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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. imthenewguy

    skinning knife

    Yeah they arent on any loot tables by default. You can add them though.
  2. I am not having the issue on my end. Unload all of your plugins besides Skill Tree and see if the issue persist. Let me know what the result is.
  3. People on my discord might be able to share their configs with you. I know a few of them use top left.
  4. imthenewguy


    Please submit a ticket for me and provide step by step instructions on how I can replicate the issue.
  5. imthenewguy


    Set the stack config option to false. You most likely have a conflict spamming in console.
  6. Version 1.0.6


    Skill Tree: XP Event is a plugin that creates an event that will randomly select a task, providing players with bonus XP for performing the task while the event is running. Events are started automatically on interval (default every 30 minutes), and will select 1 of 38 tasks for the event. This could be chopping down trees, skinning animals, killing scientists or looting crates. The plugin will also roll a random duration for the event to run for, and a random bonus to the XP (all of which is configurable). Additional XP gained with this plugin will stack with xp bonuses from Skill Tree. The stacking works in the following order: Default xp value is calculated. Skill Tree will check if Skill Tree: XP Event is loaded, and will ask for any bonuses if applicable Skill Tree continues on with its additional modifiers (other plugins, permission overrides, rested xp etc) This event will provide an incentive for players to engage with content on your server that they might otherwise avoid. SkillTreeXPEvent.use - required for players to participate in the events. SkillTreeXPEvent.admin - required to use the below commands if running them from player console. Console command: startxpevent <optional: task> Description: This command will manually start an XP event. If the task is not specified, it will roll the event randomly. Running this command resets the interval timer. Console command: stopxpevent Description: This command ends the current xp event. Chat command: stemoveui Description: Brings up an interface to reposition the UI. NodeHit NodeHitFinal TreeHit TreeHitFinal SkinHit SkinHitFinal CollectWildEntities CollectWildBerries CollectWildHemp CollectWildPumpkin CollectWildPotato CollectWildCorn CollectMushrooms CollectOreNodes CollectGrownEntities CollectGrownBerries CollectGrownHemp CollectGrownCorn CollectGrownPotato CollectGrownPumpkin SkinWolfFinal SkinBearFinal SkinChickenFinal SkinBoarFinal SkinStagFinal SkinPolarBearFinal CatchAnyFish KillScientist KillTunnelDweller KillUnderwaterDweller KillAnyAnimal KillBear KillStag KillBoar KillChicken KillWolf KillPolarBear LootCrate BreakBarrel BreakRoadSign SwipeCard All
  7. I probably won't add support for destroying entities that are player deployable.
  8. It has been submitted on both platforms, but Codefling need to review my code where as the other platform does not.
  9. The only thing my plugin does is return false on the OnItemRecycle hook when attempting to recycle nature items. If it's glitching out, it would be worth reaching out to the recycle dev and finding out why.
  10. imthenewguy


    Which blacklist? There are multiple. You will only need the shortname. Do a ctr+f search in the config for "blacklist" and and you will find all of the fields.
  11. Backup your config, delete it and let the plugin regenerate one. Does the issue still occur? Also you will need to PM me your purchase info on discord.
  12. Ok sweet no worries. I believe the hook used to be true/false, or oxide were inconsistent when naming the hook as hooks with null/non-null returns generally start with On, where as hooks with true/false returns are normally prefixed with Can. After checking where the hook is called from, it is indeed a null/non-null return. I'll change my return to true in the next update.
  13. Can you paste the CanCombineDroppedItem error again please?
  14. I really can't help anyone if I don't know what changes you have made to the config.
  15. Yeah backpack actually works quite well with this plugin.
  16. imthenewguy

    Chests not spawning

    Do you have safe zones on your map?
  17. Sorry I was mistaken, you can change both the name and the colour. "Better chat titles"
  18. You can't at this point.
  19. imthenewguy


    If boss monster is able to run a command when a player kills it, you could add the loot via the gen item command with the s tier as one of the parameters.
  20. Considering a few of them, but as stand alone releases.
  21. I don't understand your question. Are you asking why I fixed a bug?
  22. Ill keep an eye on the STCanGainXP hook error. Regarding the CanCombinedDroppedItems conflict, you will need to ask the dev to only monitor drops that his plugin is responsible for. DeployableNature only returns a non-null value when one of the items is a deployable nature item.


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