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About Me

Found 13 results

  1. Version 1.3.1


    In a tense multiplayer event, players are thrust into a violent dispute between two warring gangs, witnessing a high-speed chase and explosive confrontation at Oxum's Gas Station, and then choosing sides or taking all the spoils for themselves, while customization options offer control over NPC settings, loot rooms, and crate contents Description The event begins with a message in chat that there has been a dispute between to warring gangs. One gang has taken members from their rivals hostage. A car chase ensues chase where the rival gang is coming to save or avenge their own! The chase comes to an explosive end at Oxum's Gas Station when the car being pursued crashes into the gas pumps! This is the beginning of the event for your players. Both gangs jump out of their vehicles and a shootout immediately ensues! When a player decides to approach, they will have a few choices. Will they take up arms with the ruthless gang willing to do anything? Will they stand beside the more honorable outlaws? Or will they simply kill both gangs and take all of the loot? The choice, is theirs! If the player decides to kill the first gang, the second gang will give the player access to their loot room, a bunker inside the basement of the auto repair shop, as a sign of gratitude. If the player decides to kill the second gang, then the first gang will give access to their hidden stash in the restroom inside the station, to show their appreciation. If the player decides to just wipe both gangs out, well then they deserve all of the loot! And regardless of what team the player decides to destroy, the chasing vehicle is always left unattended at the end of the event. The player can grab this as a thank you for cleaning up the servers streets! It's a junker but you can take it for parts, drive to Junkyard to scrap it, or just use it to get home quick and take the parts you want from it. The configuration file has many customization options, including NPC settings, their numbers, and you can fully customize the loot rooms, the crates and their loot for the event. Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /gsstart - start the event /gsstop - end the event Console commands (RCON only) gsstart - start the event gsstop - end the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnGasStationEventStart() – called when the event starts void OnGasStationEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnGasStationEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!
  2. Pwenill

    Fuel Pump

    Version 1.0.11


    Fill your modular car with fuel, thanks to the petrol pump of the petrol station, without moving from your seat , the filling time and cost, is modifiable in the file configurations. Take that 10, 20 or 30 seconds waiting before leaving you swept away Available on all gas stations on the map Working with modular cars How to use ? Go to any gas station on the server When you are facing a pump, an image will appear in front of you Just click on the "E" key on your keyboard (you have to be in a modular vehicle) Config { "Currency": "SCRAP", "DistanceOfQuit": 5.0, "FillingLimit": 1000, "ImageLogo": "https://i.imgur.com/HFEMPq6.png", "PayItemID": -932201673, "PerFuel": 1, "Pricing": 10, "TimeFilling": 10, "Title": "Fuel Pump" } Currency: Payment currency that will be displayed on UI Title: The text displayed at the top of UI TimeFilling: The filling time of the vehicles Pricing: Sets fuel price for filling PerFuel: The quantity received in relation to the price ( Pricing ) PayItemID: Item that will be removed during payments (default: scrap) ImageLogo: Image that is displayed on top left of UI FillingLimit: The maximum limit a reservoir can contain can be increased or decreased DistanceOfQuit: Max distance, for UI display ( when player exceeds max distance UI this closes automatically ) Langage { "Filling": "Fill", "AmountUI": "Amount Fuel", "CurrentFuel": "Current Fuel", "SalesRate": "Sales Rate", "FullTotal": "Full Total: {0} {1}", "RefuelButton": "Refuel", "TankLimit": "Your gas tank is already full", "AmountUnvalidate": "The amount must be greater than 0L", "AmountTotalLimit": "Your tank will be full please reduce the amount", "NoScrap": "You don’t get enough {0}", "SuccessFilling": "Your storeroom has been filled, and {0} {1} has been removed", "PlayerQuitZone": "You got away from the gas pump", "InterruptedFilling": "Filling your tank has been prevented" }
  3. Version 1.1.0


