Paws4Luv's Wishlist
By Iftebinjan in Plugins
SimplePVE is exactly what it says. An easy simple PVE plugin for your server to modify or change PVE rules individually & now also have a Simple Cui to control PVE rules and Create or edit Schedules.
Control PVE Rules from in-game or in the config Easy to understand each individual Rules Create PVP Schedules Discord Embed Messages on PurgeStart or End Many more features are added every update
/simplepve - Use to enable or disable pve toggle (Chat & Console command) /simplepve on or off - Use to enable disable pve (Chat & Console command) /sprules - Use to Open a Cui to control PVE Rules & Creating Schedules (Chat command)
simplepve.admin - Required to enable or disable SimplePVE simplepve.adminloot - Required to view Loots simplepve.admindamage - Required for Admin damages to any entity
void OnSPVEPurgeStarted() void OnSPVEPurgeEnded() TimeSpan GetPVPStartTimeRemaining() TimeSpan GetPVPEndTimeRemaining()
Check Out My Other plugins as Well
Property Buying
Put in sale properties (house, building, etc) so that players can buy them, rented.
Work with all doors that can include a lock code, Works with Economics
propertybuying.manager.use - Gives access to the (creates, suprimed ) properties propertybuying.manager.admin - See all properties created and (creates , suprimed ) properties Commands
/property - Accesses the property management ( added, removed )
How to add a property ?
Payment Time Model
PNPC Helicopter AI
Let your Personal NPCs fly helicopters for you with the Heli AI Addon! This addon for Personal NPC enables your bots to take control of helicopters, allowing you to sit back and enjoy the flight while they fly to the destination.
🚁 Fully Automated AI Pilots
• Spawn a Personal NPC bot
• Select a point on the in-game map, and the bot will fly there.
• Works perfect with all helicopters in Rust.
🎯 Smooth Flight Controls
• Adjustable altitude, flight speed, and maneuverability.
• Setup pitch, throttle, and rotation for better control.
• Automatically adjusts height above the ground to avoid obstacles.
⚙ Other Customization
• Set minimum and maximum flight altitude.
• Adjust landing speed, flight slope, and pitch strength.
• Optimize rotation and throttle power for smoother navigation.
How to Use:
1️⃣ Spawn a bot using the PersonalNPC plugin.
2️⃣ Enter the helicopter as a passenger.
3️⃣ Mark your destination on the in-game map.
4️⃣ Sit back and let your AI pilot handle the flight!
📜 Requirements:
✔ PersonalNPC Plugin (must be installed & enabled).
✔ Addon must be activated in bot settings.
📺 See It in Action! Watch the Video
📃 Configuration:
{ "Max height above the ground": 25.0, "Minimum height to fly forward/backward": 15.0, "Max slope by forward axis": 0.3, "Pitch strength": 0.2, "Throttle strength": 1.0, "Land throttle strength": 0.5, "YAW strength (rotation around its axis)": 1.0 }
Lock Me Up - Handcuffs
Lock Up the nasty players! Admins or players with permissions will have the ability to spawn handcuffs and use them to lock up victims or npc's while also giving them the ability to escort or loot their target. This system was heavily inspired by the Rustoria/OTV developers.
Equip the handcuff item in your belt and make sure it's selected, go near a player/npc and hold E button.
Current Futures Include (check the config bellow as well)
Support for permissions Handcuff item type, skin & stack are changeble Handcuffed player can be looted Handcuffed player can be escorted - By Foot - In Vehicle Ground/Air/Water - Dragged behind the Vehicle with adjustable distance NPCs can be handcuffed as well (all the above apply) Adjustable on handcuff time Option to cancel on spotted Option to escort the player floating or stick to ground Inventory slots can be locked on handcuffed Handcuff message changable Adjustable access to locked player Adjustable lock/cuff protection Configurable blocked Chat & Console commands for handcuffed players Handcuff item stack can be made unlimited Option to unlock player on warden death Option to keep victim locked on death Option to change victim clothes on handcuff More futures may be taken in consideration after they are suggested and discussed.
Commands [Chat & Console]
cuff _all|PlayerName|SteamID - Lock the target through a Server Console or F1 Console command (Admin Only)
(Chat: /hcuffs | Console hcuffs) ~
~ /hcuffs _self Amount - Give yourself handcuffs (Chat only)
~ /hcuffs PlayerName|SteamID Amount - Give the target player handcuffs
~ /hcuffs _all Amount - Give everyone in the server handcuffs (Admin Only)
/lock - Lock|Unlock yourself
:: Example Command for Server Rewards: hcuffs $ 1
Check if target is Restrained
Restrain Player - For self-restrain use player as attacker
Unrestrain Player
- save = Saves the player into the data, usually used when player disconnect
- ride = Additional checks for players inside a vehicle
Default Config
Config is pretty much self explementary.
By CommandoSoldat in Plugins
This Plugin based on Roleplay sends player to a specified prison location for a specific amount of time.
A timer will run down and frees the players automatically by teleporting them to a specified liberation point.
While in prison players cant kill themselves. The inventory as well as the clothing container and the hot bar are locked
so that it is impossible to shoot or drop things while in prison.
A nice UI displays every player which is available on the server to send to the prison.
This UI includes a inputfield in order to set the time in minutes a player has to be in the prison.
LockMeUp plugin is supported to avoid abusing. If true in config this plugin will check if the player you are about to send to prison is handcuffed or not.
If not the player cant be send to Jail. This only workes if you have the plugin LockMeUp on your server installed. If parameter is false, standart configuration, then players
can be send without handcuffing. So you dont need LockMeUp if you do not want to buy or have it. This Plugins workes great without it.
If you have any suggestions or questions let me know and join my Discord
Showcase video
New Showcase Video in Production because plugin has changes since last video
prison.use - gives players the ability to send players to prison and to use all commands for this plugin
Chat Commands
/jail - opens the UI to send players to jail
[NEW JAIL COMMAND] /jail (display name of player) (time in minutes) (reason) - sends the specified player to an existing free jail if there is one free jail left (NOTE: need permission prison.use)
/jail reason - gives the player the reason in chat for beeing in jail (NOTE: the reason only exists if the player is send to jail with the new /jail command. UI DOES NOT PROVIDE THE REASON PARAMETER)
/setjail (name of jail) (name of liberation point) - sets a specific jail cell at the location you are standing and the associated liberation point (important!!! liberartion point has to be set first for this to work)
/setfree (name of liberation point) - sets a specified liberation point. Required to free players from the prison cell (important!!! required. you can set multiple liberation points)
/getjail - displays a list of all jail names in the chat
/deljail all - deletes all prison cells you have created including the liberation point
/deljail [name of cell] - deletes just the specified prison cell
/freejail [prison cell name] - frees players from the specified prison cell if you wanna free them before the timer hits zero or if you accidentally set the timer to high
/getliberation - returns a list of all liberation points in the chat
/delliberation (all) - delets all liberation points and all the jail cells associated to them
/delliberation (name of liberation point) - delets the specified liberation point and all the jail cells associated to it
Console Commands
prison.sendjail (players steamID64) (name of jail cell) (time in minutes)
Lang Files
German and Englisch translation included
{ "Use_LockMeUp_Only_Send_To_Jail_If_Player_Handcuffed": false, "Set_Max_Jail_Time_In_Minutes": 60 }