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Lighted Shadows


How do I get the location I am at in relation to the Monument like the main gate into Airfield?

I fail to understand how I can add more spawns to a monument like Airfield.

In config it has been set to own and they spawn at the POS list just fine.

I wish to add other NPC I am able to do this just fine. I wish to add this new NPC his own POS, however the POS is in relation to the monument not the POS on the map. I try the "The commands in the chat (for admins only)" but it only will like custom locations.
see in Airfield.json I add "Dead Eye" with location that was already in file "(-41.6, 27.6, -83.0)" by plugin author.
I wish to put "Dead Eye" in another place inside the Airfield Monument.
F1 + printpos location does not put NPC in spot desired rather it places him Offset from Monument center way out of Airfield.

      "Type of appearance (0 - random; 1 - own list) (not used for Road and Biome)": 1,
      "Own list of locations (not used for Road and Biome)": [
        "(-41.6, 27.6, -83.0)"




11 hours ago, Lighted Shadows said:

How do I get the location I am at in relation to the Monument like the main gate into Airfield?

/SpawnPointPos Airfield

This will give you the POS in relation to that monument, which is how the plugin is written. It uses locations based on that monument and can be very useful going from one map to another without needing to change these constantly.

11 hours ago, Lighted Shadows said:

F1 + printpos location does not put NPC in spot desired rather it places him Offset from Monument center way out of Airfield.

If it were in relation to the map then they would need changed every single time you change maps, because monuments are not in the same place on the map each time.


11 hours ago, Lighted Shadows said:

see in Airfield.json I add "Dead Eye" with location that was already in file "(-41.6, 27.6, -83.0)" by plugin author. I wish to put "Dead Eye" in another place inside the Airfield Monument.

"Dead Eye" is the 1st preset in that file now. So to add more locations to that file you need to use this command.

/SpawnPointAddPOS 1 Airfield

The 1 is the preset number, so since you have I believe 6, you will put 1-6 depending on which preset you are trying to add the POS to.


Posted (edited)

i used custom map kongskullslandv

so i did paste betternpc folder in my oxide data folder

but all custom file not work

npcspawn, betternpc newest version

I created custom files myself also don't work


Edited by whatup


9 hours ago, whatup said:

i used custom map kongskullslandv

so i did paste betternpc folder in my oxide data folder

but all custom file not work

npcspawn, betternpc newest version

I created custom files myself also don't work


Which custom files are not working, and in what way are they not working?

What steps did you take to create the custom file and in what way they are not working?

Please provide more context so that we can find a resolution.

Lighted Shadows

Posted (edited)

On 12/30/2022 at 7:28 PM, Jbird said:

The 1 is the preset number, so since you have I believe 6, you will put 1-6 depending on which preset you are trying to add the POS to.


The Preset # is the position in the list the "NPC" is listed?

1st NPC, 2nd NPC, .....

I was taking it as the POS position.....

as for /SpawnPointPos Airfield it was printing out ALL the text in the Airfield. I redid the entire Airfield.json and it works now. I prob messed something up with all my fumbling. 

Thanks for clearing that up.

Edited by Lighted Shadows


On 1/1/2023 at 2:43 AM, Jbird said:

Which custom files are not working, and in what way are they not working?

What steps did you take to create the custom file and in what way they are not working?

Please provide more context so that we can find a resolution.

sorry to late my answer

all custom file is no work

in game ,  i made new custom npc [ ex) chat command /SpawnPointAdd 1]

i said "oh good it is working ...appeared npc name 1"   and made custom file 

now i edited name 1 file  and reload betternpc 

oh.....  where is my name 1 npc??  just i cant see my custom npc   not appear

i had other custom file [ kingbigcamp, kingforest, kingkong, kinglake, kingvillage]   all of them not work

but other file Monument is working   



On 1/1/2023 at 12:05 PM, Lighted Shadows said:

Thanks for clearing that up.

Always happy to help and enjoy it especially when I see people figuring it out as we go and piecing things together.

Always here if you run into any other issues.



On 1/6/2023 at 5:01 AM, whatup said:

sorry to late my answer

all custom file is no work

i had other custom file [ kingbigcamp, kingforest, kingkong, kinglake, kingvillage]   all of them not work

but other file Monument is working   

  • How are they not working?
  • What steps are you taking to create them?
  • What does the plugin say when you reload it?
    • It will cycle all files and will point out when it finds any missing file
    • It will also point out when it encounters a file with an error


On 1/6/2023 at 5:01 AM, whatup said:

now i edited name 1 file  and reload betternpc 

oh.....  where is my name 1 npc??  just i cant see my custom npc   not appear

  • Explain this process further
    • It almost sounds like you simply renamed another file


The NPCs of this plugin shoot you if they see you at the top of your base (Base not very high)?. Or they just stand there looking at you and don't shoot?.


