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About 'ONE GRiD' map #2

Small custom map, perfect for an action-packed one grid server.

⚡This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!

- High Performance (FPS) - Total prefab count: 1457
- Small islands for players to compete
- Chinook crate event in the middle at the sunken dome (Can be disabled with a plugin or from the server if you don't want it)
- One custom monument included: Pharmacy
- Awesome terrain - manually done the terrain & placed the cliffs
- Decorative custom static boats around the shore (mostly decorative but they do contain 2 loot barrels)
- Custom fishing village - Fortune wheel - Vending machines - Research - Repair bench - A few instruments
- More things that I forgot about 🙂


- Gas station: added a few sandbags, decorative boxes
Underneath sewer with a green puzzle to get the blue card & Oil Refinery

- Pharmacy: Green keycard spawn (desk), 2 medical crates, recycler, decorative stuff
Underneath vault with a blue puzzle to get the red card & refinery

- Sunken Dome: 3 Military crates on top + The chinook will drop the locked crate there (Can be disabled from the server if you don't want it)
Some underwater loot inside the dome (2 underwater advanced crates)

- 2 default lighthouses

- 3 Train stations at the left lighthouse, fishing village and gas station

- Underwater Laboratory

- Both small & large oil rig - no modifications


Need support? Got suggestions / ideas for this map or others?
Join my brand new discord server at discord.gg/TJxwpKT2Ge

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