's bases. The ONLY reason that I bought this was because I thought it was compatible as stated. It's definitely not. I'm pretty irritated with this..
  8. Dracconus

    Convoy Reforged

    TimedExecute has issues properly reading in-game time with rust. I was previously using it for notifications delivered at specific in-game time for ZombieHorde, and 75% of the time notifications didn't show up. That's why I requested k1lly0u to add the notifications to it natively.
  9. Dracconus

    Convoy Reforged

    @Adem Perchance, could you set this up so that we have an option to disable convoy spawning at night? Something like "Allow Convoys to spawwn at Night: true," would be amazing!
  10. Dracconus

    Sound formatting?

    I intended to come back to this and update. I used a plugin called "Prefab Sniffer" to find the sound files and used them that way. Mevent, is there any way that you could add the capability to utilize the built in wav files, or is that a limitation of the FMOD engine's utilization in the game?
  11. Dracconus

    Sound formatting?

    Perhaps I'm missing something, but when attmepting to use sounds from directly inside the game's file structure which I've located using AssetStudio like this assets/content/sound/audioclips/electrical/notify_beep or loading them from inside the server using eg. file:///oxide/data/Sounds/alarmnotify.wav I can't get the sounds to play. Are there only certain sounds that are compatible?
  12. Dracconus

    Convoy Reforged

    Would it at all be possible to add the ability to choose an in-game timeframe in which convoys can spawn (or a day/night/both option, etiher way) in the config?
  13. Dracconus

    Convoy Reforged

    I set the configuration as I'd always had it - where the convoy doesn't attack first, but also with what I displayed above. The only change I made was so that it locks to the 1st player to cause damage. What makes no sense to me is that another player "activating" the convoy causes them to have ZERO concern for any rules set in the config UNTIL there's an owner, but prior to being activated, if they don't auto-attack they won't...so..it's weird. LOL
  14. Dracconus

    Convoy Reforged

    yeah, I think the issue was that there was no owner. no biggie. I've reconfigured mine slightly to prevent that from being an issue in the future by setting first-attacker to auto-lock as owner; but the fact that they're allowed to be configued in a "neutral" fashion, yet can openly attack players who've not even interacted with it definitely doesn't seem "appropriate"
  15. Dracconus

    Convoy Reforged

    I'm not sure why you'd presume I'd take offense to the inquiry, but an "owner" of the event is someone that has been designated as the event Owner by way of one of the delimiting factors such as "was first to attack" if that boolean value was assigned, or "has done "X" damage" if you're utilizing that call.
  16. Dracconus

    Convoy Reforged

    After the Jan 4 update this appears to be broken somehow. NPCs will attack players that aren't even on the same team as the event owner and haven't even fired a single shot. PVEMode enabled / disabled in the config makes no difference, ALL values are set to where the ONLY person that should be taking any aggro or damage is the event owner / their team. I've tried it with and without Friends plugin enabled on my server, and a combination of everything I could think of. Not sure if the issue is with NPCSpawn or the Convoy plugin itself; but I can't imagine it'd be anything else causing it as there's no other irregular behavior on my server. No errors on plugin load, no errors on event start, or in console to speak of. current config example of damage / aggro handling section: "PVE Mode Setting (only for users PveMode plugin)": { "Use the PVE mode of the plugin? [true/false]": true, "Display the name of the event owner on a marker on the map? [true/false]": true, "The amount of damage that the player has to do to become the Event Owner": 30.0, "Reset the event owner at the beginning of the convoy movement": true, "The owner will immediately be the one who stopped the convoy": false, "Damage coefficients for calculate to become the Event Owner": [ { "Type of target": "NPC", "Damage Multiplier": 1.0 }, { "Type of target": "Bradley", "Damage Multiplier": 1.0 }, { "Type of target": "Helicopter", "Damage Multiplier": 1.0 } ], "Can the non-owner of the event loot the crates? [true/false]": false, "Can the non-owner of the event hack locked crates? [true/false]": false, "Can the non-owner of the event loot NPC corpses? [true/false]": false, "Can the non-owner of the event deal damage to the NPC? [true/false]": false, "Can an Npc attack a non-owner of the event? [true/false]": false, "Can Bradley attack a non-owner of the event? [true/false]": false, "Can the non-owner of the event do damage to Bradley? [true/false]": false, "Can Helicopter attack a non-owner of the event? [true/false]": false, "Can the non-owner of the event do damage to Helicopter? [true/false]": false, "Allow the non-owner of the event to enter the event zone? [true/false]": true, "Allow a player who has an active cooldown of the Event Owner to enter the event zone? [true/false]": true, "The time that the Event Owner may not be inside the event zone [sec.]": 300, "The time until the end of Event Owner status when it is necessary to warn the player [sec.]": 60, "Prevent the actions of the RestoreUponDeath plugin in the event zone? [true/false]": true, "The time that the player can`t become the Event Owner, after the end of the event and the player was its owner [sec.]": 21600.0, "Darkening the dome (0 - disables the dome)": 3 Further adding to this: I went ahead and redownloaded the plugin fresh, and let it generate a new config file, set the flags to false to prevent them from targeting non-owners, and they're still targeting non-owners and therefor killing them.
  17. Dracconus