Posted (edited)

I have the CHAOS ZombieHorde plugin and it doesn't fulfill that function. I would also like to know if Better Npc and ZombieHorde are compatible with the two plugins at the same time on the server or if, on the contrary, only one of the two can be executed?.

Edited by ErMonito
Lighted Shadows


1 minute ago, ErMonito said:

The NPCs of this plugin shoot you if they see you at the top of your base (Base not very high)?. Or they just stand there looking at you and don't shoot?.

The Ai is not like Vanilla Rust. I find that you need to adjust settings per NPC based on what behavior you desire.
Mixing Requires line of sight, Roam range, vision range, chase range, etc in different ways and environments will yield different  behavior.  My airfield setting result in no agro unless you get into airfield. At the same time the guys in the hangars will not even leave the hanger to chase you. One sniper in tower 12 will pick you off at 250M DeadEye.



At the top of the buildings of the monuments if I know that they shoot. My question is: Do they shoot if they see you on top of the player's building? In the ZombieHorde plugin they don't shoot. I want to know if in this plugin yes or no.



On 1/14/2023 at 12:03 PM, ErMonito said:

The NPCs of this plugin shoot you if they see you at the top of your base (Base not very high)?. Or they just stand there looking at you and don't shoot?.

I am assuming this to be a question, and yes they will see players but it depends quite a bit on their configuration as to how well they will be able to do this. Players do try to find ways to make the NPCs easier to kill, so in some instances creativity is required on our side to counter their attempts to simplify the challenge for themselves.

On 1/14/2023 at 12:04 PM, ErMonito said:

I have the CHAOS ZombieHorde plugin and it doesn't fulfill that function. I would also like to know if Better Npc and ZombieHorde are compatible with the two plugins at the same time on the server or if, on the contrary, only one of the two can be executed?.

Yes those plugins have, can, and will function together. There have been issues in the past, perhaps there will be from time to time, but the developers are both active and interested in sorting out any issues that arise.

On 1/14/2023 at 12:11 PM, Lighted Shadows said:

The Ai is not like Vanilla Rust. I find that you need to adjust settings per NPC based on what behavior you desire.
Mixing Requires line of sight, Roam range, vision range, chase range, etc in different ways and environments will yield different  behavior.  My airfield setting result in no agro unless you get into airfield. At the same time the guys in the hangars will not even leave the hanger to chase you. One sniper in tower 12 will pick you off at 250M DeadEye.

Well said, and to your questions I think they are answering them similarly to myself just in different words.

On 1/14/2023 at 2:00 PM, ErMonito said:

At the top of the buildings of the monuments if I know that they shoot. My question is: Do they shoot if they see you on top of the player's building? In the ZombieHorde plugin they don't shoot. I want to know if in this plugin yes or no.

It varies but is mostly depending on the configuration for the NPCs. Consider what weapons they have for example, their range, things of this nature are going to change the answer to that question.



Any chance of getting per npc skill tree xp much like economics? At the moment skill tree has all npcs give the same amount of XP, but I think on a per npc basis would be more beneficial.



On 1/20/2023 at 9:18 AM, Laminin said:

Any chance of getting per npc skill tree xp much like economics? At the moment skill tree has all npcs give the same amount of XP, but I think on a per npc basis would be more beneficial.

To be honest it's more of a question for the skill tree developer. It has to have a way to differentiate, perhaps by custom names, that would be easiest in my opinion as this plugin sets their name. Otherwise to your point, they will otherwise all be read as a heavy scientist.



Using this plugin with NewDawn_ver8 map. NPCs are spawning inside of the light at both lighthouses. I'm not real sure how to correct that or if I can.
Suggestions? Thanks in advance.



On 2/5/2023 at 10:11 AM, Darbimus said:

Using this plugin with NewDawn_ver8 map. NPCs are spawning inside of the light at both lighthouses. I'm not real sure how to correct that or if I can. Suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Do you by chance have custom NPCs from another map that were not removed or disabled?

I will take a look as soon as I get a chance to double check our lighthouses, I haven't heard anyone else having these issues, but I'm sure we can sort it out let's start there.

Also check your NpcSpawn version.




Im trying to make the "Own loot table" work proper along with prefab loot....

Could you add a "Chance [0.0-100.0]" option so i can define a percentage chance that any of the items on the list will drop?
Now there is just a maximum and minimum number of items option on that list and a individual chance of each item.

My plan is to give some of the NPC's a 5% chance of dropping a level 3 bluprint. But i think they drop too often.
But it seems like its 50/50 chance  now if there drops a  item from the list if i set minimum 0 and maximum 1 on "own loot table".

If i modify the chance on each individual item, it seems like it just favorites one item above others.

Hope i explained myself good enough



On 2/15/2023 at 11:33 AM, Hawkhill said:

Im trying to make the "Own loot table" work proper along with prefab loot....

