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Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 0.1.2
Try version 0.1.2 please, it could help you with "disconnecting" pipes. In this verison split must work good too. If it doesnt help, let me know, I will try help you in other way.
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What exatly happens? What happened, when splitting stoped to work? What happened, when you put Dungs to Composter? Logs in oxide_*.txt? And what the "random stops splitting / disconnecting pipes"?
Pipes don't disconnect, they just deleting, because of deleting parent entites(Wood Box, Industiral Storage Adaptor). Deleting that entites happens when hook "Unload" call. So, when you reload plugin, hook "Unload" is called. Deleting entites in "Unload" hook is necessary, because when the plugin is unloaded, plugin must delete all stuff that he created. So if you want to reload or unload this plugin without deleting entites, you must use console/chat command "idung unload". Then if you want load it again, you can use "oxide.load IndustrialDung" to load this plugin, or copy new plugin file to the plugins directory. When server is shutting down, the "Unload" hook is called too. But in this case the plugin skips method, that delete entites. So for now I can't understnd, why entites are deleting on your server. Maybe it happens because of other plugins. I will check it, when I will have time.
Hi, can you please give more information about it. How do you do restart, what happens when splitting stop working, are there any errors before or after this happens or plugins that splits stacks too? Check please logs for errors in the ".\oxide\logs". You can search by 'IndustrialDung v0.1.1'. Thank you.
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Hello! Is this a question about disconnecting pipes, or have you encountered such an issue? Because before adding this plugin, I specifically checked this. I turned the server off and on about 5 times to verify this. Just now I created and started a clean server and did the same thing twice. The pipes remained connected. The reason this can happen is the removal and creation of new adapters and boxes. Objects are only deleted if the plugin is unloaded or removed. Thank you for reaching out.
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Version 0.1.9
Allows automating the entire manure collection process and adds other useful features in this area, by adding Industial Adapters and BoxStorage to the HitchTrough and Composter. Also auto spliting dungs in the Composter container. Note: During plugin unloading, modified entities are not removed, to prevent the removal of pipes every time the plugin/server is restarted. To remove modifications from entities, you should use the "idung unload" command. industrialdung.admin - Provides unrestricted access to the plugin's functionality. This includes the ability to add/remove or clear modificated entities from other players. Note: In the configuration file, within the "Max ammount of modified entites per group" section, you can specify limits for any existing permission by simply listing its name. "Max amount of modified entites for each permission. Leave null or empty to recreate the default": { "industrialdung.default": { "HitchTroughs": 5, "Composters": 2 }, ... }, ... If you want to create a new permission, you can also include it in the list, but the name must begin with "industrialdung". { "Chat command": "idung", "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Use auto-splitting in the Composter?": true, "Item's short name for auto-splitting in the Composter. Leave the field empty to use the default": "horsedung", "AutoModify - Default value for new players": true, "Wood Storage Box Workshop Skin ID": 2911301119, "The list of items(short name) available for the composter. Leave empty to use vanilla": [ "horsedung", "fertilizer", "plantfiber" ], "Popup - Duration": 6.0, "Popup - Position AnchorMin": "0 0.9", "Popup - Position AnchorMax": "0.25 1", "Popup - Position OffsetMin": "20 0", "Popup - Position OffsetMax": "0 -30", "Popup - Icon Url": "https://i.imgur.com/4Adzkb8.png", "Popup - Icon Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#CCE699", "Popup - Icon Transparency": 0.8, "Popup - Text Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Popup - Text Font Size": 14, "Popup - Text Font Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFFFFF", "Popup - Description Font": "RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf", "Popup - Description Font Size": 12, "Popup - Description Font Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFFFFF", "Popup - Text FadeIn": 1.0, "Popup - Sound Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/invite_notice.prefab", "Max amount of modified entites for each permission. Leave null or empty to recreate the default": { "industrialdung.default": { "HitchTroughs": 5, "Composters": 2 }, "industrialdung.vip": { "HitchTroughs": 10, "Composters": 4 }, "realpve.vip": { "HitchTroughs": 15, "Composters": 6 } }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 9 } } EN: { "PopupTitleHitch": "Modify this hitch trough?", "PopupTitileComposter": "Modify this composter?", "PopupDescription": "Click on the notification to confirm", "CmdNotAllowed": "You do not have permission to use this command!", "CmdPlayerNotFound": "Player '{0}' not found! You must provide the