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Everything posted by Fusion 3.64
Players are putting items into the bag that aren't on the whitelist. Sometimes the plugin blocks them. Sometimes the plugin kicks them out of the bag. Sometimes they stay in the bag. Often if they split the stack and leave half in the bag they will stay. The main problem with this is, the items from the bag are becoming unstackable for some reason. I'm using StackModifier for the stack manager. This is just now becoming an issue. I wouldn't be concerned about it. But now that more than one person has done it, that means that even more players are going to start doing it. And I'm going to have to deal with their "broken" items that would have been fine if they just left things alone and didn't try out the thing that breaks things.
Sorry. Should have included the link. The link isn't showing. But it's the Boss Monster plugin By KpucTaJl
I already have a large number of custom weapons, tools and attire running on the server. This has taken attention away from almost all of them excluding from a few. It triggers the completist in players. The need to find all possible drops and then to max them out. If you have a server info UI, be sure to add some information about what the t-shirt icon and the epic scrap is for so the players that don't catch on right away will get a little help. But over all, well worth the purchase. And pretty much drag and drop. Well balanced default config IMO. Not really anything you need to do to it unless you find a setting too OP/soft for your servers needs.
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- #enhanced
- #custom loot
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I have no idea if this is even possible. But if it is, that would be great. I could always just enter a bunch of static items for the loot table to pick from as a random chance. But if it could always drop 1+ random items to all active bosses (nothing complicated like mix/max items per boss name). Massive bonus to the plugin. Which is already great. Should actually give it a review while I'm thinking about it.
- #rusternet-addon
- #rusternet
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Hey there. Latest version is spamming this again.
Thank you
Thank you. For now I have it set so they can sell them by piece. Granted the players get next to nothing for a single piece of stone. But it works flawless when selling (max) a large stack
Would you be willing to add skinID and name lines so we can create a custom item if the user wishes to do so. This way it can be used in combination with the Drug Mixing and Static Lootable plugins among others.
Gotcha. Yeah those crates are pretty bad as far as vanilla goes. They pretty much need to be built from the ground up.
Don't know why i didn't add this part before. Probably has to do with my recent pudding brain. Why do you use both plugins? Shouldn't AlphaLoot handle all the things that BetterLoot does by this point? And aren't there conflicts running two plugins that handle such similar aspects? Honest questions. Just curious. I've accidentally run two stack managers at the same time and had massive issues until I figured out what I did. I've never used two loot managers at the same time though.
At one point I believe BetterLoot was maintained/created by the same person as AlphaLoot (Fujikura). And AlphaLoot was just the premium version. It's since become its own beast under k1lly0u. It looks like a great plugin But I had abandoned it since it didn't play well with custom items. It refused to let them spawn in containers and it was impossible to properly add them to the table since there wasn't an option for a name entry. No matter how many times I asked for this it never went through. So I moved on.
- #shop
- #shop ui
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- #shop
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- #server rewards
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- #in game
- #economics
- #humannpc
- #market and magazine
- #gui
- #money exchange
- #rust shop plugin
- #shop system
- #best shop
- #best rust shop
- #shop items
- #shop mevent
- #shop in menu
- #shop gui
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- #leveling
- #progression
- (and 13 more)
@imthenewguy So players have reached the level cap. But there's the "issues" of max points that can be spent coming up and there's a lot of confusion about it. The default it 200. But the default for points per level is 1. So if players are only getting 100 points, what does the 200 max point spend cap have to do with anything? I'm sure the answer is obvious, but I'm getting over being sick and I'm still dumb as shit right now.
