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Everything posted by kasvoton
If you have any problems don't hesitate to ask for support ! Ah and remember to rate the plugin, that would be appreciated.
Version 1.0.2
This plugins allows you to fine tune the settings about the Airdrop event such as frequency, speed, cargo drop mass and speed. To control the frequency, you can define a max and min duration between each airdrop event. If you don't want any randomization, just set the max and min with the same value. "AdditionalEvents": { "Enabled": false, "Min": 300.0, "Max": 600.0 }, The following config controls the "delay" between the start of the airdrop event (either it is server wide or called in by an user) and the drop of the cargo at the spot. In a nutshell it will make your planes fly must faster aka airspeed. "Airplane": { "Speed": { "Enabled": false, "Min": 70.0, "Max": 80.0 } }, You can change the duration of the supply signal smoke. "Signal": { "Duration": 110.0 }, Finally you can also adjust the time it takes for the dropped cargo to reach the ground by changing it's mass and drag values. "Cargo": { "Mass": { "Enabled": false, "Min": 20.0, "Max": 20.0 }, "Drag": { "Enabled": false, "Min": 2.5, "Max": 3.5 } }$2.99 -
Maybe doing that automatically would be a bit against the overall philosophy but I can get the need for something like that. Maybe having an rcon command to manually import them ? Having the groups defined on the config will force the server to be “clean” without unused stuff.
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
The ideia is that all the groups you use on the server should be defined on this config file, otherwise it can’t maintain an accurate sync. You need to shift a bit your mindset, when you need a new o oxide group don’t create it manually, document it’s existence on the config file and the plug-in will do the creation for you. The user management is a different concept, it will never remove users from the groups that were manually added to the groups using rcon or any other plug-in. The user list you see on the config file are users you want 100% to be always added to a specific group, like your top level admins.
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
Great !
I've just test on my dev env and it's working fine. Could you please unload all the other plugins on the server and check if the error is still there ? If the error only happens with other plugins we need to find which one is causing that by reload them back one by one until it breaks..
This is happening with all the items and all the time ? What other plugins do you have loaded on the server ? i.e. "o.plugins" on the rcon.
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
I'm not aware that something changed on last forced update concerning "OnItemCraft".. but give me a sec to do a quick test on my side. @B0atsnH03s which item were you crafting ?
Version 1.4.15
SAVE 13% WHEN BUYING THE BUNDLE This is a server management plugin. It allows you to have consistency and visibility over all the information related with your server, including it's basic configuration. You may find this valuable no matter if you manage ONE or TEN servers, it works great with automation tools, docker and alike. It has four main features: Wipe schedule calculator (support weekly, biweekly and monthly) Manages server information (Title, description, tags, logo, banner, etc) Manages the basic server configuration (cvars) Manages Oxide's groups, permissions and user membership. Loading messages when a player is joining and/or waiting in queue. Timed messages (adverts) Public chat command "!wipe" that will inform: Last wipe date Next wipe date The current time in UTC Support the new Nuclear Missile Silo computer countdown Support dynamic slots (increase total slots according to connected players) 1. Wipe schedule calculator The plugin provides four "tokens" that you can use within the server's title or description to inform your users when was the last wipe and when it will be the next wipe. You can customize the date format and wipe schedule on the config file and the wipe schedule calculator will have into account the Thursday forced wipe. // You can format the date as you'd like "Date": { "Short": "dd/MM", "Long": "dd/MM/yyyy" }, "Wipe": { "DoW": 4, "Hour": 19, "Timezone": "Europe/London", "Frequency": "BiWeekly" }, 2. Manages server information This one is pretty self-explanatory, it allows you to define all the metadata about your server. "Server": { "Name": "DEVELOPMENT SERVER | %LASTWIPE%", "Description": [ "Map size is %WORLDSIZE% using seed %WORLDSEED%.", "Last wipe was at %LASTWIPE_LONG%, Next wipe is at %NEXTWIPE_LONG%", "Server has %UPTIME% seconds uptime, running at %FPS% fps with %ONLINE%/%MAXSLOTS% players online." ], "Banner image": "https://assets.example.com/banner.jpg", "Logo image": "https://assets.example.com/logo.png", "Tags": [ "weekly", "vanilla" ], "Website": "https://example.com/", "Custom map name": "kasvoton was here", "Wipe schedule": 7 }, Notice the special feature "Custom map name" which allows you to customize the map name that is displayed on the server list (Procedural Map). This shows in not only at Rust's in-game server browser, but also all on all the other sites that show off your server, i.e. Battlemetrics. WE DO NOT REQUIRE OXIDE'S SANDBOX MODE TO BE TURNED OFF AS OTHER PLUGINS DO. 3. Manages the basic server configuration (cvars) It allows you to have a clear view of what cvars are applied, very helpful if you run automation tools such as docker or github to manage server configurations. "CVars": { "fps.limit": "32", "server.tickrate": "10", "server.censorplayerlist": "true", "server.maxplayers": "8", "env.time": "12", "env.progresstime": "false" }, 4. Manages Oxide's groups, permissions and user membership. When you define a group inside the plugin's config file it means