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Request: Option to disable all plugin chat messages

Krungh Crow


Will be added in next patch




request: Option to add a delay before walker spawns


Krungh Crow


noted will be added



Hi just thought I'd let you know that there are few typos in the message files.

  "Zombie_Spawn": "You died and ressurected a Walker!",
  "Prefix": "<color=green>Walking Dead : </color>",
  "info": "\nThe [Walking Dead] will resurrect players as Walkers\nThese are agressive and attack anything on sight !!\nUsing their mellee weapons they can and will go after you !!"

  "Zombie_Spawn": "You died and resurrected a Walker!",
  "Prefix": "<color=green>Walking Dead : </color>",
  "info": "\nThe [Walking Dead] will resurrect players as Walkers\nThese are aggressive and attack anything on sight !!\nUsing their melee weapons they can and will go after you !!"



9 hours ago, Covfefe said:

Request: Option to disable all plugin chat messages

You could just edit the lang/en file to remove/change the messages

Krungh Crow


1 hour ago, geekyplaster said:

Hi just thought I'd let you know that there are few typos in the message files.

  "Zombie_Spawn": "You died and ressurected a Walker!",
  "Prefix": "<color=green>Walking Dead : </color>",
  "info": "\nThe [Walking Dead] will resurrect players as Walkers\nThese are agressive and attack anything on sight !!\nUsing their mellee weapons they can and will go after you !!"

  "Zombie_Spawn": "You died and resurrected a Walker!",
  "Prefix": "<color=green>Walking Dead : </color>",
  "info": "\nThe [Walking Dead] will resurrect players as Walkers\nThese are aggressive and attack anything on sight !!\nUsing their melee weapons they can and will go after you !!"

ill change ^^



2 hours ago, geekyplaster said:

You could just edit the lang/en file to remove/change the messages

You mean if I just delete the lines in the lang file it will stop all messages from showing up?

Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

hey guys sorry for the delayed fixes but my desktop had some nvidia hardware issues i am adding the update asap later this day

Update live in v1.0.1

@Covfefe yes the language files can be changed and will be updated once you reload the plugin

 "Zombie_Spawn": "You died and resurrected a Walker!",

 "Zombie_Spawn": "You died why did u do that ?",

always keep left side since thats the string called in the plugin to use the part to the right

Edited by Krungh Crow


Got the update thx🙂 love this new option "Zombie spawn amount"



Does use kit have to be true for it to use the walkerkit?

Krungh Crow


@geekyplaster yes i thought it will be asked eventualy so i allready added it

@Covfefe walkerkit is a example name Change usekit to true then add the kitname of your own made kit
and place that name where the walkerkit is


    "Zombie Use kit (clothing)": true,
    "Zombie Kit ID": "yourownkitnamehere",

Like this

If you dont have a kit keep it set on false



Oh I thought it turns into a zombie version of the dead player by wearing the player's clothes.

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Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

That will be added yes but its not in this version yet



Future additions :(wip!!!)


Edited by Krungh Crow
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Please make sure there's an option to set the corpse to default loot so their clothing doesn't get duped when the walker dies

Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

 inv gets wiped giving it the vanilla loot and clothing cant be looted and yes that will be taken into the function once it is added to have the "clone/walker"

Edited by Krungh Crow


Any ETA on the zombie having their clothing on and their name?  I would legit pay extra for that feature


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Krungh Crow


i will look into that feature this week and see if we can make that happen 🙂



If you got a donation link I will gladly donate to make it happen faster 😉

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Any chance we could add a cooldown to it? I have players making a ton of zombies and farming them for EZ loot.

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Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

guess thats an option to add 🙂 and a possible % chance to have it spawn would reduce it a bit also.
planning on some updates for that.

Edited by Krungh Crow
Krungh Crow


Added cooldown in last patch !
i am still working on the ` real ` zombie cloning part

Krungh Crow


added playernames and clothing to be equiped on the walkers 🙂

Fusion 3.64


Just picked up the plugin and absolutely loving it. Only issue I've found is it's incompatible with NPCKits if you have Murderers active. It will overwrite the dead players gear and use one of the kits set in the NPCKits config. I don't know which end this would need to be fixed on.

Krungh Crow


i will discuss this 🙂 thx for the report

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