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About Drop Vehicles

About Drop Vehicles
Allows Vehicles, Boats, and Subs to drop via an Air Drop by throwing a custom Supply Signal

Used by

Optional Dependencies

  • Server Rewards
  • Economics


  • Customized Supply Drop skins
  • 9 Different types of Vehicle Drops
    • RHIB
    • Row Boat
    • Minicopter
    • Attach Heli
    • Scrap Transport Heli
    • Duo Submarine
    • Solo Submarine
    • Snowmobile
    • Bradley APC (this is one you can fight that will land at your location when thrown)
  • Precheck warning before throwing if water vehicles to let you know to be in water
  • Deploy Smoke on Drops
  • Set amount to give for admins when calling via commands
  • Set the Cargo Plane Height and Speed
  • Enable which Vehicles to Air Drop to a player that throws the signal
  • In-game Chat Store for players using with Server Rewards, Economics Support or can use any in-game item, default is set to Scrap

Skin IDs & Names

  • 1942896432 - Cyan - RHIB Supply Drop
  • 1942897238 - Orange - Row Boat Supply Drop
  • 1942898011 - Red - Minicopter Supply Drop
  • 1942900715 - Blue - Bradley Supply Drop
  • 1942906150 - Green - Scrap Heli Supply Drop
  • 2568176049 - Rust - Solo Submarine Supply Drop
  • 2568176049 - Yellow - Duo Submarine Supply Drop
  • 3383447606 - HotPink - Snowmobile Supply Drop
  • 3383447244 - LightBlue - Attack Heli Supply Drop


  • /vdrop playername vehiclename (example: vdrop fastburst rhib)
  • /vdrop - brings up help menu for staff
  • /vbuy - brings up the in-game chat shop and a list of signals that can be purchased and how to purchase a signal


  • dropvehicles.use - grants permission to call commands (meant for admins
  • dropvehicles.buy - enable puchasing options to signals via Chat

Explosive Box and Scavenger Hunt are already presetup with the default loot to create the items in the loot.

Server Rewards & Extra Loot plugins
This can be used with ServerRewards You will need to edit your Datafile Directly
Example Entry looks like this below, of course you may want to change the costs to suit your needs. By default this plugin does NOT spawn in any loot as they are custom items, if you want to add them to your loot I highly recommend Extra Loot available on UMod

"supply.signal_2568176049": {
      "shortname": "supply.signal",
      "customIcon": null,
      "amount": 1,
      "skinId": 2568176049,
      "isBp": false,
      "category": 6,
      "displayName": "Duo Submarine Supply Signal",
      "cost": 7500,
      "cooldown": 0
    "supply.signal_1942896432": {
      "shortname": "supply.signal",
      "customIcon": null,
      "amount": 1,
      "skinId": 1942896432,
      "isBp": false,
      "category": 6,
      "displayName": "RHIB Supply Signal",
      "cost": 5000,
      "cooldown": 0
    "supply.signal_1942897238": {
      "shortname": "supply.signal",
      "customIcon": null,
      "amount": 1,
      "skinId": 1942897238,
      "isBp": false,
      "category": 6,
      "displayName": "Row Boat Supply Signal",
      "cost": 3000,
      "cooldown": 0
    "supply.signal_1942898011": {
      "shortname": "supply.signal",
      "customIcon": null,
      "amount": 1,
      "skinId": 1942898011,
      "isBp": false,
      "category": 6,
      "displayName": "Minicopter Supply Signal",
      "cost": 10000,
      "cooldown": 0
    "supply.signal_1942906150": {
      "shortname": "supply.signal",
      "customIcon": null,
      "amount": 1,
      "skinId": 1942906150,
      "isBp": false,
      "category": 6,
      "displayName": "Scrap Heli Supply Signal",
      "cost": 20000,
      "cooldown": 0


