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Everything posted by Stampy

  1. Stampy

    Steam Profile Pics load

    ok thanks will give that a try
  2. Stampy

    Steam Profile Pics load

    Hi the steam profile pics dont load where do i place my api key as i dont see how to fix it
  3. Stampy

    No Menu on Use

    Its Hotel#06 that is the one that works no idea why just that one works
  4. Stampy

    Support with config?

    Hi sorry to be a pain but things are activating at the wrong day/time for me like today i got the perm custombuttons.purge when i wasn't suppose to. My server is 1Hour ahead of the UK so instead of 14:00 for 2PM its 15:00 Im trying to make my server do the following: Restart everyday at 1am give perms for groups default, vip & Premium Saturday @ 2PM (UK) custombuttons.purge and play a sound then 2:01PM o.reload CustomButtons then at midnight revoke the previous perms and give custombuttons.purgeover then 0:01 reload CustomButtons then Sunday 2PM (UK) revoke previous perms then grant custombuttons.endoftheworld +Play a sound then 2:01PM reload CustomButtons then Midnight Revoke previous perms and grant perms custombuttons.purgeover then 0:01 reload CustomButtons Here is my config: { "UTC": false, "Cron": [ { "Minute": "57", "Hour": "1", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0-6", "Command": "save" }, { "Minute": "59", "Hour": "1", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0-6", "Command": "restart 60" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.revoke group premium custombuttons.purgeover" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.revoke group vip custombuttons.purgeover" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.revoke group default custombuttons.purgeover" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.revoke group premium custombuttons.endoftheworld" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.revoke group vip custombuttons.endoftheworld" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.revoke group default custombuttons.endoftheworld" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.grant group premium custombuttons.Purge" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.grant group default custombuttons.Purge" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.grant group vip custombuttons.Purge" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "audio.message sendall purge" }, { "Minute": "1", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.reload CustomButtons" }, { "Minute": "55", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.revoke group premium custombuttons.purge" }, { "Minute": "55", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0", "Command": "oxide.revoke group vip custombuttons.purge" }, { "Minute": "55", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0", "Command": "oxide.revoke group default custombuttons.Purge" }, { "Minute": "55", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0", "Command": "oxide.reload CustomButtons" }, { "Minute": "55", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.grant group premium custombuttons.Purgeover" }, { "Minute": "55", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.grant group vip custombuttons.Purgeover" }, { "Minute": "55", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.grant group default custombuttons.Purgeover" }, { "Minute": "58", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "6", "Command": "oxide.reload CustomButtons" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0", "Command": "oxide.revoke group premium custombuttons.Purgeover" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0", "Command": "oxide.revoke group vip custombuttons.Purgeover" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0", "Command": "oxide.revoke group default custombuttons.Purgeover" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0", "Command": "oxide.grant group premium custombuttons.endoftheworld" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0", "Command": "oxide.grant group vip custombuttons.endoftheworld" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0", "Command": "oxide.grant group default custombuttons.endoftheworld" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0", "Command": "audio.message sendall end" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0", "Command": "wipeevents.run all" }, { "Minute": "1", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0", "Command": "o.reload CustomButtons" }, { "Minute": "0", "Hour": "15", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "0", "Command": "jet event 20 0 36000" }, { "Minute": "55", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "1", "Command": "oxide.revoke group premium custombuttons.endoftheworld" }, { "Minute": "55", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "1", "Command": "oxide.revoke group vip custombuttons.endoftheworld" }, { "Minute": "55", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "1", "Command": "oxide.revoke group default custombuttons.endoftheworld" }, { "Minute": "55", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "1", "Command": "oxide.grant group premium custombuttons.purgeover" }, { "Minute": "55", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "1", "Command": "oxide.grant group vip custombuttons.purgeover" }, { "Minute": "55", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "1", "Command": "oxide.grant group default custombuttons.purgeover" }, { "Minute": "58", "Hour": "0", "Day": "*", "Month": "*", "DoW": "1", "Command": "oxide.reload CustomButtons" } ] }
  5. Stampy

