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About Explosive Box

About Explosives Box Event
Creates a random Explosives Box mini event with a chance for Patrol Helicopter to spawn and defend. Ability to select which monuments the event will spawn at. Great for both PVP and PVE Servers


  • Drop Vehicles - If you want to be able to use the preconfig values in loot to call air drop signals for vehicles

Optional Dependencies

  • Zone Manager
  • TruePVE
  • Zone Domes
  • NoEscape
  • Kits
  • Custom Loot


  • Random Event Timers Min & Max Times
  • Minimum Required Players before event can start
  • Set a chance for Patrol Heli to spawn when the event unlocks
  • Set the Patrol Heli retire time to leave the map after Explosive Box unlocks (default 9 mins)
    • Enable Loot to drop on being destroyed
    • Set amount of Heli Crates to drop
    • Option to use custom loot instead of default
  • Display visual options when Explosive Box unlocks options
  • Enable up to 8 different monuments to spawn at
    • Dome
    • Airfield
    • Trainyard
    • Launch Site
    • Power Plant
    • Water Treatment Plant
    • Missile Silo
    • Arctic Research Base
  • Set the Radius check for each monument
  • Enable Option for Raid Blocking if NoEscape if installed
  • Enable Rule exclusion for TruePVE to all PVP if installed
  • Enable a Zone Dome around Event if installed
  • Create Temp Zones in Zone Manger if installed
  • Set different flags for Zone Manager if installed
    • Example Disable Trading or TPs in the event area
  • Option for loot to have custom items with custom skins and custom names
  • Option to have a CH47 to go to the event and deploy paratrooper NPCs at the location


  • /expo info - Shows the time remaining before the next event step and the position of the explosives box (if applicable)
  • /expo start - Start the event, add the 'forced' argument to ignore player counts
  • /expo starthere <opt:forced> - Start a new event on your position, add the 'forced' argument to ignore player counts
  • /expo cancel - Cancels the current event
  • /expo unlock - Pre-maturely unlock the explosives box


  • NONE, only Admins/Owners can execute Commands.


