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Fernando Cabellud

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Everything posted by Fernando Cabellud

  1. Good evening. I have used this Egg to create the carbon server, the server works and is listed, but it does not indicate the server ping. What can I do? Thanks for the help and for everything
  2. how did you solve it? the same happens to me
  3. If the server restarts when there is a raid house, when entering the server, the turret bags with weapons and ammunition can be taken by the user
  4. I have a problem since the last wipe, all the icons of the skins appear with the blue arrows to update and the skin cannot be seen
  5. If you throw the flare inside the house, the NPC stay out but do not shoot, If you stay inside without leaving, the NPCs are outside but do not attack if they don't see you
  6. Good evening, I have installed the plugin on my server and I have several questions: If I want to add a Bradley in one of the rounds, how can I do it? and a helicopter? I have problems because when they start the event, some players stay inside the house without doing anything, and since the npc don't attack if they don't see you, they win the event and the box, it would be possible to ask them to kill a % of npc to win the event?
  7. Thank you so much for everything
  8. 01 "AdminHammer" (1.13.0) by mvrb (0.02s) - AdminHammer.cs 02 "Admin Radar" (5.1.9) by nivex (19.71s) - AdminRadar.cs 03 "Better Chat" (5.2.12) by LaserHydra (0.24s) - BetterChat.cs 04 "Better Chat Mute" (1.2.1) by LaserHydra (0.08s) - BetterChatMute.cs 05 "Bradley Guards" (1.4.6) by Bazz3l (0.29s) - BradleyGuards.cs 06 "Building Grades" (1.0.7) by Default/Arainrr (0.01s) - BuildingGrades.cs 07 "Car Lock UI" (1.0.2) by WhiteThunder (0.43s) - CarLockUI.cs 08 "Console Filter" (0.0.2) by Wulf (0.00s) - ConsoleFilter.cs 09 "Convoy" (2.1.5) by Adem (0.01s) - Convoy.cs 10 "Copy Paste" (4.1.33) by misticos (0.01s) - CopyPaste.cs 11 "Dance" (1.2.0) by senyaa (0.00s) - Dance.cs 12 "Death Notes" (6.3.8) by LaserHydra (1.12s) - DeathNotes.cs 13 "Discord Chat" (2.1.2) by MJSU (0.12s) - DiscordChat.cs 14 "Discord Core" (2.1.3) by MJSU (0.02s) - DiscordCore.cs 15 "Discord Welcomer" (2.0.1) by Trey (0.03s) - DiscordWelcomer.cs 16 "Duelist" (1.2.9) by nivex (3.51s) - Duelist.cs 17 "Edit Tool" (1.0.4) by JakeRich (88.29s) - EditTool.cs 18 "Event Statistics" (0.1.0) by k1lly0u (0.65s) - EventStatistics.cs 19 "EMInterface" (2.0.1) by k1lly0u (0.01s) - EMInterface.cs 20 "EventManager" (4.0.5) by k1lly0u (0.07s) - EventManager.cs 21 "CaptureTheFlag" (0.4.0) by k1lly0u (0.00s) - CaptureTheFlag.cs 22 "ChopperSurvival" (3.0.0) by k1lly0u (0.35s) - ChopperSurvival.cs 23 "Deathmatch" (3.0.1) by k1lly0u (0.00s) - Deathmatch.cs 24 "GunGame" (0.5.0) by k1lly0u (0.02s) - GunGame.cs 25 "LastManStanding" (3.0.1) by k1lly0u (0.00s) - LastManStanding.cs 26 "Slasher" (0.3.0) by k1lly0u (0.20s) - Slasher.cs 27 "TeamDeathmatch" (0.4.0) by k1lly0u (0.00s) - TeamDeathmatch.cs 28 "Extended Recycler" (1.2.2) by beee/The Friendly Chap (0.25s) - ExtendedRecycler.cs 29 "Flying Vehicle" (1.0.2) by Iv Misticos (34.42s) - FlyingVehicle.cs 30 "GUIAnnouncements" (2.0.3) by JoeSheep (5.32s) - GUIAnnouncements.cs 31 "Image Library" (2.0.60) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.44s) - ImageLibrary.cs 32 "Inventory Viewer" (4.0.5) by Whispers88 (0.02s) - InventoryViewer.cs 33 "Item Skin Randomizer" (1.6.1) by Mevent (1.54s) - ItemSkinRandomizer.cs 34 "Jail" (4.0.5) by Reneb / k1lly0u (2.07s) - Jail.cs 35 "Kits" (4.2.0) by k1lly0u (0.21s) - Kits.cs 36 "Magic Clock Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.77s) - MagicClockPanel.cs 