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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. imthenewguy


    Probably won't support auto farm. Depends how it's been built though.
  2. Yeah not sure what broke it, but I think I have worked out a solution. Will push it on my discord to test.
  3. imthenewguy

    loot drops

    I have a fix for this that I an testing on my discord server.
  4. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  5. imthenewguy


    Yeah they are included in the skills that affect boats.
  6. imthenewguy

    Negative Skill Points

    I cannot think of a single reason that a player would get negative xp, outside of losing xp on death and going into xp debt, but that looks a lot different. I wouldn't even know where to begin to check where the issue lies; need more information about how this has occurred.
  7. Its in the next release. * Added permission option for individual nodes. Players without the correct permission will not see the node in the tree.
  8. They should be parenting to the boat. Are you running the latest version/deploying it directly onto the boat and not a rug etc?
  9. imthenewguy

    setup a 30 days recycler

    That is a chat command is to give yourself a token. The command to give token via console is: addtoken <password> <steam ID> <tier> So you would put: "Items": [ { "Type": "Command", "ID": 1972402188, "Image": "https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1690521223902034750/11CB5A169E3B3B5CAC7C8FEE3A76F2715BD2119C/?imw=637&imh=358&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&im", "Title": "VIP 1 - test dont buy", "Description": "", "Command (%steamid%)": "addtoken <password from your config> %steamid% vip1", "Kit": "", "Plugin": { "Hook": "", "Plugin Name": "", "Amount": 1 }, Password is located in your config: "Password for command verification (make one up)"
  10. Yeah ill need to take a look at it. Was the only village I didn't have on map when I built the plugin lol.
  11. Never really played cod. I remember it sort of from mw2 back in the day, but it was just levels with extra steps and no real difference wasn't it?
  12. imthenewguy

    setup a 30 days recycler

    Not really. This looks like it is using my PersonalRecycler plugin, which adds a redeemable recycler that the player can type as command for to redeem. That recycler becomes a deployed entity, so you can't remove access to it via VIPToken. The VIP token's purpose would be to simply add 1 redeemable recycler for the player to grab, so the time parameter in the config for this item is not relevant.
  13. The command definitely exists. If you are using in game console it requires skilltree.admin to run. Glad you sorted it though. I don't understand what a prestige system is or what its purpose would be.
  14. No you would need to format it the same as the video, at least for the permissions section
  15. out of date? It's brand new xD The principal is the same. You simply don't adjust anything above "permissions": { You can have a standard buff, and still include custom permissions to run when that buff level is achieved. The only entry under perms would be "5" then all of the info relevant to the InstantCraft plugin.
  16. It will only base the yield increase off of the vanilla value. You can use SkillTree to modify the base yield on your server, and the skills will work from those base values rather than vanilla. "Base yield settings": { "Allow Skill Tree to adjust the base amount of resource received? Buffs will base their modifiers off of the amended base amount.": true, "Yield types multipliers [1.0 = vanilla]": { "Wood": 1.0, "Stone": 1.0, "Metal": 1.0, "Sulfur": 1.0, "Corn": 1.0, "Potato": 1.0, "Pumpkin": 1.0, "Cloth": 1.0, "Diesel": 1.0, "AnimalFat": 1.0, "Bones": 1.0, "Leather": 1.0, "Fish": 1.0, "Seed": 1.0, "Mushroom": 1.0, "Berry": 1.0 } },
  17. Ahh yep I see. I will add a check to see if the data is being wiped before we reset.
  18. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  19. Good to hear!
  20. imthenewguy

    please sir

    I don't plan on adding Economics to the plugin. Was going for an item based system.
  21. Assuming the plugin being used calls the CanBuild hook, this should already be taken care of. object CanBuild(Planner planner, Construction prefab, Construction.Target target) { var player = planner?.GetOwnerPlayer(); if (player != null && Participants.Contains(player) || (player.transform.position.y > CurrentCentrePoint.y - 50 && Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, CurrentCentrePoint) < FurthestEntity)) return false; return null; }
  22. Still an issue?
  23. This hasn't been happening on any other server as far as I am aware. This generally means you have a plugin that is conflicting with mine. The only way to really tell what is messing with it, is to unload all plugins except for PersonalRecyclers, test, if the issue persists then do a complete wipe of the plugin and test again. If the issue doesn't persist, load plugins back onto your server 5 at a time and test after each batch to see if the problem returns. When it does, it will be one of the 5 plugins that you loaded.


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