    No Menu on Use

    also i did about 16 rooms and strange that only 1 of them works: Heres my Data file: { "house": { "364420519": { "Id": "51317", "Name": "Hotel#06", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 364420519, "Buying": { "Price": 999999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 679902369, 707447887, 1631187383, 1595396492, 109505508, 881764141 ] }, "2100235662": { "Id": "55891", "Name": "Hotel#04", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 2100235662, "Buying": { "Price": 99999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 624797871, 1110997392, 766716434, 638239075, 2082810827, 411378794 ] }, "1496271402": { "Id": "36242", "Name": "Hotel#02", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 1496271402, "Buying": { "Price": 999999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 1731280869, 1468253238, 183983987, 248138610, 1050491680, 1954520969 ] }, "500911348": { "Id": "34652", "Name": "Hotel#01", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 500911348, "Buying": { "Price": 999999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 1573224211, 1941970658, 2079269655, 1440680496, 216936345, 2137727824 ] }, "1616353910": { "Id": "62578", "Name": "Hotel#03", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 1616353910, "Buying": { "Price": 999999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 1375311763, 705419732, 2128550572, 464209472, 1140152114, 1810734528 ] }, "736149302": { "Id": "94851", "Name": "Hotel#05", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 736149302, "Buying": { "Price": 9999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 177459224, 1758171113, 2014957718, 1024996668, 2009261264, 724823900 ] }, "1083852894": { "Id": "8474", "Name": "Hotel#10", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 1083852894, "Buying": { "Price": 99999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 1613170562, 1360285665, 1809704252, 1647334820, 844309298, 428446558 ] }, "1368815730": { "Id": "64867", "Name": "Hotel#08", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 1368815730, "Buying": { "Price": 9999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 1480876179, 976980893, 1353255106, 925109318, 1385080248, 1163748308 ] }, "1679284377": { "Id": "44092", "Name": "Hotel#07", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 1679284377, "Buying": { "Price": 999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 2053323546, 2833264, 231088024, 1711450667, 207412068, 1635903136 ] }, "1339839920": { "Id": "37843", "Name": "Hotel#09", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 1339839920, "Buying": { "Price": 99999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 1621360734, 659371738, 1779204626, 1241787347, 217934224, 1625152493 ] }, "996776739": { "Id": "12396", "Name": "Hotel#06B", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 996776739, "Buying": { "Price": 99999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 1479919286, 207054244, 1257540394, 1186126725, 1963577473, 302865896 ] }, "1746230168": { "Id": "49864", "Name": "Hotel#04B", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 1746230168, "Buying": { "Price": 9999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 147774396, 1967008696, 161907189, 832489603, 1041034156, 1954053196 ] }, "676182536": { "Id": "47221", "Name": "Hotel#02B", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 676182536, "Buying": { "Price": 9999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 1207399022, 1842397936, 790012968, 1239431555, 1610177427, 1304980657 ] }, "516436410": { "Id": "38030", "Name": "Hotel#01B", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 516436410, "Buying": { "Price": 9999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 464396722, 1184671872, 1305890185, 487120205, 319222432, 750661517 ] }, "2004523662": { "Id": "48124", "Name": "Hotel#03B", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 2004523662, "Buying": { "Price": 9999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 391717911, 986472773, 342523386, 338893863, 1779836092, 1344431258 ] }, "906379561": { "Id": "78353", "Name": "Hotel#05B", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 906379561, "Buying": { "Price": 999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 1630228029, 1309610269, 1725136783, 242875322, 1439482107, 1423233310 ] }, "1908080544": { "Id": "55219", "Name": "Hotel#10B", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 1908080544, "Buying": { "Price": 9999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 2050403543, 1797358620, 1715224495, 1791830279, 89799470, 437373725 ] }, "653431578": { "Id": "90997", "Name": "Hotel#08B", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 653431578, "Buying": { "Price": 99999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 1721561004, 698927868, 1421213744, 522208457, 1406527539, 2025238378 ] }, "311633539": { "Id": "92038", "Name": "Hotel#07B", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 311633539, "Buying": { "Price": 9999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 932075083, 111003306, 1518221575, 1798179797, 886387123, 129872948 ] }, "418314372": { "Id": "18184", "Name": "Hotel#09B", "OwnerID": "76561198334320942", "Mailbox": 418314372, "Buying": { "Price": 99999999, "Leased": 2500, "Payer": "", "Property": "", "PurchaseAmount": 0, "Whitelist": [] }, "CodeLock": [ 1643453002, 1480005929, 1759796038, 1298984543, 1703790601, 1921324905 ] } }, "subscriber": {} }
  6. Stampy

    ExtraGather wont load

    ok what's changed so I can fix the error, thanks in advance
  7. Stampy

    No Menu on Use

    When a Regular Player no perms uses a mail box no menu pops up to allow them to rent it
  8. Stampy

    TruePVE Problem

    Hi im using TruePVE but the NPC's only do Bleed Damage how can i change this? or is there support for TurePVE
  9. Stampy


    Hi can we make it so its Rental not Straight up buy and as same as the other guy said adding Cupboard auth to build perms and Removing build if Rent not Paid
  10. Stampy

    Force Spawn

    legend! thanks will give it a try
  11. Stampy

    ExtraGather wont load

    the extra gather plugin wont load i get this error: Failed to initialize plugin 'ExtraGatherBonuses v1.0.7' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.ExtraGatherBonuses.Init () [0x0000a] in <7fbe739af1de4dd28e691c4f756a39dc>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.ExtraGatherBonuses.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00038] in <7fbe739af1de4dd28e691c4f756a39dc>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <23ba99f131254889867c71f0bd137b1d>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x00043] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0 When i delete the config it loads but my config worked before
  12. Stampy

    Loving the Plugin

    Thank you very much will give it a try later
  13. Stampy

    Jet Event

    The Dev is already working on it
  14. Stampy

    wont load

    yeah all good thanks
  15. Stampy

    wont load

    Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'BuildingSkins v1.0.7' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.BuildingSkins.OnServerInitialized () [0x0009f] in <76df36a4a2f54b07a9c12e3c056b7d98>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BuildingSkins.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00100] in <76df36a4a2f54b07a9c12e3c056b7d98>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <23ba99f131254889867c71f0bd137b1d>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0
  16. Stampy

    Custom Portals

    I see Door Bunker Portal but it doesn't have the Glow Effect
  17. Stampy

    Custom Portals

    whats the prefab name for the portal door?
  18. Stampy

    Force Spawn

    awesome thank you
  19. Stampy

    Force Spawn

    Is is possible to set the spawn point of the space station so it always spawns in one location?
  20. Stampy

    Loving the Plugin

    Im enjoying the plugin and thanks for adding the console commands could i ask for one last favour? could you add one more console command to spawn in a random jet event. So like jet nuke random 10 60 so it spawns 10 Jets that fly round and shoot randomly for 60 mins?
  21. Stampy

    No hide on PVP God

    yes please
  22. Stampy

    No hide on PVP God

    i am using the latest
  23. Stampy

    No hide on PVP God

    is this something i need?
  24. Stampy

    No hide on PVP God

  25. Stampy

    No hide on PVP God

    V1.01 and yeah doesn't work for me


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