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Gay Sparkly T-Rex

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Everything posted by Gay Sparkly T-Rex

  1. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Make Unbreakable

    Please make this barrel unbreakable as when players break the event barrel it breaks the event.... Ive had this happen a number of time on my servers. This barrel is inside outpost and players still break it via rick/paddle. or make the health of this barrel something like 9 billion health. Thanks
  2. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Zone Name

    Hey was wondering if in a later update maybe could displaying names be set via permission? My example is I want admins to see the zones but not players.... maybe add the ability that (with permissions) players can see teammate, friend, authed zones?
  3. Limit your server FPS to 70, anything over thats a waste of resources... also if your dropping that much on the server consider reducing the number of NPCs you have spawning.
  4. NPCs dont give 2 Fs about your armor.... you take damage as if your naked even if fully geared out
  5. @ALANMAN the wipe counter dosent reset unless your changing the map... You can make changes over and over to the welcome panel and the timer will still work correctly.
  6. This error is due to a Rust change that we meant to fix for this update, but missed. The next Oxide update will resolve it. from Wulf
  7. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Not removing BPs

    Addon is not removing my BPs from me when testing. I tried giving myself all BPs then making a book... the addon makes the book but will not remove my BPs... not sure why. The book does contain all the BPs but so does my player.
  8. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Multiple Servers

    Can this bot handle multiple servers? I run 3 servers and want to put this in but dont know how it would handle that as it appears to only give 1 password
  9. I do like the idea of maybe randomizing what types of doors are put in what slots tho I can see this being interesting if you just look for a wallframe for double doors and garage doors..., would also like to see maybe the ability for the addon to choose from X diffrent gun/ammo combinations for auto turrets... maybe 1 turret has an AK with HV rounds while maybe another turret has a M92 with incen rounds?
  10. but computers start counting at 0 not 1
  11. So lets start with Steen has made an awesome addon and anyone whos used BotSpawn FOR YEARS knows it was a great addon, BUT that addon was an addon compounded with patch after patch... Lets be real it was bound to break with a point where it wouldnt really be "repairable". However everyones quick to flip on steen and go $40 USD is too high but lets really break that down. Steen does NOT live in the US... infact in Steen's currency he gets about 35... and thats BEFORE paypal and CF take there cuts... bringing it down to more like 30. Not lets go and put that addon down to $20 USD like everyone says that this addon is worth... Steen would litterally be getting 10-15 for the YEARS of work thats been put into this master piece! Every PVE community knows that BotSpawn/BotReSpawn is a HUGE part of there community, thus community owners should have been making steps twards the what ifs. With great staff and unique servers any community should be able to make there server bill and this (plus more) each month. Oh and Ive seen people saying that so and so can fix BotSpawn with just this tweak or that tweak... LOL good luck with your NPC's listening to even a part of your config. Oh also the models for zombies are gone... meaning no longer even in the game files, the "zombies" in Zombie Hoards are reskinned scientists with a lot of work behind them. If you think it was just as simple as replace this NPC name with that NPC name dont you think someone would have posted it in UMOD forums so people could update there own addons? They havent because its not that simple. Changes made by FP/Rust dev team cant be blamed on addon devs. I mean if you didnt know NPCs were going to be #$%(^*& then how the hell were devs supposed to know? I mean addon devs arnt mind readers... and even if they were how many times have FP said they were releasing A, B or C then last minute poof they dropped it. In the end does $40 purchase hurt for smaller community's? Sure, no one says it dosent. But saying BotReSpawn (or even BotSpawn before it died) wasnt worth every penny of $40 should really even just try getting quotes to get something made simular to BotSpawn/BotReSpawn... Im sure thoes prices will make you cry.
  12. fix by waiting for nivex to update, he already knew it was broken before the patch
  13. The point is for shops on PVE servers... I mean If I wanted to die instantly the I would set 1 sec and 500 damage. I was looking for something like: You enter building block and get a message "You have entered a building blocked zone. You have X seconds to leave before you start taking damage" (X being configurable by the server owner) After X seconds then you would start taking the currently configured damage every currently configured seconds.
  14. Is it possible to add a delay to this? Something like You have X seconds to get our of building block then you will start taking X damage every x seconds? Also maybe add permission for an admin to bypass damage completely?
  15. So because I asked for a change you insult how I deal with sleepers on my servers? You could have simply said not interested in making this change and left it. I will never buy another one of your addons if this is how you treat people.
  16. Hey is there any way we can get an option for this addon to ignore sleepers/not allow them to damage sleepers? Im running into an issue where people are using the bosses to greif players on my PVE server
  17. Hey FastBurst is there any chance of adding the new MRLS that players could call in then they despawn after X amount of time? Would love to give players the ability to use the on purge day on my servers
  18. I mean there is a notification on what grid square they spawn plus they show on the map.... I think another warning would be spammy IMO
  19. Ummm pardon me for seeming stupid but how would wanting a seperat addon to handle random spawning LESSEN the number of addons on your server.... wouldnt it actually increase the number of addons?
  20. I mean I like the output multiplier... just tell people that output multiplier MUST be a whole number and not a decimal number
  21. Theres an option already in the addon that lets you set random spawn. Look for: "Type of appearance on the map (0 - random; 1 - own list; 2 - standard monuments)": 0, "List of biomes for random appearance (1 - Arid, 2 - Temperate, 4 - Tundra, 8 - Arctic)": [ 8, 4, 1, 2 0 means that they will spawn randomly in the allowed biomes listed right below that, and this is per boss
    Awesome map and the players in my community LOVE it, I even love that the dev even added the new military monument right before the update! Map dev is definitely ontop of it and I cant wait to see his next map!
  22. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    Soooo the bosses seem to love going into the water and are unable to be killed by players...
  23. Love the event and cant wait to implement this onto my servers. Tho I did notice that if for some reason the addon crashes/ is unloaded then the GUI stays stuck on the screen. Also was wondering that if maybe down the line we could get kits integration? I know we can set each item manually but would be easier for owners to tie into existing kits... just a thought.
  24. Any possibility to add hooking into stone fireplaces, hobo barrels, grills and/or regular fireplaces?


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