  "Event Timers": {
    "Minimum time between events (seconds)": 5400,
    "Maximum time between events (seconds)": 10800
  "Event Options": {
    "Minimum players required online to trigger the event": 1,
    "Time to destroy Event Box after unlocked (total seconds)": 900,
    "Chance of Patrol Helicopter to spawn and protect the box once unlocked (x / 100)": 65.0,
    "Retire Heli after call (minutes)": 9,
    "Show a smoke signal on the box location": false,
    "Display A Rotating Red Siren Light Inside The Spawned Explosive Crate": true,
    "Enable A Siren Alarm Sound From The Spawned Explosive Crate": true,
    "NPC Options": {
      "Enable CH47 and NPCs at Event Box Location when unlocked": true,
      "Total NPCs": 6,
      "Total Time in seconds before NPC's despawn": 900,
      "Bodies of NPC's despawn (default is true, false will leave dead bodies)": true,
      "Event Site NPC Settings": [
          "Spawn Health for NPCs": 200.0,
          "Weapion Damage Scale Default 1.0": 1.0,
          "NPC aimConeScale default 2.0": 2.0,
          "Names of NPCs": [
            "Col. Jones",
            "Col. Barnes",
            "Col. Sanders",
            "Maj. Higgins",
            "Maj. Davis",
            "Maj. Smith",
            "Capt. Willams",
            "Capt. Nguyen",
            "Capt. Mckenzie",
            "Lt. Richards",
            "Lt. Shaw",
            "Lt. Buchanan",
            "Sgt. Morris",
            "Sgt. Chapman",
            "Sgt. Schwartz",
            "Pfc. Garcia",
            "Pfc. Jones",
            "Pfc. Johnson",
            "Pvt. Sossaman",
            "Pvt. Anderson",
            "Pvt. Martinez",
            "Pvt. Rios",
            "Pvt. Murray",
            "Pvt. Stevens",
            "Pvt. Brooks"
          "NPCs Drop Loot": true,
          "Kits for NPCs": [],
          "CustomLoot Profile Name (requires CustomLoot Plugin)": []
    "Monument Options": {
      "Enable Dome": true,
      "Radius of the event zone at The Dome": 50.0,
      "Enable Airfield": true,
      "Radius of the event zone at AirField": 100.0,
      "Enable Trainyard": true,
      "Radius of the event zone at Trainyard": 100.0,
      "Enable LaunchSite": true,
      "Radius of the event zone at Launch Site": 100.0,
      "Enable Power Plant": true,
      "Radius of the event zone at Power Plant": 100.0,
      "Enable Water Treatment Plant": true,
      "Radius of the event zone at Water Treatment Plant": 100.0,
      "Enable Missile Silo": true,
      "Radius of the event zone at Missile Silo": 100.0,
      "Enable Arctic Research Base": true,
      "Radius of the event zone at Arctic Research Base": 100.0
    "Event Zone Options": {
      "Disable building and deployable placement within the set radius of the box": true,
      "Radius of the event zone for No Building": 100.0,
      "Enable NoEscape Raid Blocking for event": true,
      "Enable TruePVE rule exclusion if installed to allow PVP": false,
      "Enable Zone Domes around Event if Zone Domes is installed": false,
      "Create a temporary zone around the box when it spawns using ZoneManager": true,
      "The amount of time the Zone Manager zone will remain active after the event is over (seconds)": 300,
      "Flags to be applied to the temporary Zone Manager zone": [
  "Loot Container Options For Patrol Heli": {
    "Enable Patrol Helicopter loot when destroyed": true,
    "Amount of loot boxes to drop when Patrol Helicopter is destroyed": 4,
    "Replace default loot with custom loot?": false,
    "Loot container items": {
      "Minimum amount of items": 3,
      "Maximum amount of items": 10,
      "Items": [
          "Item shortname": "apple",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 2,
          "Maximum amount of item": 6,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Apple"
          "Item shortname": "bearmeat.cooked",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 2,
          "Maximum amount of item": 4,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Cooked Bear Meat"
          "Item shortname": "blueberries",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 4,
          "Maximum amount of item": 8,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Blueberries"
          "Item shortname": "corn",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 4,
          "Maximum amount of item": 8,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Corn"
          "Item shortname": "fish.raw",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 2,
          "Maximum amount of item": 4,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Raw Fish"
          "Item shortname": "granolabar",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 4,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Granola Bar"
          "Item shortname": "meat.pork.cooked",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 4,
          "Maximum amount of item": 8,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Cooked Pork"
          "Item shortname": "syringe.medical",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 2,
          "Maximum amount of item": 6,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Medical Syringe"
          "Item shortname": "largemedkit",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 2,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Large Medkit"
          "Item shortname": "bandage",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 4,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Bandage"
          "Item shortname": "antiradpills",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 3,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Anti-Radiation Pills"
          "Item shortname": "ammo.rifle",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 10,
          "Maximum amount of item": 100,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "5.56 Rifle Ammo"
          "Item shortname": "ammo.pistol",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 10,
          "Maximum amount of item": 100,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Pistol Bullet"
          "Item shortname": "ammo.rocket.basic",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 10,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Rocket"