  "Plane Settings": {
    "Cargo Plane Height, how many meters above map's highest point (Rust Default height is 250)": 50.0,
    "Cargo Plane Speed to signal dropped (Rust default is 35)": 80.0
  "General Settings": {
    "Amount you can give to yourself or another player": 10,
    "Enable Chat Notifications": true,
    "Use Chat Prefix": true,
    "Chat Prefix": "<color=green>[Drop Vehicles]</color>: ",
    "Custom Chat Icon (Default = 0)": 0,
    "Enable a /vbuy chat command shop for players": true,
    "Default method of payment for the chat command shop (Currency/ServerRewards/Economics), Default Currency": "ServerRewards",
    "Command shop accessed by /vbuy has a normal supply signal in stock": true,
    "Price of the normal supply signal (currency, applies both to /vbuy)": 400,
    "Price of the normal supply signal (ServerRewards)": 400,
    "Price of the normal supply signal (Economics)": 400,
    "Permission needed to buy a normal drop (leave null to let everyone buy)": null,
    "Currency (item ID) of the normal supply signal [Default -932201673 (scrap)]": -932201673
  "Drop Settings": {
    "Deploy Smoke Effect with Air Drop Delivery": true,
    "Supply Signal Smoke Duration (Rust Default = 210)": 120.0,
    "Drag Settings for drops (Default is 2.0": 2.0,
    "Mass settings multiplier for (Boats, Subs and Snowmobile - Recommended to leave at 1.0 as the more the faster it falls)": 1.0,
    "Strict Proximity Check (Checks for objects close to signal, prevents Vehicles landing on objects)": true,
    "Strict Proximity Check Radius": 20.0,
    "Remove Entities In Landing Zone Radius (Requires Strict Proximity Check Enabled)": false,
    "Use Explosion Effect When if Vehicles land in the water to deeply or in a Safe Zone": false
  "Vehicle Drop Types": {
    "rowboat": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Shortname (DO NOT CHANGE WILL NOT WORK)": "rowboat",
      "ShortPrebabName": "rowboat",
      "Display name": "Row Boat Supply Signal",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rowboat/rowboat.prefab",
      "Skin ID": 1942897238,                                                                                                                           
      "Purchase Options": {
        "Enable selling through the /vbuy command - if disabled or price is 0, it won't shop up": true,
        "Permission needed to use/purchase this kind": null,
        "Price (ServerRewards)": 100,
        "Price (Economics)": 100.0,
        "Price (Currency)": 100,
        "Currency item ID [Default -932201673 (scrap)]": -932201673
    "rhib": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Shortname (DO NOT CHANGE WILL NOT WORK)": "rhib",
      "ShortPrebabName": "rhib",
      "Display name": "RHIB Supply Signal",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rhib/rhib.prefab",
      "Skin ID": 1942896432,
      "Purchase Options": {
        "Enable selling through the /vbuy command - if disabled or price is 0, it won't shop up": true,
        "Permission needed to use/purchase this kind": null,
        "Price (ServerRewards)": 500,
        "Price (Economics)": 500.0,
        "Price (Currency)": 500,
        "Currency item ID [Default -932201673 (scrap)]": -932201673
    "subsolo": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Shortname (DO NOT CHANGE WILL NOT WORK)": "subsolo",
      "ShortPrebabName": "submarinesolo.entity",
      "Display name": "Solo Submarine Supply Signal",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarinesolo.entity.prefab",
      "Skin ID": 2568175759,
      "Purchase Options": {
        "Enable selling through the /vbuy command - if disabled or price is 0, it won't shop up": true,
        "Permission needed to use/purchase this kind": null,
        "Price (ServerRewards)": 200,
        "Price (Economics)": 200.0,
        "Price (Currency)": 200,
        "Currency item ID [Default -932201673 (scrap)]": -932201673
    "subduo": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Shortname (DO NOT CHANGE WILL NOT WORK)": "subduo",
      "ShortPrebabName": "submarineduo.entity",
      "Display name": "Duo Submarine Supply Signal",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarineduo.entity.prefab",
      "Skin ID": 2568176049,
      "Purchase Options": {
        "Enable selling through the /vbuy command - if disabled or price is 0, it won't shop up": true,
        "Permission needed to use/purchase this kind": null,
        "Price (ServerRewards)": 400,
        "Price (Economics)": 400.0,
        "Price (Currency)": 400,
        "Currency item ID [Default -932201673 (scrap)]": -932201673
    "snowmobile": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Shortname (DO NOT CHANGE WILL NOT WORK)": "snowmobile",
      "ShortPrebabName": "TomahaSnowmobile",
      "Display name": "Tomaha Snowmobile Supply Signal",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab",
      "Skin ID": 3383447606,
      "Purchase Options": {
        "Enable selling through the /vbuy command - if disabled or price is 0, it won't shop up": true,
        "Permission needed to use/purchase this kind": null,
        "Price (ServerRewards)": 500,
        "Price (Economics)": 500.0,
        "Price (Currency)": 500,
        "Currency item ID [Default -932201673 (scrap)]": -932201673
    "mini": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Shortname (DO NOT CHANGE WILL NOT WORK)": "mini",
      "ShortPrebabName": "minicopter.entity",
      "Display name": "Minicopter Supply Signal",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab",
      "Skin ID": 1942898011,
      "Purchase Options": {
        "Enable selling through the /vbuy command - if disabled or price is 0, it won't shop up": true,
        "Permission needed to use/purchase this kind": null,
        "Price (ServerRewards)": 800,
        "Price (Economics)": 800.0,
        "Price (Currency)": 800,
        "Currency item ID [Default -932201673 (scrap)]": -932201673
    "attackheli": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Shortname (DO NOT CHANGE WILL NOT WORK)": "attackheli",
      "ShortPrebabName": "attackhelicopter.entity",
      "Display name": "Attack Heli Supply Signal",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab",
      "Skin ID": 3383447244,
      "Purchase Options": {
        "Enable selling through the /vbuy command - if disabled or price is 0, it won't shop up": true,
        "Permission needed to use/purchase this kind": null,
        "Price (ServerRewards)": 1000,
        "Price (Economics)": 1000.0,
        "Price (Currency)": 1000,
        "Currency item ID [Default -932201673 (scrap)]": -932201673
    "scrapheli": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Shortname (DO NOT CHANGE WILL NOT WORK)": "scrapheli",
      "ShortPrebabName": "scrapTransporthelicopter",
      "Display name": "Scrap Heli Supply Signal",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab",
      "Skin ID": 1942906150,
      "Purchase Options": {
        "Enable selling through the /vbuy command - if disabled or price is 0, it won't shop up": true,
        "Permission needed to use/purchase this kind": null,
        "Price (ServerRewards)": 1500,
        "Price (Economics)": 1500.0,
        "Price (Currency)": 1500,
        "Currency item ID [Default -932201673 (scrap)]": -932201673
    "bradley": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Shortname (DO NOT CHANGE WILL NOT WORK)": "bradley",
      "ShortPrebabName": "bradleyapc",
      "Display name": "Bradley Supply Signal",
      "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/m2bradley/bradleyapc.prefab",
      "Skin ID": 1942900715,
      "Purchase Options": {
        "Enable selling through the /vbuy command - if disabled or price is 0, it won't shop up": true,
        "Permission needed to use/purchase this kind": null,
        "Price (ServerRewards)": 2500,
        "Price (Economics)": 2500.0,
        "Price (Currency)": 2500,
        "Currency item ID [Default -932201673 (scrap)]": -932201673
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 9,
    "Patch": 4


