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Level Designer
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About Soller

  • Birthday 07/27/1988

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  1. Soller

    Casino disappearing

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  2. Soller

    Casino disappearing

    You cannot restore them without wipe, all this data is saved in the server files. Did they disappear while the server was running or when it was first started?
  3. How much RAM does this plugin consume per 100 players? How much does it load the server compared to regular quarries?
  4. Soller

    Raidable Bases

    I'm confused about the settings. In the settings, you can specify the custom points where the bases will appear? So that they do not appear anywhere except at the specified points.
  5. Soller

    Raidable Bases

    When this parameter is set to true, the raid ends anyway when all the boxes are destroyed. Personally, I don't see this as a problem. This solves the problem. "Minutes Until Despawn After Looting Resets When Damaged": true,
  6. Version 1.0.0


    A set of 15 medium bases for plugin Raidable Bases. To use the bases, the contents of the archive must be unpacked to the oxide\data\copypaste folder on your server. After extracting the files, enter the following commands into the server console: rb.config add "Medium Bases" Medium-1 Medium-2 Medium-3 Medium-4 Medium-5 Medium-6 Medium-7 Medium-8 Medium-9 Medium-10 Medium-11 Medium-12 Medium-13 Medium-14 Medium-15
  7. The topic is not relevant, my plugin is almost ready.
  8. Need a way to adjust the delay before the start of decaynd. So that deployable items without TC start decaying instantly, and not after some time. Sleeping bags have been lying on the ground for too long, I want to reduce their life span.
  9. The topic can be closed. Copylog - Plugins - Codefling
  10. Soller


    Version 1.0.2


    Plugin for creating a copy of the console log file. This plugin uses the copylog console command and does not have a settings file. The plugin uses the standard location of the server files. If you use a hosting service, you may need to change the storage paths and file name in the plugin code. For example, if you see that when connecting to the server via FTP, the path to the Oxide folder looks like, then in the plugin code, the file paths should look like this: string logFilePath = @"Server/hostname.com/console.log"; string currentTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy - hh'h 'mm'm 'ss's'"); string destinationDirectory = Path.Combine("Server", "hostname.com", "oxide", "logs", "Console_log"); string destinationPath = Path.Combine(destinationDirectory, $"console_{currentTime}.log"); string logFilePath = @"Server/hostname.com/console.log"; - This is the path to the console log file on your server. Be careful, the name of the file may differ from console.log if it is changed by the settings on the hosting that you use. string destinationDirectory = Path.Combine("Server", "hostname.com", "oxide", "logs", "Console_log"); - This is the destination path for saving copies of your log file. To automatically save copies of the log file, you can use the XRestartUI or Timed Execute plugins. In XRestartUI: "Configuring scheduled restarts [ Any command can be scheduled at any time ]": { "06:00": "copylog", "18:00": "copylog" } In Timed Execute: "RealTime-Timer": { "06:00:00": "copylog", "18:00:00": "copylog"
  11. I will never install on my server something that is not posted on a resource without support.
  12. I know about these parameters, there is no access to the startup script. The server is controlled by the hosting control panel. Therefore, I ask to create a plugin that replaces this function.
  13. Soller

    Building spaces

    You need to use your hosting's instructions to use a custom map.
  14. Soller

    Raidable Bases

    Is it possible to make a "Close" button in the Buyable Cooldowns UI? I would not like to give up on this, but for some, this UI may interfere.
  15. Soller

    Raidable Bases

    An ingenious plugin! It took about two hours just to get acquainted with the settings, and it will take another 6 hours to set up. Setting up such a complex plugin is brings pleasure. It's scary to even imagine how much time it took to create this plugin. Nivex is a genius!


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