player's name or ID.", "CmdMultiplePlayers": "Multiple players found: {0}", "CmdEntityNotFound": "Entity not found! You must specify the entity ID or look directly at it.", "CmdEntityNotOwned": "This entity has no owner!", "CmdEntityNotOwner": "You are not the owner of this entity!", "CmdEntityNotModified": "This entity has no modifications!", "CmdAdmin": "Available admin commands:\n\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>auto</color> - Toggle automatic modification of HitchTroughs and Composters\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>add *entityID*(optional)</color> - Add modifications to HitchTroughs or Composters you are looking at or specified\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>remove *entityID*(optional)</color> - Remove modifications from HitchTroughs or Composters you are looking at or specified\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>clear</color> - Remove all modifications from your HitchTroughs and Composters\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>clear *nameOrId*</color> - Remove all modifications from HitchTroughs and Composters of the specified player\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>clear all</color> - Remove all modifications from HitchTroughs and Composters, from all players\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>aclear</color> - Remove all modifications from HitchTroughs and Composters that were not saved in the data file for some reason\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>unload</color> - Unload the plugin and removing all modifications from HitchTroughs and Composters without deleting them from the data file\n\n--------------------------------------------------", "CmdAdminClearTarget": "Successfully removed {1} modifications from HitchTroughs and Composters for player '{0}'!", "CmdAdminClear": "Successfully removed all modifications from HitchTroughs and Composters for all players!", "CmdAdminAclear": "Successfully removed all modifications from HitchTroughs and Composters that were not in the data file!", "CmdAdminUnload": "Plugin '{0}' has been successfully unloaded with the removal of all modifications from HitchTroughs and Composters, but without deleting from the data file!", "CmdMain": "Available commands:\n\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>auto</color> - Toggle automatic modification of HitchTroughs and Composters\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>add *entityID*(optional)</color> - Add modifications to HitchTroughs or Composters you are looking at or specified\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>remove *entityID*(optional)</color> - Remove modifications from HitchTroughs or Composters you are looking at or specified\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>clear</color> - Remove all modifications from your HitchTroughs and Composters\n\n--------------------------------------------------", "CmdAutoModifyEnabled": "Automatic entity modification is enabled!", "CmdAutoModifyDisabled": "Automatic entity modification is disabled!", "CmdLimitReached": "You cannot to modify this entity as you have reached your limit of {0}!", "CmdHitchTroughModified": "The hitch trough has been successfully modified!", "CmdComposterModified": "The composter has been successfully modified!", "CmdEntityRemoved": "Entity modifications have been successfully removed!", "CmdEntityClear": "All modifications of your entities have been successfully removed!" } RU: { "PopupTitleHitch": "Модифицировать данную кормушку?", "PopupTitileComposter": "Модифицировать данный компостер?", "PopupDescription": "Нажмите на уведомление для подтверждения", "CmdNotAllowed": "У вас недостаточно прав для использования этой команды!", "CmdPlayerNotFound": "Игрок '{0}' не найден! Вы должны указать имя или ID игрока.", "CmdMultiplePlayers": "Найдено несколько игроков: {0}", "CmdEntityNotFound": "Сущность не найдена! Вы должны указать ID сущности или смотреть прямо на нее.", "CmdEntityNotOwned": "У этой сущности нет владельца!", "CmdEntityNotOwner": "Вы не являетесь владельцем этой сущности!", "CmdEntityNotModified": "Данная сущность не имеет модификаций!", "CmdAdmin": "Доступные админ команды:\n\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>auto</color> - Переключение автоматической модификации кормушек и компостеров\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>add *айдиСущности*(опционально)</color> - Добавить модификации к кормушке или компостеру, на который вы смотрите или указали\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>remove *айдиСущности*(опционально)</color> - Удалить модификации у кормушки или компостера, на который вы смотрите или указали\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>clear</color> - Удалить все модификации у ваших кормушек и компостеров\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>clear *имяИлиАйди*</color> - Удалить все модификации у кормушек и компостеров, указанного игрока\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>clear all</color> - Удалить все модификации у кормушек и компостеров, всех игроков\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>aclear</color> - Удалить все модификации у кормушек и компостеров, которые по некоторым причинам не попали в дата файл\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>unload</color> - Выгрузить плагин с удалением модификаций у