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Everything posted by Raiven_007

  1. Raiven_007

    Server Hud

    The problem is, you have to change every icon link etc to the new ones or host those images yourself. You need to host any Icon images you want to add under the yellow arrows section on something like dropbox. Then the config file will be fine. Here's my config with all of the Dropbox links needed. You can just delete the config file and reload the plugin to get the new image links as well. I have some of my own icon [optional] images setup as buttons so you can ignore those ones in the Additional Menu section. Hud.json
  2. Raiven_007

    Server Hud

    I tried to do that. Deleted my original config and updated the plugin. Afterwards, I was getting errors about 404 Forbidden images. So I reverted back to the previous version I had. Then, the images finally just broke in the Hud like a day ago or so lol. So do I just update the plugin anyways? Here's the error I got after deleting the config file and unloading the plugin and then installing the updated .cs file: [Hud] Your configuration file contains an error. Using default configuration values. How does this Config file contain an error as well? I used every link you had in the new config file that generates and added them where they needed to go in a copy of the new config I made. I FIXED IT MYSELF. I SEE WHAT'S GOING ON!!! Hud.json Hud.json
  3. Raiven_007

    Server Hud

    What's going on with the images? I already know about the multiple hooks update which I didn't need because I only have Convoy going atm. No Armored train, space, etc. But now one of my players showed me the Hud with Image not found all over the places where images were supposed to be.
  4. Raiven_007

    Server Hud

    I got the text I am supposed to add. my issue is where do I put it at in the config when I already have this: "<size=8>Type /info to reopen the Welcome Panel to see Player Tab for a list of Server Commands. (6 Pages).</size>", "<size=8>Type In-Game chat: /steamcord to receive a note. Follow instructions to Copy the Link.</size>", "<size=8>Please complete ALL 3 requirements on Linking Page BEFORE proceeding to Step 3.</size>", "<size=8>STEP 3: Type /auth In-Game chat. Thanks for linking your Accts! unlocks ALL Features & VIP.</size>"
  5. Raiven_007

    Server Hud

    How would I add a color to this: "<size=8>Type /info to reopen the Welcome Panel to see Player Tab for a list of Server Commands. (6 Pages).</size>", "<size=8>Type In-Game chat: /steamcord to receive a note. Follow instructions to Copy the Link.</size>", "<size=8>Please complete ALL 3 requirements on Linking Page BEFORE proceeding to Step 3.</size>", "<size=8>STEP 3: Type /auth In-Game chat. Thanks for linking your Accts! unlocks ALL Features & VIP.</size>"
  6. Raiven_007

    Raidable Bases

    Oh ok. It seemed he had the same issue that I had when I updated the Plugin. I did no changes etc and the bases stopped abruptly. I have never had under 100fps ever so I'm not sure why mine stopped working then if you say his was due to fps drop. Anyways here is the validator I used to fix my issue: https://jsonlint.com
  7. Raiven_007

    Raidable Bases

    @ChuckNorris, You could have an error somewhere in your Config File like I did after the update. You would need to run the rbe debug CMD and it will tell you what file has the error and where the error is. Then run the file into a validator and that should fix your issue. I literally just dealt with the same issue not that long ago. Nivex, it's something buggy going on with the Config after the update I am thinking. Because all I did was update before and the bases stopped working on their own. So now both me and chuck have had the same outcome.
  8. Raiven_007

    Raidable Bases

    Yeah My Server shuts down every night for it's daily restart. So, after the error was fixed it restarted and was just working again lol. Because right before that, I fixed the error and it still wasn't working until after the restart haha.
  9. Raiven_007

    Raidable Bases

    Now the plugin literally just works again. Lol!
  10. Raiven_007

    Raidable Bases

    rb.config list says no valid buildings configured which is a lie. The bases have been working fine this entire time. rbe debug gave a JSON error but I didn't see any error unless there's a space somewhere but I ran the config thru a validator and it still says it. RaidBases.json
  11. Raiven_007

