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Krungh Crow

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Everything posted by Krungh Crow

  1. Ah yes the Umod Version. sucks the same name is used .Need to find a way to check author of the plugin to see which BG is used
  2. yes if BG and BO both are running it will use the BG Hp settings automaticly
  3. lootdefender has option to set a lock on brad aswell ^^ If disabling all checks it spawns vanilla rate which is 1 hr. Did u use the health of bradley from BG ? Allso noticed fromt he screenshot u are not on latest version of BradleyOptions ? (v2.1.6)
  4. if using the BG set "Using Only BradleyOptions": false, and select the correct BG version to true the top section is for IF your Bradley is not spawning at all (bugged) that will force it to spawn on launch so u can keep all of them False under spawn checks
  5. Krungh Crow


    seems the 1.1.7 version still has the issue
  6. Krungh Crow

    New Error

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  7. if using BG "Change Health (If only using BradleyOptions)": false, inside BradleyOptions if u using the HP from BG and "Using BradleyGuards (Codefling)": true and the other 2 to false inside BradleyOptions it checks the timer each 15 mins regardless kills (i need to add a timer for after last kill for each BradleyApc incl custom locations)
  8. Krungh Crow

    New Error

    Ill check this tonight cheers.
  9. If there is no option to disable settings like crates and hp inside the monumentbradley plugin it will upgrade the tiers. Buuuut since it has a later loading order it most likely changes it back to the settings by monumentbradley. I have to think of a workaround on that or edit the monument bradley plugin for that. I dont own the plugin (yet) so i cannot test it. Ill keep u posted
  10. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.5
  11. Krungh Crow

    Custom Buttons

    might want to add a example button cause i know some dont like to use ingame ui editors
  12. Krungh Crow


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.5
  13. Krungh Crow


    Most likely a turret . I will add turrets and check the nullchecks
  14. Krungh Crow

    Issues with plugin

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  15. Krungh Crow


    Changed Status from No Response to Work in Progress
  16. yes to combine the 3 to work in tiers i need to partial rewrite them to make them function together. Wip (no eta tho). I try to keep payd plugins to a minimum since i do it for fun and not as a income. WalkingDead was a exception and more to sponsor Codefling
  17. Yes only for My version the current versions of BradleyGuards and BradleyOptions and BradleyTiers work together (my versions) using other plugins or the other BG version still need to do the changes. Since noone using a bradley in their plugin altering crate hp or loot is optioning the choice to use that function. same as base command (mostly /bradley) this should be restricted to a Core plugin like BradleyOptions. No renaming planned this one is released long before the other version. ps : changed the description notes for the BG and BO plugin references
  18. that's the current facepunch behavior . I am not that far to write a behavior for the animals themselves yet
  19. Krungh Crow

    Welcome Panel

    elements.Add(new CuiElement { Parent = "StockUI", Components = { new CuiRawImageComponent { Url = $"{configData.BackgroundImage}", Color = string.Format($"1 1 1 {configData.BckgrndAlpha}"), FadeIn = 0f }, new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = $"0 0", AnchorMax = $"1 1" } } }); u can set a transparency on images ^^ i do it all the time let me lookup the code examples (see above block) its a setting in my garage plugin aswell
  20. Krungh Crow

    Welcome Panel

    i recently purchased it myself and i love it Thx @David. Could you add backgroundImage Transparency (alpha) so the background images are not that FULL and in my face ^^
  21. Krungh Crow

    Blank Map

    i made it disabling the broadcast for every machine and block broadcasting by players when they place and activate it (will disable all vendingmachine markers) then it will make them broadcast again on unload so no restart is needed
  22. Krungh Crow

    Blank Map

    just noticed the reply when i uploaded a mapblocker ^^. mine just does not remove all current markers ^^ smart one Does yours restore the old markers on unload or do you need to restart server ? @bmgjet
  23. Version 1.0.2


    Simple plugin to block map with a colored map marker and Disable all Vending Machines from broadcasting. Features : Set a color using Hex code or Rust colors (black, yellow, red, blue, white, green etc.) Set alpha (transparency) to the overlay. If for a reason the colors set in configuration do not exist sets a black marker instead. Disables any Vending machine Map marker (if plugin is unload it will make all Vending Machines broadcast again). Tells the player if he turns broadcasting on it is disabled and blocks the broadcasting. You can now use the mapblock and vending machine blocker separately through config. Known issues : Map will always be briefly shown by rust before the marker is generated setting a color will make it slightly harder to see. Side notes : Disabling HUD by default on a server is not possible since that is a feature from clientside only. Commands : /mapblock info (to tell players why the map has blocked Configuration : { "Plugin config": { "Chat Prefix": "[<color=yellow>MapBlock+</color>] " }, "MapBlocker setup": { "Use Map overlay": true, "Block VendingMachine Markers": true, "Overlay Alpha": 1.0, "Overlay Color": "#B48EF6" } } Localization : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "NoBroadcast": "<color=red>Vendingmachine broadcasting is disabled on this server!</color>" "Info": "\n<color=green>To have a mutch better experience roaming the map we have blocked the view of the map</color>", "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "Version": "Version : V" }
  24. Krungh Crow

    Blank Map

    no map just put a big ass black mapmarker on it


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