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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Oh, sorry. I think I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about Rust's vanilla spawning npcs there. All profiles in BotReSpawn can be enabled, disabled, and customised. Sounds like you've created a custom profile somewhere close to a default profile? If you want one of them turned off just look it up in the UI and set AutoSpawn false. Just in case you weren't aware, you can set custom spawn points within any profile - whether a custom added one or a default one. Exceptions, of course, for biomes + events.
  2. I don't have an option to prevent the spawning of vanilla npcs, no. I do have a free plugin, however, that lets you give them kits and customise some of their properties. https://codefling.com/plugins/npckits I could maybe look into adding options to the latter to prevent them from spawning.
  3. Very glad to hear that. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any other questions. Hopefully overspawning should be a viable option with the next update.
  4. Underground should be fine in most places as far as I know. Yes, custom spawn points would be required and I know there are some areas where there are just too many obstacles for it to work well, but from what I hear they work well in most. Fairly sure you'd need to set Off_Terrain true for those profiles too.
  5. The Off terrain option is there for profiles, or for custom added spawnpoints which aren't on the terrain. That could be on top of buildings like at the Launch Site, or at custom monuments out at sea, like shipwrecks or custom oilrigs. If you were to use custom spawn points at the Dome but they were all on the actual Dome monument, I'd set Off_Terrain to true for that profile. The Dome is a bit of an anomaly in so much as BotReSpawn, when finding spawnpoints, looks for points on terrain with a clear view upwards to the sky. That means the Dome itself gets in the way of that where a small radius is chosen. The best way to use the Dome profile is either to increase the spawn radius, so points are found in the surrounding area, or to set UseCustomSpawns true and add a few custom spawnpoints of your own. You can do a combination - For example asking for 10 npcs but only providing 5 custom spawnpoints. As long as spawn radius is big enough BotReSpawn will make up the other 5 by finding random points in the area.
  6. Good stuff! There is actually a known issue that would cause what you're seeing, and I've remedied for the next update. Only seems to happen under pretty heavy load so, hopefully, you wont experience it again but if you do let me know and I'll DM you a pre-release copy.
  7. Day/Night spawn amount dictates how many npcs will be spawned during day/night. Ordinarily the Radius option dictates the size of the area within which npcs will spawn (when not using custom placed spawnpoints) but there is no such option for Biome profiles. The npcs just spawn somewhere within that biome.
  8. Hi, No, there's no console command for teleporting players to monuments or profiles. The only teleport option is to teleport yourself to a profile's location, and it's a button click in the UI. There is a command for toplayer which will spawn the specified profile at the specified player. The profile's radius is taken into account, though, so if you want an npc to spawn right near the player you'd probably be best setting up a profile specifically for toplayer usage, and set it with a low radius like 5 or 10.
  9. Hi, No, there's no setting relating to it right now. I'll take a look into that. Thanks for reporting.
  10. Steenamaroo

    Option to change names

    Hi, You can set your own 'Friendly names' for every item/container/entity in the RustRewards data file in /oxide/data Just be sure to unload the plugin before making, and saving, your changes.
  11. Interesting. I'm not sure what could have happened there but I appreciate you posting back to let us all know. If anything else comes up don't be afraid to ask.
  12. I'll take a look at that. I'm sure it could be moved. Thanks for the suggestion.
  13. Hi, I've got this fixed at my end but just want to give it a bit more testing to make sure I haven't introduced any bugs or anything. Thanks for reporting it. As far as I know the everything should work fine, for now, other than the parachute being invisible.
  14. If global setting 'UseServerTime' is false, check your settings for NightStartHour and DayStartHour, to make sure they're set such that there is actually a night time. If that all checks out, what pookins mentioned is pretty common - If you're letting your players skip night then you're probably skipping that npc. Wait for night time on your server and do bots.count in server console, to confirm that the biome profile has spawned. If that doesn't help, please let me know.
  15. There's a bots.count console command that will give you a per-profile breakdown of how many npcs have spawned. You can use that to confirm if your biome npcs are spawning or not. Be sure to test at night time, since your profile calls for zero npcs during the day. Also keep an eye on console when reloading the plugin, or these profiles, in case there's some issue with your kit. If it has no valid weapons in it then BotReSpawn will tell you that in console.
  16. In V2.2.5 I removed the hardcoded /pr command in favour of whatever is in your config, under Options>chatCommandAliases. The defaults are "chatCommandAliases": [ "pr", "ranks", "rank" ], so you probably want to change it to "chatCommandAliases": [ "pr" ],
  17. @ZAC- Thanks for following up. No worries...my pleasure. I understand your point and take no disrespect from it - You're right, it's a pretty big price for a plugin. It can be very time consuming, though, whether that's in maintenance of the plugin, adding new features/requests, or spending one-on-one time troubleshooting some obscure issue with a user. I knew from maintaining BotSpawn for free for 4+ years how much time it was likely to take up. Estimating time I'd spend, the length of time the plugin would likely be for sale and supported, and the number of sales I was likely to get, that's the price I arrived at. Sorry you got a misleading ping about the price. Hopefully it's something Death can resolve quickly.
  18. Thank you for the replies, folks. Agreed - Sounds like a site bug. I certainly didn't put BotReSpawn on sale at any point, so I've made sure Death is aware.
  19. Are you certain? It's coded to remove all players from the group before adding the new title holder to it.
  20. Just don't load or unload other plugins while the UI is open. Should work fine.
  21. Make sure that ActivityRewardAmount and ActivityReward_Seconds are both greater than zero in the config, If Use_Permissions is true in the config, make sure you have the permission rustrewards.activity. If Use_Permissions is false, ignore that. I think that's all you should need to do.
  22. Rewards can be announced via a UI graphic, GuiAnnouncements, or in chat. Server owners can set a default option for new players joining the server, but players can access the preferences menu and set their own preference for this.
  23. Hi, If you've got everything relevant set to 1 in RustRewards then some other plugin must be making the call to RustRewards and telling it to issue 30. I have this as an option so npc plugins can issue a specific reward for their npcs, without that reward being issued for vanilla npcs which happen to be of the same type. I guess look through any seemingly relevant plugin config files for any setting to do with RustRewards, and hopefully you'll find something set to 30 that you can turn off or adjust.
  24. No worries! Pretty sure that should sort your error out. I'd always rather people ask so don't ever hesitate. I'm not 100% sure but to get updates when a new version is released you might need to go in to your account > Account Settings > Notification settings (right side), then set it up like this. If it's not working maybe unfollow/refollow BotReSpawn and, hopefully, that'll sort it. It works, as I get emails for my own public updates. If that doesn't get you up and running please let me know - I'll poke Death and see if there's a site issue there.


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