всех кормушек и комспостеров, без удаления из даты файла\n\n--------------------------------------------------", "CmdAdminClearTarget": "Успешно удалено {1} модификации у кормушек и компостеров, игрока '{0}'!", "CmdAdminClear": "Успешно удалены все модификации у кормушек и компостеров, всех игроков!", "CmdAdminAclear": "Успешно удалены все модификации у кормушек и компостеров, которых не было в дата файле!", "CmdAdminUnload": "Плагин '{0}' был успешно выгружен с удалением всех модификации у кормушек и компостеров, но без удаления из дата файла!", "CmdMain": "Доступные команды:\n\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>auto</color> - Переключение автоматической модификации кормушек и компостеров\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>add *айдиСущности*(опционально)</color> - Добавить модификации к кормушке или компостеру, на который вы смотрите или указали\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>remove *айдиСущности*(опционально)</color> - Удалить модификации у кормушки или компостера, на который вы смотрите или указали\n<color=#D1CBCB>/idung</color> <color=#D1AB9A>clear</color> - Удалить все модификации у ваших кормушек и компостеров\n\n--------------------------------------------------", "CmdAutoModifyEnabled": "Автоматическая модификация сущностей включена!", "CmdAutoModifyDisabled": "Автоматическая модификация сущностей выключена!", "CmdLimitReached": "Вы не можете модифицировать данную сущность, так как вы превысили свой лимит в {0}!", "CmdHitchTroughModified": "Кормушка успешно модифицирована!", "CmdComposterModified": "Компостер успешно модифицирован!", "CmdEntityRemoved": "Модификации сущности успешно удалены!", "CmdEntityClear": "Все модификации ваших сущностей успешно удалены!" } auto - Toggle automatic modification of HitchTroughs and Composters; add *entityID*(optional) - Add modifications to HitchTroughs or Composters you are looking at or specified; remove *entityID*(optional) - Remove modifications from HitchTroughs or Composters you are looking at or specified; clear - Remove all modifications from your HitchTroughs and Composters; clear *nameOrId* - Remove all modifications from HitchTroughs and Composters of the specified player. Permission "industrialdung.admin" required; clear all - Remove all modifications from HitchTroughs and Composters, from all players. Permission "industrialdung.admin" required; aclear - Remove all modifications from HitchTroughs and Composters that were not saved in the data file for some reason. Permission "industrialdung.admin" required; unload - Unload the plugin and removing all modifications from HitchTroughs and Composters without deleting them from the data file. Permission "industrialdung.admin" required. Example: /idung auto /idung add /idung add *netID* /idung clear all$9.99- 62 comments
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Changed Status from Pending to Closed
Good day, dear Colors. Thank you for reaching out. I have updated the plugin, please try to update it. Let me know if this issue reappears.
Version 0.1.5
Useful plugin for trophy collection without the need for a specialized knife. It includes additional icons and names for trophies. Furthermore, upon the player's death, it adds their skull to their inventory. Ability to replace the skull while looting a PlayerCorpse, and addition of a Heart Item, which has some effects upon eating it. Note: Updated clothing will only be displayed on head bags that were gathered after this update. Ability to drop the skull directly into inventory without gathering it; Replacing or removing the skull upon gathering it; Dropping an additional custom heart item; Ability to gather the head bags without a special knife; Ability to customize head bags for types and each players; Ability to customize head bag's item icon; Ability to customize head bag's item name and display name; Adds a displayed head cloth items for 3 NPCs: BanditGuard, ScarecrowNPC, and GingerbreadNPC. By default, they do not have it; Adds custom displayed names for 4 NPCs: BanditGuard, ScientistHeavy, ScientistPeacekeeper, and ScientistNVG. By default, they do not have it. skulltrophy.vip - Allows players to save their clothing or copy someone else's saved clothing for display on a hunting trophy. skulltrophy.ignore - A player with this permission is protected from custom drop of skull and heart. skulltrophy.admin - Grants the same privileges as skulltrophy.vip. Additionally, it allows saving, modifying, and resetting saves for anyone, including by types. { "Chat command": "strophy", "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Allow add the skull into the inventory on Suicide?": false, "Replace Skull on gathering": true, "Head Bag - Is it allowed to gather a head bag without a special knife?": true, "Head Bag - Text format upon receiving": "<color=#FFFFFF>{0}</color>", "Head Bag - Workshop icons ID": { "BasePlayer": 3074297551, "Horse": 3074392217, "SimpleShark": 3252067977, "Bear": 3074392575, "Wolf": 3074393525, "Boar": 3074393967, "Stag": 3074394545, "Chicken": 3075281761, "ScientistNPC": 3075282198, "UnderwaterDweller": 3075283082, "TunnelDweller": 3075283387, "BanditGuard": 3075283702, "ScientistHeavy": 3075283936, "ScientistPeacekeeper": 3075284145, "ScientistNVG": 3075284355, "ScarecrowNPC": 3075284618, "GingerbreadNPC": 3075284816 }, "Head Bag - Head names for