    Small custom map, perfect for an action-packed one grid server. This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates! Features: - High Performance (FPS) - Total prefab count: 1457 - Small islands for players to compete - Chinook crate event in the middle at the sunken dome (Can be disabled with a plugin or from the server if you don't want it) - One custom monument included: Pharmacy - Awesome terrain - manually done the terrain & placed the cliffs - Decorative custom static boats around the shore (mostly decorative but they do contain 2 loot barrels) - Custom fishing village - Fortune wheel - Vending machines - Research - Repair bench - A few instruments - More things that I forgot about Monuments: - Gas station: added a few sandbags, decorative boxes Underneath sewer with a green puzzle to get the blue card & Oil Refinery - Pharmacy: Green keycard spawn (desk), 2 medical crates, recycler, decorative stuff Underneath vault with a blue puzzle to get the red card & refinery - Sunken Dome: 3 Military crates on top + The chinook will drop the locked crate there (Can be disabled from the server if you don't want it) Some underwater loot inside the dome (2 underwater advanced crates) - 2 default lighthouses - 3 Train stations at the left lighthouse, fishing village and gas station - Underwater Laboratory - Both small & large oil rig - no modifications DISCORD Need support? Got suggestions / ideas for this map or others? Join my brand new discord server at discord.gg/TJxwpKT2Ge
  4. Version V1


    Witness a Cobalt Reasearch Team experiment gone wrong with the Dark Aether Conversion of Gas Station, Inspired by the amazing world of black ops zombies! -FEATURES- -The Dark Aether corruption has opened up new ways to traverse to the roof of the gas station -Comes with all terrain modifications -Exact same loot spots as normal gas station besides one more green crate added in the trailer lorry to compensate for the basement being gone (2 Normal Crates and 6 Random Rotating Normal/Green Crates) Light prefab count of 639
  5. Version 1.0.3


    This monument is based on the popular gas station 7-11. It is the same size as Oxums Gas Station so it makes a great replacement. This contains 702 prefabs,. For support contact me on Discord: Explosive_Shart#5430
  6. Version 1.0.0


    New take on the gas station starter monument. Roughly half the size of the standard Oxum's Gas Station monument. Ideal for smaller maps. Total Prefab count: 209 Included features: - Carlift powered by a generator (player needs to add fuel) - Small fuel refinery - Functioning vending machine - Unique "Fuel Puzzle" to receive loot and a green card - Barrel spawners and crates equivalent to Oxum's For questions and support jump into the TRGC Prefab Support Discord channel: https://discord.gg/HdyvjsrsB3
  7. Version 1.0.1


    MaLais - Your friendly and best price Gas Station! A new "modern" Gas Station with a working carlift (players need to put a fuse in). Great for replacing the old Rusty Gas Station! Loot: Oil and normal barrels Basic crate Tool Box Food crate Tech parts crate Normal crate Military crate Greencard Spawner Also this Building have a working carlift (players need to put in a fuse in). There is also: Workbench Tier 1 Repair Bench Recycler
  8. Version 3.0.1


    This Oxum's Gas Station has been extended with an additional roof and extra pumps for all the traffic on the roads these days. This monument doesn't give crazy rewards, just a new twist on a well known favourite. This Monument consists of ~115 individual prefabs and includes Alpha, Splat, Path and plumbing for the filling of the Water Barrel. Including this on your map is as simple as preparing a flat area and applying Alpha, Splat & Path.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This monument contains pictures frames that can be filled with the desired content with the help of the plugin that you can find here for free : uMod - Sign Artist by Whispers88 and a car workshop and fuel pumps and a confectionery store. Prefabs count : 6228 Fell free to contact me on discord :Turcu' #6178 for any problem or question
  10. Tevier

    Gas station

    Version 1.0.0


    Roadside monument which has a green door puzzle, assorted loot and two functional car lifts.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Very simple and detailed gas station, has fully finished interior and includes 6 gas pumps with a parking lot. 351 Prefabs Standalone Prefab (No terrain, splat or topology)
  12. Version 1.0.1


    Oxum gas station is already an old thing. Uncle Harley opens his own business, new, pleasant, not rusty gas stations. Loot is not placed on the monument. I guarantee updates and fixes for free!
  13. Version 1.0.1


    This residential gas station has multiple textures and layers to it, with access to the interior, a space which could be used as a car wash or mechanical bay, a public washroom, and a maintenance room. Spaces include : Public washroom. Maintenance room. Wash bay/car bay. 4 fuel pumps. Interior store. Screenshots were taken from the editor. In-game quality will be vastly greater! This is a standalone prefab. The total prefab count is : 406.


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