that the plugin will make sure that the group is created, that the permissions are assigned and that the listed members are part of the group. You can (and should) assign users to your groups using the oxide's tools or any other third party plugin as usual, the only difference is that the members listed on this config file will always be added back to the groups even when manually removed. "Permissions": { "Delay": 60.0, "Groups": [ { "Name": "admin", "Title": "Administrators", "Parent": "developer", "Rank": 0, "Default": false, "Permissions": [], "Members": [] }, { "Name": "default", "Title": "Default", "Parent": null, "Rank": 0, "Default": true, "Permissions": [], "Members": [ "*" ] }, { "Name": "developer", "Title": "Developer", "Parent": "administrator", "Rank": 800, "Default": false, "Permissions": [ "plugin.e", "plugin.f" ], "Members": [ "123456789123456789" ] }, { "Name": "administrator", "Title": "Administrator", "Parent": "moderator", "Rank": 80, "Default": false, "Permissions": [ "plugin.b", "plugin.c", "plugin.d" ], "Members": [ "123456789123456789", "123456789123456789" ] }, { "Name": "moderator", "Title": "Moderator", "Parent": "default", "Rank": 60, "Default": false, "Permissions": [ "plugin.a" ], "Members": [ "123456789123456789", "123456789123456789", "123456789123456789" ] } ] } Note the important config parameter "Delay", when the server starts we have no way to tell in which order the plugins will get loaded by Oxide, which means that when OxidationMetadata loads it's probable that we will not be the last one getting loaded. If we try to assign a permission to a group but the third party plugin has not yet loaded then the permission is not found and we'll get an error. The "Delay" creates a waiting period for OxidationMetadata to wait for all other plugins to load and only then it tries to assign the permissions, the value of the delay is really dependent of your own server. List of supported string format "tokens": %FPS% Average FPS value on the server %MAXSLOTS% Max number of players on the server %ONLINE% Total number of online players %UPTIME% Server uptime in seconds %WORLDSEED% Seed used to generate the world %WORLDSIZE% World size i.e. 3500 %LASTWIPE% Last wipe date formatted in short form %LASTWIPE_LONG% Last wipe date formatted in long form %NEXTWIPE% Next wipe date formatted in short form %NEXTWIPE_LONG% Next wipe date formatted in long form$4.99 -
Maybe there is a better way to do this kind of search that I'm not aware about. I would suggest to have a specific search category where it only searches on Plugin/Asset titles and description. The closest thing I can find is "Files" but I still get a lot of non relevant hits coming from the "Discussions" tab.
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It can be done but technically it’s a completely different implementation so it’s cleaner to do it in a separated plug-in. When instant crafting the crafting queue is completely bypassed and the items are generated instantly. To control the vanilla crafting speed it’s required the manipulate each individual item crafting time and still use the crafting queue to create the items. Nevertheless I will look at it.
All the requested functionality has been added on version 1.1.0. @Hi im billa @RustLover { "CargoShip": "A Cargo Ship has been spotted near shore", "BradleyAPC": "A M3 Bradley is now patrolling the Launch site", "CargoPlane": "An incoming Cargo Plane has been spotted", "PatrolHelicopter": "A Patrol helicopter has been spotted patrolling the island", "ChinookHelicopter": "A CH47 Chinook has been spotted patrolling the island", "Oilrig": "A CH47 Chinook has been spotted heading to the {0} Oilrig", "Small": "small", "Large": "large" }
Version 1.3.4
SAVE 10% WHEN BUYING THE BUNDLE We are proud to announce the release of Crafting Manager superseding "Instant Crafting". Crafting Manager main features: Instant crafting (craftingmanager.instant.allow) Define a global scaling per workbench tier to be applied to all users by default Create as many "custom" profiles you need, each one will have a permission to control who gets access to the custom scaling Item blacklist allows you to block items from being crafted. Players get a message when the item is uncraftable. PermanentWorkbenchLevel permanently assigns workbench level to your players. Example of a custom profile, the values are in percentage of the original crafting duration. If you want to craft a Cupboard (30s original) and set tier0 to 0.5 (50%) then the Cupboard will take 15s to craft. "vip1": { "0": 0.25, "1": 0.5, "2": 0.75, "3": 1.0 } To assign the vip1 profile to a user type "o.grant user my_player craftingmanager.profile.example1", to assign it to a group type "o.grant group my_group craftingmanager.profile.example1". If you'd like to assign instant crafting it to all your players just grant the permission to the default group by typing "o.grant group default craftingmanager.instant.allow". Full configuration example: { "CraftingScale": { "Global": { "0": 1.0, "1": 1.0, "2": 1.0, "3": 1.0 }, "Profiles": { "example1": { "0": 0.25, "1": 0.5, "2": 0.75, "3": 1.0 }, "example2": { "0": 0.0, "1": 0.25, "2": 0.5, "3": 0.75 } } }, "Miscellaneous": { "InstantCrafting": 1.0, "PermanentWorkbenchLevel": 0 }, "BlacklistedItems": [ "syringe.medical", "explosives", "autoturret" ] }$4.99- 27 comments
- 2 reviews
This will sound like potato logic.. but that's what rust gave us. "ByProductChance": 1.0 Our logical mind tells us when you set a change to 1 it should be 100%.. but in rust setting that value to 1f will make a ZERO change of charcoal generation. I will make this more user friendly by forcing it to behave as we expect it to behave: 0-1 will be 0-100% chance of charcoal generation. btw, on the latest version I'm capping the multiplier to x100.. which is a sensible value.
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