    Would it be possible to add a config option to specify in-game time that raids can be called? For instance between the hours of 0800 and 1700 you can call a raid, but between 1701 and 0559 you can't.
    I'll be completely transparent regarding this: I don't (currently) use it, but I may one day. I mainly purchased it to give David my money because he's a wonderful developer and the plugins I have wanted from him are clean, easy to adjust to my liking, and have all the little details and kinks ironed out as you'd exdpect a professionally developed product to. From what I've seen of it though, once I do delve into replacing my current welcome panel with it the process will be a breeze.
  18. Dracconus

    Craft Menu

    David is by far one of the friendliest developers I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. He's knowledgeable, knows his own limitations, and is realistic with his approach. That alone makes him a great developer. This is one of several plugins I've purchased from him, and every single one of them have lived up to my standards and after 20 years of programming various different languages and working on UI/UX graphic design and server administration, I can attest my standards are a bit obsessive. The interface is clean, compact, and comprehensively laid out. The configuration file is straightforward, with no weird translation issues that leave you scratching your head wondering what the developer's trying to say. The administration and permissions are simple and straightforward. This plugin is, in my professional opinion, WELL worth the money if you want to be able to grant your players the capability to craft EVERY potential DLC existent, and upcoming. Sure, it takes a fair amount of grunt-work on your end to code it all into the configuration file, give it a price, and find the short-names for all the items, but that's the fun of it, imho. Due to the design of it provided, Facepunch doesn't do anything that breaks it - it's future-proof. Wonderful job, David. You did it again!
  19. First I'd like to say this is a BEAUTIFULLY articulated plugin. You did very well on it, and I appreciate the effort. However, there are a few things I think could be done to greatly improve the QOL for this plugin that I'd love to see implemented if you wouldn't mind. The first : The ability to edit font size directly from the /h setup menu instead of having to traverse to line 1747 for Info Messages to adjust it. The second : The ability to define a background color (or even just add a default image that's a blurred out image, and allow us to adjust the alpha transparency to further help aiding in reading text. The Third (and possibly alternative to second suggestion if it's too difficult to incorporate): The ability to adjust the text border thickness, and alpha alongside the existing option for color in the /h setup menu. The Fourth: The ability to manipulate the second "panel" of information (Active, sleeping queued, time, and coords) of information to essentially detach it from the main and move it around independently (Or, even better, each module independently with their own backgrounds. That'd be incredible! The Fifth: The ability to add cents to the economy balance. Other than these VERY small issues this plugin EASILY replaces the other panel I was using. I like it a lot.
    I had a few questions regarding this plugin, and the necessary formatting structure. Within minutes of requesting an add on Discord Bee was contacting me, supportive, assisted me in understanding and resolving the issue, and even gave me a link to where I could find more information for the RegEx formatting used in the plugin should I have to use it later. This is the kind of "customer support" you can only dream of, folks. He's fast, knowledgeable, and willing to help. You can't do any better than that. Plugin works great to capture the things I need it to, and the ability to PREVENT certain strings of text from outputting at ALL is a GLORIOUS thing because it allows you to hide some of the outputs that other plugins don't HAVE a way to disable. Five stars all around. $10 is EASILY worth it for such a functional and easy to configure plugin with the capabilities it has.


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