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Holiday Loot 1.1.7

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About Holiday Loot

Holiday Loot (formerly Present Loot) allows configuring which items Christmas Presents, Large and Medium Halloween Loot Bags, and Silver & Gold Easter Eggs give when they are unwrapped.


The settings and options for this plugin can be configured in the HolidayLoot.json file under the oxide/config directory. The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as jsonlint.com is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors.

  "General": {
    "Weapons Spawn With Random Ammo": true
  "Gold Egg": {
    "Max Items": 5,
    "Min Items": 5,
    "Num Needed To Unwrap": 1
  "Large Loot Bag": {
    "Max Items": 5,
    "Min Items": 5,
    "Num Needed To Unwrap": 1
  "Large Presents": {
    "Max Items": 5,
    "Min Items": 5,
    "Num Needed To Unwrap": 1
  "Medium Loot Bag": {
    "Max Items": 3,
    "Min Items": 3,
    "Num Needed To Unwrap": 1
  "Medium Presents": {
    "Max Items": 3,
    "Min Items": 3,
    "Num Needed To Unwrap": 1
  "Silver Egg": {
    "Max Items": 3,
    "Min Items": 3,
    "Num Needed To Unwrap": 1
  "Small Presents": {
    "Max Items": 1,
    "Min Items": 1,
    "Num Needed To Unwrap": 1

Stored Data

The loot configuration is currently located under data/HolidayLoot in the SmallPresents, MediumPresents, LargePresents, GoldEggs, SilverEggs, MediumHalloweenBags, and LargeHalloweenBags files. Keep in mind that to edit these files, the server needs to be shutdown or the plugin unloaded, else the changes will not be used and will be overwritten.


The default messages are in HolidayLoot.json file under the oxide/lang/en directory. To add support for another language, create a new language folder (e.g. de for German) if not already created, copy the default language file to the new folder and then customize the messages.

  "No Permission": "You are not allowed to use this command",
  "Tables Reloaded": "The Holiday Loot data tables have been reloaded",
  "NotEnoughItems": "You do not have enough of this item to unwrap it!"


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