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Fusion 3.64

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Everything posted by Fusion 3.64

  1. Okay. So clarification. My bad for not fully reading the update. Not a double bag at all. It's the cache. From what players were saying it sounded like they were getting two backpacks. It's all on boss monster. Ignore me
  2. Further testing shows the bosses are the root of the lag. I'll see if something else is causing the double bag.
  3. Thank you
  4. Players have been reporting lag spikes, kicks, delayed corpse despawn and double bag drops since I've activated this option. It's possible there's a conflict somewhere. But I figured it's worth bringing up. I'll see what else I can find. Here's one player cap after a kill. https://medal.tv/games/rust/clips/THch1GJn5s3Qf/gs8h5pnZobcy?invite=cr-MSxoTVosNjIwMjA4NTQs
  5. Oh right. Yeah flamethrowers would be included as well. I totally forgot about that thing. Haven't used one in forever. As far as what tools are permitted, I suppose that's really up for debate. Stone tools are 100%. Personally I would also consider standard axe and pick since they are relatively common drops. But do players consider salvaged, chain and jack as well? I guess that's up to the admin/owner really. As far as players knowing if it's an eco raid or not, they would receive a different notification upon entry into the zone. Which I realize would be an added complication to the plugin if this were to be added in. I suppose moving lines from the lang file to the profiles themselves?
  6. Fusion 3.64

    Request: Eco Raid Tier

    I know this one is a stretch and is asking a lot. But players have been requesting ecor raid bases. Honestly I haven't bothered since the active players get resources/tools fast enough that running them on easy would be laughable. They would just blow through a wall or door in seconds, loot and be on their way. My thought is having a tier for shittty wood bases in a zone that will allow the admin/owner to block (or use a whitelist) the usage of set weapons and tools restricting it to an actual eco raid. Upon entry to the zone they will be alerted to that fact, and they can either go with it and come back with spears, stone tools and an eoka or piss off and go to a higher tier raid. This will give the slower players something to do so they can get a leg up and move forward faster.
  7. Would you also be able to add support for Playtime Tracker? This way actual time on the server can be displayed.
  8. Your playerlist plugin has an entry for "Command": "stats %steamid%", It would be nice if your stats plugin worked with this command. If it's suppose to, it's not at the moment.
  9. Any chance you'd be able to add "Skin" and "Display Name" to the rewards?
  10. Fusion 3.64


    Do you have ImageLibrary installed? Also sometimes the images just don't load. Or you'll only get some of the images to load. It's a thing. Edit: To clarify. I'm not saying this plugin has issues with images loading. I'm saying in general.
  11. Fusion 3.64

    Starting without fuel

    Correct. The deployable. Not the static. Static are working fine. I haven't activated those in the config.
  12. Must have been a lang file or something from the offsite version. Went back and wiped everything again and the message color section is available now. Go ahead and close this out.
  13. Fusion 3.64

    Stack error

    Apologies on the delay for my response. I finally got to testing it today. It must have been a configuration setting or bad save. After the config/data wipe everything was fine.
  14. Fusion 3.64

    Starting without fuel

    If a pump jack or quarry has a value less than 1 for fuel consumption amount per tick it will start without fuel. They will eventually stop once the value of the fuel has been consumed. Setting it to 1.0 will correct this. Generally it wouldn't be a concern. But they are actually gathering resources. I would set the consumption amount to 1 if I wasn't using diesel. Also this error will occasionally repeat in console every other reload. Exception while calling NextTick callback (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.VirtualQuarries+VirtualQuarry.SetupQuarry () [0x000f5] in <d69ff2dcc6b549a2a4c18054531b0ad0>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.VirtualQuarries+<OnServerInitialized>c__AnonStorey1.<>m__0 () [0x00000] in <d69ff2dcc6b549a2a4c18054531b0ad0>:0 at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (System.Single delta) [0x00051] in <d5f57e12edfe4fa0b5c5dbdd9b51eff8>:0
  15. Fusion 3.64

    Quarry Levels

    They have to place a TC by the quarry and their teammates need TC auth.
  16. Fusion 3.64

    Stack error

    I'll try it again with default configs and see what happens then. I don't get why it's happening on my end. I must have some busted setting somewhere.
  17. Fusion 3.64

    Stack error

    My EpicLoot version is 1.1.3 and my GlobalStorage is 1.0.4 Other plugins running are Whitelist, StackModifier and ImageLibrary Is there a setting for global or epic that I'm missing to make them work together?
  18. Fusion 3.64

    Stack error

  19. Fusion 3.64

    Stack error

    Highly likely it's a conflict then. I'll try running it on my test server by itself once I get it back online. I'll drop the others in one by one and see which one it is.
  20. Fusion 3.64

    Stack error

    I'm not sure if this is a plugin conflict or the plugin itself. I'm unable to load my test server currently. But stored won't stack with items outside of the box after being removed.
  21. hello?
  22. Like this? "Id": "07b4737c-9ad0-48fc-b3c9-e2825006f041", "PrefabName": "assets/prefabs/deployable/vendingmachine/npcvendingmachine.prefab", "Position": { "x": 31.9985275, "y": 1.50332451, "z": -12.2946148 }, "RotationAngles": { "x": 0.0, "y": 270.293854, "z": 0.0 }, "Skin": 2789812296, "VendingProfile": { "ShopName": "RESOURCES FOR CASH", "Monument": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/compound.prefab", "Position": { "x": 31.9985275, "y": 1.50332451, "z": -12.2946148 }, Taken from the data file. Not all the information is relevant and the data copied is incomplete. But I think this should cover what you need. This one is an NPC vending machine because I previously wanted it to look "normal" at the compound.
  23. Thank you. If I use MonumentAddons, will the plugin recognize it after each wipe?
  24. Fusion 3.64

    More monuments

    Would you add an option for more monuments or support for MonumentAddons so when can just set a vending machine with the skin used to spawn at whatever location we choose and the plugin will recognize it? As it is now i have to go to each location, paste a 1x1 and place an ATM. This would save me a lot of time, and I'm sure others would appreciate it as well.


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