About Shark Loot
Sharks are hungry they eat anything, and when u kill and open up their belly you can find all sorts of items maybe a supplysignal.
3 loot profiles and a chance to get a couple of license plates.
Features :
- Simple 3 category loot lists through config.
- 50% chance to get license plates otherwise a couple of roadsigns.
- Compatible with gather multiplier plugins (will cancel the injected items from being multiplied).
- Option to give a supply signal on each shark corpse.
- Configurable categories color and name.
- Set the max and minimum when using gathermultiplier like GatherManager and Zlevels
Permissions :
- sharkloot.chat : Permission to use the /sharkloot commands
Commands :
- /shark info : Shows plugin info/version/author (Or any info edited in the language file).
- /shark loot : Sums up the loot that would possibly be injected in the shark.
Configuration :
max supply signals and max plates will cap the amount of them you would get when using gather multiplier plugins.
{ "Plugin Settings": { "Debug (true/false)": false, "Show Chat messages": true, "Prefix": "[<color=orange>Shark Loot</color>] : ", "Add a supply signal to loot": true, "max supply signals": 1, "max Plates (roadsigns & License plates": 3 }, "Junk Items Custom category name": "Regular", "Junk Category color": "green", "min Junk Items": 1, "max Junk Items": 3, "Junk Items": [ "speargun.spear", "speargun", "smallwaterbottle", "sign.wooden.small", "tarp", "beachtowel", "boogieboard" ], "Clothing Items Custom category name": "Dive Gear", "Clothing Category color": "#4A95CC", "min Clothing Items": 1, "max Clothing Items": 3, "Clothing Items": [ "diving.fins", "diving.mask", "diving.tank", "diving.wetsuit" ], "Car Parts Custom category name": "Car Tuning", "Car Parts Category color": "red", "min Car Items": 1, "max Car Parts": 3, "Car Parts": [ "carburetor1", "crankshaft1", "piston1", "sparkplug1", "valve1", "carburetor2", "crankshaft2", "piston2", "sparkplug2", "valve2", "carburetor3", "crankshaft3", "piston3", "sparkplug3", "valve3" ] }
Localisation :
English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder.
{ "FoundSignal": "You found {0} Shark Reward Signal the shark didn't digest yet", "Info": "\nWhen chopping up the shark corpse you can get various items that the shark had for dinner\n<color=green>Available Commands</color> :\n<color=green>/shark info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands\n<color=green>/shark loot</color> : Lists what you can find in a sharks belly", "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "ItemsFound": "Items found inside sharks", "Version": "Version : V", "NoPermission": "<color=green>You do not have permission to use this command!</color>", "DroppedSignal": "You found {0} Shark Reward Signal but it dropped as your inventory was full" }