I think what you might need to do would be to continue to work with the balance of the percentages. It is still slightly confused as it seems to make sense but I'm not sure if I am simplifying it in my head. I think just perhaps the loot coming from the prefab is going to have the prefab chances, which I am assuming is the largest reason for this not working as you're intending as of yet.

One part does sound contradictory though because you ask for it to have individual chance added but then in the same sentence said that they have each individual config options to change it, which is true. So you may need to clarify there just a bit for me.



Hi! Sorry for late response....
Ive now set 2.5% chance any of the level 3 bluprints drop in the "Own Loot".......
Still its quite normal to get 2-3 bluprints each time i clear the abandoned millitary camp with only 10 NPC's.

Here is a screenshot of a part of the configfile.....
The prefabloot i can define a 0-100% chance for that loot drops......
But the "Own loot table"  i can only set Min / Max items.
And the chance on each individual item seems to be just a way to define if some of the items in that list should have higher / lower chance than others to drop.

So what i want is a "Chance [0.0-100.0]" on the own loot list aswell..... then i can easily set for example 5% chance that any of the  items from the list drops.

Does this make any sense?



1 hour ago, Hawkhill said:

The prefabloot i can define a 0-100% chance for that loot drops......
But the "Own loot table"  i can only set Min / Max items.
And the chance on each individual item seems to be just a way to define if some of the items in that list should have higher / lower chance than others to drop.

So what i want is a "Chance [0.0-100.0]" on the own loot list aswell..... then i can easily set for example 5% chance that any of the  items from the list drops.

Does this make any sense?

It does make sense but that works differently than what you are looking to do. That is for adding multiple prefabs to pull from, so lets say you use 3 prefab paths, you can then use the chance to make one more likely than another.

I think it might be a bit too complicated to try to do probability between multiple loot types that starts getting very complex. Within one loot type though it is much simpler. Hopefully my explanation makes sense as well.



Thx for reply
So...... how do i make this work?
Do i really need to disable prefab loot and add all the items to "own loot" list instead? Gotta be a more simple way to do it....
Sounds pretty simple in my head, but im not the coder




6 hours ago, Hawkhill said:

Thx for reply
So...... how do i make this work?
Do i really need to disable prefab loot and add all the items to "own loot" list instead? Gotta be a more simple way to do it....
Sounds pretty simple in my head, but im not the coder


hey bud. 

I would go into the own loot mode instead and add some random items with a slightly higher drop chance. This way, other items become more rare.  Just a thought ofc ^^ 

Cheers bud 🍻



18 hours ago, Hawkhill said:

Thx for reply
So...... how do i make this work?
Do i really need to disable prefab loot and add all the items to "own loot" list instead? Gotta be a more simple way to do it....
Sounds pretty simple in my head, but im not the coder

Of course any time. And unfortunately that is the case a lot of times until you start to dive into the code side of things if you do, and you start to think more in code than in just what makes sense. So often things seem simple in our mind but trying to make that happen isn't often nearly as simple.

You don't have to disable prefab loot but what you have to understand is that prefabs will have their own percentages and chances, you can only give min and maximums between your choices and then adjust from there. It is assumed that your prefab path or loot table will have it's own chances in place and if you use a plugin then perhaps you can control that as well. To me though it starts to get just as complicated that my advice is nearly always build your own loot table, if you are able and willing. You get exactly what you want that way and so much less confusion and trial and error. You are not the first and won't be the last to try to combine them but get very specific outcomes and it can be very difficult to find those percentages and settings that will get it fine tuned, versus taking the extra time to build it yourself and having very little work to do afterwards. The confidence in getting the right things is too high not to want to do the work for it, for myself.

Alternatively I would say to just use the path and items that you want but realize that doing a hybrid like that, getting the percentages and chances to work in a specific way is always going to be much easier if you just build the loot table yourself.


12 hours ago, GamingHQ said:

I would go into the own loot mode instead and add some random items with a slightly higher drop chance. This way, other items become more rare.  Just a thought ofc ^^

Solid thought and tactic as well simply adjusting the percentages sometimes you can find a balance. I still think that when combining two loot table options though it is best to expect some chaos or a lot of trial and error testing different settings until it's dialed in.



Got this list with the oilrig scientist dropchances.... https://rustlabs.com/entity/oil-rig-scientist#order;sort=3,1,0
I see most of the dropchances are below 1%......

Does the prefab loot share the same dropchances as i specify in "Own loot"?
Or does the "Own loot" list have their own dropchance
I see there are just like 15 items  or so in the prefab list that has 5% or higher drop chance.
Ive been using 5% on the "own loot" items.....
So if they share the same dropchances i can maybe just lower it....... most of the items has 0.2% droprate and lower.

Sorry... this was pretty hard to put into words with my english skills..... hope u understand.



This is very strange way too many NPC



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