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Everything posted by Fusion 3.64
I'm still not seeing it. What line should it be on? Wiped and generated a new config on my test server. Made sure I'm running 1.3.1 Everything is default.
Oh. I must need to wipe my config. I'm not seeing it.
I had a player bring this up to me today. The were asking about using it on raid bases. I was wondering if there was a way you would be able to add a toggle for targeting only within set zones? Primarily Raid/Abandoned Bases. As far as i know the zone will permit damage, so that part is taken care of. (PvE server using TruePVE) I'm also running No MLRS Mount. But I don't think that will cause any conflicts.
@ThePitereqOkay. So there's another bug. I tried dropping the vanilla rate altogether and just setting the consumption of diesel barrels to 1 per tick. 1 barrel will just consume and give nothing 2 will consume the first, leave the last and you still get nothing. 3 barrels will consume all, but you only receive resources for 1 tick. 4 barrels consume all and you only get resources for 2 ticks. I didn't bother going beyond this because I assume it's just going to repeat itself.
I know that Rust and plugin UIs don't get along in general. And for the most part there isn't anything that can be done when a player gets "stuck". But a player just notified me that when they open Mevent's Player List, they aren't able to close it until the event is over or they leave the server and come back.. (Also just told me it happened in their store plugin as well.) I'm guessing it's because the event banner is forced to top and you can't click through. Would it be possible to add a toggle position (Front/Back) option in the config? Edit: They were already in the player list and store when the event started if that helps things any.
splitting rustnotes with loottable plugin
Fusion 3.64 replied to Fusion 3.64's Support Request in Support
set "Enable item split control? (if there are errors with stack plugins - it is worth turning off)": false, For some reason it only worked after I wiped the data folder and restarted on my test server. Honestly I haven't checked if it's working proper on my main. Nobody has reported it or mentioned it in the chat logs, so I'm guessing it's okay. I should probably check it soon. -
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Another finding is the pump jack will consume 2 barrels right away on start.
Also running 2 will not produce any resources. I'm guessing it doesn't register the first tick since the second barrel doesn't start?
So sorry. Really late on the reply here. Been living the chaos lately and as always down to the last minute. I'm running "Amount": 0.4615, for the fuel per tick on the diesel. One barrels runs for 170 seconds in vanilla rust from my "research". It won't start unless you have 2 barrels in the fuel container and it won't consume the last barrel. On a modded server it's not a huge issue. But players will bitch. This is rust. Aside from that, the starting without fuel is no longer an issue.
Excellent. Now I'll be able to put all these OP plugins to use that I've been sitting on. You know, all the ones you see that sound like a great idea. You pick it up, test it out and realize, yeah, that's way power too much for a player to have. lol I love this plugin more and more the more I learn about it. Thank you.
splitting rustnotes with loottable plugin
Fusion 3.64 replied to Fusion 3.64's Support Request in Support
Thank you. -
Thank you for your response. Just watched the video. Very clear on how things work. My bad for not watching 'till the end. Sorry about that. Pretty much got what I needed from that. I just need to be clear about the commands players need to use for each unlocked plugin. Might get a bit muddy with multiple plugins per node but I think I can figure that part out. And just to clarify, the perms are reset on server wipe, or when a player respecs? I didn't notice mention of that in the video.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to get this set up. I haven't even gotten to the point of putting it on the test server yet. I'm unclear on a number of things. Like what exactly do I put in the line for "Value": when it's a permission for a plugin? I gathered that the line "Key": is for the lang file. Do I need to bother with "value_per_buff": if each node is just a permission? Also do the permissions wipe along with the skill reset, or do they carry over and I need to wipe them manually? How do I set them up to lay out properly? Example I'm creating a portable utilities skill tree. So one branch would be portable workbenches starting at tier one and ending at three. Another branch being research, mixing, repair or something along those lines. The ultimate being the recycler. So basically I'm pretty clueless. I'm also going to leave this pinned just in case, so I don't lose it like I have others in the past Cleaned up all the plugin follows. So now I'm getting updates that I need.
Thank you. I saw in the other post. Is it going to be picked back up? It was a solid plugin. Very helpful.
All good. I understand that life is a thing I'm on a bug hunt today so I'll hop on the test and check this out as well.
So I'm pretty sure the database is compromised. Starting at about 8am EST all connection to my server was blocked saying players were banned by the service. So I had to pull the plugin. I see that all discussion has been removed, but it's still available for download. I don't know if this was just on my server. If not I would suggest that the plugin download option be removed. The service is being terminated anyway.
For years I've been running the RainOfFire plugin by k1lly0u over on umod. It's been great, but it's kinda basic compared to plugins like this. However it still holds its benefits. I was wondering if you would be willing to add a command line "Command to run during event": null, (could also trigger plugins for radiation events, environmental changes etc.) to run when the meteors start to fall.
While running the Loot Table & Stacksize GUI plugin there is loss while splitting rustnote stacks. I'm not currently seeing this issue with any other skinned items.
Oh right. I think that's in my TruePVE config. I go overboard and try to include everything in the members list just incase something goes sideways in a FP update. You never know what they're going to change till the last minute. It's a nightmare to look at, but it works.
Understood. Adding a dependency on another plugin just adds more complications. The requirement of holding the flamethrower may make some players reee. But gotta go with what works
Forgot to add BuildingGrades. So players can upgrade only floors, foundations, walls, stairs etc. instead of just everything. Also I tried adding permissions to wood/stone/metal/toptier("buildtools.supporter"), and the piermission is not being created. Even when using one of the existing permissions ("buildtools.vip" not applied to my group) I'm still able to run /up.
Would you be able to add aspects like EnhancedHammer and BaseRepair to the plugin? This will add to the all in one properties that you have going. I also noticed that when using /remove on things like doors, boxes, TC, if they have a lock on them, it's not refunded.