    Raidable Bases

    What does it mean when it says: [ RaidableBases ] You cannot spawn a base that is not configured.? I have version 2.7.4 and it was working fine very recently. Not sure why it would say that by running the CMD /rbe in Game Chat. Also, it isn't populating any points on the grid. I noticed it said 0 points when it's usually way more. I also tried running the CMD rbevent in the Console and it said 1x - 1x - No CopyPaste Profile in any Profile exists? But, I have all my base files listed where they are supposed to be. And, they are all also saved in the CopyPaste Folder.
  12. Raiven_007

    Server Hud

  13. Raiven_007

    Server Hud

    Trying to see how I would add a size tag to the Info Messages that display underneath my Compass from HUD? Would I just add something like this: "Size": 15, in the config?
  14. Raiven_007

    Convoy Reforged

    I've seen that too lol. I've even done it myself during some testing. When I would set the max distance the Heli would go, it would go really far out, but he then eventually goes back to Convoy. Not sure if this is a new thing and I will keep my eye on it as well. And also, bring anything I notice to attention too. Just set the max distance dmg can be dealt away from Convoy (When you attack the Convoy not Heli) to a number, then set the Heli's max distance to something a little higher than that.
  15. Raiven_007

    Convoy Reforged

    For some reason I am not able to download the update but I've gotten even the one right before this update because I purchased the plugin lol. I get the email notifications too lol. (Edit: I fixed the issue.) Disregard!
  16. Raiven_007

    Raidable Bases

    Yeah I get what you mean and that might be what's happening as well. Like I said, I am not exactly sure when it happens. I just know that it is. And those bases are not that big lolol. They are like Medium Sized haha.
  17. Raiven_007

    Raidable Bases

    How do I DM you exactly? And I was trying to find your Discord as well but don't remember exactly where I seen the Link lol.
  18. Raiven_007

    Raidable Bases

    Nope. My bases are set to spawn 500 apart lol! And I think it happens sometimes when reloading the plugin tbh. I usually don't use the cmd to reload the plugin without actually reloading it. I forget to lol. my hard head a** forgets to and reloads the hard way sometimes. But it may not be because of reloading etc. I watch it say each base was destroyed. And usually it's one of my players who say something to me and I investigate and bam bases on bases lol. I have seen it myself as well. But yes, I think it is because of reloading the plugin and bases aren't actually destroyed or removed properly. I will try my best to catch it when it happens but It's hard to because you never know when it does.
  19. Raiven_007

    Raidable Bases

    Hey Nivex, sometimes the Raidable Bases don't despawn properly and they stay there eventhough I have 10 maintained Events set as max and always maintain the max. It has happened a few times too. They should despawn properly but sometimes are still there with no dome and the dmg done to the base is still there as well.
  20. I been had craft.instant "true" set for ages lol. I also used the Spear thing as an example to basically show what I meant. I would rather have it all craft in one shot than every second lol. it's not too bad but my players were used to Magic Craft but it broke after the Weapon rack Update so we got rid of it and grabbed this one instead. Isn't there a way to limit the total amount of items crafted in x period of time or something similar because I have a way to limit the amount of certain specified Items that can be crafted at one time etc. Would be nice to be able to have that all in one plugin or something. Not sure.
  21. Raiven_007


    You know, that's a good point. I didn't even think about the other one LMAO!!! Srry!. But would there be a way for you to have this one be randomized? Or include Heli/Brad? Was just a thought lol. Thx for the super fast response as well.
  22. Raiven_007


    My buddy has this Plugin same as I do and he has it set so that after you win the event, it drops "X" amount of Supply.Drops from the air. He also has a Heli spawn with the Raiders for the Expert/Nightmare Difficulties and a Heli/Brad spawns with just the Nightmare Difficulty. Any way we can have this option added to do the same somewhere in the Config File? If anything, maybe just the Attack Heli?
  23. When I tested the Plugin at Insane Speed it ticks every second. It does not craft the Entire amount all in one shot which is what I am looking for it to do just like Magic Craft did which was free lol. I have my own Custom Loot Table etc so I am not worried about someone crafting infinite Spears as Spears aren't even on my Server lol. Only certain items are. Isn't there a way to make it actually instant? Like crafting "X Amount" of GP using 100,000 Sulfur and 100,000 Charcoal but the crafting crafts it all in one shot. No every second ticks?
  24. Love it!!! Awesome man thx! I have updated and will check it out.


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