types": { "Horse": "Horse", "SimpleShark": "Shark", "Bear": "Bear", "Wolf": "Wolf", "Boar": "Boar", "Stag": "Stag", "Chicken": "Chicken", "ScientistNPC": "Scientist", "UnderwaterDweller": "Underwater Dweller", "TunnelDweller": "Tunnel Dweller", "BanditGuard": "Bandit Guard", "ScientistHeavy": "Scientist Heavy", "ScientistPeacekeeper": "Peacekeeper", "ScientistNVG": "Scientist NVG", "ScarecrowNPC": "Scarecrow", "GingerbreadNPC": "Gingerbread" }, "Heart - Drop chance(0-100)": 50, "Heart - Source item short name": "chicken.cooked", "Heart - Workshop icon ID": 3075285011, "Heart - Prefab name of the eating effect. An empty string disables the effect": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/snowball/effects/strike_screenshake.prefab", "Heart - Temperature change upon eating": 30.0, "Heart - Text format upon receiving": "<color=#FFFFFF>{0}</color>", "Replace the skull gathering with": "skull.trophy", "List of random Trophies names": [ "trophy", "skull.trophy", "skull.trophy.table", "skull.trophy.jar", "skull.trophy.jar2", "huntingtrophylarge", "huntingtrophysmall", "fishtrophy" ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 5 } } [string]Skull Trophy command - Plugin command. [bool]Use GameTip for messages? - Should GameTip be used to display messages? If not, chat will be used. [bool]Allow putting the skull into the inventory on Suicide? - Enable skull drop on suicide? [bool]Drop the skull on the ground if the inventory is full? - If true, the skull will drop on the ground if the inventory is full. [bool]Replace Skull on gathering - If true, when gathering a body, skull will be replaced. [bool]Head Bag. Is it allowed to gather a head bag without a special knife? - Enables custom settings for the head bags drop and allows gathering the head bags with any tool. [Dictionary<string, ulong>]Head Bag. Workshop icons ID - A dictionary that stores key-value pairs for head bags icons for each type. [Dictionary<string, string>]Head Bag. Head names for types - A dictionary that stores key-value pairs for the displayed name of the head bags for each type. [int]Heart. Drop chance(0-100) - Heart Item drop chance. 0 to disable, 100 for a 100% chance. [string]Heart. Source item short name - Short name of the source item upon which the Heart Item will be created. [ulong]Heart. Workshop icon ID - Set Heart Item Icon ID from the Workshop. [string]Heart. Prefab name of the eating effect - Prefab name of the eating effect. [float]Heart. Temperature change upon eating - Temperature change upon eating. A positive value will increase the temperature, while a negative value will decrease it. [string]Replace Skull To - Specify the shortName of the item to replace skull with, or use "Random" to use a random name from the list below. Leave this field empty("") if you simply want to remove it. [List<string>]List of random Trophies names - A list that stores random shortnames of items for replacing skull drops. EN: { "MsgNotAllowed": "You do not have permissions to use this command!", "MsgPlayerNotFound": "The specified player was not found!", "MsgPlayerMoreThanOne": "More than one player found!", "MsgPlayerNoSavedWear": "The player did not save their clothing!", "MsgClearAll": "The saved clothing of all players and NPCs has been reset!", "MsgClearAllPlayers": "The saved clothing of all players has been reset!", "MsgClearAllTypes": "The saved clothing by types has been reset!", "MsgClearPlayer": "{0}'s saved clothing has been reset!", "MsgClearMy": "Your saved clothing has been reset!", "MsgWearSaved": "Your clothing has been saved!", "MsgWearSavedFor": "Clothing for player {0} has been saved!", "MsgWearSavedForType": "Clothing for type {0} has been saved!", "MsgWearCopied": "{0}'s clothing has been successfully copied!", "MsgNeedArgToCopy": "To copy someone's clothing, please specify their ID or name!", "MsgTypeAdded": "A new type of {0} has been created! It used your clothing.", "MsgTypeRemoved": "Type {0} has been successfully deleted!", "MsgTypeNeedArg": "You need to specify the type name!" } RU: { "MsgNotAllowed": "У вас недостаточно прав для использования этой команды!", "MsgPlayerNotFound": "Указанный игрок не найден!", "MsgPlayerMoreThanOne": "Найдено игроков больше чем один!", "MsgPlayerNoSavedWear": "Игрок не сохранял свою одежду!", "MsgClearAll": "Сохраненная одежда всех игроков и NPC была обнулена!", "MsgClearAllPlayers": "Сохраненная одежда всех игроков была обнулена!", "MsgClearAllTypes": "Сохраненная одежда по типам была обнулена!", "MsgClearPlayer": "Сохраненная одежда игрока {0} была обнулена!", "MsgClearMy": "Ваша сохраненная одежда была обнулена!", "MsgWearSaved": "Ваша одежда была сохранена!", "MsgWearSavedFor": "Одежда для игрока {0} была сохранена!", "MsgWearSavedForType": "Одежда для типа {0} была сохранена!", "MsgWearCopied": "Одежда игрока {0} была успешно скопирована!", "MsgNeedArgToCopy": "Для копирования чьей то одежды, укажите его ИД или имя!", "MsgTypeAdded": "Новый тип {0} был создан! Использовалась ваша одежда.", "MsgTypeRemoved": "Тип {0} был успешно удален!", "MsgTypeNeedArg": "Вам еще нужно указать имя типа!" } clear - Deletes saved clothing. all - Deletes saved clothing for all players and types. Permission "skulltrophy.admin" required; players - Deletes saved clothing for all players. Permission "skulltrophy.admin" required; types - Deletes saved clothing for all types. Permission "skulltrophy.admin" required. save - Saves the worn clothing for display on the hunting trophy. *type name* - Saves the currently worn clothing for display on the trophy for the specified type. Permission "skulltrophy.admin" required; *user name or id* - Saves the currently worn clothing for display on the trophy for the specified player. Permission "skulltrophy.admin" required. copy *user name or id* - Copies the saved clothing of the specified player. add *type name* - Saves clothing for a new type. Permission "skulltrophy.admin" required. remove *type name* - Deletes the type. Permission "skulltrophy.admin" required. Example: /strophy clear all and etc.$4.99 -
