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Everything posted by NavyChief

  1. NavyChief

    Online Players

    SUGGESTION1: I would like you to add a button like the /tpr one that only shows for mods/admins that is the command to teleport me (the person pushing it) to the person in question.... SUGGESTION2: Add text next to sleepers that shows last time on and for how long Love the plug in by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Are you asking me or @Russ?
  3. I have noticed for a while now that periodically there is an updated mod version but it is not showing up in the update checker response... Here is just ONE example, I can find others....(see below) ALSO can you tell me how to force Raidable Bases to be checked against CodeFling not UMOD?? ALSO Suggestion; can you make the update checker add the date even if all mods are up to date / time stamp?
  4. NavyChief

    Raidable Bases

    SUGGESTION: I am not sure if this can be done but I wonder if there is a way to setup the mod (with additional config settings) to make it so the longer the server is alive since wipe (wipe age) the harder the raidable bases are to raid... so for example in the first X days since wipe only easy ones spawn; then as time goes on there are mediums, hard, extreme, etc I say this because on some servers the populous does not have the stuff to raid an extreme base on the first few days since the wipe. ALSO can there be a message to people who join after a raid base is spawned to let them know as they join there is a raid base to raid!!!
  5. Can someone explain this one to me?? (09:07:40) | Warning! 'RaidableBases' uses Harmony. That may cause instability, use at your own discretion!
  6. NavyChief

    Not showing everyone

  7. NavyChief

    Not showing everyone

    My BAD I did not mean the HUD but the display that comes up when you type /sleepers..... My display shows 10 sleepers BUT I have 15 and no pagination buttons Sent image in Private Message
  8. NavyChief

    Not showing everyone

    Quick Question though... Does the online or sleepers display paginate OR is the limit of 10 just that only 10? "Max Players On HUD": 10,
  9. NavyChief

    Not showing everyone

    Thank You
  10. NavyChief

    Not showing everyone

    I am not looking for sleepers; I have InfoPanel and it shows online : total so if 2 are online and the total is 15 then it stands to reason there are 13 sleepers.... interestingly today I get no sleepers and there should be about 11 (2/13)..... you read it above the sleepers are blank NONE even though I have 11; I can also see them in the MyMap mod on the map I see 11 players sleeping.
  11. NavyChief

    Not showing everyone

    Today I looked and I have 12 total yet sleepers shows 1 and players shows 2 (which is correct)... the players number seems to be accurate; it is the sleepers that is way off.
  12. NavyChief

    Not showing everyone

    I have 13 online players; however the /sleepers command shows 4 and the /players shows 1 I am totally confused... here is my config: { "Hide Admins": false, "Show Online Player Count": true, "Show Sleeper Count": true, "Show Player Avatars (requires ImageLibrary and Store player avatars = true)": false, "Show KillRecords Icon (Requires Kill Records Plugin)": false, "Show XPerience Icon (Requires XPerience Plugin)": false, "Show XPerience Rank Sig (Requires XPerience Plugin)": false, "Show XPerience Level (Requires XPerience Plugin)": false, "Show TPR Icon (Requires NTeleportation Plugin and tpr permission)": true, "Show Discord Report Icon (Requires DiscordReport Plugin)": false, "UI Location (distance from left 0 - 0.80)": 0.05, "UI Location (distance from bottom 0.45 - 1.0)": 0.55, "Chat Command (Online Players)": "players", "Chat Command (Sleepers)": "sleepers", "Show Online HUD": true, "Online HUD Chat Command": "onlinehud", "HUD Location From Left": 0.01, "HUD Location From Top": 0.96, "HUD Width": 0.15, "HUD Height": 0.3, "Max Players On HUD": 10, "HUD Transparency 0.0 - 1.0": 0.25, "HUD Refresh Rate (seconds)": 30.0, "HUD Font Size": 10 }
  13. My events are spread out so there is no chance a new event started and that caused the crates to disappear.
  14. Sorry do you have an invite link to the DISCORD?
  15. NavyChief

    Plane Crash Sounds

    Odd I have NEVER heard the sounds of the crash..........
  16. I think that people that are auth level 0, 1 and 2 should have two different colors
  17. NavyChief

    Plane Crash Sounds

    I think there should be a sound of a plane crash when it crashes.
  18. Suggestion for the following: /orp or /ao <steam id or full name> — Check a player's offline protection status. You can type the command without a name when looking at a player's structure. Show the raid protect level(s) also.
  19. I have a GREAT suggestion; in your mod have it check to see if you have zone manager installed and then put a zone over every base that all it does is announce as you walk up to it that it is protected and to what percentage; of course using zonemanager at all OR what is displayed in these messages should be configurable.
  20. Can someone help me out with these settings: "Crates lifetime(in seconds). The crate will not be destroyed if it has been activated": 3600, "Crates timer(in seconds)": 900, "Airdrops lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, The problem is that I have players complaining that the crates disappear early; in one case the timed crate disappeared before the timer ran out. What does ANYONE suggest for this??
  21. I just tested a raidable base and it was NOT protected by offline raid protection!!!!!
  22. NavyChief

    Raidable Bases

    Wait so you are saying as is, it conflicts with RB? Or is what you are saying doable in the mod?? I need to know because if it does protect RB then I need to remove this mod.
  23. SUGGESTION: I know this has probably been requested before but I think that offline raiding should work where if the person logs off within XX minutes of the raid starting then the base should either not get protection or get less protection because people will log off as soon as the raid starts... I know there is a timer for this like 10 min but I think a better way is that if a person logs off before the raid starts maybe that 10 minute timeout is valid BUT if they log off AFTER the raid starts (first strike to building) then there should be another timer for that like 30 min or so.


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