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- #leveling
- #progression
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Similar error. Not sure if this will help any. But this spams like a mother on server load. Failed to call hook 'OnEntitySpawned' on plugin 'QuarryLevels v1.0.7' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.QuarryLevels.OnEntitySpawned (MiningQuarry quarry) [0x001a4] in <690d0e6d585f4c49be22d6cc4596eafd>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.QuarryLevels.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00379] in <690d0e6d585f4c49be22d6cc4596eafd>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <b6af59acae274e5a94fb209dfc179b8f>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <bae5f1223fce49c493b01571c99dce02>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <bae5f1223fce49c493b01571c99dce02>:0
Sorry for the late response. Understood. I guess they're just having really bad rolls with the perk I'll mess with this on my test server, clone their profile and see if I possibly have something blocking it as well. I have various health items on the main server. But those are all consumables. So in theory they shouldn't interfere.
I had a player point out that there's no notification when you get back up. I'm not sure if they've just had bad luck on the return or something isn't working right. But they said they're spending more time downed and dead than getting back up. But it should be a 25% chance to stand up again when using the default config yeah? They suggested adding the notification so they would know if it was from their investment of skill points or just rust.
I'm not sure if this is an option I'm just overlooking. But recently I've picked up some new bases to add to the rotation. Since the addition players have started complaining that the expert and nightmare raids aren't profitable anymore. I'm assuming this is because of the increase of boxes and the distribution of loot between them. Am I missing something somewhere?
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- #abilities
- #boss
- (and 16 more)
@Jbird I get what you're saying. But you're missing the point. I know how to use the world spawns, biomes, monuments, all that. I just want to be able to set every boss to spawn at every monument and have a maximum number of bosses to be active at each monument and the map at one time. I suppose I just over explained things. I tend to not shut up and keep talking past the point. When i mentioned the part about setting spawns and all that. I was just explaining how the max spawns would give you more control over spawns and the result you would/could get. I wasn't saying that they're missing. I know it's in there This will also allow me to create more bosses. I know you already can do that. But doing that now with the current plugin functionality would just be oversaturation of something that's supposed to be, in my opinion, a less common encounter.
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- #abilities
- #boss
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I know this one will be controversial. But I think it's worth bringing up. Everybody has their own style. And the end result is the main concern. Does it work? Yes. Does it perform well? Yes. But the one thing that's always kinda bothered me was the loot tables. I don't think I've seen many of them match up between plugins. I've even seen numerous examples of developers using conflicting tables across their own plugins. They still work perfectly fine. And that's all that matters. But I'm a lazy p.o.s. and have dreamt of a world where I can just cut and paste loot from one config to another. Like this plugins I just picked up is similar to this other one I already have. Time to move the loot. Well damn. Have to redo all 100+ items again. I still do it. It's part of running a server. And it's not all that terrible, just a bunch of cut and paste. Just lazy and wishing there was a faster way. Is it possible that the development community could come to an agreement on a universal format? I know that there will be a massive transition period with older plugins. But in the future. Going forward. Could this be a thing?
I'm sure there's some way through several plugins to get this to work. But it would just be easier to have it built into the plugin. Basically what I would like added is a max active toggle with number entry. And a max active at monument toggle/entry. The second may get confusing, but this one I feel would make monuments more intense since you'd never know how many or who will spawn there. I think the second would as both an extension of the first option and a stand alone. So let's say you have max active true set to 2 Then you have max active at monuments set to 1 Then the spawns would be split between random monuments. If set to 2 it will either split or may cause a double spawn. And depending on your locations they may stack and you'll have a multi boss fight, or they could be on opposite sides of the monument. Also if you have randoms on the map this will also draw from the chance of a monument spawn But with the max active at monuments you should be able to set multiple spawns for each boss at every monument so things are a little more interesting. So you could rotate each boss inside the main building at launch or in the field, by the tanks etc.
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- #abilities
- #boss
- (and 16 more)
- #shop
- #shop ui
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- #shop
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- #in game
- #economics
- #humannpc
- #market and magazine
- #gui
- #money exchange
- #rust shop plugin
- #shop system
- #best shop
- #best rust shop
- #shop items
- #shop mevent
- #shop in menu
- #shop gui