Version 0.1.8
GUI and sound announcements for online teammates. Announcements about teammates who have connected, disconnected, been wounded or killed while sleeping. Additionally, announcements from the team leader, in Team chat channel using "!" as a first char. { "Chat command": "teama", "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Is it worth enabling leader's group announcements?": true, "Is it worth enabling sound announcements?": true, "Radius within which a wounded ally notification is received": 100.0, "Radius within which a sound effect is triggered when an ally is wounded": 50.0, "Sound effect triggered when an ally is wounded": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/player/beartrap_scream.prefab", "Notification settings for each type": [ { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "Connected", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerConnected", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#4F6133", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/5Q9rxNO.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#8CBA42", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#8CBA42", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/chatter.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "Disconnected", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerDisconnected", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#BF3B26", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/5Q9rxNO.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFD173", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFD173", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/death.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "LeaderAnnounce", "Language_Key": "", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#216699", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/RSaRsp0.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#82C7F5", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#82C7F5", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/aggro.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "WoundedDistance", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerWoundedDistance", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#FFC21A", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/jMAs33v.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFF54C", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFF54C", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/takecover.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "WoundedGrid", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerWoundedGrid", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#FFC21A", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/jMAs33v.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFF54C", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFF54C", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/takecover.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "DeadWhileSleeping", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerDeadWhileSleeping", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#FFC21A", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/gwk73Tk.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFF54C", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFF54C", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/responddeath.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "Banned", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerBanned", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#BF3B26", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/8WsmOMo.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFD173", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFD173", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/missions/effects/mission_failed.prefab" } ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 8 } } EN: { "MsgPlayerConnected": "Your teammate {0} has been connected!", "MsgPlayerDisconnected": "Your teammate {0} has been disconnected!", "MsgPlayerWoundedDistance": "Your teammate {0} was wounded by {1}!\nHe is {2} meters away from you.", "MsgPlayerWoundedGrid": "Your teammate {0} was wounded by {1} at {2}!", "MsgPlayerDeadWhileSleeping": "Your teammate {0} was killed by {1} while he was sleeping at {2}!", "MsgPlayerBanned": "Your teammate {0} has been banned!