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Everything posted by Chill Roleplay
use command without money printer in front like this: /givemoneyprinter <PlayerName>: Gives a money printer to yourself or a specified player (requires moneyprinter.GiveMoneyPrinter permission). ● /givedirtymoney <PlayerName> <Amount>: Gives dirty money (requires moneyprinter.GiveDirtyMoney permission). ● /removemoneyprinter: Removes your money printer (requires moneyprinter.RemoveMoneyPrinter permission and must be used while looking at the money printer). ● /moneyprinter: Displays available commands based on permissions. ● /upgrademoneyprinter: Upgrade your money printer to optimize its performance and profitability (requires moneyprinter.UpgradeMoneyPrinter permission). (make sure you have assigned the perms to yourself aswell)
- #rust
- #banditcamp
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sorry I have a lot of questions and I'm very interested in replacing our money laundering system we have currently -is there a way to set the printers down in no build areas -Are they protected from dammage -is there a way this will only work in a zone manager zone -is there a ways for a group to get a notification that someone is printing money at one at the print locations a set duration of time after a player begins printing? -do each of these have permissions? i don't want everyone to be able to do this if I get it ● /givemoneyprinter | Gives you a money printer ● /givedirtymoney <PlayerName> <Amount> | Give DirtyMoney ● /removemoneyprinter | Remove your money printer (You need to look at money printer
Many players joined the event - the time only worked for some of us - alot of us were confused on how if the event had already started - one player said the counter is working for me and we have 5 seconds to go - before the 5 seconds player Techno left the game - the game started - techno said he was stuck - techno waited until the entire game finished - he did not get revived onto map - Techno had to relog to play again - during the event many players fell through the glass but every time i fell through it spawned me back in to play again - eventually it was just me and 1 other player - i relised i was stuck on god mode somehow and could not exit it - once the event finished everyone started saying they did not get loot back and there was no bodies at death locations Maybye more details will help? ^
- #event
- #glass bridge
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- #event
- #glass bridge
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- #event
- #glass bridge
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- #event
- #glass bridge
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so this wont prob work well for me? a large percentage of my plugins require npc spawn
"Protection Settings": { "Protected entities": { "Buildings": true, "Deployables": true, "Traps": false, "Loot Nodes": false, "Authed Players": false, "Unauthed Players": false, "NPCs": false, "Animals": false, "Vehicles": true, "Horses": true, "Electrical": true }, "Protected from": { "Authorized Players": false, "Unauthorized Players": true, "Attack Heli": true, "NPCs": true }, "Protection levels": [ { "Rank": 1, "Online protection percentage (0-100)": 100.0, "Offline protection percentage (0-100)": 100.0, "Hourly cost per authorized player": 0.0, "Hourly cost per floor": 0.0, "Hourly base cost": 4.0, "Cost per damage protected": 0.0, "Max protection time (hours)": null, "Delay for offline protection (seconds)": 0, "Delay after taking damage (seconds)": 0, "Damage resets timer when owner is offline": true, "Allow tugboat protection": true
Hello i am having issues with protected bases being damaged, A player woke up half of base including tc was gone. I have Tested Zombie Hordes meteor strikes all the fireball types I can think of torpedos everything and cannot figure out how it was broken in the night
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- #protection
- #base
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Hi just wondering does this plugin protects from MLRS rockets as well? I see it has these options "Protected from": { "Authorized Players": false, "Unauthorized Players": true, "Attack Heli": true, "NPCs": true just wondering if it will protect from a meteor strike? (basically a MLRS rocket with no owner)
- #protection
- #base
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- #raidable base
- #bases
