The Lone Dark's Wishlist
Custom Mixing Table
This plugin is basically custom made mixing table which works pretty much same as "vanilla" Mixing Table. Worth mentioning detail, vanilla mixing table interface is no longer accessible while using this plugin although you can still list "teas" in DrugMixing and make them craft-able this way. By using one of my other plugins called Consumable Effects you can add special buffs to consumable items. These buffs are activated upon consuming the item with custom item name listed in data file. Buffs can modify metabolism values like health, bleeding, hunger, comfort etc. or apply Tea Boost with customized values (time, value, type).
Default configuration.
Default config files are included with plugin, you will find there 7 recipes which supports ConsumableEffects plugin.
Alternatively you can look into configuration made by my customers here -> Default Tea Recipes / Complete Drug Config for RP servers
Changing and uploading custom item icons.
You can upload any icon on steam workshop with uploader tool, it is simple as just clicking one button. I can provide you with free one on my discord.
Where can players find custom ingredients for mixing table.
There is few different ways how to do it. Best way is to use any plugin which modifies loot tables and add your special items in there.
Getting custom item when picking up plants.
This is done by using free plugin ExtraGatherBonuses (link here). With this plugin you can set up any gather chance for custom items.
Special effects/buffs when consuming custom items.
To set up any buffs, please check out optional dependency Consumable Effects
If you have any questions prior to purchasing, feel free to message me here, for faster response reach out on my
For more detailed documentation visit this link.
Create Recipe
Additional Options
Scientist Sentries
The Scientist Sentries plugin allows you or your players to place their own Outpost Turrets (that act like normal turrets) on their bases.
scientistsentry.get <name/steam id*> <amount*> - Give a scientist sentry item to a player
Acknowledged Issues:
Set Id/Authorizing Friends doesn't work/crashes players: This is sadly a FP bug and a workaround would be difficult to implement smoothly
{ "Instant sentry switch (Sentries toggle instantly when switch toggled)": false, "Power required to switch": 0, "Force switch to be on when required power is given": false, "Where the switch to toggle the sentry is located (View website for options)": "front", "How far the switch is from the center of the sentry in meters": 0.8, "Sentry Item Name": "Scientist Sentry", "Sentry Skin ID": 3306396656, "Sentries need Ammo": true, "Sentry Ammo Slots": 6, "Sentry Range": 100.0, "Sentry Aim Cone": 2.0, "Delay between shots (seconds)": 0.115, "Sentry Health": 1500, "Only Target NPCs / Don't target players": false, "Sentries can take damage": true, "Sentry drops when floor missing": true, "Sam": { "Sentries can act like sam sites": false, "Requires ammo to shoot": true, "Vehicle Scan Radius (Vanilla = 150)": 150, "Missile Scan Radius (MLRS) (Vanilla = 225)": 225, "Burst Fire Count (Vanilla = 6)": 6, "Target helicopters that authed people are flying": false, "Target helicopters without a driver/passenger": false }, "Warn player if has no ammo when turning on": false, "Warn player if ammo is low when turning on": false, "Base Damage": 15, "Default Ammo Type (Requires Sentries need Ammo to be false)": "ammo.rifle", "Ammunition": [ { "Short Name": "ammo.rifle", "Allowed": true, "Extra Damage": 0, "Create Fire": false, "Create Explosion": false, "Is Sam Ammo (Automatically disables ammo type if sam mode is off)": false }, ... ] } Instant sentry switch - When the switch on the sentry is toggled, should the sentry instantly turn on/off or do the default turret startup or shutdown sound and animation
Power required to switch - When setting is set to above 0, players won't be able to toggle the sentry unless the required power is put into the Power In of the switch. Automatically toggles off when power is removed.
Force switch to be on - When the required power is put into the Power In of the switch, it will turn on and players will not be able to toggle the switch anymore. Automatically toggles off when power is removed.
Where the switch is - Configures where the switch is on the sentry.
- Available values:
- front: In front of the sentry/On the first leg
- back: Behind the sentry, in the air
- leg1: Same as front, on the first leg
- leg2: On the second leg/right back leg
- leg3: On the third leg/left back leg
- north/n: Always faces to the north, sentry rotation doesn't matter
- Also works: east/e, south/s, west/w, northeast/ne, southeast/se, northwest/nw, southeast/se
How far the switch is - How far the switch is away from the sentry.
Sentry Item Name - The item name of the sentry items. Already existing sentry items will not change, but they will continue to work as long as the skin stays the same.
Sentry Skin ID - The Skin ID of the sentry item. Already existing sentry items will NOT change and will not work anymore.
Sentries need Ammo - When disabled, sentry inventory is locked and they will always shoot. Otherwise take 5.56 Rifle Ammo.
Sentry Ammo Slots - How many slots the sentry inventory has.