\nReason: {1}.", "MsgEmptyTeam": "There is only you in your team!", "MsgNotLeader": "Only the team leader can send announcements!", "MsgOfflineMates": "All your teammates are offline!", "MsgEnableSound": "Sound notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableSound": "Sound notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableConnected": "Team mates connection notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableConnected": "Team mates connection notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableDisconnected": "Team mates disconnection notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableDisconnected": "Team mates disconnection notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableWounded": "Team mates wounded notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableWounded": "Team mates wounded notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableDeath": "Team mates sleeping kill notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableDeath": "Team mates sleeping kill notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableAll": "All team mates notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableAll": "All team mates notifications are disabled!", "MsgKillerUnknown": "Unknown", "bear": "Bear", "polarbear": "PolarBear", "wolf": "Wolf", "stag": "Stag", "boar": "Boar", "chicken": "Chicken", "horse": "Horse", "simpleshark": "Shark", "patrolhelicopter": "Patrol Heli", "bradleyapc": "Bradley APC", "scientistnpc_arena": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_cargo": "Cargo Scientist", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any": "Cargo Scientist", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300": "Cargo Scientist", "scientistnpc_ch47_gunner": "Chinook Scientist", "scientistnpc_excavator": "Excavator Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_any": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_lr300": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_mp5": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_pistol": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_shotgun": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_heavy": "Heavy Scientist", "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol": "Road Scientist", "scientistnpc_oilrig": "Oilrig Scientist", "scientistnpc_patrol": "Patrol Scientist", "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": "Peacekeeper Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam": "Roam Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant": "Roam NVG Scientist", "scientistnpc_roamtethered": "Roam Scientist" } RU: { "MsgPlayerConnected": "Ваш союзник {0} подключился!", "MsgPlayerDisconnected": "Ваш союзник {0} отключился!", "MsgPlayerWoundedDistance": "Вашего союзника {0} серьезно ранил {1}!\nОн в {2} метрах от вас.", "MsgPlayerWoundedGrid": "Вашего союзника {0} серьезно ранил {1} в {2}!", "MsgPlayerDeadWhileSleeping": "Вашего союзника {0} убил {1}, пока тот спал в {2}!", "MsgPlayerBanned": "Ваш союзник {0} был заблокирован!\nПричина: {1}.", "MsgEmptyTeam": "У тебя нет союзников!", "MsgNotLeader": "Только лидер группы может отправлять объявления!", "MsgOfflineMates": "Все ваши союзники не в сети!", "MsgEnableSound": "Звуковые уведомления включены!", "MsgDisableSound": "Звуковые уведомления выключены!", "MsgEnableConnected": "Оповещение о подключении союзников включено!", "MsgDisableConnected": "Оповещение о подключении союзников выключено!", "MsgEnableDisconnected": "Оповещение об отключении союзников включено!", "MsgDisableDisconnected": "Оповещение об отключении союзников выключено!", "MsgEnableWounded": "Оповещение о ранении союзников включено!", "MsgDisableWounded": "Оповещение о ранении союзников выключено!", "MsgEnableDeath": "Оповещение о смерти во сне союзников включено!", "MsgDisableDeath": "Оповещение о смерти во сне союзников выключено!", "MsgEnableAll": "Все оповещения о состоянии союзников включены!", "MsgDisableAll": "Все оповещения о состоянии союзников выключены!", "MsgKillerUnknown": "Неизвестный", "bear": "Медведь", "polarbear": "Полярный медведь", "wolf": "Волк", "stag": "Олень", "boar": "Кабан", "chicken": "Курица", "horse": "Лошадь", "simpleshark": "Акула", "patrolhelicopter": "Патрульный вертолет", "bradleyapc": "Танк", "scientistnpc_arena": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_cargo": "Защитник карго", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any": "Защитник карго", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300": "Защитник карго", "scientistnpc_ch47_gunner": "Защитник чинука", "scientistnpc_excavator": "Защитник экскаватора", "scientistnpc_full_any": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_full_lr300": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_full_mp5": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_full_pistol": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_full_shotgun": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_heavy": "Heavy Scientist", "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol": "Road Scientist", "scientistnpc_oilrig": "Oilrig Scientist", "scientistnpc_patrol": "Patrol Scientist", "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": "Peacekeeper Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam": "Roam Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant": "Roam NVG Scientist", "scientistnpc_roamtethered": "Roam Scientist" } con - Personal enabling/disabling connected announcement; dis - Personal enabling/disabling disconnected announcement; wound - Personal enabling/disabling wounded announcement; death - Personal enabling/disabling sleeper's death announcement; sound - Personal enabling/disabling sound effects; all - Personal enabling all announcements; clear - Personal disabling all announcements(except leader and ban announces). Example: /teama con$3.99