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Found 2 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    - BIG Xmas Tree is a gigantic Xmas Tree. Build your base anywhere on the Xmas Tree. - Moreover, BIG Xmas Tree is not only a decoration, it also contains a snowy village inside the pot. This village is known as Shit Village, your goal will be to get access to it, overcome different challenges such as: - The Star: Conquer the star to give energy to the Great Cairn of Power. - The Zipline: Your goal is to reach the pot under the Xmas Tree, move with the ziplines, but be very careful, some zip lines are sabotaged. - The Flowerpot: Access the inside of the Flowerpot to start the first test. - The Killer Tiles: Find the hole to access the next test, be very careful, some tiles contain traps. - The Maze: Your goal is easy, find the exit and you will master the clouds. - The Clouds: Show your courage in this original parkour created with clouds, jump between the clouds to go down to the Village of Shit. - The Shit Village: Take over the power of the village, kill the NPCs and get your reward. - The Exit: You will find the exit in a corner of the Shit Village, the exit is marked with a fire.
  2. Version 1.0.7


    RUST Plugin Test Server TEST MY PLUGINS THERE! connect play.thepitereq.ovh:28050 Animal Crates plugin adds a unique twist to looting barrels and crates. You can place any animal in a crate or barrel to surprise players while they collect loot, or increase the number of animals on your server in a new way. You can add any type of animal to crates and barrels. To check if an animal is in a crate, hit it with a melee weapon. Chances for animal spawns and types are configurable, as well as the number of animals to spawn. You can also set any entity to spawn when breaking or looting the container. animalboxes.use - Gives permission to spawn animals in crates. { "Require Permission": false, "Animal Prefab List": { "bear": "assets/rust.ai/agents/bear/bear.prefab", "boar": "assets/rust.ai/agents/boar/boar.prefab", "chicken": "assets/rust.ai/agents/chicken/chicken.prefab", "heavy_scientist": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_heavy.prefab", "scarecrow": "assets/prefabs/npc/scarecrow/scarecrow.prefab", "scientist": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_roam.prefab", "stag": "assets/rust.ai/agents/stag/stag.prefab", "wolf": "assets/rust.ai/agents/wolf/wolf.prefab" }, "Crate Container List": [ "crate_normal_2", "crate_normal_2_food", "crate_normal_2_medical" ], "Barrel Container List": [ "loot_barrel_1", "loot_barrel_2", "loot-barrel-1", "loot-barrel-2", "oil_barrel" ], "Crate Animal Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Barrel Animal Chance (0-100)": 15.0, "Crate Minimum Animal Amount": 1, "Crate Maximum Animal Amount": 1, "Barrel Minimum Animal Amount": 1, "Barrel Maximum Animal Amount": 2, "Crate Animal Chances": { "bear": 5.0, "boar": 40.0, "chicken": 10.0, "heavy_scientist": 5.0, "scarecrow": 10.0, "scientist": 10.0, "stag": 25.0, "wolf": 40.0 }, "Barrel Animal Chances": { "bear": 0.0, "boar": 0.0, "chicken": 9.0, "heavy_scientist": 0.0, "scarecrow": 1.0, "scientist": 0.0, "stag": 0.0, "wolf": 0.0 } }


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