Sentry Range - Range of the sentries. Vanilla (outpost turrets) = 100, Normal Turrets = 30
Sentry Aim Cone - Aim cone of the sentries. Vanilla (outpost turrets) = 2.0, Normal Turrets = 4.0
Sentry Health - Health of the sentries. Vanilla (outpost turrets) = 1000 (doesn't take damage) , Normal Turrets = 1000
Only Target NPCs / Don't target players
Delay between shots - Fire rate of the sentry. Shoots every X seconds. Vanilla (outpost turrets) = 0.115, Normal Turrets = Attached gun fire rate
Sentries can take damage - If sentries should be able to take damage, from explosions, bullets, etc.
Sentry drops when floor missing - When set to true, the sentry will not drop as an item when the floor/foundation underneath is broken. Sentry will still disappear.
SAM Mode - Settings to allow sentries to act like SAM sites
- Sentries can act like sam sites - Enable custom SAM site behavior
- Requires ammo to shoot - If Shooting Surface to Air Missiles (SAM) requires ammo (Ammunition Type with Is Sam Ammo true)
- Vehicle Scan Radius - Radius to scan for vehicles (Minicopters, etc.) (meters)
- Missile Scan Radius - Radius to scan for MLRS Missiles (meters)
- Burst Fire Count: How many missiles to shoot in one burst
- Target helicopters that authed people are flying
- Target helicopters without a driver/passenger
Warn player if has no ammo - When set to true, the player will be warned in chat that the sentry has no ammo inside of it when turning it on. Does not work if `Sentries need Ammo` is set to false.
Warn player if has no ammo - When set to true, the player will be warned in chat if the sentry has under 100 5.56 Rifle Ammo inside of it when turning it on. Does not work if `Sentries need Ammo` is set to false.
Base Damage - The base damage the sentry inflicts
Default Ammo Type - When Sentries need Ammo is set to false, use this ammo type
Ammunition - Custom ammunition types
- Short Name: Short name of the item
- Allowed. If false, the sentry's inventory will not accept the item
- Extra Damage: Extra damage on top of Base Damage
- Create Fire: Creates fire like incendiary rounds
- Create Explosion: Creates explosions like explosive rounds
- Is Sam Ammo: If true, item will be used as ammo when sentries try to shoot SAM Ammo, not regular shots.
sentrytvideo.mp4- #turret
- #scientist
(and 5 more)
Tagged with:
F15 AirStrike
Adds the ability to call an airstrike, the player throws a supply signal in the place where he wants to call an airstrike.
This plugin uses the default supply signal, but the item skin must be 2982472774. Please use only default stack size for supply signal. This is the only way the plugin will work properly.
Since this is not an item that players can usually get through loot, you can use a plugin like BetterLoot to insert a supply signal with skin 2982472774 into your loot tables, and then that player-picked item can be used as a signal to call an airstrike.
There is also support for the plug-in HomingMissiles
Commands (admin only):
/GiveF15AirStrikeSignal <Player or steamID> <number of items> - give the player a supply airstrike signal
/GiveF15AirStrikeSignalToAll <number of items> - give to all players a supply airstrike signal
/adminCallF15 - causes an airstrike to a point with the player's coordinates
Developer API:
(void) CallF15AirStrike(Vector3 pos, BasePlayer player) - launch an airstrike on a point with coordinates pos, player - airstrike initiator(null can be specified)
This plugin uses the permission system
f15AirStrike.use - required to use airstrike - for VIP permissions, the “Cooldown time for VIP” setting is available
To assign a permission, use: oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> f15AirStrike.use
To remove a permission, use: oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> f15AirStrike.use
{ "Rockets speed": 150, "Attack radius": 150, "Damage scale (1 = 100%)": 1.0, "Rate of fire(number of shots per second)": 2.5, "Time to trigger a signal grenade": 3.0, "Cooldown time": 1.0, "Cooldown time for VIP": 1.0, "Cooldown message": "You can't call airstrike that often", "Prohibition message": "You do not have permission to use airstrike", "Grenade throw force scaling": 1.0, "Damage to buildings": false, "Attack the initiator": true, "Attack the players": true, "Attack NPCs": true, "Attack the place where the signal supply was thrown (attacks only in the area, not aiming at players and NPCs)": false, "F15 will only attack at right angles above the center of the impact area (only for area targeting)": false, "Attack accuracy (used only when attacking in an area)": 30, "Use homing missiles(need HomingMissiles plugin)": false }
Simple KDR UI
By Cobalt Studios in Plugins
Simple kill/death ratio counter. User interface is fully customizable, each panel can be disabled. For each screenshot shown there is config file available.
