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Everything posted by Noel2997

  1. Noel2997

    Heli and Cargo NPCs

    Sorry for the delayed response. Basically, when the cargo ship event starts, NPCs disappear, causing crates to drop. As a result, players can loot the crates without having to defeat the NPCs.
  2. Noel2997

    Heli and Cargo NPCs

    ジェイバード こんにちは! 貨物船で同じ問題が発生しています。 「死亡場所に出現する木箱へのパス(空 - 未使用)」の値を設定すると、NPC が消えたときに木箱が落ちて残ります。 これを調査していただくことは可能でしょうか? 貨物船に関連するプラグインはインストールされていません。
  3. Noel2997

    Better Npc

    Hello! When using betterNPC, the corpses of spawned NPCs cannot be looted if the noplayerloot flag in the zone manager is set to TRUE. Is it possible to make it so they cannot be looted only when the NoNPCLoot flag is active? I suspect that the betterNPC corpses might be treated as player corpses. https://umod.org/community/zone-manager/30444-noplayerloot-no-npc-loot?page=1#post-7
  4. So, are you saying that if I wear the boots with 100% fall resistance that I made together with the default hat.wolf, the fall resistance effect will be nullified?
  5. Noel2997

    Better Npc

    Hello! Is it possible to remove the prefab NPCs on the way to stations like Link-Straight-A-72M and place new NPCs there? Also, I'm currently creating monuments with RustEdit. If I name the files the same as the monument markers and specify my chosen coordinates, can I achieve the same result as in /oxide/data/BetterNpc/Custom?
  6. Hello! The various plugins you create are very helpful to me! By the way, I made boots with 100% fall damage resistance, but when I wear them with other default armor, I still take damage. Is there a way to avoid this? Or does all the equipment need to be custom armor? dome.Boots.json
  7. Noel2997

    Admin Menu

    Hello, I'm considering purchasing, but can it be put into Spectator mode? Also, is it easy to switch between players at that time?
  8. Is 'DLL Rust Edit' correct as listed below? https://www.rustedit.io/threads/rustedit-1-0-41.998/
  9. "How do doors with card keys in the image open? I can't find where to put the fuse."
  10. Noel2997

    Better Npc

    Thank you for reaching out. Sure, I'll address your questions regarding Better Npc: Could you please answer the following four questions? 1.Have NPCs been enabled to use rocket launchers? Previously, guidance suggested the use of grenade launchers. 2.If "Detect the target only in the NPCs viewing vision cone" is utilized, will stealth missions be feasible? 3.Is it possible to configure NPCs to only attack players who enter monuments? Currently, setting the entire monument as a target zone encompasses a large area, leading to targeting of bases as well. 4.Can the drop of metal faces upon destruction be prevented? I hope these responses help clarify your queries!
  11. Noel2997

    Better Npc

    I missed it completely... Thank you! By the way, I don't know how to set up the CH47 NPC on the oil rig. Could you please explain it to me? Another issue has come up... The L96 on the player's side is too powerful. Is there a way to disable damage beyond a certain set distance? I believe this feature is implemented in BetterBoss, but is it impossible with BetterNPC? I'm sorry, one more thing: Does the Aim Cone Scale setting reduce aiming accuracy when set to a lower value? Snipers seem to have high accuracy. Does aiming accuracy decrease further when removing the scope? CH47.json
  12. Noel2997

    Better Npc

    購入後の座標をそのまま使用すると、石油掘削装置のCH47や飛行場の地下エリアのNPCは入れ替わりません。 交換手順を説明します。 たとえば、コマンドを使用して座標を検索し、その座標を JSON ファイルに記録できます。 Airfield.json
  13. Noel2997

    Better Npc

    Thank you. Is there any sample code or documentation available for the default not being replaced? Is there somewhere I can find sample code or explanatory materials? I see, so you don't normally use it in regular cases, I understand.
  14. Noel2997

    Better Npc

    Hello, Please tell me about the following three points: 1.How to set up the NPC for the CH47 when opening the 15-minute box on the Oil Rig. 2.How to change the NPC in the underground area of the Airfield. 3.How to make an NPC fire a rocket launcher.
  15. @The_Kiiiing Is it possible to change the loot table for NPCs that spawn on the roads?
  16. @The_Kiiiing Hello, I would like to move my server. Which files should I copy to preserve settings like drop rates? If I copy the /opt/rust_server/oxide folder, will the data be transferred?


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