37 "Magic Images Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.00s) - MagicImagesPanel.cs 38 "Magic Message Panel" (1.2.1) by MJSU (0.65s) - MagicMessagePanel.cs 39 "Magic Panel" (1.0.8) by MJSU (0.69s) - MagicPanel.cs 40 "Magic Players Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.01s) - MagicPlayersPanel.cs 41 "Magic Server Rewards Panel" (1.0.6) by MJSU (0.02s) - MagicServerRewardsPanel.cs 42 "Magic Sleepers Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.01s) - MagicSleepersPanel.cs 43 "Manage Mini" (0.3.3) by DMB7 (0.15s) - ManageMini.cs 44 "Marker Manager" (3.0.2) by DezLife (0.05s) - MarkerManager.cs 45 "Memory Cache" (1.0.6) by austinv900 (0.00s) - MemoryCache.cs 46 "MiniCopter Lock" (0.1.6) by Thisha (0.09s) - MiniCopterLock.cs 47 "Mini-Copter Options" (2.2.1) by Pho3niX90 (1.19s) - MiniCopterOptions.cs 48 "Minicopter Seating" (1.1.6) by Bazz3l (0.37s) - MinicopterSeating.cs 49 "Monuments Recycler" (0.2.6) by Dana (0.20s) - MonumentsRecycler.cs 50 "NPC Health" (0.1.1) by Rustoholics (1.41s) - NPCHealth.cs 51 "Nav Mesh Error Fix" (1.1.1) by Ryz0r (0.00s) - NavMeshErrorFix.cs 52 "Night Zombies" (3.3.13) by 0x89A (5.15s) - NightZombies.cs 53 "No Give Notices" (0.3.0) by Wulf (0.00s) - NoGiveNotices.cs 54 "No Weapon Drop" (1.2.0) by Fujikura (0.00s) - NoWeaponDrop.cs 55 "NpcSpawn" (2.4.2) by KpucTaJl (2.74s) - NpcSpawn.cs 56 "PathFinding" (1.1.3) by Reneb / Nogrod (0.19s) - PathFinding.cs 57 "Human NPC" (0.3.54) by Ts3Hosting (35.38s) - HumanNPC.cs 58 "Perms UI" (1.3.0) by Camoec (0.00s) - PermsUI.cs 59 "Personal Vault Door" (1.0.2) by bmgjet (2.65s) - PersonalVaultDoor.cs 60 "PlayerAdministration" (1.6.8) by ThibmoRozier (0.24s) - PlayerAdministration.cs 61 "Player Challenges" (2.0.48) by k1lly0u (2.44s) - PlayerChallenges.cs 62 "Player Loot Logs" (1.2.0) by zenmarev (1.96s) - PlayerLootLogs.cs 63 "Playtime Tracker" (0.2.2) by k1lly0u (0.64s) - PlaytimeTracker.cs 64 "Powerless Turrets" (3.2.8) by August (0.03s) - PowerlessTurrets.cs 65 "PrivateMessages" (1.1.11) by MisterPixie (0.01s) - PrivateMessages.cs 66 "Raid Tracker" (1.2.5) by nivex (0.07s) - RaidTracker.cs 67 "Raidable Bases" (2.6.5) by nivex (0.49s) - RaidableBases.cs 68 "Remover Tool" (4.3.35) by Reneb/Fuji/Arainrr (0.03s) - RemoverTool.cs 69 "Rename" (1.0.1) by Wulf (0.01s) - Rename.cs 70 "Rocket Fire" (1.0.4) by birthdates (0.00s) - RocketFire.cs 71 "SAMSiteAuth" (2.4.0) by haggbart (0.01s) - SAMSiteAuth.cs 72 "Scheduled Messages" (1.2.0) by gunman435 (0.03s) - ScheduledMessages.cs 73 "Server Rewards" (0.4.73) by k1lly0u (2.84s) - ServerRewards.cs 74 "Sign Artist" (1.4.0) by Whispers88 (0.00s) - SignArtist.cs 75 "Spawns" (2.0.36) by Reneb / k1lly0u (0.02s) - Spawns.cs 76 "Stack Modifier" (1.6.7) by Khan (6.31s) - StackModifier.cs 77 "StructureGrades" (1.0.0) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.01s) - StructureGrades.cs 78 "Terrain Violation Fix" (1.0.2) by Tryhard (0.05s) - TerrainViolationFix.cs 79 "Vanish" (1.6.7) by Whispers88 (0.59s) - Vanish.cs 80 "Vehicle Deployed Locks" (1.8.1) by WhiteThunder (0.67s) - VehicleDeployedLocks.cs 81 "WelcomePanel" (3.0.7) by David (30.56s) - WelcomePanel.cs 82 "Wipe Block" (1.0.5) by Orange (1.14s) - WipeBlock.cs 83 "Zone Manager" (3.0.23) by k1lly0u (8.21s) - ZoneManager.cs 84 "Zone PVx Info" (1.1.5) by BuzZ[PHOQUE]/Arainrr (0.01s) - ZonePVxInfo.cs 85 "CargoPlaneCrash" (1.1.8) by Fruster (3.48s) - CargoPlaneCrash.cs 86 "HeavyCargoShipEvent" (1.0.2) by Cahnu (0.16s) - HeavyCargoShipEvent.cs 87 "MinicopterWithBombs" (1.0.1) by Fruster (5.77s) - MinicopterWithBombs.cs
  9. The automatic turrets are not connected, they do not work


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