Simple customizable KDR UI interface Togglable interface Multi-User custom interface support High Performance Plugin Plug and Play - No dependencies or Linq
Got any ideas or questions ? Join the Cobalt Studios Discord @
Player Commands:
/hkd or /togglekdr - disables/enables kdr UI /skd or /switchkdr - rotates through multiple custom KDR UIs from the config Args - Optionally use an integer to skip to a specific UI - Example - /skd 2 Admin Commands:
/kdrwipe - wipes all kdr data
Player Permissions:
simplekdr.use - allows use of all player commands simplekdr.hidden - hides the kdr UI when a player logs in or uses the /hkd command Admin Permissions:
simplekdr.wipedata - allows the use of /kdrwipe command
Credit to M&B Studios the original author of this plugin.
- #kdr
- #simplekdr
- (and 24 more)
Fuel Status
The plugin displays the vehicle's fuel level in the status bar. Depends on AdvancedStatus plugin.
The ability to display the vehicle's fuel level(gauge) in the status bar; The ability to notify when a low fuel level is reached; The ability to specify mount poses for display; The ability to specify the order of the bar; The ability to change the height of the bar; The abillity to customize the color and transparency of the background; The ability to set a material for the background; The ability to switch between CuiRawImageComponent and CuiImageComponent for the image; The ability to get images from the local folder (*SERVER*\oxide\data\AdvancedStatus\Images); The abillity to set own image and customize the color and transparency of the image; The abillity to set sprite instead of the image; The ability to customize the color, size and font of the text; The ability to set a color for each percentage of fuel.
{ "Fuel indicator refresh interval in seconds": 5.0, "Notifications - The percentage(0.0 to 1.0) of fuel at which notifications will occur. A value of 0 disables this": 0.2, "Notifications - The effect that will be triggered upon a warning. Choose the effect carefully! An empty string disables the effect call": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.denied.prefab", "Status. Bar - Height": 26, "Status. Bar - Order": 1, "Status. Background - Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFFFFF", "Status. Background - Transparency": 0.15, "Status. Background - Material(empty to disable)": "", "Status. Image - Url": "", "Status. Image - Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "FuelStatus_Fuel", "Status. Image - Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Status. Image - Is raw image": false, "Status. Image - Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Status. Image - Transparency": 0.55, "Status. Image Outline - Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Status. Image Outline - Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Status. Image Outline - Transparency": 1.0, "Status. Image Outline - Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Status. Text - Size": 15, "Status. Text - Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Status. Text - Font(": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Status. Text - Offset Horizontal": 7, "Status. Text Outline - Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Status. Text Outline - Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Status. Text Outline - Transparency": 1.0, "Status. Text Outline - Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Status. Progress - Transparency": 0.8, "Status. Progress - OffsetMin": "25 2.5", "Status. Progress - OffsetMax": "-3.5 -3.5", "Status. Progress - Zero Text Size": 12, "Status. Progress - Zero Text Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#F70000", "List of mount poses for displaying fuel status": [ "Driving", "HandMotorBoat", "StandDrive", "SitMinicopter_Pilot", "Sit_Workcart", "Sit_Crane", "Driving_Snowmobile", "Sit_Locomotive", "Sit_DPV", "Sit_BatteringRam" ], "List of Gauge Indicators": [ { "MinRange": 0.0, "MaxRange": 0.2, "Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#F70000" }, { "MinRange": 0.2, "MaxRange": 0.6, "Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#F7BB00" }, { "MinRange": 0.6, "MaxRange": 1.0, "Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#B1C06E" } ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 4 } } The values of MaxRange and MinRange set the range of values over which the color applies.
The values for MaxRange and MinRange must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive), where 0.0 equals 0%, and 1.0 equals 100%.
The value of MaxRange must be equal to the value of MinRange of the previous.
EN: { "MsgProgressZero": "Out of fuel, refill required!", "MsgFuelLow": "Warning: Fuel level is low!" } RU: { "MsgProgressZero": "Нет топлива!", "MsgFuelLow": "Внимание: уровень топлива низкий!" }
Available mount poses(PlayerModel.MountPoses):
public enum MountPoses { Chair = 0, Driving = 1, Horseback = 2, HeliUnarmed = 3, HeliArmed = 4, HandMotorBoat = 5, MotorBoatPassenger = 6, SitGeneric = 7, SitRaft = 8, StandDrive = 9, SitShootingGeneric = 10, SitMinicopter_Pilot = 11, SitMinicopter_Passenger = 12, ArcadeLeft = 13, ArcadeRight = 14, SitSummer_Ring = 15, SitSummer_BoogieBoard = 16, SitCarPassenger = 17, SitSummer_Chair = 18, SitRaft_NoPaddle = 19, Sit_SecretLab = 20, Sit_Workcart = 21, Sit_Cardgame = 22, Sit_Crane = 23, Sit_Snowmobile_Shooting = 24, Sit_RetroSnowmobile_Shooting = 25, Driving_Snowmobile = 26, ZiplineHold = 27, Sit_Locomotive = 28, Sit_Throne = 29, Parachute = 30, Sit_DPV = 31, Standing_Ballista = 32, Sit_BatteringRam = 33, Standing = 128 }