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will this work with automated events?


Krungh Crow


if u dont enable the spawns on bradleyoptions it should work since bradleyoptions would skip the spawntime part.
the spawn option are for when the bradleys are not spawning correctly so if all set to false.
it ignores all that



Possible to make it work with Monument Bradley by Razor? Thanks.

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Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

can u send me a config of that plugin so i know which settings to block for the bradley stats
And have u tryed running both plugins and noticed a issue with it ?
and if so which issue(s) are they ?
ah i see they use same command /bradley


Edited by Krungh Crow


Hello, possible to add a custom loot table? Thanks

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Krungh Crow


personaly i use bradley_crate in a loot plugin but it can be done



Im using SimpleLoot plugin....  so i can't... 😉 but thanks very much 🙂

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Have a question, this controls only the  default Bradley at launch site? I also use a payware plugin that lets me spawn bradleys at other monuments but that plugin has no control over the default Bradly, say if i change the plugin bradleys heath and speed, it will not mess with default Bradley, with that being said do you think this plugin would mess with my other payware bradleys?

Krungh Crow


it alters the settings for every bradley spawning on the map.
Which plugin is it i might be able to see if it interferes with it



The plugin is called Monument Bradley 1.1.5 by Razor, His plugin has no effect on the launch site bradley in the game, his plugin only effects the bradleys his plugin spawns which are at water treatment plant, airfield ,power plant, and ring road, thanks.

Krungh Crow


ye that plugin is not compattible  with this plugin they both use /bradley for example



possible to have for clan/friend this please: "cooldown between Bradley kills (minutes)


actualy, with my team, i'm in cooldown but not my mate... Thanks

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Possible to add a option for enable/disable the hud cooldown in game?

Krungh Crow


hud is not from my plugin maybe lootdefender ?

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Posted (edited)



hud at right (28min) is not from your plugin? oh ok sorry... need to find this so...


edit: yes, seems be this...

Edited by Tanki
Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

np bud 🙂

Just checked LootDefender has a hud activation in the cfg


Edited by Krungh Crow
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1 minute ago, Krungh Crow said:

np bud 🙂

Just checked LootDefender has a hud activation in the cfg


just edited: edit: yes, seems be this... xD Thanks

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It's possible so make a compatibility with lootdefender maybe?

lootdefender settings about bradley


  "Bradley Settings": {
    "Messages": {
      "Broadcast Kill Notification To Chat": true,
      "Broadcast Kill Notification To Killer": true,
      "Broadcast Locked Notification To Chat": true
    "Damage Lock Threshold": 0.2,
    "Harvest Too Hot Until (0 = Never)": 480.0,
    "Lock For X Seconds (0 = Forever)": 900,
    "Remove Fire From Crates": true,
    "Lock Bradley From Personal Apc Plugin": true,
    "Block Looting Only": true

hoping that you understand where I am coming from otherwise I would explain more clearly

Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

you can disable the cooldown inside BradleyOptions config to use the LootDefender lock.
But then u can still spam it.
They both do diffrent things
lootdefender locks the bradley components and chest to a player/team
cooldown in bradleyoptions just makes u unable to damage the bradley when its respawned for x time

Edited by Krungh Crow


2 minutes ago, Krungh Crow said:

you can disable the cooldown inside BradleyOptions config to use the LootDefender lock.
But then u can still spam it

I wanted to keep the two plugins ... each brings its functionality ... thank you for answering

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JenGii ISL.GGServers


Unloaded plugin BradleyOptions v2.1.7 by Krungh Crow
Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'BradleyOptions v2.1.7' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyOptions.OnServerInitialized () [0x000a3] in <89fb8836769d473aa96710185901e662>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.BradleyOptions.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0024d] in <89fb8836769d473aa96710185901e662>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <e23ba2c0f246426296d81c842cbda3af>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <50629aa0e75d4126b345d8d9d64da28d>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <50629aa0e75d4126b345d8d9d64da28d>:0 

Plugin needs update!

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Will this plugin cause conflict with Road Bradley

Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

it will skip variables when that is installed.
This is a global modifier and most bradleyplugin makers dont have a api to see if it is a custom bradley

Edited by Krungh Crow


The convoy plugin has extended range on the bradley's machine gun.

Would this be something that could be added as a config option?  The range of the machine gun?

Krungh Crow



  "Bradley Settings": {
    "Enabled (will not spawn when false)": true,
    "Change Health (If only using BradleyOptions)": true,
    "Health": 1000,
    "Max Fire Range": 100,  <----------------
    "Throttle Responce": 1.0,
    "Hostile timer": 20.0,
    "Ignores sleepers": true,
    "Ignores admins": false


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