KD Gaming 5x's Wishlist
Simple Symmetry
Effortlessly create symmetrical base designs with support for Vanilla servers and Creative ones, All features can be done with or without the UI.
Key Features:
Magical symmetrical building supporting, Foundation Squares and Triangles 2 Sided, 3 Sided, 4 Sided, 6 Sided, and Mirrored 2 and 4 sided for The Most Inclusive Experience! Optional UI for streamlined control. Simple commands to toggle, configure, and customize symmetry. Multiple Symmetry Types
Players must have SimpleSymmetry.use to use this.
/sym ui – Toggle UI on or off /sym toggle – Enable or disable symmetry /sym show – Display the current Symmetry Center /sym set – Define the Symmetry Center /sym delete – Remove the Symmetry Center /sym {type} – Select the Symmetry Type (options listed below)
Symmetry Types:
N2S - Normal 2-Sided N3S - Normal 3-Sided N4S - Normal 4-Sided N6S - Normal 6-Sided M2S - Mirrored 2-Sided M4S - Mirrored 4-Sided
Demo Video Discord: Shady14u -
Boston: New Land
In the near future, the planet decided to rid itself of a large population, a factory and other infrastructure that poses a danger to its environment. Gravity, water level and climate have changed. An epidemic broke out, which took the lives of the remnants of the population and turned them into mutants (NpcMovingControl plugin). Those who survived went into habitation under the water, sometimes swimming out for a breath of fresh air (the UnderwaterGuard plugin), they guard the flooded monuments very much, which contain excellent loot, but to get to it, you need to make great efforts. On this map you will find many beautiful monuments, in the air, on the ground, under water. Also on the map there are several custom places to build your base in the form of unusual rocks, terrain terrain, icebergs and caves, they are marked X. And now several decades have passed since the latest events on this island and it has become a New Land for new settlers in the form of players on your server, I hope everyone will survive, good luck playing on this map.
Prefab Count: ~50к prefabs Size: 4000 A lot of interesting locations to explore Marketplaces and recycler have been added to fishing villages Railway Optimal FPS A large number of places for the construction of foundations in the form of unusual rocks, caves, landscape and icebergs Custom plugin NpcMovingControl, who disguises scientists and zombies, as well as controls them in his radius (by Adem) Custom plugin UnderwaterGuard (by Adem) This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates! How can I view the map?
You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it.
Custom Monuments:
Boston City Valley of Bridges Quarantine Zone Frozen Research Base Buttsville City Falcom Prisone The ISS Crash International Space Station Bills Farm Hydroelectric Power Station Graveyard of Ships Sunken Oil Rig Roadside Market Ore Deposits Bridge Many interesting places to build a base marked X Monument Facepunch:
Launch Site Missile Silo Junkyard Harbor 1 and 2 Arctic Research Base Satellite Dish Airfield Bandit Camp Outpost Giant Excavator Pit Train Yard Water Treatment Power Plant Military Tunnel The Dome Sewer Branch Ranch Fishing Village 1,2,3 (Modified version) Lighthouse Underwater Lab Railway HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry Roadside Monument Radtown Water Well -
Portable Recycler
By Raul-Sorin Sorban in Plugins
With Portable Recycler, you and your players will benefit exponentially in time saving for searching for Recyclers around monuments like never before. Access your own portable recycler anywhere you like!
Use /recycler (by default, can modify in the config) to open up your private recycler. Group-based cooldown support in the config. Friendly integration with NoEscape by Calytic with configurable rules of behavior. Chat message custom icon Steam ID. Phrase support. Group-based recycling quality. Group-based recycling rates.
PortableRecycler.use: To allow anyone to open up their recycler.
Following commands are chat and console commands.
recycler: Opens up your own personal portable recycler.
The yellow and green buttons while using the Recycler in the GIF, does not come with the plugin.
That's another plugin called Quick Sort by MONaH.
Defendable Homes
Defend your home.. well.. defend what's left of it! Welcome to an epic new event where the players will defend their bases against waves of Frankenraiders! They will use any weapons they have available to try to raid your base. Some will come with whatever they can swing at you and your base, some will just try to defend their kin, some have found some heavy weaponry too! I think that one has a rocket launcher?!
To launch the event first you must find a flare bright enough to attract their attention. You'll be able to find flares bright enough to attract an Easy Frankenraid in Bradley, Elite, Military, and Supply crates. When you've found a flare just toss it on or near the base within Tool Cupboard range. Once you successfully defend an Easy Frankenraiding party, you will be rewarded with a flare bright enough for a Medium party. Then upon defending successfully against a Medium raid, well if you really want to risk your wipe being wiped by a full Frankenraider party, then you will have earned a flare bright enough to attract a Hard Frankenraid! When you complete any difficulty level and are able to defend your base, a chinook will be sent to your location with rewards for your service to the island in clearing out the threat!
If your base is destroyed, the event ends, chat notifications are sent, and there you stand in shame. Hopefully you're on a low pop server and not too many people noticed. It's okay champ, happens to the best of us some days! Just keep an eye on the in game UI like the timer and wave information to give yourself the best shot at keeping your base standing!
There are various ways to configure this plugin to customize it for your server, for any level and number of players. The creativity is in your hands with the configuration file as well as your communities wants or needs. The loot table, the flare spawns, the different enemy types and their setups, everything is there for you to customize this if you so choose.
Dependencies (optional, not required)
True PVE GUI Announcements Notify AlphaLoot CustomLoot Base Repair
Chat commands
/defstop - in game command to end event in your current Tool Cupboard range (be near the event you are trying to end) - only for administrators!
/checkfoundations - checks all the foundations of the house for the event (it is necessary to be inside the Cupboard area of the house)
⊘ - you or your friends are not the owner of the foundation ⊝ - the foundation does not match in height/depth ⊛ - the foundation does not match the topology (prohibited topologies: Cliff, Cliffside, Decor, Building, Monument, Clutter, Mountain) ◉ - the foundation is located within a radius of 40 meters from the custom monument
Console commands (RCON only)
giveflare {skinid} {steamid} - Console command to give a custom flare with a Steam Workshop SkinID ({skinid}) to a player using their SteamID ({steamid})
Plugin Config
en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian
My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923
Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
Check out more of my work here!
Creator of the default configuration – jtedal
Help in creating a plugin description – Jbird
Craft Menu
Custom crafting panel at player's workbenches.
Craft custom or non-craftable items, create your own blueprints.
No chat commands required!
oxide permission - craftmenu.use
• How to create default blueprint.
Simply leave ResearchCost as 0.
• Crafting Recycler.
Plugins for placing entities usually utilizes specific item together with skin id.
Here you can find list of examples PlaceableEntities.txt
• Adding same shortname multiple times.
When you using same shortname for more than one blueprint you have add {number} at
the end of it to prevent duplicates. Ex.: "box.wooden.large{1}"
• Item is name too long.
Inside lang file you can create replacements for default item names.
• Wiping blueprints manualy.
There are two admin console commands.
"craftmenu_admin wipe" will wipe blueprints for all players
"craftmenu_admin wipe <steamID>" wipes blueprints only for certain player.
Premade blueprints from screenshots Blueprints.json