  "Notification.Usage": "Usage:\n vdrop player shortname",
  "Notification.Permission": "<color=#ff0000>You don't have permission to use that!</color>",
  "Notification.Unknown": "Unknown vehicle '{0}', '{prefab}'",
  "Chat.OnTheWay": "Your <color=orange>{0}</color> is on the way!",
  "Chat.Throw": "<color=red>NOTE: </color>Throw this Supply Signal to drop a <color=orange>{0}</color>!",
  "Check.RowBoat": "<color=red>NOTE: </color>Double check that you are standing or in water before you try to use this type of Supply Drop! Throw this Supply Signal to drop a <color=orange>Row Boat</color>!",
  "Check.RHIB": "<color=red>NOTE: </color>Double check that you are standing or in water before you try to use this type of Supply Drop!</color> Throw this Supply Signal to drop a <color=orange>Military RHIB Boat</color>!",
  "Check.Solo": "<color=red>NOTE: </color>Double check that you are standing or in water before you try to use this type of Supply Drop!</color> Throw this Supply Signal to drop a <color=orange>Solo Submarine</color>!",
  "Check.Duo": "<color=red>NOTE: </color>Double check that you are standing or in water before you try to use this type of Supply Drop!</color> Throw this Supply Signal to drop a <color=orange>Duo Submarine</color>!",
  "Notification.Success": "Player {0} successfully got an item!",
  "UnderWater": "<color=orange>{0}</color> was thrown too near <color=blue>water</color> and was refunded, check inventory.",
  "IntoWater": "<color=orange>{0}</color> went into deep <color=blue>water</color> and was destroyed.",
  "InSafeZone": "<color=orange>{0}</color> was thrown in a <color=green>Safe Zone</color> and was refunded, check inventory.",
  "IntoSafeZone": "<color=orange>{0}</color> moved into a <color=green>Safe Zone</color> and was destroyed.",
  "Shop.Disabled": "The chat command shop is currently disabled on the server.",
  "Shop.Costs": "<color=green>/vbuy</color> <color=yellow>{0}</color>          Cost: <color=orange>{1}</color>",
  "Shop.NoSignals": "<color=red>There's no supply signals available to buy through this command.</color>",
  "Shop.Buy.Success": "<color=green>You just bought a</color> <color=yellow>{0}</color> Supply Signal.",
  "Shop.Currency.Economics": "¤",
  "Shop.Currency.ServerRewards": "RP",
  "Shop.Can.Buy": "You can buy these supply signal drops with <color=red>{0}</color> (you currently have <color=red>{1}</color>):",
  "Shop.Cannot.Buy": "<color=red>You can't buy a</color> <color=yellow>{0}</color> <color=red>Supply Signal - either you can't afford it or don't have the permission.</color> Type <color=green>/vbuy</color> to see if there's anything else you can purchase.",
  "Shop.Wrong.Drop": "<color=red>Wrong kind of drop.</color> Type <color=green>/vbuy</color> to get the full list of names and prices."


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