          "Item shortname": "ammo.shotgun.slug",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 10,
          "Maximum amount of item": 20,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "12 Gauge Slug"
          "Item shortname": "pistol.m92",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "M92 Pistol"
          "Item shortname": "rifle.l96",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "L96 Rifle"
          "Item shortname": "rifle.lr300",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "LR-300 Assault Rifle"
          "Item shortname": "rifle.ak",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Assault Rifle"
          "Item shortname": "rifle.bolt",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Bolt Action Rifle"
          "Item shortname": "rocket.launcher",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Rocket Launcher"
          "Item shortname": "pistol.revolver",
          "Item skin ID": 0,
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "Item weight (a larger number has more chance of being selected)": 1,
          "Item Display Name": "Revolver"
  "Loot Containers (Chosen at random)": [
      "Container skin ID": 798455489,
      "Minimum amount of items to spawn": 11,
      "Maximum amount of items to spawn": 11,
      "Loot list": [
          "Item shortname": "grenade.beancan",
          "Minimum amount of item": 15,
          "Maximum amount of item": 15,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "grenade.f1",
          "Minimum amount of item": 15,
          "Maximum amount of item": 15,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "surveycharge",
          "Minimum amount of item": 30,
          "Maximum amount of item": 30,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "ammo.rifle.explosive",
          "Minimum amount of item": 45,
          "Maximum amount of item": 45,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "ammo.rocket.basic",
          "Minimum amount of item": 9,
          "Maximum amount of item": 9,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "explosives",
          "Minimum amount of item": 45,
          "Maximum amount of item": 45,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "explosive.satchel",
          "Minimum amount of item": 15,
          "Maximum amount of item": 15,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "explosive.timed",
          "Minimum amount of item": 3,
          "Maximum amount of item": 3,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "supply.signal",
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "electric.generator.small",
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "supply.signal",
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "SkinID of item": 1942898011,
          "Item Display Name": "Minicopter Supply Signal"
      "Container skin ID": 798455489,
      "Minimum amount of items to spawn": 11,
      "Maximum amount of items to spawn": 11,
      "Loot list": [
          "Item shortname": "grenade.beancan",
          "Minimum amount of item": 15,
          "Maximum amount of item": 15,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "grenade.f1",
          "Minimum amount of item": 15,
          "Maximum amount of item": 15,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "surveycharge",
          "Minimum amount of item": 30,
          "Maximum amount of item": 30,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "ammo.rifle.explosive",
          "Minimum amount of item": 45,
          "Maximum amount of item": 45,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "ammo.rocket.basic",
          "Minimum amount of item": 9,
          "Maximum amount of item": 9,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "explosives",
          "Minimum amount of item": 45,
          "Maximum amount of item": 45,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "explosive.satchel",
          "Minimum amount of item": 15,
          "Maximum amount of item": 15,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "explosive.timed",
          "Minimum amount of item": 3,
          "Maximum amount of item": 3,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "supply.signal",
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "electric.generator.small",
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "supply.signal",
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "SkinID of item": 1942906150,
          "Item Display Name": "Scrap Heli Supply Signal"
      "Container skin ID": 798455489,
      "Minimum amount of items to spawn": 11,
      "Maximum amount of items to spawn": 11,
      "Loot list": [
          "Item shortname": "grenade.beancan",
          "Minimum amount of item": 15,
          "Maximum amount of item": 15,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "grenade.f1",
          "Minimum amount of item": 15,
          "Maximum amount of item": 15,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "surveycharge",
          "Minimum amount of item": 30,
          "Maximum amount of item": 30,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "ammo.rifle.explosive",
          "Minimum amount of item": 45,
          "Maximum amount of item": 45,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "ammo.rocket.basic",
          "Minimum amount of item": 9,
          "Maximum amount of item": 9,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "explosives",
          "Minimum amount of item": 45,
          "Maximum amount of item": 45,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "explosive.satchel",
          "Minimum amount of item": 15,
          "Maximum amount of item": 15,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "explosive.timed",
          "Minimum amount of item": 3,
          "Maximum amount of item": 3,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "supply.signal",
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "electric.generator.small",
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "SkinID of item": 0,
          "Item Display Name": null
          "Item shortname": "supply.signal",
          "Minimum amount of item": 1,
          "Maximum amount of item": 1,
          "SkinID of item": 1942896432,
          "Item Display Name": "RHIB Supply Signal"
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 8,
    "Patch": 8


