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On 1/18/2025 at 11:24 AM, Tstew said:

Hello everyone. I am looking to configure the loot that the NPcs drop. Aside from changing it in the config file, i notced it uses the
 "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_oilrig.prefab"

with that being said, i use Loottables plugin, and i dont see that under the options.(see picture below) Is there another plugin i should be using for loot, or do i need to manually set each NPC's loot in the monument folder?|

If you are still having issues with this feel free to create a ticket in the Mad Mapper Discord you can tag me and KpucTaJl.

I believe that with the loot plugin you are using, that you cannot use the prefab path option. It will always route to the NpcSpawn path if I remember correctly, I will check my notes more closely to make sure but I know some of the loot plugins work in that way. But you can experiment with several different loot options depending on what you are trying to do and I don't mind going over that with you if you are still struggling with that. Just let me know here or in the MM Discord or feel free to make a ticket on here too. Discord is more private but whatever works for you. Saw you got a couple different answers on it but just wanted to follow up.



On 1/19/2025 at 1:11 PM, Razor said:

AdminChinook is what he found to be conflicting with BetterNpc.. Just passing the info along.

Thank you for that. Seems like we are compiling a small list there are at least 2 or 3 that I've heard are causing issues more recently.



Might be a stupid question.. is it possible to set NPC's in a profile to peace keeper mode? 




10 hours ago, Magnumk said:

Might be a stupid question.. is it possible to set NPC's in a profile to peace keeper mode?

Not a stupid question.

There is not a way exactly to do that, but you can tweak their configuration for example reduce their sense range to almost nothing for example, but there is not really a way to make them simply peacekeepers. Can get creative but not a way to do exactly that.

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