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Everything posted by kasvoton

  1. kasvoton

    Not smelting fast

    Changed Status from No Response to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.4.6
  2. kasvoton

    Not smelting fast

    Set the cooktime for your items to 0.5 and increase the multiplier for the furnaces to 100. This in conjunction with Furnace Splitter will give crazy fast smelting times.
  3. kasvoton

    Not smelting fast

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to No Response
  4. kasvoton

    Not smelting fast

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  5. kasvoton

    Not smelting fast

    Can you post your config ? If you are expecting instant smelt.. that will not happen because I'm still based on tick rate. I will look into having a boolean to activate instant smelt.
  6. You are stretching a bit the aim of the plugin. This plugin cannot ever be "instant" because it relies on the standard smelting tick rate and the "cook time" attribute of each item. The smelting multiplier is bound to a max of 10 and a min of 1. To be honest I didn't test it with such extreme cases, I will double check what's happening to the brunt food. I guess it would be possible to create a instant smelt plugin, once you start the oven, all ore inside is instantly converted to the product + byproduct.
  7. kasvoton

    Change time?

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  8. kasvoton

    Change time?

    Hi ! This is possible to be implemented but it will have a performance cost vs the current method. Currently the sky dome management class will fire two events, one at Sunrise and another one at Sunset making it very efficient to just listen for those events and then control the status of all the lights on the server accordingly. The three twilight types are civil, nautical and astronomical twilight, I guess sky dome is implementing the astronomical twilight which is the "true night".
  9. kasvoton

    New Error After Update

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.2
  10. kasvoton

    New Error After Update

    Thanks, it's fixed on the new release of the plugin.
  11. Burnt meat shouldn’t be happening.. can you share your config please ?
  12. @Armageddonv2 I can't duplicate the bug you reported with the broadcast messages being stuck on screen. Nevertheless I reworked a bit the code which handles this part. Do you still have the error ?
  13. The player argument will accept a partial player name or a full Steam ID.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    No more sleeping bag cooldowns ! Great for those crazy, heavy modded servers. You can control to which users the cooldown will be removed by granting the permission OxidationNoBagCooldown.Allow. If you'd like to remove the cooldown to all your players just grant the permission to the default group on the console like so: oxide.grant group default OxidationNoBagCooldown.Allow
  15. Version 1.2.2


    No more blueprints ! Great for those crazy, heavy modded servers. You can control to which users the blueprints will be unlocked by granting the permission blueprintunlocker.tierX.unlock. If you'd like to unlock to all your players just grant the permission to the default group on the console like so: oxide.grant group default blueprintunlocker.tier0.unlock oxide.grant group default blueprintunlocker.tier1.unlock oxide.grant group default blueprintunlocker.tier2.unlock oxide.grant group default blueprintunlocker.tier3.unlock [NEW] Automatic unlock/reset based on permission: when a tier permission is assigned to a user all the bps will be unlocked when a tier permission is revoked from a user all the bps will be reset
  16. Thanks for your feedback, I will have a look at the bug you reported.
  17. I've added on version 1.0.1 the rcon command troll.rocketman as requested.
  18. kasvoton

    Just a heads up

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.1
  19. kasvoton

    Just a heads up

    This bug should have been fixed on the latest release, please update.
  20. Only in-game but I can easily add the rcon console command for you.
  21. kasvoton

    Just a heads up

    Thanks I will investigate. I'm unsure if this is a client side problem i.e. the state is not getting immediately updated or if it is indeed a dupe issue. Did you tried to pickup the item and loot exactly the same item from the corpse, was it possible ?
  22. Version 1.0.2


    Troll those cheaters in style with the Rocket Man ! After exploding up in the sky their loot will drop all over the place, just like a Piñata. Use the chat command /troll.rocketman <player> or the rcon command troll.rocketman <player>. The player argument will accept a partial player name or a full Steam ID. All users with the Oxide "admin" role will get access to the command, but you may grant per user/group access using the permission oxidationtrollrocketman.use.
  23. Version 1.5.15


    SAVE 10% WHEN BUYING THE BUNDLE No oxide sh*t, fast af Now supporting electric and legacy Furnaces ! The best smelting plugin you will find, guaranteed™ Still using Quick/Power Smelt ? Well.. let me welcome you to 2023. Straightforward configuration, let's make our large furnaces x5 and refineries x2 but keep small furnaces vanilla: "Ovens": { "furnace.large": { "Multiplier": 5, "Charcoal": 5, }, "furnace": { "Multiplier": 1, "Charcoal": 1, }, "refinery_small_deployed": { "Multiplier": 2, "Charcoal": 2, } } Yeah.. all smelting plugins can do that you said ? Fair enough.. How about changing the cook time (in seconds) per item type ? "Products": { "hq.metal.ore": { "CookTime": 0.5, "Amount": 1 }, "metal.ore": { "CookTime": 10.0, "Amount": 1 }, "sulfur.ore": { "CookTime": 1.0, "Amount": 1 } } Still not impressed ? What if you'd like one metal.ore to give you 5 metal frags instead of the default 1:1 ratio ? Easy.. grab my beer. "metal.ore": { "CookTime": 10.0, "Amount": 5 }
  24. Version 1.1.1


    HUD based alert system, no configuration required. The main objective is to broadcast an alert when important server wide events are starting, such as: Bradley event starts Cargo ship event starts Cargo plane (airdrop) event starts Patrol event starts Chinook event starts Oilrig defense Standard hackable crate drop This plugin also exposes an API which allows other plugins to use the same alert system to broadcast messages. [PluginReference] private Plugin OxidationEventAnnouncer; // (...) private void OnMyImportantEvent() { OxidationEventAnnouncer.Call("Broadcast", "My important event has started"); } You can easily change the background color and text color of the announcement. The following snippet will change the background color to #00FF00 and the text color to #F0F0F0. [PluginReference] private Plugin OxidationEventAnnouncer; // (...) private void OnMyImportantEvent() { OxidationEventAnnouncer.Call("Broadcast", "My important event has started", "#00FF00", "#F0F0F0"); }
  25. kasvoton


    Version 1.3.1


    This is a dead simple, non-intrusive, HUD based clock which shows in-game time. This plugin has little to none performance impact, even when shorter nights are enabled on the server. No configuration required.


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