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Only have one command (/garage), in order to make everything easier on the consumer side of things.
Use the command to open up a GUI, which presents all the options. Possibly with a red overlay over the commands the consumer doesn't have access to (so it still shows the option, but it doesn't allow for it to be executed without the permission).
Otherwise, great plugin. Thank you for sharing it!

  • Like 2
Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

thx great suggestion.
was thinking about a gui myself but thats not my expertise but i could ask around if one of the others could assist me with that. since its not a easy thing to add (atleast for me 🙂 ).
I do know some of the great guys making plugins will probably end up making a more extended version to spawn cars.
So keep an eye out for that also.


Edited by Krungh Crow
Krungh Crow


added a ui 🙂

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Hello @Krungh Crow, you could implement Economics and Server Rewards ?


That you have to pay for the commands.
In the configuration you should be able to adjust the prices. It can also be decided whether the commands should cost what or not.


"Settings": { 
    "BuildingSpawn": false,
    "Cooldown": 300
    "useserverrewards": false,
    "useeconomics": false,
"pricechassis": {
            "price": "100",
    "chas3 "
            "price": "200",
    "chas4 ": 
            "price": "300",
"pricecar": {        
            "price": "300",
            "price": "300",
            "price": "300",

There are definitely errors in the code, it should just be an idea of the configuration.

This is a very nice plugin.
Thanks for that!

  • Like 1


i like it already and a function for ServerRewards will be super cool 

  • Like 1
Krungh Crow


working on a couple of cooldown issues and adding the server rewards and economics will be added eventualy.

Thx for the feedback guys

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is possible to have also console commands for guishop ?

Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

yes it can be done you have to add something like this :


    "Chassis 2": {
    "buy": "0",
    "img": "",
    "cmd": ["garage chas2 $player.id"],
    "cooldown": "0",
    "sell": "0"

so it will be using the garage chat command by removing the / infront of the chat command.
then it will spawn it through the Garage plugins command.

however for shop it would be easyer to just use the "spawn + itemshortname + $player.id"
This will basicly do the same.
Currently working on adding economics and rp to it once thats done i will make the ui some more appealling

Edited by Krungh Crow


You should design the UI in the same way as Kits instead of one cooldown for everything. 

e.g. Modules section where you can claim 1 module every X minutes

Engine Parts, you can claim 1 grade (low quality, etc) of all the different parts you need to start a car

The way you have it designed right now, players can only claim 1 thing until the cooldown is over.

If there is no cooldown, then you can spam whatever you want.

Krungh Crow


wip on cooldowns and economics/rp like stated



Hello, great plugin, very good work ... I would like to know, the "modules" and the "chassis" are not used for the moment ??? they are unusable ??

Krungh Crow


u can spawn them but still need to add the parts themselves hence its a garage 🙂
Once i figure out how to add the parts to the cars this will be added to the features (no eta on that tho)




Votre plugin est super, mais je voudrais savoir comment configurer le mod pour qu'il s'ouvre avec un npc?

Merci à l'avance pour votre réponse

Krungh Crow


peut essayer de désactiver l'autorisation pour les joueurs, puis obliger le PNJ humain à exécuter la commande.
Je ne l'ai pas encore essayé moi-même

can try to disable the permission for players then make the human npc execute the command.
I haven't tried it myself yet tho



Merci, je vais essayer




Cela aurait etait sympa d'avoir un tutoriel sur la configuration à faire.

Krungh Crow


Planification d'une réécriture complète pour la rendre plus facile et plus contrôlable.
Mais cela prendra du temps

Planning on a complete rewrite to make it easier and more overseeable.
But will take some time



je comprend et merci pour votre écoute


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je reviens vers vous car j'ai demander au créateur de HumanNPC et il m"a dit que la seul solution et que vous ajoutiez la command pour l'utilisation d'un NPC et que lui ne pouvez rien faire

Donc si vous pouviez le prévoir dans votre prochaine mise a jour ce serait super génial de votre part car j'adore ce plugin et vos creations

Krungh Crow


yes ill try to add that.
I started to rewrite the plugin but it is a big plugin so it will take some time to finish and add new additions

oui mal essayer d'ajouter ça.
J'ai commencé à réécrire le plugin mais c'est un gros plugin donc il faudra du temps pour terminer et ajouter de nouveaux ajouts


Posted (edited)


j "aimerai savoir si il est possible de changer la commande pour ouvir votre plugin pour remplacer la commande actuelle à savoir garage ui 

Merci d'avance

Edited by gandhalf31
Krungh Crow


will be changed when the bigger update is finished

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