  "Event.Start.Dome": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>There is an Explosives Box on top of Dome containing several Boom Boom materials and items, it will unlock in {0}, be sure to be there to defend it and get the loot!</size></color>",
  "Event.Start.Trainyard": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>There is an Explosives Box inside the open Red Train Cart at the Trainyard containing several Boom Boom materials and items, it will unlock in {0} be sure to be there to defend it and get the loot!</size></color>",
  "Event.Start.Airfield": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>There is an Explosives Box inside of Hanger #2 containing several Boom Boom materials and items, it will unlock in {0} be sure to be there to defend it and get the loot!</size></color>",
  "Event.Start.LaunchSite": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>There is an Explosives Box on top of the Launch Site on the Helipad containing several Boom Boom materials and items, it will unlock in {0} be sure to be there to defend it and get the loot!</size></color>",
  "Event.Start.Powerplant": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>There is an Explosives Box inside the open Tan Train Cart at the Power Plant containing several Boom Boom materials and items, it will unlock in {0} be sure to be there to defend it and get the loot!</size></color>",
  "Event.Start.WaterTreatment": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>There is an Explosives Box on top of one of the broken water storage tanks located at the Water Treatment Plant containing several Boom Boom materials and items, it will unlock in {0} be sure to be there to defend it and get the loot!</size></color>",
  "Event.Start.MissileSilo": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>There is an Explosives Box on the back of the Truck inside the hanger located at the Missile Silo containing several Boom Boom materials and items, it will unlock in {0} be sure to be there to defend it and get the loot!</size></color>",
  "Event.Start.ArcticBase": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>There is an Explosives Box on the flatbed of the Pickup Truck located at the Arctic Research Base containing several Boom Boom materials and items, it will unlock in {0} be sure to be there to defend it and get the loot!</size></color>",
  "Notification.nextEvent": "<color=#ffff00>Time until next Explosive Box event : {0}</color>",
  "Notification.nextUnlock": "<color=#ffff00>Time until Explosive Box is unlocked : {0}</color>",
  "Notification.isUnlocked": "<color=#ffff00>Chest is currently unlocked!</color>",
  "Notification.EventWin": "<color=#0099CC><size=12>Someone is looting the Explosives Box! Stop them!</size></color>",
  "Notification.EventLose": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>The Explosives Box was not found in time, the ZTL Rusty Gods have reclaimed it in disappointment.</size></color>",
  "Event.Unlock.Dome": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>The Explosives box on top of Dome has been UNLOCKED! hurry up!</size></color>",
  "Event.Unlock.Trainyard": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>The Explosives box inside the open Red Trian Cart at Trainyard has been UNLOCKED! hurry up!</size></color>",
  "Event.Unlock.Airfield": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>The Explosives box inside Hanger #2 at Airfield has been UNLOCKED! hurry up!</size></color>",
  "Event.Unlock.LaunchSite": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>The Explosives box on the Helipad on top of Launch Site has been UNLOCKED! hurry up!</size></color>",
  "Event.Unlock.Powerplant": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>The Explosives box inside the open Tan Train Cart at the Power Plant has been UNLOCKED! hurry up!</size></color>",
  "Event.Unlock.WaterTreatment": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>The Explosives box on top of one of the broken water storage tanks located at the Water Treatment Plant has been UNLOCKED! hurry up!</size></color>",
  "Event.Unlock.MissileSilo": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>The Explosives box on the back of the Truck inside the hanger located at the Missile Silo has been UNLOCKED! hurry up!</size></color>",
  "Event.Unlock.ArcticBase": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>The Explosives box on the flatbed of the Pickup Truck located at the Arctic Research Base has been UNLOCKED! hurry up!</size></color>",
  "Error.NoBuild": "<color=#ff0000>You can not build or deploy item near the explosives  box!</color>",
  "Error.NoLockDeploy": "<color=#ff0000>You are not allowed to place a lock on the explosives  box</color>",
  "Notification.Helicopter.Inbound": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>Be advised. A Patrol Helicopter is now on its way to protect and patrol the area around the Explosives Box.</size></color>",
  "Notification.Helicopter.Retire": "<color=#ffff00><size=12>The Patrol Helicopter has stopped its patrol for the Explosives Box and has decided to head back to HQ for debriefing.</size></color>"


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