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First place all the bases from the download to copy paste data folder then you must have to have raidable bases running then type these 4 commands into the f1 console rb.config add sky-easy "sky-Easy1" "sky-Easy2" "sky-Easy3" "sky-Easy4" rb.config add sky-Medium "sky-Medium1" "sky-Medium2" "sky-Medium3" "sky-Medium4" "Sky-Medium5" rb.config add sky-Hard "sky-Hard1""sky-Hard2" "sky-Hard3" "sky-Hard4" "sky-Hard5" "sky-Hard6" "sky-Hard7" rb.config add sky-Nightmare "sky-NightMare1" "sky-NightMare2" "sky-NightMare3" "sky-NightMare4" "sky-NightMare5" "sky-NightMare6" doing the above you will have generated 4 new profiles each profile will need some things adjusted -Height to "Value": "35.0" (for each base they start at height 1.0) each of the 4 profiles should have several spots this needs adjusted -arena walls off (if you want no walls surrounding it - this will not effect your other bases it also looks terrible with walls) -dome set from 5 to 0 (if you want no domes surrounding it - this will not effect your other bases) -difficulty of profile the very first option / only the easy bases will spawn if this is not set you will also need to adjust water depth in the main raidable bases .json file that npcs can spawn to 80 "Maximum Water Depth For All Npcs": 80.0, now that you have done above you may need to reload raidable bases to see base loot profiles copy all those profiles and add them to difficult loot aswell- you will need to populate the loot tables what I did was for easy sky base I just copied my easy loot table and place it in the new sky-bases easy folder. if you still have issued visit the trap base discord https://discord.gg/qmtQTuTEvw at first I was unsure if I would be able to figure it out but I am glad I did because I feel this better helped me understand how raidable bases works
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- #raidable base
- #bases
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- #raidable base
- #bases
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- #raidable base
- #bases
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do i need to create profiles for each ? 1). Open F1 (i did this) ---------------------------------------------------------- 2).add this to your profiles with "rb.config add sky" (i typed that in f1 and it generated a profiel called sky) (what do i do here just copy all this below into f1 aswelll?) Medium: "sky-base3" "sky-base4" "sky-base8" "sky-base7" Hard: "sky-base2""sky-base5" "sky-base6" NightMare "sky-base1" "sky-base9" "sky-base10" (you did not list all the bases so im unsure of the difficultyl class of the new ones) --------------------------------------------------------- 3).Enter /data/raidableBases/profiles/ open for example easy (does this have easy bases?) Haven't made it any further, I'm not sure if I'm just suppose to add these in like other bases to the other profiles, do i make 3-5 new profiles?
- #raidable base
- #bases
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- #raidable base
- #bases
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May i suggest { "Position": "bottom right", "Offset X": 200, "Offset Y": 115, "Fast Refresh (negatively impacts performance)": false, "Show Console Warnings": true } you may want to to go a bit higher with the Y axis as you have raid protection tho i found breaking your legs adjusting position in .json then o.reload CustomStatusFramework this will show your adjustments you make so you can pick a location you like! I hope this helps!
Today I recived this from one of our top Docs on the Island ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- here is a small problem with the medic/doctor plugin regarding illness and disease. When a person is killed very quickly after getting sick they will perma have a undiagnosed status. When a medic or doctor uses /diagnose it will state that the person does not have an illness. The person afflicted will not suffer adverse effects of the illness. The 1st time it happened I wasn't sure if it was a bug or what but now it happened twice. If the person that has undiagnosed logs off and then back on the "undiagnosed" will disappear otherwise, it will permanently stay with them. [3:06 PM] 1st time Tiffi got rocketed out of her mini coptor and lived until she died from fall damage. I suspect she had for a milisecond had a broken leg or a concussion. Upon rezzing she was stuck with undiagnosed on her screen but when I /diagnose she had nothing. No adverse effects or illness/legbreak/etc and after 10 minutes or so she logged off and off and it went away. [3:09 PM] Second case Steve had a broken leg and tried to fight a scarecrow to get cloth for a bandage. He died. I suspect he had either a broken leg and or a zombie infection. Upon rezzing he had the undiagnosed status. He was suffering no ill effects. I had him fly over to my farm and when I diagnosed him, it said he had no illness. I have a screenshot of this one and I will send it shortly. If Steve hasnt relogged and still has the undiagnosed status you can ask him for a screenshot of his screen.