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Everything posted by INFINITY-Z

  1. Check their custom spawns that you set up - I'm not sure why they would be moved. Did not have that issue myself.
  2. You may have used custom profiles and now you would have to adjust their custom spawns. Hard to tell without more info.
  3. Hi, I still have an issue with this plugin: Someone has explained why some plugins (not only the Discord plugins) do not load on server start. I really like this plugin and hope you can make it work, thanks.

    NRE on server boot

    Enjoy your vacation. I set up a test server and tried to replicate the issue - it did not occur on that server. Will have to dig a bit and see if I find out what other plugin would interfere with yours loading properly on boot. Well, I will dig a bit and see what I can find out.
    After the skipped night time issue was fixed I will give this plugin 4/5 stars. Works as advertised again and it is decent. The config is a little confusing at first so it may need some testing back to back until you have the plugin running the way you want it. This plugin provides what I was looking for so I can recommend it.

    NRE on server boot

    Hi, I have been getting this error message for a bit now but could not find the cause yet. I'm hoping you can help here. Happens every server reboot: Failed to call hook 'OnItemAddedToContainer' on plugin 'SkinPopupCommand v1.0.4' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui.CuiHelper.AddUi (BasePlayer player, System.String json) [0x00036] in <a176a79aca4c4511955596eb245c0a91>:0 at Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui.CuiHelper.AddUi (BasePlayer player, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] elements) [0x00008] in <a176a79aca4c4511955596eb245c0a91>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.SkinPopupCommand.SendPopup (BasePlayer player, System.String message) [0x001d4] in <6a6a55555fc04e5ab1d9a35f45799b26>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.SkinPopupCommand.DisplayNextPopup () [0x00064] in <6a6a55555fc04e5ab1d9a35f45799b26>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.SkinPopupCommand.OnItemGet (Item item, BasePlayer player) [0x0024c] in <6a6a55555fc04e5ab1d9a35f45799b26>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.SkinPopupCommand.OnItemAddedToContainer (ItemContainer container, Item item) [0x000c7] in <6a6a55555fc04e5ab1d9a35f45799b26>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.SkinPopupCommand.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00114] in <6a6a55555fc04e5ab1d9a35f45799b26>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <795304323ac74a298b8ed190a1dfa739>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 I have to reload the plugin again after reboot for it to function.
  6. Thank you! It changed the time to my set time in config, the latest update fixed it. RustClient_QTUjujFmmv.mp4
  7. This is the config I used. SkipNight.json
  8. Applied the new update and sadly the time still jumps to 12:18. Old config deleted, fresh install. No other time manipulating plugins running on test server. See video for showcase RustClient_PBBjnX7ljN.mp4

    Shop UI

    Did you read the plugin description on the front page of this plugin? Goes via data files.

    Skips to 12pm

    HI, I am having the same issue. Skips the night to 12:18 - 12:22, but never the time I set in my config. It's been a month since the initial report by another admin, are there any updates about this issue? Currently the plugin is not working as advertised so it bothers me a little bit. Any update on this is greatly appreciated.
  11. Suggestion: Make the range for the built-in remover tool adjustable via config setting: "Removal Tool (Def: true)": true, "Remover Tool Range (Def: X):" 123, Also, thank you for your quick fixed on the mentioned issues. We really appreciate.
  12. Ya that is mentioned in my player tutorial for this plugin but there are always players who complain Well I asked and now I've got the answer. Thanks
  13. Hi, this is a really nice plugin. But could you perhaps do anything about the accessibility of the storage adapters/small wooden boxes mounted on the troughs? It is a pain to set up sometimes, especially when players are not used to it. I cannot be around 24/7 to hold their hands on this. This is so far the only problem I noticed. Thank you, I hope you can consider to improve this.
    Have been waiting for a native mechanic like this in Rust for years but it never came. I'm happy to see a plugin being able to deal with this now. Initially, the plugin did not work on my server but within an hour the dev helped out and fixed the discrepancy with BetterChat. Works as intended, very smooth and a resourceful dev. Five stars from me.
  14. Added.
  15. I see, however I only used full values. I will get back if I find out more.
  16. The values don't matter, I tried the same on another live server as well as a test server. There it works. Tried from 1 - 500, on this specific server it won't work. Currently loading in the plugins manually to see which one would interfere.
  17. Hi, I am not sure if I am doing something wrong here, but I cannot get the plugin to work. Plugin is loaded and I followed the "guide" on the description page but regardless of which item I choose to set up to be sold I constantly get message "Invalid stack size. Please enter a valid number." When I stand in front of a VM, I type /vm in chat. Then hold the item I want to sell, open chat and type any number which results in above mentioned error message. Screenshot is attached. I am using Stack Modifier if that is relevant here. Any help here is appreciated. EDIT: tested on a test server where it worked. Trying to narrow down if another plugin interferes.

    Vending Plus

    That is what shops are used for usually
  19. @Chris Dg. Could you take a look, please?
  20. Just tested, you are right. Same issue here. The UI does not get destroyed after for instance a heli is shot down. Waited roughly five minutes but it remains.
  21. It is freely movable. Just make sure you don't touch the offset values.
  22. Thank you for your quick reaction on the mentioned issues and requests. I will give the latest version a try later today. EDIT: The flaws I mentioned initially are working now. - built-in remover tool/ent kill function works (also symmetrical removal) - supports building skins plugins - upgrading building blocks works as intended (no more turning into twig) Thank you for fixing it so quick! Also, the new UI looks really good. Cheers! One small thing I personally would like to see (as request) is that you don't have to have symmetry enabled to remove entities with your reload button. For instance a simple config option for people to decide whether they want it enabled only if symmetry is enabled or simply have the plugin running. A lot of admins (like me) don't have any keys available for keybinds, players don't always know how to bind keys themselves and they are used to big build servers such as Builder's Sanctuary or Rusticated etc. It just adds more quality of life to this plugin.
  23. How many entities does this base have? (Everything included)


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